This octogenarian said... After visiting Beixinjing Prison, he thought the prison was still enforcing the law like "Miscellaneous Records in Prison" | Prison | Beixinjing

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 19:42 PM

"I am a retired Chinese language teacher, 79 years old this year. My imagination of prison used to come from the terrifying descriptions in" Prison Miscellaneous Records ". When my son first entered prison, I couldn't understand it very well. I am a teacher, my lover has been in the military for 40 years, and there are intellectuals and soldiers around me. Why did my son end up in prison?" Grandma Wang's voice choked up. "Later, when I visited Beixinjing Prison, I felt at ease. This is really a very modern and civilized prison, and the police are very principled and caring. Seeing my age, they always greet me. My son is also sensible inside and said he wants to reform well and strive to come out early."

On August 24th, the opening day of Beixinjing Prison, law enforcement supervisors, family members of criminals, and representatives of society entered the prison to get up close to understand the prison's work and supervise law enforcement. Grandma Wang is one of them. Although she has visited the prison several times before, this is the first time she has truly walked into the big wall and fully understood her son's rehabilitation life.

Open Day Teaching Site

This octogenarian said... After visiting Beixinjing Prison, he thought the prison was still enforcing the law like "Miscellaneous Records in Prison" | Prison | Beixinjing

At the scene of family tutoring, Grandma Wang saw her son. My son mentioned that he didn't understand the law and fell into the trap of illegal fundraising, causing harm to both others and himself. He also made his mother, at such an old age, still worry about him and regret it. He said he has been persistently studying legal knowledge in prison and wants to be a good person in the future. Some of the other criminals sitting next to them are telling their father that they have received police correction education and developed good living habits; Someone is asking their wife and children about their academic performance and the current situation of their parents, hoping to fulfill their filial piety and take on family responsibilities after returning; Some people also report to their mother about their journey of confessing to kindness.

"The support and care of family members are an important force for many criminals to overcome their mental demons and regulate their cognition." Prison political commissar Dai Peisheng said that how to establish a good social support system between criminals and their families in work has always been an important topic they are striving to explore. In recent years, Beixinjing Prison has continued to make efforts in caring for students, connecting sentence and release, publicizing prison affairs, and providing legal aid, actively responding to the thoughts and expectations of criminals and their families, hoping to illuminate the path of reform with the warmth of family ties.

Nuclear carving, bamboo carving, eggshell painting... In the prison technical education center, criminals are focusing on learning various intangible cultural heritage projects. Criminal Zhou studied nuclear carving for three years, and the characters under his command were lifelike. "The strokes and drawings of carving honed my character, and the tangible progress and gains also gave me better expectations for the future.". The police introduced that among the criminals who had studied nuclear carving before, some of them opened their own studios after being released from prison and lived a stable life. As long as they studied diligently, this skill could become their livelihood.

This octogenarian said... After visiting Beixinjing Prison, he thought the prison was still enforcing the law like "Miscellaneous Records in Prison" | Prison | Beixinjing

Open Day Criminals Study Art

Open Day Visit to Technical Education Center

When they arrived at the prisoner's cell and saw the neat and uniform internal affairs, many people asked the police how they did it. Wu Jingfei, the head of the second prison district, introduced that the prison is the smallest entity in prison work. The police in charge organize prisoners to carry out "four exercises" training in daily work, including broadcasting exercises, queue exercises, internal affairs exercises, and bench exercises. They use methods such as collective evaluation, health inspection meetings, and internal affairs evaluations to promote legal education, reasoning, and education. Only by carrying out their actions can they correct their hearts and improve their morals, which ensures the atmosphere of criminal internal affairs management and reform.

This octogenarian said... After visiting Beixinjing Prison, he thought the prison was still enforcing the law like "Miscellaneous Records in Prison" | Prison | Beixinjing

Entering the teaching building, there were signs hanging at the entrance of several classrooms that read "Pusheng Branch School". Vice prison warden Gu Aijun introduced, "The prison focuses on the task of reform and leverages the advantages of non academic education at Shanghai Open University Pusheng Branch. This year, it also organized a self-study exam for higher education for criminals. In addition to encouraging criminals to learn and improve their academic qualifications, the education reform line has also carried out long-term projects such as water and electrical operations, central and western points, and gardening, striving to guide criminals to learn both inside and outside."

Prison correction photos

After her son entered prison to serve his sentence, Grandma Wang was constantly worried about his future prospects. After learning about the efforts made by the police for his new life, she finally let go of her hanging heart. The lost wanderer corrected his words and deeds in prison, learned new skills, and gave his family great confidence. "As long as he continues to work hard, I believe he will return to the right path, and our family will definitely have a new beginning. I really appreciate the police officers."

This octogenarian said... After visiting Beixinjing Prison, he thought the prison was still enforcing the law like "Miscellaneous Records in Prison" | Prison | Beixinjing

Yang Junmin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Governor of Beixinjing Prison, stated that the purpose of holding the Prison Open Day event is to provide the whole society with a more intuitive and profound understanding of prison law enforcement management and criminal rehabilitation work. The prison will carefully study and implement the valuable opinions and suggestions put forward by the visiting representatives, and promote the prison work to continuously reach new heights.

