Today's data selection: Pre-registration for the postgraduate entrance examination has begun; the Federal Reserve will lay off about 300 people before the end of the year

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 19:51 PM

The online pre-registration period is from September 24 to September 27, 9:00-22:00 every day. Admission units, examination methods, registration points, etc. must be carefully selected. Once the registration number is generated, it cannot be modified; if modifications are really needed, the existing registration must be canceled and new registration information must be added; the registration information during the pre-registration period is valid data , no need to fill in the form again. I wish you a "research" and you will be determined!

Cambrian Venture Capital shareholders collectively liquidated their positions and cashed out more than 4 billion

On the evening of September 22, Cambrian issued an announcement stating that the shareholder SDIC Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Venture Capital Fund had completed the reduction of its holdings. This time, it had reduced its holdings by a total of 7.3987 million shares and cashed out 1.481 billion yuan. After the reduction, SDIC Venture Capital There are only 1,176 Cambrian shares held, and the liquidation has basically been completed.

Amid the crazy hype around the AI ​​concept in the first half of the year, Cambrian's stock price soared from about 54 yuan to a year-high of 271.47 yuan, with the highest cumulative increase in the range nearly four times. The soaring stock price gave Cambrian's venture capital shareholders a good opportunity to exit. In addition to SDIC Venture Fund, Suzhou Industrial Park Paleozoic Venture Capital Enterprise, Nanjing CMB and Hubei CMB successively cleared their shares in the company. During the year, the cumulative amount of reductions completed exceeded 4.1 billion yuan.

Venture capital shareholders have made a lot of money, but Cambrian's main business has still not seen a profit turning point. As of the end of the second quarter of this year, the company's undistributed profits were a cumulative loss of nearly 4 billion yuan.

First weekend of Apple 15 series sales: iPhone 15 Pro Max sold out in Shanghai stores

On the first weekend of the official launch of the iPhone 15 series, China Business News yesterday checked the in-store stocking status of each model from the Apple Mall and found that iPhone 15 basic models and iPhone 15 Plus can be picked up after booking online on the same day; the supply of the Pro series is relatively tight, with only one or two in Shanghai. Each store had a small amount of iPhone 15 Pro on that day, while ProMax was not in stock at all stores in Shanghai that day.

The reporter chose to order an iPhone 15 Pro blue titanium 256 GB model online at around 5 pm yesterday, and it was shown that same-day pick-up was available at the Shanghai Huanmao and Nanjing East Road stores; the reporter then chose to order the iPhone 15 Pro Max blue titanium 256 GB model. All retail stores in Shanghai indicate that goods are temporarily unavailable for pickup. iPhone15Pro and iPhone15ProMax in other colors are also out of stock.

If you choose door-to-door delivery in Shanghai, if you order the iPhone 15 Pro Max today, it will not be delivered until early November at the earliest; if you order the iPhone 15 Pro today, you will receive it as early as October 25.

First time in 13 years! Fed to lay off about 300 employees by year-end

According to CNN, a spokesperson for the U.S. Federal Reserve Board said on the 22nd that the Federal Reserve System will lay off about 300 people by the end of this year, which is the first time the agency has laid off employees in 13 years. According to reports, the number of employees at the Federal Reserve has been growing year by year in recent years as the Fed's influence in the economic and regulatory agenda has expanded. This layoff is the first time the Fed has laid off employees since 2010, and the layoffs mainly target support positions.

The layoffs come at a sensitive time for the Fed. According to the Federal Reserve's financial report, the agency has incurred huge losses on its books, and the losses are gradually expanding. The Federal Reserve's financial statement for the first half of this year shows that at the end of June, the Fed's assets were US$8.34 trillion, but at the same time, its losses in the first half of the year exceeded US$57.3 billion.

Japan’s second round of nuclear-contaminated water discharged into the sea may total 7,800 tons

According to the latest media reports, the second round of discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water will be launched from the end of September to early October as scheduled. TEPCO is currently preparing for the second round of discharge. The total amount of nuclear-contaminated water released in the second round is still expected to be around 7,800 tons. By the end of March next year, TEPCO will conduct four rounds of discharges of nuclear-contaminated water, with a total discharge of approximately 31,200 tons, accounting for 2.3% of the current total amount of nuclear-contaminated water. Nuclear-contaminated water from more than 1,000 other storage tanks will be discharged over the next few decades. With the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea, Japan's export sales of aquatic products have been severely hampered. In Hokkaido, the main scallop producing area, some merchants said that the backlog of inventory is expected to reach 5,000 tons to 6,000 tons by the end of the year. Recently, the Hakodate City Council in Hokkaido voted to adopt a statement. This statement condemned the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company for launching sea discharge without the understanding of relevant personnel, and believed that the forced sea discharge would hinder the revival of fisheries in Fukushima and other places. , demanding an immediate stop to sea discharge.

