What do residents need the most?, Shanghai's second round of "15 minute community life circle" construction launch layout | Space | Community

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:44 AM

Entering the Xinhua Lane Citizen Center at 359 Xinhua Road, a three story building, the number of functional wooden signs on the left side wall has increased to 15. Among them, a batch of wooden signs such as "live broadcast rooms", "small theaters", and "museums" were recently hung, which means that the common community convenience facilities of the citizen center have added more functions to provide rich services for community residents. The reason why the Citizen Center has opened a live broadcast room is the change brought about by the new round of "15 minute community life circle" construction.

The functional wooden signs on the left side wall of Xinhua Lane Citizen Center at No. 359 Xinhua Road have been increased to 15. Among them, a batch of wooden signs such as "live broadcast room," "small theater," and "museum" were just hung recently.

In Shanghai, the "15 minute community life circle" has become a household name. This "circle" has improved the living facilities and services of the community, bringing tangible convenience to every citizen. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, the Municipal Party Committee and Government proposed the action work requirements for comprehensively promoting the construction of the "15 minute community living circle". In some communities that started earlier, the construction of the "15 minute community life circle" has now entered its second round. Starting from March this year, Xinhua Road Street in Changning District, which was one of the first pilot areas in Shanghai to build a "15 minute community living circle," has taken the lead in launching the second round of the "15 minute community living circle" action plan in the city.

What do residents need the most?, Shanghai's second round of "15 minute community life circle" construction launch layout | Space | Community

"In the first round of construction, what residents want and what we build is equivalent to building from scratch. In this sense, in the second round of construction, we need to achieve 'from existence to excellence'. Street staff said that in order to achieve 'from existence to excellence', it requires more refinement in the formulation of relevant planning schemes.". We need to first understand what community residents truly need in order to further add functionality to existing facilities and improve services. So, the best way to know what community residents need is to actively seek advice from the people.

Let's first listen to how residents evaluate the first round of construction. Xinhua Road Sub district stated that the first round of the "15 minute community living circle" has planned 109 projects, with a current construction rate of 82% and a completion rate of 67%. Before the launch of the second round, the street conducted a combination of offline visits and online surveys to understand the residents' sense of gain in the construction of their living circle. The survey found that residents have a high degree of recognition towards the improvement of livable residential environments, as well as the creation of leisurely spaces suitable for tourism, in the first round of pilot actions. They are also satisfied with the newly built public service facilities and activity spaces. At the same time, further demands have been put forward for the layout of convenient service facilities such as elderly canteens, vegetable markets, sports facilities, and breakfast points in the community. Many residents believe that the public activity space in the jurisdiction needs to be further opened and shared, and there is a lack of long-term mechanisms for the operation, management, and maintenance of public facilities.

The formulation of the second round of construction planning has a rough direction. In late March of this year, Xinhua Road Street launched a solicitation of people's suggestions for the formulation of a new round of action plan. The street extensively solicits opinions and suggestions from society and the public, including representatives of the National People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, community residents, and regional units, through online channels such as soliciting people's suggestions, proposal workshops, and research symposiums. It is reported that a total of 69 valid demand feedback, 92 excellent proposals from residents, and 8 potential resource proposals were collected. According to a series of suggestions from citizens, such as the replacement and adjustment of vegetable market functions, Xinhua Road Street has included 43 projects in the second round of construction actions.

What do residents need the most?, Shanghai's second round of "15 minute community life circle" construction launch layout | Space | Community

Many projects aim to enhance the functionality of existing facilities, and how to refine their operations has led to a series of special solicitations by Xinhua Road Street.

How should the Citizen Center at 359 Xinhua Road be further opened? Special collection and concentration, some residents have proposed to establish a shared live streaming space to facilitate residents with live streaming needs to make appointments for use; Some residents have proposed to add some performing arts venues here as a disciplinary point for community schools; The representative committee members also expressed their hope for a studio to receive citizens... After integrating these suggestions, a number of venues such as "small theaters", "live broadcast rooms", and "representative reception rooms" have emerged.

In the community public space "Community Building Center" at 345 Xinhua Road, a "Community Life Circle Proposal Wall" has become a permanent collection point for people's suggestions. What personalized suggestions do residents have? Just fill out a proposal card and clip it to the wall. After a while, it may become a reality. The reporter saw on the wall that a large number of citizen proposals such as "Community Toy Exchange House", "One square meter guaranteed vegetable field", "Elderly interest workshop", and "Special Sharing Travel House" have refreshed the imagination of community managers. Some suggestions have been implemented and transformed: in a corner of the open space at the entrance of the construction center, the wooden "Xinhua Toy Exchange House" has begun to operate

What do residents need the most?, Shanghai's second round of "15 minute community life circle" construction launch layout | Space | Community

In the "Community Building Center" of the community public space at 345 Xinhua Road, a "Community Life Circle Proposal Wall" has become a permanent collection point for people's suggestions.

The wooden "Xinhua Toy Exchange House" in the community public space "Community Construction Center" at 345 Xinhua Road has begun to operate.

In several residential areas such as Pingwu, the second round of living circle construction has brought about intuitive changes: the greenery layout during the construction of boutique residential areas has been gradually upgraded to a leisure space "habitat garden", and the suggestions of residents on what to plant and how to layout in the garden have been listened to one by one. In the Pingwu community, a "Squirrel Creek" has replaced the ordinary green belt. "If it weren't for the residents proposing it, which design team would have thought of laying out a habitat for red bellied squirrels in the garden?"

What do residents need the most?, Shanghai's second round of "15 minute community life circle" construction launch layout | Space | Community

The picture shows the "Habitat Garden" in Pingwu Community.

Next, a number of key projects such as the Community Citizen Fitness Center and the Comprehensive Utilization of Underground Space in Huashan Huayuan will listen to the suggestions of citizens throughout the entire process. According to the relevant person in charge of Xinhua Road Street, the second round of the "15 Minute Community Life Circle" action will become a vivid practice of practicing "people's democracy throughout the entire process".

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