Supporting the platform of the "abandoned building", the corrupt details of the former director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau have been exposed! The mentality of hiding "safety symbols" in mobile phones | Yang Xiude | Mobile phones

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:49 PM

Yang Xiude, male, born in February 1965, started working in September 1984 and joined the CPC in June 1993. Formerly served as the Director of the Housing Reform Office in Yuanyuanshan County, Director of the County Urban Construction Bureau, Secretary and Director of the Party Group and Director of the Wenshan Prefecture Housing and Construction Bureau, Director of the Planning Bureau, and Deputy Director of the Wenshan Prefecture Political Consultative Conference Proposal Committee.

In March 2022, Yang Xiude was subjected to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Wenshan Prefecture on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law; In October of the same year, he was expelled from the party and from public office. After investigation, Yang Xiude took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in real estate project planning, building qualification upgrading, and other aspects. He has repeatedly accepted bribes and gifts from others, totaling 4.078 million yuan. In February 2023, Yang Xiude was sentenced to nine years in prison and fined RMB 600000 for the crime of bribery; The illegal gains obtained by Yang Xiude shall be confiscated and turned over to the national treasury.

1 unbalanced state of mind, self-paralysis makes greed grow secretly

Yang Xiude was born in an ordinary rural family in Wenshan County, the eldest in the family, and there are four younger sisters below. There are five brothers and sisters, and four of them have grown into public officials. In rural families in the 1960s and 1970s, it was common to have five brothers and sisters, but it was rare to train four children to become public officials. In addition, Yang Xiude has gradually grown into a leading cadre at the top level of the State Housing and Construction Bureau, which has made him an inspirational role model that the local people are proud of. However, this inspirational story ends on March 14, 2022. On this day, he was examined and investigated on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law.

"When we were young, our family was poor and we often ate without stopping. Our parents taught us that only by studying hard can we grow up to have success." Yang Xiude said that having a good job and earning a salary when we grow up became his biggest pursuit in life. In September 1984, Yang Xiude, who graduated from a vocational school, was assigned to work at the Xiaojie District Office in Wenshan County, receiving a guaranteed salary and becoming a role model for his younger sisters to learn from. Yang Xiude worked at the Xiaojie District Office for 4 years, during which he obtained a university diploma through hard work. Afterwards, due to being diligent and hardworking, I was recommended by the organization to study urban and rural planning knowledge in the province and state, and participated in the preparation of district and township planning in Wenshan County throughout the process. I quickly grew into a business backbone in the construction field of the county. In 1999, Yang Xiude, who was only 34 years old, was promoted to be the "leader" of the Wenshan County Urban Construction Bureau. Afterwards, he became the "leader" of the state housing and urban-rural development bureau.

Yang Xiude has gradually grown into a leading cadre in an important position, with his own efforts, but more importantly, his trust and cultivation by the organization. He should have never forgotten his original intention, kept his mission in mind, continuously strengthened his party spirit cultivation, lived up to the trust of the organization, and rewarded the organization with diligent work. However, with the change and promotion of positions, Yang Xiude's ideological consciousness and political literacy not only did not improve, but also gradually deviated from the track of clean governance, indulging himself and losing his direction in the constant toasting and toasting.

"Watching many people around me smoke good cigarettes, drink good wine, wear luxury brands, ride luxury cars, and live in villas, I envy them. On the other hand, I have approved many buildings, but live in old unit houses with only enough salary to support my family. I am also worried that if my parents get sick and go where to change money..." Driven by vanity and comparison psychology, Yang Xiude's mentality began to imbalance. In order to satisfy her desire for money, Yang Xiude received her first red envelope of 10000 yuan before the Spring Festival in 2002. After experiencing the sweetness of power realization for the first time, he became uncontrollable, with greed growing and his behavior becoming increasingly deviant and borderless.

"I have maintained a long-term and stable relationship of interest transmission with my bosses. During holidays, we spend 10000 or 20000 yuan, and approve project planning, qualification upgrades for 50000, 100000, or even 200000 yuan. This kind of transaction has become a matter of course for me, while party discipline and national laws have become 'scarecrows' and ignored." Yang Xiude said. After investigation, some bosses have maintained a cooperative relationship with Yang Xiude for 11 years, giving him a total of 720000 yuan 24 times.

From good to good, from evil to collapse. The loss of ideals and beliefs caused Yang Xiude's mentality to be imbalanced. She lost herself in indulgence and fell into the abyss of desire in self paralysis, breaking through the bottom line and touching the high-voltage line step by step.

(2) the spirit is lost and becomes a "two-faced man" of political transformation.

We should strictly enforce political discipline and political rules, and resolutely eliminate the "two-faced people" who are separated from morality by the same party. What is a "two-faced person"? Some self-cultivation is not upright, is good at camouflage, is inconsistent, deceives the superior and the inferior, says one thing to do one thing, and goes back to the back; some public occasions require subordinates to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and secretly disrespect ordinary people and respect ghosts and gods. They believe in fengshui and superstitious "masters"; some do not truthfully report personal matters, and keep their mouths "honest" and "honest", but accumulate wealth crazily in private. These performances could not be more appropriate on Yang Xiude.

