Full page observation of People's Daily: Adhering to a systematic approach to governing the ecological environment

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:19 PM

People's Daily

System concept is a fundamental idea and working method. Ecological environment governance is a complex systematic project that must continuously strengthen the systematic, holistic, and collaborative nature of various aspects of ecological civilization construction, and pay attention to overall planning and coordinated promotion. This observation edition combines the practices and achievements of ecological civilization construction in some places, and explores the use of systematic concepts to govern the ecological environment.


Building an Important Ecological Security Barrier in Northern China with a Game of Chess Thinking


Based on the overall development of the country

Inner Mongolia is located in the northern part of China, spanning across the "three northern regions", and is the largest and most diverse ecological functional area in northern China. The diverse natural landscapes, diverse ecological functions, and multi-level and orderly ecological pattern determine that Inner Mongolia plays an important role and mission in national ecological environment protection, and shoulders important responsibilities.

Inner Mongolia stretches about 2400 kilometers from east to west, spanning over 1700 kilometers from north to south. It boasts various natural landscapes such as grasslands, forests, rivers and lakes, mountains, and deserts, as well as the most well preserved grasslands and typical grasslands in the world. The grassland area accounts for about 22% of the country, the forest area accounts for about 12% of the country, and the wetland area accounts for about 16% of the country. At the same time, it should be noted that desertification and desertified land area in Inner Mongolia account for nearly 1/4 of the country's total, making it the main battlefield for desertification control and the main defense line against sandstorms in China. It plays an important role in maintaining national ecological security. It can be said that the ecological status of Inner Mongolia is not only related to the survival and development of all ethnic groups in the region, but also to the ecological security of North China, Northeast China, Northwest China, and even the whole country.

In the past 10 years, the vegetation coverage of grasslands has increased from 40.3% to 45%, the forest coverage has increased from 20.8% to 23%, and the annual average area of sand prevention and control has exceeded 12 million mu. The area of desertification and desertification land has continued to decrease, and the number of sandstorms has decreased from 4.9 days to 0.6 days per year. It is becoming a carbon reservoir and a pure "oxygen bar" for the people of China. For Inner Mongolia, protecting ecological security is not only a responsibility, but also a responsibility. We must always remember the importance of the country, adhere to a systematic concept, and based on the overall development of the country, fully defend this green, blue, and pure area. By building an important ecological security barrier in northern China, we can contribute to building a beautiful China with evergreen mountains, flowing green water, and fresh air.

Adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands

Building an important ecological security barrier in northern China is a systematic project that must be approached from a systemic and global perspective, taking into account various natural forms such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers, lakes, deserts, etc. We must adhere to the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, and follow natural laws to promote ecological protection and restoration.

In the past period, some areas in Inner Mongolia did not have strong systematic and collaborative efforts in promoting ecological and environmental protection. Those who only focus on tree planting and water management, and those who only focus on water management and field protection, did not achieve comprehensive planning and overall promotion, resulting in a situation where ecological diseases have not been cured for a long time or even worsened in some areas. Overall, the ecological and environmental problems in Inner Mongolia have complex causes, some of which come from an unreasonable economic structure, some from the mindset formed by long-term extensive development, and some from bad production and living habits. To cure these long-standing ecological diseases, it is necessary to take multiple measures, comprehensively manage them, make long-term efforts, and carefully nurture them, achieving coordinated planning, overall implementation, and multiple measures.

For example, after reflection and summary of the problem of long-term governance of Wuliangsuhai with little effect, it was found that the problem of Wuliangsuhai lies in the water and its root lies on the shore. To control the lake, we must first control the sand, and to control the lake, we must first control the mountains. To this end, we have vigorously implemented projects such as the comprehensive management of the Ulanbuhe Desert, the Yellow River Ecological Corridor, the ecological construction project at the north and south foothills of the Ula Mountains, and the restoration and management of the desert grassland on the east bank of the Ulangsu Sea. At the same time, measures such as ecological water replenishment, sewage treatment, and control and reduction of agricultural non-point source pollution have been taken simultaneously. Under integrated protection and systematic governance, Wuliangsuhai has regained the charm of Daze.

