【 Li Xiang China 】 Chinese civilization is constantly evolving and peaceful through inclusiveness | China | Chinese civilization

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:18 PM

In his important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly expounded the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization: continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace. this paper comprehensively, systematically and deeply expounds the major theoretical and practical issues of the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, which provides a fundamental basis for our deep understanding of the inclusive and enduring internal mechanism and motivation of Chinese civilization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that there are many important elements in China's excellent traditional culture, which jointly shape the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization. Chinese culture has a long history, and the Chinese civilization is broad and profound. The ancient civilization passed on for thousands of years accumulates the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, represents the unique spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation, and provides rich nourishment for the continuous growth and growth of the Chinese nation. Chinese excellent traditional culture is the cultural and spiritual vein of the Chinese nation, and it is an important source for strengthening cultural self-confidence, cultivating socialist core values, and accumulating deeper and more lasting strength. it is also a solid foundation for us to gain a firm foothold in the agitation of world culture. Only by deeply understanding the long history of Chinese civilization and comprehensively grasping the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization can we more effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent Chinese traditional culture, and more effectively promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Chinese civilization has outstanding continuity. Among the major ancient civilizations in the world, although the Chinese civilization has experienced more than 5000 years of historical changes, it has always been continuous and continues to this day, precisely because of its outstanding stability and continuity. Paying attention to the origin and inheritance of civilization is a consistent tradition of ancient Chinese ideology and culture. Confucius said, "Zhou was supervised by the second generation, depressed and gentle!" I follow Zhou. " Xunzi said, "the way of the first king is also benevolent." Han Yu also said: "those with luxuriant roots are actually successful, and those who anoint the fertile ones are their Guangye." In the long-term historical development, the Chinese nation has embarked on a path of civilized development different from that of other countries and nationalities. it has formed a whole set of national system and national governance system, including imperial court system, county system, land system, tax system, imperial examination system, supervision system, military system and so on, which not only maintains its own long-term stability and sustainable development, but also provides a blueprint and reference for neighboring countries and nationalities. Accordingly, the spiritual world of Chinese civilization also continues to accumulate and develop continuously, with a continuous spiritual texture and spiritual bloodline. The Chinese characters created by our ancestors thousands of years ago are still in use today. Many ideas put forward by thinkers in the Spring and Autumn and warring States period still have a deep impact on the Chinese people, and the core content has become the cultural gene of the Chinese nation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the outstanding continuity of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines that the Chinese nation is bound to go its own way. If we do not understand China from the historical continuity of a long history, it is impossible to understand ancient China, nor modern China, let alone the future China.

Chinese civilization has outstanding innovation. Chinese civilization has been able to maintain its vigor and vitality through more than 5000 years of historical changes, thanks to the spirit of innovation and keeping pace with the times formed under the influence of Chinese excellent traditional culture. The Chinese ancestors realized the importance of innovation very early. "although Zhou was an old state, his life was reformed", "Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement"), "Gou is new every day, and every day is new." Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress, an inexhaustible driving force for a country's prosperity, and the deepest national endowment and cultural gene of the Chinese nation. The history of the development of world civilization shows that the formation and development of any kind of civilization is inseparable from the inheritance and continuity of the national spirit. in order to achieve sustainable development, human civilization needs to be passed on from generation to generation and guarded from generation to generation. at the same time, we need to adapt to the times, push through the old and bring forth the new, and open up our own life according to the rules of the ancients. In Chinese history, Confucianism and other theories, which have been in a dominant position for a long time, have moved with the times and changed with things, and have been constantly developed and updated in line with the requirements of China's social development and the progress of the times, so they have long-term vitality. "the question is so clear? For there is a source of water. " History has constantly proved that only by taking the reality of our country as the starting point of research, critically inheriting all cultural traditions at home and abroad, constantly absorbing the essence of the times, increasing the driving force for the development of civilization with the help of innovation, and activating the source of civilization progress, can we create civilization achievements that span time and space and have eternal charm. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: the outstanding innovation of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the enterprising spirit of the Chinese nation in being upright and unconservative, respecting the past and not restoring the old, and determines the fearless character of the Chinese nation that is not afraid of new challenges and has the courage to accept new things.