As the "leader" of the housing and construction system in Wenshan Prefecture, Yang Xiude spoke highly of his firm ideals and beliefs, but privately did not believe in the ghosts and gods of Marxism and Leninism. He hid "promotion and wealth symbols" and "safety symbols" in his mobile phone. To cover up his fear and anxiety of accepting bribes, he went to other places for three consecutive years to burn incense and worship Buddha for peace.

Yang Xiude wrote in his confession, "Some people say that people are most sober when they first recover from a serious illness; others say that they are most sober when they have no return; and I want to say that people are most sober when they lose their freedom. Reflecting on my process of corruption and decay, it is fundamentally a problem with my ideals and beliefs. It is because the 'main switch' of thinking has not been tightened, and it is because the political 'steering wheel' is not firmly held that power desires erode ideals, greed erodes beliefs, and ultimately falls into the abyss of sin."

Loyalty to the Party and never betraying the Party are written in the oath of joining the Party, and are the most basic requirements for Communist Party members. But Yang Xiude was disloyal and dishonest to the party, playing tricks in front of the organization, and falsely reporting and concealing important personal matters. When the organization spoke to him in 2021, he vowed to always follow the party and signed a commitment to integrity, but in fact, he had already gone further and further on the path of corruption.

The loosening of faith often occurs unconsciously. When faith is lacking and ideals and beliefs are not firm, the desire for power and money naturally takes the upper hand and fills the heart. Yang Xiude was afraid of living a difficult life from a young age. Ever since she had the opportunity to seek rent and receive red envelopes for the first time, her courage grew stronger. She crazily restrained her wealth and maintained a long-term "cooperation" relationship with her bosses. In the face of money, she had completely abandoned her party spirit and cultivation, and in the constant call of "De Ge", her defense line of discipline and law was completely breached.

Yang Xiude repented and said that in recent years, he often participated in the activities of party organizations and also studied at provincial and state party schools. He taught anti-corruption and integrity at various meetings, but deep down in his heart, his will was weakening and his beliefs were wavering. He failed to maintain the bottom line of party discipline and national laws, and was misled by current interests. Not only did he add many unfinished buildings to Wenshan, but he also completely ruined his life and ultimately became a prisoner of money and a sinner of the people.

(3) abuse of power for personal gain to support the platform of the unfinished building.

With the promotion of the position, Yang Xiude had more contact with businessmen and bosses, and eating and drinking became the norm. In the face of various temptations of interests, Yang Xiude abandoned his helmet, surrendered, greed triumphed over self-discipline, and was willing to be hunted.

Since ancient times, there has been no harm in reverence, but stubbornness has always had its drawbacks. Under the influence of the alienation of money and interests, Yang Xiude's bottom line of integrity has fallen and collapsed. The boss of the merchant went from "Brother De, the festival is coming, and he expressed his heart" to "New Year, come to see you" to "Brother De, help to see the planning scheme" and "planning approval is troublesome". Yang Xiude is deeply trapped in the exchange of interests and cannot extricate himself.

In 2010, a real estate project in Wenshan City started construction. Without obtaining a construction project planning permit and a state-owned land use certificate, developer Li approached Yang Xiude and gave him 400000 yuan. Yang Xiude, who had received benefits, issued the pre-sale permit for the project without examination. The developer who obtained the pre-sale permit for the house publicly sold it to the public, but due to poor management and a broken funding chain, the project was abandoned in 2015, becoming one of the typical abandoned buildings in Wenshan Prefecture. In order to raise funds, Li sold multiple houses in the project and successfully registered with the housing and construction department. In addition to commercial housing, there are also a few affordable housing projects that have been abandoned due to Yang Xiude's illegal approval, resulting in a significant loss of national special funds and causing extremely negative impacts on society.

Yang Xiude, who holds the position of Director of the State Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, refuses to refuse the pursuit of project owners and takes money as he pleases. However, he disregards discipline and even supports the platform of the "abandoned building" in Wenshan. During the interview with the investigating personnel, Yang Xiude described his mentality at the time as follows: "Having power, helping the boss handle things, having one more friend and one more path, and doing things for the boss can also bring benefits." Yang Xiude turned the power bestowed upon him by the Party and the people into a tool for personal gain, completely forgetting his responsibilities and mission as a party member and leading cadre, making Wenshan one of the provinces and cities with the most abandoned buildings in Yunnan Province, seriously undermining social fairness, justice, and economic order. At the same time, he himself was also deeply trapped in the mud of crime and unable to extricate himself.

4 covered his ears and stole the bell, and in the end he just became a porter of money

"in my mind, pretending to return the money to my boss could not only cover up my illegal income, but also make me less afraid, which felt like the best choice at that time." With this self-deceiving mentality, in 2018, Yang Xiude agreed with Hua so-and-so to write a fake "receipt" to deceive the organization in order to avoid the organization's censorship and cover up the fact that he had received 300000 yuan from the businessman Hua. When the organization found Yang Xiude for verification, he swore that he had returned 300000 yuan to Hua, and that there was only a normal loan between the two, and there were no improper economic exchanges.

