Why do we say "the second combination" is "another liberation of thought"? Development | Culture | China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:53 AM

At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping positioned the combination of the basic principles of Marxism and the excellent traditional Chinese culture as "another emancipation of the mind", and emphasized that the "second combination" allows us to be in a broader cultural space., Make full use of the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture to explore future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovations.

To deeply understand the theoretical significance of the "second combination" as "another ideological liberation", it is necessary to comprehensively examine the guiding value of combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture.

1. the New Cognition of the Sinicization of Marxism

The view of combining the basic principles of Marxism with the specific reality of China has a long history in the history of the party, and the view of combining with the excellent traditional Chinese culture is a major theoretical innovation formed during the centenary of the founding of the party. The excellent traditional Chinese culture is also part of China's concrete reality, and the "first combination" already has the practical significance of combining with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, so why is the "second combination" further proposed? This is because we have formed a new understanding of the modernization of Marxism in China.

In the process of leading revolution, construction, reform, and new era practice, the Party has enriched and developed Marxism. The depth and breadth of Marxism in the 21st century have far exceeded the ideas and descriptions of classic Marxist writers. The "second combination" causes a strong "chemical reaction" between excellent traditional Chinese culture and Marxist thought, and a series of innovative theoretical achievements in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism all have a strong color of excellent traditional Chinese culture. The idea of a community with a shared future for mankind is in line with the traditional Chinese concept of "universal harmony"; The core concepts contained in the theory of Chinese path to modernization, such as the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and the path of peaceful development, are also the development principles that the Chinese nation has always advocated.

Chinese excellent traditional culture, as the ideological essence and fundamental lifeline of contemporary Chinese Marxism, undoubtedly becomes the key to the localization and modernization of Marxism in China.The proposal of the "second combination" aims to further emphasize the special significance of culture in the development and dissemination of Marxism, promote communication through civilization, and seek development through culture, providing more contemporary perspectives and theoretical achievements for Marxism. Only by making good use of traditional culture can we spread Marxism with Chinese characteristics and interpret the major proposition of Marxism with Chinese characteristics and modernization.

A New Guide for 2. to Practice the Thought of Seeking Truth from Facts

Seeking truth from facts is the ideological line and important principle of the Party's adherence to dialectical materialism. "Practical facts" means to understand and understand the actual situation, so that thoughts, actions, and decisions are in line with objective reality; "seeking truth" means to explore and master the laws of development and understand the objective world in practice.

In the history of the Party, every ideological liberation cannot be separated from the guidance of seeking truth from facts. The most important achievement of the Yan'an Rectification Movement was to establish Mao Zedong Thought, which became the ideological symbol of the CPC's adherence to seeking truth from facts. The earth shaking development achievements since the reform and opening up have once again proven the important role of seeking truth from facts as a driving force for thought. The development experience of China shows that copying classic dogmatism and starting from reality will result in completely different attitudes. Adhering to seeking truth from facts provides ideological guarantee for the smooth development of the Party's cause; Deviating from seeking truth from facts will lead to mistakes and setbacks in the work of the Party. Seeking truth from facts is not only a concrete manifestation of the scientific nature of Marxism, but also the ideological essence of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The Chinese civilization has been continuous and never-ending throughout history, and cannot be simply described as a miracle. Behind the brilliant civilization lies the diligent, brave, and self-improvement of the Chinese people, who constantly seek and explore the development laws of the objective world, forming a unique and profound understanding of human society. It can be said that the development of Chinese civilization is a way to constantly explore and seek truth. This quality has been passed down along with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and combined with the practice and exploration theory in the basic principles of Marxism, forming a deep understanding and effective application of "seeking truth from facts" by the CPC. The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics has a bright future and a long way to go. There are more unknown areas waiting for the CPC to explore. Adhering to the "second combination" can make the ideological quality of seeking truth from facts shine with stronger ideological brilliance in the new era, and provide a clearer thinking map for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

3. New Consciousness of Creating a New Form of Human Civilization

Creating a new form of human civilization is one of the essential requirements of Chinese modernization. Chinese-style modernization is rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture. The "second combination" acts on the development of Chinese-style modernization and strengthens the new consciousness of the Chinese Communists to create a new form of human civilization in the new era.

Chinese excellent traditional culture is an important component of human civilization, and its role goes far beyond the realm of spiritual civilization, but also has a profound impact on social practice in many fields such as economy, society, and ecology. To deeply grasp the ideological connotation of "the second combination", we should consider it in practice in the all-round development of Chinese path to modernization. Although we have made remarkable achievements in modern development today, the CPC people's exploration of human civilization is endless. The world today is experiencing unprecedented changes, with the undercurrent of anti globalization ideas surging. Hegemonism still affects the stability and unity of the world, with frequent local conflicts and wars... In short, the peaceful environment is not peaceful, and the construction cause is not easy.

Problems are opportunities. Faced with the common challenges of human civilization, the CPC has handed over an answer sheet with unique Chinese characteristics, and the outstanding traditional Chinese culture is its core essence. The destiny and the global sentiment of seeking common development embodied in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, the open nature of respecting diversity and dialogue among civilizations, the harmonious concept of peaceful coexistence and opposing conflicts advocated, and the social trend of seeking unity from the wise and promoting morality and goodness revered provide new ideas and methods for solving the difficulties of human civilization. The "second combination" is to find an era solution to contemporary problems through the use of excellent traditional Chinese culture, which makes traditional culture collide with modern civilization, provides Chinese experience and Chinese wisdom for the shaping and reconstruction of human civilization, and provides theoretical nourishment for the cause of Chinese path to modernization.

4. Reaching a New Height of Giving Play to the Spirit of Historical Initiative

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China requires "to strengthen historical self-confidence, strengthen historical initiative, and write a more splendid chapter of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era". The spirit of historical initiative is inseparable from the strong endorsement of China's five thousand years of glorious history, and its foundation is the long-standing Chinese excellent traditional culture. The more than 100 years of historical practice of the Communist Party of China has proved that only by persisting in combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, insight into the general trend of the times, grasp the historical initiative, and carry out arduous exploration, can we guide the Chinese people to continuously promote the great social revolution and embark on a development path that benefits the Chinese people. This is not only the inheritance and development of Marxist historical materialism, but also a vivid interpretation of the five thousand years of glorious history of the Chinese nation.

Culture is generated on the basis of historical practice and deeply influences the direction of historical progress. Historical confidence and cultural confidence are a dual aspect of the national confidence that the Chinese nation relies on for survival. To further consolidate the historical confidence of the contemporary Chinese people and unleash their historical initiative, efforts must be made at the cultural level to enhance the overall cultural identity of the Chinese nation. The second combination has activated the creativity of excellent traditional Chinese culture, enabling it to demonstrate strong vitality across time and space in contemporary society in the 21st century. Enhancing cultural confidence and consolidating historical confidence complement each other, providing a continuous stream of ideological nourishment for the active spirit of history.

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