The owner of the gallery is controversial for asking for help when posting for calligraphy and painting worth tens of millions of celebrities. Video | calligraphy and painting | gallery in rainstorm rainstorm

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:48 PM

In the evening of July 31, Zheng Mengmeng, a calligraphy and painting blogger, released a help video on the short video platform, saying that due to the rainstorm in Beijing, the authentic calligraphy and paintings of artists worth tens of millions, such as Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi, Wang Xuetao, Wu Changshuo, and Lu Yanshao, were trapped in their own gallery in Fangshan, and there was a risk of flooding at any time. Due to the evacuation of personnel from the art park where the gallery is located and the blockade of nearby roads, she and her staff were unable to enter and rescue calligraphy and painting. They urgently sought a solution from netizens.

After the video of seeking help was released, a large number of questioning and criticizing comments flooded the comment section: "I hope the rescue team can save more people. Celebrity calligraphy and painting are nothing compared to human life." "Are you showing off your wealth?" "It's really a matter of wealth and different lives. This is not something that people with a monthly income of 2000 worry about." Some people also expressed understanding from the perspective of cultural inheritance, "This is not a matter of how much money, it is the true work of artists. Without it, there is really nothing."

On the morning of August 1st, the reporter contacted Zheng Mengmeng, who was involved in the controversy. She reconstructed the situation to the reporter and responded to netizens' doubts. Here is her oral statement——

The owner of the gallery is controversial for asking for help when posting for calligraphy and painting worth tens of millions of celebrities. Video | calligraphy and painting | gallery in rainstorm rainstorm

Everything happened too suddenly. My gallery is located in the 1956 Creative Culture Park in Fangshan District, not far from it is Dashihe. It has been raining in Beijing for the past few days, and the water level has risen rapidly, but we never expected it to flood the gallery at first.

On the noon of July 31st, the property management of the park sent a message to evacuate the shops. But that day was Monday, and the gallery was closed for rest, with no staff there.

From the surveillance footage, it can be seen that the property is undergoing on-site repairs. Respondents provide pictures

The owner of the gallery is controversial for asking for help when posting for calligraphy and painting worth tens of millions of celebrities. Video | calligraphy and painting | gallery in rainstorm rainstorm

What really scared me was receiving a call from a nearby friend. He told me that the water was coming fiercely, and they reacted quickly upon receiving the notice. Three or four people quickly took turns driving the cars out of the yard. The result was still too late, and more than ten cars all drifted into the water.

I immediately checked the surveillance footage of the gallery and found that water was slowly seeping in on the first floor. The first floor of the gallery is an open display space, while the second floor is an office and warehouse, so many famous figures and paintings are hung on the first floor. The ones that can be counted are the calligraphy and painting works of famous figures such as Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi, Wang Xuetao, Pu Ru, Wu Changshuo, Huang Yongyu, Lu Yanshao, He Jiaying, Ren Zhong, etc., totaling more than 30 pieces.

The interviewee stated that there are original works of modern masters hanging on the wall of the first floor of the gallery. Respondents provide pictures

The owner of the gallery is controversial for asking for help when posting for calligraphy and painting worth tens of millions of celebrities. Video | calligraphy and painting | gallery in rainstorm rainstorm

The interviewee stated that there are original works of modern masters hanging behind the gallery. Respondents provide pictures

Antique calligraphy and paintings are difficult to restore after being soaked in water. If it is soaked in clean water, it will lose 30% -40% of its value after repair. If it is soaked in mud or sewage, it cannot be repaired.

The artistic value carried by these celebrity masterpieces cannot be estimated in money. When they reach our hands, we have an obligation to protect and inherit them. If lost, it is also a loss of our common culture.

The owner of the gallery is controversial for asking for help when posting for calligraphy and painting worth tens of millions of celebrities. Video | calligraphy and painting | gallery in rainstorm rainstorm

The interviewee stated that the gallery houses works by modern masters. Respondents provide pictures

The property management in the park quickly remedied the situation. They had already repaired some waterlogged areas in the morning and even placed sandbags at the entrance. But I'm really worried that these measures are a drop in the bucket for the flood. Later, the property management also withdrew from the park.

I called the help hotline announced in the government's notice, as well as the Blue Sky Rescue Team's phone number, and the answers I received were that no one can save them now, so I really can't care about these things. At that time, I understood very well and did not urge the rescue personnel to first rescue the calligraphy and painting in the gallery.

The owner of the gallery is controversial for asking for help when posting for calligraphy and painting worth tens of millions of celebrities. Video | calligraphy and painting | gallery in rainstorm rainstorm

I thought of relying on my own strength to save myself. My home is only a little over 20 minutes away from the gallery by car. I drove several times to try to rescue the painting upstairs, but the nearby roads were closed and there was nothing I could do. The employees living next to the gallery are also unable to pass through due to the flood.

Zheng Mengmeng saw through surveillance that water had already seeped into the first floor of the gallery. Respondents provide pictures

I was restless and there was no language to describe my mood at the time. In a hurry, I posted a video asking for help, hoping to see if netizens have any good solutions.

The owner of the gallery is controversial for asking for help when posting for calligraphy and painting worth tens of millions of celebrities. Video | calligraphy and painting | gallery in rainstorm rainstorm

Many people question me for showing off my wealth and taking advantage of traffic. These paintings are all authentic and have a market value of 20 to 30 million yuan, which is a fact. Some of the paintings have already been sold and the customers have not come to pick them up yet. I am from Changsha, Hunan. After attending university in Beijing, I went to an auction company under Rongbaozhai and later started my own business. It can be said that I started from scratch. If these calligraphy and paintings are soaked, I may have to compensate the customer for their losses in debt. So I didn't have the heart to pay attention to these comments at the time, all I thought about was how to solve the problem.

Some people also question why such expensive things haven't been insured. Actually, what everyone doesn't know is that insurance cannot compensate for antique calligraphy and painting. One reason is that insurance companies have very high storage requirements for antique calligraphy and paintings. If they do not meet the conditions of museum level, they will refuse insurance due to the high risk; The second reason is that the value of antique calligraphy and painting is difficult to define, and in the industry, auction houses generally assume insurance obligations. This is why our calligraphy and painting are not insured. In addition, our previous focus on security investment has always been on fire prevention and theft prevention, and we have built a very comprehensive security system. However, what we did not expect was waterproofing, which is why we are so helpless.

What you see are some negative comments, what you can't see is that many people have sent me private messages and extended a helping hand. After the video was released, a netizen quickly helped me contact the local street police station. After learning about the water level, my mood relaxed a lot. The police also told me that they would inform me of the situation after patrolling at night. Sure enough, around 9 pm, I received a call from them informing me that the water level had started to drop. Some netizens also sent private messages, saying that they are in Fangshan and "feel free to say anything if needed.".

There are about a dozen private messages providing various methods and assistance, and these enthusiastic acts have deeply moved me, giving me a feeling of tears in my eyes. I sincerely appreciate it. I also want to tell more people that everyone may have experienced a lot of hype, but in the face of such sudden disasters, no one would risk their own lives to joke. We should still mobilize all our strength to save ourselves and others, and do more good deeds.

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