Practice has proven that in Inner Mongolia, where natural landscapes are diverse and ecological functions are diverse, it is necessary to strengthen the important ecological security barrier in northern China. We must adhere to the governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands systems, clarify the key tasks of ecological environment protection, carry out ecological protection and restoration in all aspects, regions, and processes, and focus on cultivating healthy, stable, and fully functional forest, grassland, wetland, and desert ecosystems. To build an important ecological security barrier in northern China in a vast and difficult area like Inner Mongolia, it is necessary to adhere to both comprehensive governance and key projects, and use key project construction to drive comprehensive governance. In practice, Inner Mongolia has highlighted the key points of governance, made every effort to fight the battle of the Yellow River's "several bends", annihilated the two major sandy areas of Horqin and Hunshandak, and fought three landmark battles at the edge of the Hexi Corridor Taklamakan Desert. We adhere to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions and setting up defenses according to disasters, implementing policies in different regions and with precision, strengthening full factor support, and driving and promoting the overall promotion and deepening of comprehensive desertification prevention and control work.

Collaborative promotion of high-quality development and high-level protection

The relationship between development and protection is an important issue faced by Inner Mongolia in the process of building an important ecological security barrier in northern China. To scientifically answer this question, we must adhere to systematic thinking, coordinate the promotion of high-quality development and high-level protection, and strive to explore a new path of high-quality development that is in line with the strategic positioning, reflects the characteristics of Inner Mongolia, and is guided by ecological priority and green development.

Adhere to the relationship between high-quality development and high-level protection through systematic and dialectical thinking, and provide important support for high-quality development by promoting high-level protection. On the one hand, we should make good use of the system to establish and improve the ecological environment protection system, implement the strictest ecological environment protection system, and successively include 51% of the entire area in the ecological protection red line. In the Xing'an Forest Sea, we will "hang an axe and stop sawing", allowing the vast grasslands to "rest and thrive", and "lock in the edge treatment" of key deserts. We will mark the boundary of the Erguna Wetland, and maintain the first place in the country in terms of afforestation, grass planting, and desertification control for many consecutive years. On the other hand, we will strictly implement the main functional area strategy, build an ecological security pattern of "three mountains, two belts, one bend, multiple corridors, and multiple points", resolutely abandon the practice of sacrificing the ecological environment for short-term economic growth in one place, and achieve overall improvement of the ecological environment.

Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver. Inner Mongolia is rich in natural resources, and we cannot live a "poor life" with a "golden rice bowl". The key is to find and continuously expand the path to transform green mountains and rivers into golden mountains and silver mountains, and promote development to achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity through green transformation. Efforts will be made to improve the institutional mechanisms for green development, continuously improve ecological protection compensation mechanisms, ecological product value realization mechanisms, carbon sink trading mechanisms, and actively explore and promote "ecological+" development models such as mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, so as to continuously increase the "gold content" and "green content" of economic development and reduce the "carbon content". Accelerate the promotion of ecological industrialization and industrial ecology, scientifically and reasonably develop and utilize forest, grass, and sand resources, improve the market system of the forest and grass industry, and promote the transformation of forest and grass resource advantages into economic advantages. Accelerate the construction of demonstration bases for advantageous industries such as forest food, specialty forest fruits, woody grains and oils, and traditional Chinese medicinal herbs. Building a 2 million kilowatt photovoltaic desertification control project in the hinterland of the Kubuqi Desert, through the implementation of a three-dimensional ecological photovoltaic desertification control model of "on board power generation, inter board aquaculture, and under board planting", significantly enhances the effect of sand fixation and water retention, and injects strong momentum into rural revitalization by promoting the transformation of sand sea into oasis and yellow sand into gold. Practice has proven that by balancing economic development and ecological environment protection, not only can we achieve ecological excellence and beauty, but also green industries and higher income. This will make the important ecological security barrier in northern China more stable and sustainable, and the people's sense of ecological environment gain, happiness, and security will be more enriched, guaranteed, and sustainable. The strategic vision of a beautiful China will continue to become a reality.

Systematic planning to strengthen comprehensive desertification prevention and control

Hao Tong

Desertification is a major global ecological problem that affects human survival and development. Desertification prevention and control is a great cause that benefits the present and the future.

