Another group of "insiders" from the disciplinary commission have fallen off their horses!, After the former deputy leader of the Central Inspection Team surrendered himself

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:46 PM

At 9 o'clock this morning, two "insiders" from each disciplinary commission were investigated and punished simultaneously. According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhang Benlin, former leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed at the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Li Xiaodong, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Normal University, and the Supervision Commissioner of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Supervision Commission stationed at Inner Mongolia Normal University have been investigated; Feng Qing, former member of the Party Group of Guangdong Supply and Marketing Cooperative and former leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed in Guangdong Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and Liu Qizhi, former member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Sinopec Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., were both dismissed.

Shangguanhe has noticed that as of now, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has released news of multiple disciplinary commission insiders being investigated simultaneously for five consecutive times. Last week, another former deputy leader of the Central Inspection Team voluntarily surrendered.

Four disciplinary commission insiders are being dealt with simultaneously

According to the public resume, Zhang Benlin, male, Han ethnicity, who voluntarily surrendered, was born in December 1960. He holds a university degree from the Central Party School and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He started working in December 1978. Zhang Benlin previously served as the Director of the Personnel Department of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Water Resources, and since 2013, he has been serving as the leader of the disciplinary inspection team dispatched by the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to the Provincial Department of Science and Technology.

Li Xiaodong, male, Han ethnicity, born in December 1967, is a member of the Communist Party of China and holds a university degree. Li Xiaodong has been a member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Normal University since September last year, as well as the Supervisory Commissioner of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Supervision Commission stationed at Inner Mongolia Normal University.

Feng Qing, male, Han nationality, who was investigated on July 7 this year, was born in September 1968 in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, with an on-the-job postgraduate degree. He started work in July 1991 and joined the CPC in May 1991. Feng Qing has served as a member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Guangdong Guangxin Holdings Group Co., Ltd., a member of the Party Group of Guangdong Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed in Guangdong Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

The report shows that Feng Qing has been accused of losing his ideals and beliefs, abandoning his original mission, being disloyal and dishonest to the party, and resisting organizational censorship; Violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations, accepting gifts in violation of regulations, and arranging others to pay fees that should be paid by individuals; Violating organizational principles, failing to report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and using power to seek benefits for others in cadre personnel work; Violation of discipline and law enforcement, taking advantage of one's position to seek benefits for others in business operations, engineering contracting, and illegally accepting huge amounts of property.

Liu Qizhi, male, Han nationality, who was investigated in May this year, was born in December 1964 in Zhenping, Henan Province, and has a postgraduate degree. He joined the CPC in June 2008 and started work in July 1986. The notice shows that Liu Qizhi violated political discipline, opposed organizational review, and colluded with others to confess; Violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations, illegally entering and exiting private clubs, repeatedly accepting banquets from suppliers and drinking high-end alcoholic beverages, and accepting gifts from suppliers multiple times; Violating organizational discipline, concealing the background relationship of the supplier's "agent" during the employee recruitment process, and seeking benefits for the supplier; Violating the discipline of integrity by transferring the travel expenses that I should have paid to the supplier; Violating work discipline, leaking relevant information in case investigation, intervening in bidding work; Violating national laws and regulations, using power to seek benefits for others, repeatedly illegally accepting huge amounts of money and property from others, suspected of bribery crimes.

The notice pointed out that Liu Qizhi, as a party member and leading cadre of state-owned enterprises, especially as the secretary of the discipline inspection commission, has lost his party spirit and principles, lost his ideals and beliefs, and had a weak sense of discipline and law. His behavior is irregular and irregular, and he used his power to manage the production and operation of state-owned enterprises and serve as the secretary of the discipline inspection commission to engage in power and money transactions and illegal operations. Moreover, he did not restrain or stop his actions after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, where he still did not stop and did not show respect, and his nature was serious and the impact was bad. He.

