How to weave a "15 minute employment service circle" and provide community services | community | employment on the basis of the "15 minute community life circle"

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 20:11 PM

Currently, Shanghai is focusing on promoting regional social governance and actively building a one-stop community service circle. On the basis of the "15 minute community life circle", the "15 minute employment service circle" has quietly emerged recently.

According to reports, Xuhui District has gradually explored a high-quality, convenient, and comfortable "Yiye Box" employment and entrepreneurship service model at the doorstep, based on on-site visits and telephone communication, combined with the actual situation of the street and town. At the launch ceremony of the "Yiye Box" Caohejing Station, a variety of employment service projects, including job interviews, job forums, "Leye Salon," corporate policy lectures, and skill experiences, were presented to the citizens.

At the job fair, nearly 20 companies provided multiple recruitment positions for fresh college graduates, unemployed young people who have left school, and other types of job seekers; At the industry assistance forum, scholars in related fields shared their views on "which is more important between education and skills"; On the Leye Salon, senior human resources experts explain interview and job search techniques to everyone

15 minutes may only be a short period of commuting, but in modern society where the pace is accelerating and employment services are relatively scarce, the "15 minute employment service circle" can better help unemployed people relieve pressure and find direction.

The first stop is the job seeking consultation center. Professional career advisors understand market demands and can provide personalized career planning and guidance for job seekers.

The second stop is the resume optimization studio. A resume is the key to the job search process and must be precise and attractive. In the studio, professional resume editors will optimize job resumes based on the individual situation and job intentions of job seekers.

The third stop is the interview coaching base. Here, job seekers can receive simulated interviews, interview coaching, and skill training. Through a simulation, job seekers will take away more confidence and calmer interview skills.

The fourth stop is the Workplace Mental Health Center. Here, professional psychological counselors answer questions and solve problems for job seekers, alleviate the growing pressure of survival, and clarify their career development direction.

In addition, within the "15 minute employment service circle", there can also be vocational skills colleges, career development information libraries, career development social platforms, etc.

Of course, the most important thing is to build a corporate recruitment platform. Taking the Tushanwan Party and Mass Service Center as an example, over a hundred enterprises, units, and merchants have joined here, and recruitment points have been set up in the Party and Mass Service Center, allowing surrounding residents to find jobs and even find employment at their doorstep.

Compared to traditional planning, which focuses more on spatial design, the core of community living circle planning is more focused on exploring the actual needs of the population, diagnosing community portraits and problems based on multi-source spatiotemporal data and multidimensional analysis methods, clarifying the list of shortcomings in public service facilities, proposing targeted solutions and strategies, extending service positions to the doorstep, sinking service teams into the grid, and timely delivering employment services to community residents.

In addition, the "15 minute employment service circle" is different from traditional employment services in that it more accurately targets areas with a large number of key groups and a high demand for employment assistance. At the basic unit level of the "15 minute community life circle", relying on the shared space within various public service platforms such as the Party and Mass Service Center, grassroots public employment service platforms, and social work stations, embedded community employment service stations are established to meet the employment service needs of key groups.

Recently, Shanghai released guidelines for the construction of community employment service stations in the "15 minute employment service circle" to further improve the employment public service system, strengthen employment services for key groups, and promote high-quality and full employment. According to the plan, by the end of 2023, each street and town in the city will build or pilot at least one community employment service station.

Perhaps a 15 minute walk away employment service circle is not enough to support a vast employment sky, but it strives to become the closest "refueling harbor" for job seekers.

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