Ningxia is one of the most ecologically fragile and severely desertified regions in China. It is the only province that has been included in the "Three North" project and the "Several Bend" campaign of the Yellow River. It is an important component of China's "Three Zones and Four Belts" ecological security pattern and undertakes the important mission of maintaining ecological security in the northwest and even the whole country. Strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification is related to China's ecological security, the construction of a strong country, and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Ningxia should keep in mind the "big country", strengthen top-level design, adhere to systematic planning, implement the ecological priority strategy, take desertification prevention and control as an important content, main task and basic work of ecological civilization construction, vigorously carry forward the "Three North Spirit", rely on national key forestry ecological projects such as the "Three North" shelter forest, returning farmland to forest and grassland, and natural forest protection, and explore a desertification prevention and control road that conforms to China's national conditions and Ningxia's regional conditions.

Strengthen integrated protection and system governance

Ecology is a unified natural system, an interdependent and closely connected organic chain. Desertification is the result of the interaction between natural and human factors. Desertification prevention and control is a systematic project that requires understanding the integrity, systematicity, and internal evolution laws of ecosystems. It comprehensively considers the interrelationships and mutual support between various elements of natural ecology, ecosystems, and social ecosystems. Ningxia has always adhered to a systematic concept, with sand prevention and control as the main focus, coordinated the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, and strengthened the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification.

Full page observation of People's Daily: Adhering to a systematic approach to governing the ecological environment

Make an article on seizing water resources. Tightly adhering to water resources is a fundamental natural resource, a key element in maintaining ecological balance, and the most important natural constraint factor in desertification prevention and control. We adhere to water resources as the maximum rigid constraint, grasp the degree of water resource development and utilization, promote the Baijitan "interception of floods, storage of water in rainy days, and replenishment of water in drought" model, and reasonably solve the contradiction between sand fixation and water conservation. Measure the amount of water and use it to determine the greenery. Properly handle the relationship between natural restoration and artificial restoration, scientifically choose vegetation restoration models, coordinate the allocation of forest and grass vegetation types and densities, and prevent the phenomenon of a small patch of greenery and a large patch of yellowing.

Make efforts to build a work pattern of great protection, great governance, and great construction. We will coordinate the ecological protection and restoration of forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts, strengthen the coordination and management of all elements of sand control, water control, and mountain control, systematically plan the "one river and three mountains" of the Yellow River, Helan Mountain, Liupan Mountain, and Luoshan, as well as the protection and restoration of the "seven major ecosystems" of forests, grasslands, wetlands, watersheds, farmland, cities, and deserts. We will work together to promote the overall management of upstream, midstream, and downstream, main and tributaries, left and right banks, mountains and valleys, as well as surface and underground areas, forming a coordinated and linked pattern of large-scale protection, governance, and construction work.

Strive for breakthroughs in the combination of the rule of law, market, technology, and policy. Issued successively《

Regulations on Desert Prevention and Control in the Autonomous Region《

The Autonomous Region's Regulations on the Prohibition of Grazing and Animal Husbandry shall effectively consolidate the achievements of grazing and animal husbandry through hard measures and methods. Explore the reform of the "six rights" of water use rights, land rights, pollution discharge rights, mountain and forest rights, energy rights, and carbon emissions rights, and solve the problem with resource element reform, forming a government led, project driven, mass hard work, and widespread social participation in desertification prevention and control. Based on the overall ecological system of the entire region, taking into account factors such as the current situation of land desertification, land use structure, land spatial layout, and regional economic development, we adhere to the combination of key prevention and control with regional prevention and control, matching biological and engineering measures, and integrating comprehensive prevention and control with industrial development. We have explored a "five belt" wind and sand fixation system, including sand and wind fixation belts, irrigation and afforestation belts, grass barrier planting belts, frontier sand resistance belts, and sand and grass sealing and cultivation belts, as well as a "six in one" sand and sand control model for peripheral shrub sand fixation forests, peripheral tree and shrub protection forests, internal fruit forests, animal husbandry, grass planting, and desert tourism.