Today's data selection: Pre-registration for the postgraduate entrance examination has begun; the Federal Reserve will lay off about 300 people before the end of the year
Today's data selection: The growth rate of national fiscal revenue in July decreased to 1.9%; The average price of movie tickets this year is 42.7 yuan for gold jewelry | market | growth rate
Today's data selection: The growth rate of national fiscal revenue in July decreased to 1.9%; The average price of movie tickets this year is 42.7 yuan for gold jewelry | market | growth rate

The sales of gold and jewelry in Shenzhen are booming. On the eve of Qixi Festival, the major jewelry trading centers ushered in a consumption boom, including many young consumers. It is reported that since August, the express delivery order volume of Shenzhen Shuibei Gold Jewelry Market has increased by about 30%, with small items within 1 kilogram accounting for over 80%. The person in charge of the express delivery network said that they are currently busy 24 hours a day. The growth rate of national fiscal revenue in July decreased to 1.9%. As the low base effect in the previous period receded, coupled with economic growth pressure, the growth rate of national fiscal revenue gradually slowed down and will return to the single digit range. On August 21st, the Ministry of Finance released the financial revenue and expenditure situation for July 2023. According to data from the Ministry of Finance, the national general public budget revenue in July was 2013.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 1.9%. Since the beginning of this year, the first quarter financial

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With the further expansion of the intensive, standardized and standardized flower production scale in Yunnan Province, the flower volume of the Kunming Flower Auction Center has reached a new high. This year, the flower volume during the Qixi Festival has increased significantly compared with previous years. From 12th to 17th, the total transaction volume of the Kunming Flower Auction Center has exceeded 57 million sticks, with the daily average exceeding 9 million sticks, an increase of 42% compared with the peak of Qixi Festival in 2022. At the same time, the highest daily trading volume on the 17th was 11.25 million branches, breaking the historical record for consecutive years. With the coming of Qixi Festival, e-commerce platforms, cities around the country, supermarkets, etc. have started warming up the festival. Compared with the classic red roses on Qixi, this year's Qixi, the roses in retro colors and Morandi colors have made a strong breakthrough in the peak heat, and also ushered in a hot buying boom. Qixi cheap proposal diamond ring with a monthly sales of 1029.8 yuan

Kanu may enter the Northeast tonight! Why has the typhoon had such a significant impact on the north this year | Typhoon | Northeast region
Kanu may enter the Northeast tonight! Why has the typhoon had such a significant impact on the north this year | Typhoon | Northeast region

According to the warning of the Central Meteorological Observatory, this year's No. 6 typhoon "Kanu" is expected to enter Northeast China on Friday night. Prior to this, under the influence of the northward circulation of Typhoon "du Suri", heavy rainfall occurred in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places, showing the characteristics of long duration and large accumulated rainfall. The No. 7 typhoon "Lan" is also about to move. It has been upgraded to a strong tropical storm on the morning of the 9th. It will be in the direction of "Kanu" and may affect the northeast of my country. From Hebei to the northeast, why are this year's typhoons so influential in the north? Decrease in number, increase in strong winds According to the Tropical Cyclone Information Center of the China Meteorological Administration, as of August 9, a total of seven tropical cyclones, or seven typhoons, have formed in the Northwest Pacific Ocean this year. This number is the lowest in the same period in the past 12 years and is far from

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What is the reason for the year-on-year increase of approximately 33% in national fiscal revenue in May? In the first five months of this year, the national general public budget revenue approached 10 trillion yuan, maintaining a double-digit high growth rate, which is related to economic recovery and special factors such as a low base in the same period last year. In May, the Chinese economy continued to recover, but many economic indicators weakened. However, due to the low base in the previous period, fiscal revenue still maintained high growth. On June 16th, the Ministry of Finance announced the financial revenue and expenditure situation for May 2023. According to data from the Ministry of Finance, the national general public budget revenue in May this year was 1652.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 33%. In May, the national general public budget revenue maintained a double-digit high growth rate, mainly due to the low base in the same period last year. Since April last year, China has implemented a large-scale value-added tax retention policy

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Exclusive to the entire network? Recently, the gang sold the real questions and answers of the senior high school entrance exam to make a profit of 200000 yuan. Recently, the Jiangsu police found that someone openly sold the test papers and answers of the simulated junior high school entrance exam in many places across the country in short videos. However, some cities have not yet carried out the joint exam. The police joined the relevant QQ group as candidates and found that the purchased test papers and answers were genuine, costing only 20-30 yuan per subject. After obtaining evidence, the police arrested four suspects. Sun confessed that he discovered business opportunities by buying answers online during his student years, and used the time difference between exams in various schools to collect and sell real exam questions. Since August last year, he has illegally profited nearly 200000 yuan. At present, four people have been taken compulsory measures for the crime of illegal use of information networks. Shenzhen Futian District provides a subsidy of 5000 to 15000 yuan for individual consumers to purchase new cars: total amount control, first