Residents are calling for comprehensive maintenance, but the reason has not been identified yet? A building in Changning is facing water difficulties, and the tap water has been smelling for two weeks with a strange odor | Residents | Changning

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:10 AM

"Why does the tap water stink again?" On July 11, roast that it was fried in the residents of Jinqiao Building in Changning District.

The reason why residents have such strong reactions is closely related to the trouble of not being able to use water in recent days. As early as early July, some residents discovered that as soon as they turned on the faucet, a foul egg smell immediately came out, "not to mention drinking water." Ms. Qi, a resident, said that she called the water supply hotline for repair, and the staff came to inspect the water quality in front of the building's main meter, saying that the water quality was not problem, while the back of the main meter was not within the scope of water management, "said to be under property management.". However, the property management company has been unable to find the cause of the malfunction for a long time. "Every time the water tank is cleaned, the odor disappears for one or two days before it becomes damp, even more severe than before."

The weather is scorching hot, and it is the peak of water use. Residents who are troubled have turned to Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News for help, hoping that relevant departments can intervene and solve their water use difficulties.

Residents are calling for comprehensive maintenance, but the reason has not been identified yet? A building in Changning is facing water difficulties, and the tap water has been smelling for two weeks with a strange odor | Residents | Changning

The severe odor affects the daily life of residents

On the afternoon of July 13th, the reporter arrived at Jinqiao Building, No. 2077 Yan'an West Road, Changning District. This building was built in the 1990s and is a typical dual-use commercial and residential building. The bottom four floors belong to commercial buildings, and there are also many advertisements posted on the exterior. The upper 26 floors are residential buildings. Outside the elevator, the reporter met Mr. Wang, a resident who was about to leave. Upon hearing that the reporter had come to inquire about the water supply for the building, he took the initiative to vent his frustration.

△ Jinqiao Building.

Residents are calling for comprehensive maintenance, but the reason has not been identified yet? A building in Changning is facing water difficulties, and the tap water has been smelling for two weeks with a strange odor | Residents | Changning

"The first time someone complained about the stink of water in the crowd, I didn't realize that it might be because a water purifier was installed at home. Until a few days ago, the stink became especially heavy, especially when the door of the bathroom was opened after the bath, the smell of decay was particularly obvious, and a little disgusting." He said, showing the photos he had taken to reporters. Against the backdrop of a white bathtub, the water quality is clear at a glance: the color of the water appears beige, and upon closer inspection, black impurities can still be seen at the bottom of the bathtub. "When it was first released, it was particularly turbid," he said

Photos sent by residents.

Ms. Cao upstairs is also suffering from the same troubles. Due to rhinitis, she is very sensitive to taste. She still remembers the first time she noticed the smell of the water was wrong, at the end of June. "On June 11th, the community cleaned the water tank, and it started to smell a week or two later. At first, I thought it was the smell after washing the water tank, but later my family felt it was wrong. When I asked in the group, I found out that everyone had the same feeling." However, she told reporters that the property management staff immediately dealt with it and cleaned the water tank again. "But soon the smell became even worse, indicating that the problem was not in the water tank." With the appearance of the odor in the water, the children at home also started to have a stomachache, which made her suspect the water quality problem. "A neighbor in the group said that the water filter with built-in detection function at home shows that the water quality does not meet the standard."

Residents are calling for comprehensive maintenance, but the reason has not been identified yet? A building in Changning is facing water difficulties, and the tap water has been smelling for two weeks with a strange odor | Residents | Changning

Due to the delay in finding the source of the odor, many residents and office workers have decided to purchase purified water themselves in order to solve the water problem. The reporter saw that in a room on the 8th floor, three barrels of 4.5-liter pure water were neatly placed on the kitchen countertop. "In recent days, I have been drinking pure water, and this water cannot be drunk." Mr. Huang picked up a plastic bottle, turned on the faucet, and poured out a full glass of water. Before the reporter could get closer, a faint damp and rotten smell came over. "A few days ago, the smell was much heavier than this." He told the reporter that residents' voices had been concentrated these days, and the property management emptied the water tank again the night before the reporter's visit on July 12th. The situation only slightly improved, "but there was still a smell." "

On the desktop of a household on the 8th floor, several empty buckets are arranged in a row.