Shapotou in Zhongwei City has implemented sand prevention and control measures, causing the desert to retreat by more than 20 kilometers; The Lingwu Baiji Beach has been used for sand prevention and control, blocking the southward expansion of the desert and protecting the ecological security of the Yellow River... Ningxia's desertification prevention and control has effectively played a role in preventing wind and sand, conserving water sources, promoting the gradual improvement of local ecological environment, and gradually changing regional climate conditions, driving the transformation of mountains and rivers from "yellow" to "green", continuously building a strong ecological security barrier in the northwest of China, and maintaining the national ecological security pattern.

Promote the close integration of ecological improvement and industrial development

At present, China's economic and social development has entered a stage of accelerating green and low-carbon high-quality development, and the supporting role of the ecological environment is becoming increasingly evident.High quality development and high-level protection have unity and consistency in essence and goals, and they complement and complement each other. The development practice of the new era has proven that high-level protection is an important component and support for high-quality development. Relying on high-level protection can achieve ecological priority, green and low-carbon high-quality development; High level protection reflects the requirements of high-quality development, and high-quality development reflects the effectiveness of high-level protection. Many desertification areas overlap with economically underdeveloped areas, and problems such as desertification, sandstorm hazards, and soil erosion constrain regional economic and social development. It can be said that land desertification is not only an ecological issue, but also a livelihood issue; Preventing and controlling desertification is not only a development issue, but also a survival issue.

Ningxia firmly adheres to the concept that green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver, deeply grasps the dialectical unity between economic and social development and ecological environment protection, and plans development from the perspective of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. It not only prevents the harm of sand, but also utilizes the benefits of sand to play the ecological and economic functions of the desert while preventing and controlling sand. On the one hand, through high-level environmental protection, we continuously shape new driving forces and advantages for development. The project of Tengger Desert New Energy Base in Ningxia takes the construction of "green energy+ecological governance" as the goal, uses the technology of "forest light complementation" and "agriculture light complementation", adopts the mode of "combination of forest and grass", realizes "power generation on board, planting between boards, and restoration under board", and explores a new path of "new energy source construction+protection and restoration of the Sago Desert ecosystem". On the other hand, we should scientifically develop the characteristic sand industry, focus on building a green, low-carbon, and circular economy system, and continuously enhance the potential and momentum of development. Ningxia adheres to the close integration of sand prevention and control, ecological improvement, and industrial development, taking into account the integrity of the ecosystem, the continuity of geographical units, and the sustainability of economic and social development. It strictly controls the access to the ecological environment, implements the environmental impact assessment system, and guarantees the rational and orderly development of resources in the sand area from the root. It scientifically develops characteristic sand industries such as water-saving planting, circular water sand product processing, and environmentally friendly sand area service, continuously deepens the construction of national comprehensive demonstration zones for sand prevention and control, and solidifies the ecological foundation for the construction of the Yellow River Basin ecological protection and high-quality development pilot zone and the construction of a beautiful new Ningxia.

Taking a New Path of Collaborative Promotion of Ecological Civilization Construction

Zhang Zaijie

We will work together to prevent and control pollution and promote green development. A good ecological environment is the most equitable public good and the most inclusive welfare for people's livelihoods.We need to take effective measures to address prominent ecological and environmental issues, while also working together to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, reflecting the work concept of key breakthroughs and comprehensive promotion. Guizhou has placed ecological civilization construction in a prominent position, emphasizing comprehensive governance, systematic governance, and source control, promoting coordinated efforts in pollution prevention and control, as well as green expansion and enhancement. On the one hand, we will implement comprehensive prevention and control of air, water, and soil pollution, continuously promote the control of air pollution by key industry enterprises and motor vehicle exhaust pollution, and improve emergency control measures for urban air quality; Implement the "three water co governance" in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, deepen the river chief system, make up for the shortcomings of urban sewage collection and treatment facilities, and coordinate the treatment of black and odorous water bodies; Accelerate the detailed investigation of soil pollution, strengthen soil pollution control and remediation, and strictly control the use of heavily polluted farmland. On the other hand, we will adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, implement key ecological projects such as natural forest resource protection and returning farmland to forests and grasslands, strengthen ecological restoration in core ecological security areas such as nature reserves and drinking water sources, and implement important river, lake, and wetland ecological protection and restoration projects. While planting trees and afforestation, develop the ecological industry and ecotourism industry. Colorful Guizhou in the new era improves the diversity, stability and sustainability of the ecosystem with a systematic concept, making green mountains, fresh air, flowing water and clean soil. Green water and mountains are becoming the "happy real estate" and "green ATM" of the people, and further building an important ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River.