Chinese civilization has outstanding unity. Since ancient times, China has not been a single-ethnic country, but a unified multi-ethnic country. "cars on the same track, books on the same text" is the common belief of the Chinese nation; national unity and national unity are the common pursuit of all ethnic groups. Through the ages, the reason why the Chinese nation has a position and influence in the world is not by militarism or external expansion, but by the strong appeal and attraction of Chinese culture. China's territory has never been formed through military expansion, but the result of the integration of different ethnic groups. In Chinese history, the Spring and Autumn and warring States period, the three Kingdoms period, the Northern and Southern dynasties, the five dynasties and Ten Kingdoms periods are also periods of national integration and active thinking. The broad and profound Chinese civilization is precisely formed by the confluence of the excellent cultures of all nationalities. Chinese civilization not only has Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism shared by Han nationality, but also all ethnic groups have completely preserved their own cultural books and unique customs, and all kinds of ideas coexist in harmony. The pluralistic and unified Chinese civilization has played a very important role in safeguarding the unity and unity of the Chinese nation, consolidating the harmony and unity of many ethnic groups in China, enriching the spiritual characteristics of the Chinese nation, encouraging the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation to safeguard national independence and resisting foreign aggression, promoting China's social development and progress, and promoting the balance of China's social interests and social relations. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the outstanding unity of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines that the cultures of all ethnic groups of the Chinese nation are integrated and firmly United even if they encounter major setbacks. it determines the common belief that the territory is inseparable, the country cannot be disorderly, the nation is inseparable, and the civilization is inseparable, which determines that national unity is always the core of China's core interests, and that a strong and unified country is tied to the fate of the people of all ethnic groups.

Chinese civilization has outstanding inclusiveness. The eclectic character of Chinese civilization is not only rooted in the cultural genes deep in the blood of the Chinese nation, has its own qualities, strengths, and advantages, but also actively draws lessons from the strengths and quintessence of the ideology and culture of other countries and nationalities. it is only through continuous exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations that today's inclusive and open system is formed. "Mencius Teng Wen Gong" said: "things are uneven, the feelings of things are also." The Doctrine of Rites says: "all things are nurtured together without harming each other, and Tao is parallel but not contradictory." Small virtue flow, great virtue Dunhua, the reason why this heaven and earth is great. " Civilization is inclusive, and human civilization has the motivation to communicate and learn from each other because of tolerance. Exchanges and mutual learning are the essential requirements of the development of civilization. Only by exchanging and learning from other civilizations and learning from each other can we maintain exuberant vitality. The Silk Road in ancient China was not only a way of trade and barter, but also a way of knowledge exchange. Along the ancient Silk Road, China spread silk, porcelain, lacquer ware and iron ware to the West, as well as extraterritorial products such as pepper, flax, grapes and pomegranates; along the ancient Silk Road, Buddhism, Islam and Arab astronomy, calendar and medicine were introduced into China, and Chinese scientific and technological inventions and sericulture techniques were also spread to the world. More importantly, the exchange of goods and knowledge has brought about conceptual innovation and ideological change. For example, Confucian culture originated in China and is also highly respected by European thinkers such as Leibniz and Voltaire. All these are the results of the charm of openness and inclusiveness and mutual learning. Civilization develops in the process of opening up, and nations coexist in the process of integration. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the historical orientation of the Chinese nation's exchanges and exchanges, and the harmonious pattern of the coexistence of various religious beliefs in China. it determines the eclectic open mind of Chinese culture to world civilization.

Chinese civilization has an outstanding nature of peace. The Chinese nation has always been a peace-loving nation, and the idea of peace has long been integrated into the spiritual vein of the Chinese nation and embedded in the cultural genes of the Chinese people. Since ancient times, the Chinese have advocated peace ideas such as "harmony with all nations", "kindness and good neighbors, the treasure of the country", "brothers within the four seas", "although the country is big, belligerent will perish" and so on. History shows us that the law of the jungle is not the way for human beings to coexist, and militarism cannot bring about a better world. From the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840 to the founding of the people's Republic of China in 1949, the Chinese nation suffered foreign invasions and internal unrest rarely seen in the world. The Chinese people suffered unprecedented suffering and were once on the verge of national subjugation and extinction. In the War of Resistance against Japan alone, the Chinese nation paid a heavy price of more than 35 million casualties. The Chinese people, who have been devastated by war, are well aware of the value of peace, which is as important to us as sunshine and air. Without sunshine and air, all things cannot survive and grow. Civilized culture can spread, peaceful development can also spread, "do not do to others what you do not want to do to others." China needs peace and loves peace, and is willing to do its best to maintain world peace and sincerely help those who are still suffering from war and poverty. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the outstanding peaceful nature of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines that China has always been the builder of world peace, the contributor to global development and the maintainer of the international order. It determines that China constantly pursues civilized exchanges and mutual learning rather than cultural hegemony, determines that China will not impose its own values and political system on others, and that China persists in cooperation and confrontation. We will never engage in a small circle of "the same party fighting out differences".

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization has a broad field of vision and a complete system, which scientifically and accurately answers why Chinese civilization has become the only civilization inherited from the ancient civilization in the world. It comprehensively and profoundly explains why Chinese civilization can be inclusive and everlasting in the development of thousands of years. We should study in depth, fully understand it, and implement it in a down-to-earth manner. It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point. Guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions, we should have a profound understanding of the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, accurately grasp the ideological soil that nourishes Chinese civilization, further strengthen cultural self-confidence, and persist in upholding and innovating. We will gather the strength of cultural civilization for the Chinese-style modernization and provide a continuous stream of spiritual momentum for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


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