After obtaining consent, the reporter entered several households one after another, took a handful of water in front of the faucet, and observed the condition of the tap water: in a house on the 19th floor, the water flow was clear and odorless; The staff of a shop on the second floor said they had never smelled a foul odor. However, the water received from the nearby bathroom sink had obvious impurities in addition to the odor.

Residents are calling for comprehensive maintenance, but the reason has not been identified yet? A building in Changning is facing water difficulties, and the tap water has been smelling for two weeks with a strange odor | Residents | Changning

The water connected to the second floor sink.

Where exactly is the source of the odor?

Where exactly is the problem? The reporter went to Shanghai Chengtou Water Group Co., Ltd. to learn about the testing details. According to the water supply company, Jinqiao Building belongs to the main meter user who has not taken over the secondary water supply. After receiving reports twice on July 2nd and 11th, the water supply company conducted on-site inspections and found that the water quality of the municipal pipe network in front of the meter was normal. As the building is dual-use, the property management can only manage it at the front of the main meter according to the Water Supply Contract. The abnormal water quality problem reported by residents was judged to be a problem with the internal water supply equipment of the property management, and the property management has been informed to conduct an investigation. The relevant staff stated that the water supply company is willing to provide cross service assistance to the property management, but to further investigate the cause, the property management needs to provide internal pipeline routing drawings and power of attorney as proof.

Residents are calling for comprehensive maintenance, but the reason has not been identified yet? A building in Changning is facing water difficulties, and the tap water has been smelling for two weeks with a strange odor | Residents | Changning

Since there is a solution, why hasn't the odor been eliminated after two weeks? On the afternoon of the 14th, the reporter went to the property management to inquire about the details. The property manager told reporters that the Jinqiao Building project is old and has undergone multiple property changes. The relevant drawings and information are missing, making it difficult to determine the potential pollution and can only be eliminated step by step. It is reported that there are four water tanks distributed in the building, namely the municipal water tank on the second underground floor, the clean water tank on the first underground floor, and two domestic water tanks located on the 18th and 30th floors. They have been fully drained and cleaned since July 2nd. On the 11th, the municipal water tank once again showed turbid water quality with an odor. In order to ensure normal water use for residents, the property management took the most direct method and thoroughly cleaned all four water tanks again. A staff member added, "Actually, there have been more than two times. On the 9th, the municipal water tank also briefly became turbid, and we also cleaned the municipal water tank separately."

"Is it useful to repeatedly clean the water tank without finding the source?" Faced with residents' questions, the property manager said that on the morning of the 14th, relevant departments of the Changning District Health Commission conducted preliminary water quality testing on site for turbidity, freshness, etc. Samples were taken from municipal water outlets, water storage tanks, and user terminals. Except for a few end users who reported residual odors, all other locations were normal. "It should be good when the water stored in the water heater and pipes at home is drained," said the property manager. The reporter verified with the Changning District Health Commission as a resident again, and the operator stated that relevant tests have indeed been carried out, and professional test results have not yet been released.

On July 17th, residents in the building reported to reporters that the water quality has significantly improved. However, concerns have not been dispelled. Ms. Cao said, "What if the water quality changes again? After all, the pipelines here have been almost 30 years, and we still hope to have a comprehensive overhaul to completely eliminate the concerns of residents." In response, the property manager explained that the workers will monitor the water in the water tank at different times every day. If there is another change in water quality, temporary pipelines will be used for water supply, and the possibility of cross contamination in adjacent pipelines will be checked. Fire check valves will be tested and updated.

Residents are calling for comprehensive maintenance, but the reason has not been identified yet? A building in Changning is facing water difficulties, and the tap water has been smelling for two weeks with a strange odor | Residents | Changning

On July 14th, the property took a photo of the water tank situation.

Hongqiao Street in Changning District also stated that the urban construction center of the street will continue to supervise the property management to strengthen the inspection and self inspection of water tanks, and strengthen communication and contact with the urban investment water service company. Based on the professional testing results to be issued this week, the reasons for the repeated water quality situation will be identified, and targeted solutions will be provided to ensure the normal water use and daily life of residents are not affected.

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