Promote high-quality development and high-level protection together.High level protection provides important support for high-quality development, which relies on high-level protection to achieve and assist in high-level protection. Fundamentally speaking, the two are dialectically unified and complement each other. Guizhou has always adhered to a systematic concept, fully utilizing the excellent ecological environment as its greatest development and competitive advantage, vigorously developing a green and low-carbon economy, and coordinating the deep integration and coordinated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. One is to establish a big food concept in green agriculture and animal husbandry, fully leverage the advantages of mountain resources, develop efficient mountain agriculture such as characteristic fruits and vegetables, traditional Chinese medicine, and tea according to local conditions, and create a brand of green organic agricultural products. Secondly, in the energy and mining industry, we will strengthen the scientific utilization, circular utilization, and low-carbon utilization of resources, continuously promote the development of rich mines, and significantly reduce ecological pressure while increasing the added value of the energy and mining industry. Thirdly, in the characteristic manufacturing industry, we will fully leverage the advantages of the National Big Data Comprehensive Experimental Zone, accelerate digital utilization, vigorously implement industrial digitization, and promote the deep integration of modern productive service industry and advanced manufacturing industry. Focus on the development of industrial Internet and Internet of Things, and promote the transformation of automation to intelligence. Fourthly, in the green service industry, relying on the advantages of good natural ecology and original ecological culture, we will vigorously develop mountain characteristic service industries such as cultural tourism, leisure tourism, and modern health care. By protecting in development and developing in protection, we have opened up a two-way transformation channel between green mountains and clear waters, as well as gold and silver, transforming regional resource advantages into industrial and economic advantages, resulting in enormous ecological, economic, and social benefits.

External constraints and endogenous driving forces are jointly guaranteed.Law is the key to governing a country, and the rule of law is the fundamental way of governing a country. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Guizhou has made institutional construction a top priority in promoting ecological civilization construction. By accelerating institutional innovation, increasing institutional supply, and strengthening institutional implementation, it has basically established an ecological civilization institutional system with clear property rights, diverse participation, equal emphasis on incentives and constraints, and a complete system, safeguarding the construction of ecological civilization and green development. We will deepen institutional innovation experiments in areas such as green barrier construction, ecological civilization big data construction, ecological tourism development, and green performance evaluation and assessment. Multiple achievements of ecological civilization system reform will be included in the national promotion list, forming a group of replicable and promotable institutional experiences. For example, conducting pilot projects for unified registration of natural resource rights and exploring the establishment of a delegated agency mechanism for the ownership of state-owned natural resource assets; Develop evaluation and assessment methods for ecological civilization construction goals, and carry out ecological civilization evaluation and assessment; Establish a list of ecological and environmental protection responsibilities, and build a large-scale ecological and environmental protection pattern of joint management and respective responsibilities; Wait a minute. For example, the first provincial-level ecological civilization local regulation in China, the Guizhou Province Ecological Civilization Construction Promotion Regulations, was introduced, and more than 30 supporting regulations were promulgated and implemented, fully leveraging the role of the rule of law in leading and regulating ecological civilization. At the same time, efforts should be made to fully mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity, stimulate the internal driving force of the whole society to jointly care for the ecological environment, and continuously enhance the ideological and action consciousness of the entire population in ecological environment protection. For example, the "Garbage Exchange Supermarket" has been opened in many places, from "throwing garbage all the way" to "picking it up all the way", from littering and littering to knowing how to classify. While exchanging garbage for green points, ecological protection awareness is also constantly improving. Through various forms of ecological civilization promotion and education activities, we aim to sow the seeds of ecological civilization in people's hearts, enhance the awareness of conservation, environmental protection, and ecology in the whole society, promote the formation of a green and healthy lifestyle, and gather strong forces for the construction of a beautiful China.

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