17 cities have set up "advertising tree houses" to advertise under ancient trees, and from now on to Qixi Festival, friendship | ancient trees | tree houses

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 21:04 PM

The ancients often used plants and trees to express their emotions. The ancient trees that have withstood the erosion of history and the changes in the historical environment have gradually become symbols of spiritual sustenance, carrying people's prayers for a better life.

Today is the first ecological day in China, which coincides with the coming of the traditional Qixi Festival. The Cultural Program Center of China Central Radio and Television Station and the Office of the National Greening Committee jointly launched the media integration activity of "advertising under ancient trees". This activity combines the traditional Qixi folk activities with the emotional needs of modern festivals. From 15th to 22nd, "advertising tree houses" were set up under characteristic ancient trees in 17 cities across the country, inviting people to clock in and pray for love.

The activity revolves around keywords such as "inheritance", "protection", "prayer", "blessings", and selects 17 offline check-in "confession ancient trees" nationwide, including red bean trees from Yucheng District, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province, Jiuhuo 18 branches from Miyun District, Beijing, ancient camphor trees from Xiannvhu District, Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, and couple trees from Shuangpai County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province. During the process of going to the local area for confession and check-in, the public can record precious images of each confession under an ancient tree in the form of slow live streaming through the CCTV video client. Online netizens can further learn about ancient trees and famous trees in various regions through slow live streaming, and enjoy the millennium standing charm of ancient trees and the surrounding natural scenery without leaving their homes.

The "Advertisement under Ancient Trees" integration media activity will also launch an online advertising campaign. By customizing the H5 interaction of "This Qixi, I'm glad to meet you", we invite netizens to send blessings and wishes to loved people and things in the form of message advertisements. While creating a sense of Qixi ceremony, we will guide young netizens to increase their awareness of ancient trees and participate in the action of protecting ancient and famous trees, ecological environment and cultural heritage together.

This event also set up an ancient tree section on the CCTV client, showcasing 100 representative ancient trees and famous trees from across the country. It calls on netizens to follow CCTV to meet ancient trees in the "cloud" and embark on a wonderful national romantic "cloud tour" of ancient trees, to get to know those millennium old trees that carry history and record changes, and to achieve a spiritual journey of exploring the river of time.

17 cities have set up "advertising tree houses" to advertise under ancient trees, and from now on to Qixi Festival, friendship | ancient trees | tree houses

The event also invited multilingual journalists from the headquarters to participate in the check-in of characteristic ancient trees. Reporters explored the unique romantic significance of ancient trees and felt the Chinese romance through personal experience. They shared their understanding of traditional festivals and expressed their love for Chinese traditional culture through English, Russian, Turkish, Tamil and other languages by telling stories about Qixi, reading traditional poems, experiencing distinctive folk customs and other different ways.

The ancient trees have gone through thousands of years, not only witnessing the Qixi confession, but also witnessing the deep and broad "great love". The confession under the ancient tree is the confession of heaven and earth to mountains and rivers, the expression of humanity to all things, and also a Chinese style romance that embraces beauty and harmonious coexistence. The Chinese style romantic "confession" is not limited to love, friendship, and family. The deeper proposition of "harmonious coexistence between humans and nature" is worth exploring and practicing, and we hope that everyone can bravely pursue and strive.

It is reported that on August 22, on the day of Qixi Festival, the 2023 China Central Radio and Television Station will broadcast the special program of Qixi, "Like Seven, Encounter Mansong Tonight".

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