The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has released news for five consecutive times that multiple "insiders" of the commission have been investigated simultaneously

Currently, education rectification is in the stage of "inspection and rectification". The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has recently issued several articles pointing out that the current education rectification is at a critical moment with the most visible determination and strength. Daring to confront the situation with a sharp edge and action is the most direct test of the effectiveness of education rectification. Inspection and rectification should pay more attention to facing problems head-on and being strict to the end. We should make real efforts in identifying and rectifying problems, self checking and self correcting, and cleaning up the door. We must resolutely eliminate the black sheep and prevent "black under the lamp".

Shangguanhe has noticed that as of now, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has released news of multiple disciplinary commission insiders being investigated simultaneously for five consecutive times.

At 8:30 am on August 23rd, six disciplinary commission insiders announced that they had been investigated. They are: Luo Jun, former secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and former director of the Municipal Supervision Commission in Xuchang City, Henan Province; He Xi, former first level inspector of the Geological and Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau in Hebei Province; Shen Bin, former member of the Standing Committee of the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee and former secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission in Jiangsu Province; Jia Muquan, leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed in the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and a member of the Party Group of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs; Su Quangui, leader of the Second Inspection Group of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee; and Wu Jie, former deputy leader of the Inspection Group of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee. This is also the first time that the disciplinary inspection and supervision department has simultaneously investigated and dealt with six "insiders" of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection after its heavy deployment.

At 9:00 am on August 29th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced for the second time that multiple "insiders" of the commission were being investigated simultaneously. The five "insiders" of the discipline inspection commission who were simultaneously investigated on the same day were: Han Taiguang, former leader of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee Inspection Group, Yue Dechuan, former leader of the 13th Inspection Group of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, Jiang Zhilun, former member of the Party Group of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and former leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group dispatched by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Wang Liangshan, former leader of the Third Inspection Group of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee, and Ai Shaobin, former deputy department level Discipline Inspection Inspector of the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

At 9:00 am on August 31st, three disciplinary commission insiders were simultaneously investigated. They are: Liu Xiangyu, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commissioner of Jilin Water Investment Group Co., Ltd.; Liu Zhi, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice President of the Red Cross Society in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province; Chen Gang, former member of the Party Committee of the Public Security Department of Guizhou Province and former head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group dispatched by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to the Provincial Public Security Department.

At 9:00 am on September 11th, four disciplinary commission insiders were simultaneously investigated. They are: Xiang Yuewen, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Supervision Commission in Bengbu City, Anhui Province; Zhou Ming, former Deputy Director and First level Inspector of the Office of the Inspection Work Leading Group of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China; Yang Bin, former Standing Committee Member and Secretary of the Jiangning District Committee of the Communist Party of China; and Li Ren, Leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed at Chengdu Institute of Technology.

In addition, on August 25th, three disciplinary commission insiders were investigated on the same day. They are: Ma Qingsheng, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Agricultural Bank of China Jiangxi Branch, Wang Weiping, former Party Secretary of Henan Police College and former head of the Discipline Inspection Group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection stationed in the Provincial Public Security Department, and Li Jingyan, Party Secretary and Director of the Guangdong Prison Management Bureau. According to the public resume, Li Jingyan has served as a member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Guangdong Provincial Administration of Reeducation through Labor.

Recently, another provincial and ministerial level "ghost" fell from grace. On September 15th, the 35th "tiger" of this year, Liu Lixian, former member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and voluntarily surrendered.

According to the public resume, Liu Lixian, male, was born in 1954. Liu Lixian previously served as the Deputy Director of the Corruption and Bribery Prosecutor's Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Deputy Director of the Anti Corruption and Bribery Bureau, Director of the Prosecutorial Technology Bureau, and Director of the Prosecutorial Theory Research Institute. In September 2003, he was appointed as the Vice President of China Huarong Asset Management Company; In October 2005, he was appointed as the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited. According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Liu Lixian, as the deputy leader of the Central Inspection Group, conducted special inspections on multiple provinces and units.

Liu Lixian was also the first provincial and ministerial level discipline inspection commission "insider" to fall from power after being heavily deployed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

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