The day has eyes, the night has ears. As long as there are violations of discipline and law, there will always be traces left behind. The deliberate and seemingly deceitful tactics are actually deceiving oneself and deceiving others. No matter how Yang Xiude tries to cover up and hide, he can't escape punishment from discipline and law, and ultimately only becomes a money mover.

From 2002 to 2017, Yang Xiude took advantage of his positions as the Director of the Urban Construction Bureau of Yuanshan County, the Party Secretary and Director of the State Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, and received a total of 4.078 million yuan in property from more than 30 bosses.

However, after Yang Xiude was detained, the investigators quickly searched his residence, office, and other places, but did not find any large amounts of cash. After investigation, it was found that Yang Xiude and his family only had a balance of over 100000 yuan in their bank accounts, and there was no cash held on behalf of their close relatives in their bank accounts. So, where did the bribe money go? This is quite puzzling for the reviewing and investigating personnel.

In order to clarify the whereabouts of Yang Xiude's bribery and bribery, investigators conducted investigations on individuals closely related to Yang Xiude and found that her niece had just turned 18 and owned a valuable villa in Wenshan City, which was seriously inconsistent with her niece's family income. The investigation team conducted multiple investigations and obtained strong evidence, which prompted Yang Xiude to truthfully explain the fact that in order to conceal the bribery proceeds, he used the bribery funds to purchase two properties and registered them under the names of his sister and niece. "The reason why these two houses were registered under the names of my sister and niece is mainly to cover up and prevent the organization from discovering that my income and property do not match. Additionally, the money that I received bribes can be 'washed away' by buying a house," Yang Xiude explained.

However, the illegally obtained money, no matter how it is "washed", cannot wash away the "color" of violations of discipline and law. No matter how it "flickers and moves", in the end, it is just empty talk.

Yang Xiude's Confession Record

Since being detained, I have carefully analyzed and sincerely repented, reflecting on my own problems.

I was born in a remote mountain village in the 1960s. When I was a child, my family was poor and often lived a hard and tiring life without stopping. I received the education from my parents that "studying hard will make me successful when I grow up.". When I was a child, I climbed hills and crossed ridges to study every day, crossed mountains and rivers to work every day. I knew from a young age that people were tired of carrying horses and water, and that climbing mountains and crossing rivers was tiring. I went out of the mountains to study and grew up with a job arranged by the state, receiving a salary from the state, and eating food provided by the state, which became my biggest pursuit in life. In the autumn of 1984, I finally achieved my wish and was admitted as a district and township cadre in Wenshan County.

In 1999, I was promoted from the position of director of the County Housing Reform Office to the position of director of the County Construction Bureau by the organization. At that time, I began to have contact with my boss, but apart from work interactions, I remained cautious in my daily life and dared not interact with my boss alone. As time goes by, going to the company for research and participating in the boss's dinner party gradually increases. Gradually, participating in the boss's eating and drinking became a common occurrence; Slowly, receiving the local specialties gifted by the boss began; Gradually, receiving gifts of cigarettes, wine, and tea from the boss started; Slowly, my hands, which were not very clean, began to accept the first red envelope amidst a mental struggle of nervousness, fear, worry about problems, and a strong desire to accept it.

That was one night before the Spring Festival in 2002, a real estate owner invited me to his office for tea. When I left, he brought me some cigarettes and alcohol. When I carried the cigarettes and alcohol he gave me to the car, I found an envelope in the cigarette bag. When I opened it, I saw 10000 yuan in the envelope. I was startled by the 10000 yuan and my heart suddenly quickened. Should I return it to the boss or take it home? Carry out ideological struggles on your own in the car. In the fierce ideological struggle, I thought about the hardships of childhood life and my current family situation. The salary of the couple not only needs to take care of the elderly, but also needs to cultivate their children well. What should we do if the elderly get sick, and what should we do if the children don't have enough money to read in the future... I stayed in the car for about an hour, and finally brought the envelope containing 10000 yuan back home. During those years, my mindset went from being afraid to socialize with my boss alone, to occasionally socializing, and then to frequently socializing; From not daring to eat and drink with the boss to eating and drinking regularly; From being afraid to accept gift money to being cautious in accepting gift money, greed sprouted in my heart.

In my memory, the power and money transaction between me and my boss started after receiving 10000 RMB for the first time, and then my thoughts gradually became numb. I felt that there was no problem with receiving gifts for the first time, and we still got along normally as before. In this way, my bosses and I maintained a long-term stable relationship of interest transmission, receiving benefits from more than 30 people, and ultimately made a big mistake.

As a Party member and cadre who has been trained by the Party for many years, looking back on my life, analyzing my inner path, summarizing my mistakes, all that remains for me is eternal repentance. I am ashamed of the organization's training!

In the past, I was the pillar of my family, and in front of my father, I was his filial son; In front of my wife, I am her reliance; In front of my daughter, I am her backing. Now, I can't do anything for them, but instead bring them great pain. I feel guilty to my family!

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