Why should "unfashionable love songs" be used to handle millions of fans?, "Xiucai" needs to be sealed | middle-aged and elderly people | Xiucai

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 10:30 AM

Recently, the "scholar" account of Tiktok, which has 12 million fans and over 200 million likes, was banned. It can be seen from the query that the reason for the ban is that the account "violates the relevant provisions of the Tiktok Community Self discipline Convention".

The "scholar phenomenon" can be called a phenomenal network wonder - he has successfully gained a large number of middle-aged and elderly female fans' enthusiastic pursuit and "pinched them to death" just by simple modeling, simple symbolic actions, and "unfashionable love songs" of "mouth to mouth". They not only have sincere and passionate feelings for "scholars", but also offer a heavy amount of real gold and silver - in the video works and online live broadcasts released by "scholars", they make a lot of passionate confessions, and the monetary rewards are also generous and generous.

In the world of live streaming on the internet, it is not uncommon to have internet celebrity anchors in the style of "scholars". Another Tiktok Internet celebrity, "Smile down" and "Scholar", can be called each other's "gender replica". She has more than 19 million fans on the Tiktok platform, most of whom are middle-aged and elderly men. "Xiucai" and "Yixiao Qingcheng" once livestreamed on the internet, attracting over 20 million viewers in just three hours, an unprecedented spectacle.

The middle-aged and elderly groups have become the target audience of some popular webmasters. Singing "unfashionable love songs" and speaking "unfashionable love words" can make them fascinated.

It is worrisome that there are even illegal self media practitioners who have seen the "business opportunities" of the middle-aged and elderly population and have started to think crookedly. For example, recently some video live streaming accounts have falsely used the name and image of well-known actor Jin Dong to engage in online fraud while deceiving middle-aged and elderly female fans, defrauding large amounts of money, and ultimately being investigated and dealt with by relevant departments.

In addition, some health product salespeople, beauty salons, foot bath health stores, pyramid schemes, and fraudsters have also targeted the wallets of middle-aged and elderly people. Among the various and varied "tricks", the "emotional card" is often played with novelty and trial and error.

Behind the repeated success of the "emotional card" is the strong demand and widespread lack of emotional life among some middle-aged and elderly people. There are multiple reasons for this deficiency. Middle aged and elderly people have already or are gradually withdrawing from their careers, and the sense of fulfillment and value brought by work may gradually be replaced by a sense of emptiness and idleness. Emotional support from work units, leaders, and colleagues is also becoming weaker. In the past few decades, there has been a continuous large-scale population migration between urban and rural areas, and it is also quite common for young people in cities to live independently without their parents. As a result, there have been a large number of "empty nest elderly" living alone in both urban and rural areas, who often lack the companionship and emotional support of their children and younger generations for a long time. In addition, some middle-aged and elderly people have a relatively simple understanding of marriage, believing that marital life is about both spouses "living together". Therefore, they focus one-sided on mutual support and care in material life, while neglecting and suppressing emotional needs for a long time, and also neglecting to express emotions to their partners.

Some middle-aged and elderly people have strong emotional needs and are generally lacking in real life, so they turn to other ways to seek comfort. This point is easily targeted by those with intentions and becomes the "soft spot" of their key attack. Tailored to the needs and preferences of middle-aged and elderly people, they provide and meet precise feeding. For those who yearn for a love life, they create the image of a "perfect lover", either with ambiguous language, wanting to refuse or welcome, or sweet words, "baby" and "dear" are constantly heard. For those who yearn for family companionship, they appear in the image of "filial piety to their children and younger generations", speaking in silence as "uncles and aunts", and even directly referring to them as "parents", expressing concern for the cold and warmth, knowing the pain and warmth. For those who crave friendship, they transform into "good friends and confidants", with high mountains, flowing water, and deep communication. Some people not only have language skills, but also practical actions. Enthusiastic companionship in daily life, even waking up in the morning and calming down in the evening, caring meticulously, and generously giving gifts and gifts during holidays and festivals. However, these seemingly warm emotions are actually priced and require a return. They first serve as a "knocking brick" to open the hearts of middle-aged and elderly people, then become a "love web" that makes them addicted and unable to stop, and finally become a "bait" and "trap" that induces them to generously donate, achieving the goal of deceiving money.

In the context of the deepening aging population, the protection of the rights and interests of middle-aged and elderly people, as well as their needs and aspirations, should receive more attention. For the behavior of "hunting" middle-aged and elderly groups, on the one hand, efforts should be intensified to crack down on suspected illegal activities such as pyramid schemes, promoting health products, forced consumption, and fraud in accordance with the law, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of middle-aged and elderly people. On the other hand, family members and society should also create targeted conditions for the emotional needs of middle-aged and elderly people, helping them better participate in family and social life, and obtaining sufficient emotional comfort and spiritual support from partners, family members, loved ones, and social networks, making it difficult for various emotional tricks and scams that are intended to take advantage of the situation to gain opportunities.

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