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What does the turtle lock look like in the First Prison in the Far East? What is zombie bath salt? There are more exciting exhibitions here | Administrative | Shanghai | Bath Salt

What do the locks and keys of the First Prison in the Far East look like? What is the exclusive story behind the first stock listing in New China? How did "Juvenile Offender" be "reborn" in Shanghai? How was the Shanghai lawyer appointed to defend the Gang of Four On August 16th, the Municipal Bureau of Justice organized a government open day event called "Entering the Shanghai Judicial Administration History Exhibition Room". More than 40 public representatives visited the Shanghai Judicial Administration History Exhibition Hall to gain a deep understanding of the past, present, and future of Shanghai's judicial administration. The exhibition room has 9 exhibition halls, including the Comprehensive Rule of Law Hall, the Administrative and Legislative Hall, the Public Legal Service Hall, and the Outlook for the Future Hall. There are nearly 1800 historical materials, 79 videos, and 34 interactive projects, including photos, documents, and other physical objects, showcasing the historical development of Shanghai's judicial administration in all aspects

Is it useful to find a prosecutor? A prosecutor other than the prosecutor has been enforced by the court and has already paid a fine. The prosecutor | country | court
Is it useful to find a prosecutor? A prosecutor other than the prosecutor has been enforced by the court and has already paid a fine. The prosecutor | country | court

When it comes to prosecutors, most people's impression may be that they are "national prosecutors" handling criminal cases, dressed in uniforms, accusing crimes. In the recently popular TV series "Public Prosecution", Dilraba portrayed the prosecutor Anna in this image. In recent years, procuratorial organs have increasingly attached importance to the functions of civil, administrative, and public interest litigation procuratorial organs, and they have also formed the "four major procuratorial functions" in the new era together with criminal procuratorial organs. In the recent procuratorial competition organized by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, civil, administrative, and public interest litigation competitions were added for the first time. After fierce competition, several civil, administrative, and public interest litigation prosecutors in Shanghai have been awarded the title of business model. The story of prosecutors outside of the prosecutor is equally exciting. Through their stories, perhaps we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the profession of prosecutors and gain a deeper understanding of prosecutors

Can you fill in the penalty for breach of contract casually? Legal observation | A college student anchor in Shanghai was sued by a brokerage company for 9 million yuan on the platform | Live streaming | Student
Can you fill in the penalty for breach of contract casually? Legal observation | A college student anchor in Shanghai was sued by a brokerage company for 9 million yuan on the platform | Live streaming | Student

In recent years, short video live streaming platforms have developed rapidly. According to reports from relevant research institutions, the user base of online live streaming in China has exceeded 700 million people. Under the huge market dividend, many anchors have abundant income, which has also stimulated more young people to enter the anchor industry. Xiaoyu, who is still in college, is one of them. In August 2020, he signed an exclusive entertainment agency contract with a cultural company in Shanghai, despite his handsome appearance. However, four months later, due to frequent conflicts between the company's arranged live broadcast time and school courses, the two sides continued to experience friction. Xiaoyu had the idea of terminating the contract, and the company proposed a penalty of 9 million yuan for breach of contract. Xiaoyu's experience is not an exception. According to a review of public reports by Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News, many companies will stipulate high liquidated damages in their contracts when signing contracts with anchors.

Pay attention to safety while driving after work!, Water has accumulated in some sections of Shanghai, and rainstorm signal is encountered during the evening peak. Reporter | Road Section | Evening Peak
Pay attention to safety while driving after work!, Water has accumulated in some sections of Shanghai, and rainstorm signal is encountered during the evening peak. Reporter | Road Section | Evening Peak

At 16:12 on July 21, Shanghai center Meteorological Observatory updated rainstorm blue as rainstorm yellow warning signal. Entering the evening peak, the rain continued and urban road traffic was affected. The reporter learned from the Municipal Public Security Traffic Police Corps that some sections of the city's Pudong, Yangpu, Putuo and other areas have experienced waterlogging, and the slow traffic of vehicles on the Central Ring Road is prominent, significantly affecting road traffic. The traffic police departments in the city have increased their police force and carried out dynamic monitoring of water prone points such as underpasses. Together with the departments of obstacle clearance, maintenance, and water management, they will promptly carry out drainage and disposal. In sections with severe waterlogging, on-site traffic police will also guide people and vehicles to detour according to the plan. The traffic police department reminds the general public to slow down the speed, use lights according to regulations, drive with caution, and avoid danger when driving after work.

Deputy ministerial level trial position accused of accepting bribes of over 83.61 million yuan, "privately sharing the honor of the Party and the country" | Individual | Bribery
Deputy ministerial level trial position accused of accepting bribes of over 83.61 million yuan, "privately sharing the honor of the Party and the country" | Individual | Bribery

After more than 10 months of being prosecuted by the procuratorial organs, Gong Jianhua, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress, appeared in court for trial. On June 15th, the Intermediate People's Court of Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, publicly held a first instance trial of Gong Jianhua's bribery case. Gong Jianhua pleaded guilty and repented in court, and the court announced a date for sentencing. Gong Jianhua was born in 1962 in Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province. He has been working in Jiangxi for nearly 40 years and has served in various places such as the Jiangxi Provincial Agriculture Office, Nanchang, Yichun, and Fuzhou. He has held positions such as Deputy Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, Mayor of Yichun, and Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee. In 2014, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and was promoted to the deputy ministerial level. The following year, he was appointed as the Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee. In 2017, he was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, and he voluntarily submitted to the case in 2021. From the accusations made by the People's Procuratorate of Zhangzhou City, it can be found that Gong Jianhua's