【 Big Country Principles 】 Miluo, Hunan: Building a New Pattern of Rural Revitalization | Grassroots | Principles

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:54 PM

Rural governance, people's safety, and national stability. Rural grassroots governance is the cornerstone of national governance and the foundation of rural revitalization. Grassroots governance and ensuring people's livelihoods are closely related to the vital interests of the people, and are fundamental projects for promoting common prosperity and creating a high-quality life. Innovating grassroots governance methods is essential for achieving modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

In recent years, Miluo City in Hunan Province has adhered to the leadership of party building as the starting point, strengthened and innovated grassroots social governance. By adhering to the leadership of party building, building a "bridgehead" for grassroots governance, strengthening the collective economy, refining the "paving stones" for grassroots governance, doing well in people's livelihood affairs, building a "heart to heart bridge" for grassroots governance, deepening mass autonomy, and sounding the "golden horn" of civilized rural culture, Miluo Town has continuously promoted the implementation and refinement of the rural revitalization strategy, and achieved significant results in grassroots governance. Miluo Town has been awarded honors such as National Key Town, Hunan Province Rural Governance Demonstration Town, Health Town, Advanced Township for Petition Work, Advanced Township for Drug Control Work, and "Safe Agricultural Machinery" Demonstration Town.

"Small Village Regulations" promise "Great Autonomy", making civilized customs moist and beautiful countryside

Miluo is located in the northeast of Hunan Province, in the transitional zone between the Mufu Mountains and the Dongting Lake Plain. It borders Dongting Lake to the west and is known as the "source of the Dragon Boat Festival, hometown of dragon boats, and hometown of poetry.". Miluo City in Hunan Province continuously innovates grassroots governance, and various towns and villages have emerged with diverse, replicable, and promotable governance models.

This is the "Beautiful and Civilized House" in Xuxian Village, Bishi Town, Miluo City. The ground is clean and tidy, and the village rules and regulations are written on the notice board. Cedar trees, tea plums, and azaleas are interspersed among them, creating a vibrant scene that makes people feel relaxed and happy. The once foul smelling garbage dump has undergone centralized ecological improvement and reasonable planning, transforming into a popular leisure place for residents. Since 2019, the village has incorporated comprehensive measures related to improving the living environment into the village regulations and vigorously implemented them, providing villagers with a better leisure environment.

Hunan Province Miluo City Village Regulations and Minyue Flower Drum Small Play Tour Performance

This is a microcosm of Miluo City's promotion of upgrading village rules and regulations. Since April 2022, Miluo has vigorously promoted the upgrading of village rules and regulations. 179 villages have adhered to the requirements of "highlighting regional characteristics, problem orientation, and public recognition" in accordance with the procedures, adhering to independent regulations, achieving concise content, specific content, and prominent focus; Adhere to spontaneous implementation of regulations, allowing village rules and regulations to move from hanging on walls to the hearts of villagers; Adhere to conscious compliance with regulations, formulate "three lists", and gradually evolve into a culture and fashion for the masses to abide by rules and regulations, paving a new path in promoting mass autonomy through village regulations and agreements. Through continuous optimization and improvement of village rules and regulations, the behavior of residents has gradually become standardized, the sense of ownership has gradually increased, conflicts have decreased, people's customs have improved, the environment has become more beautiful, residents' lives have become happier, grassroots governance has become more effective, and rural revitalization has become more stable.

"Micro Party Courses" Inject Red Energy, Consolidate Development and Help Promote Rural Revitalization

"I have listened carefully to every party class in the group. As an ordinary villager, I can learn about various new policies and measures of the country through my phone. During the class, the teacher also interspersed many practical examples, which have been very helpful for my work and life. Recently, villagers from Yuanfu Village in Xinshi Town have praised the" micro party class ".".

Using hometown dialect to promote policy spirit, interpreting hot topics, imparting practical skills, meeting grassroots theoretical needs, and transforming the development concept of villagers. It is understood that the "Yuanfu New Wave" micro party class has invited more than 60 villagers, experts, entrepreneurs, party members and cadres, and cultural celebrities to come into the "micro party class" since the beginning of 2018 when they read the No. 1 central document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, to talk about the big truth with small carriers and the big ideas with small incisions. The WeChat group has expanded from 20-30 people to over 500 people now. Through one down-to-earth and solid thematic lecture after another, the "Yuanfu New Tide" has built a bridge between the theoretical "antenna" and the rural "atmosphere", allowing the Party's innovative theories to "fly into the homes of ordinary people.".

"New Tide Micro Party Class" Offline Classroom

In addition to offline classes, the lecture content is also synchronously posted in the "Yuanfu Xinchao" WeChat group in the form of voice, text, and other forms, forming a good atmosphere where party members and cadres take the lead in giving lectures, rural friends from outside the region persist in giving lectures, and cadres and masses combine knowledge and action, and learning and working together.

Xie Xiaofeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinshi Town, stated that he will continue to play the role of the "Yuanfu Xinchao" micro party course as a carrier and demonstration, gather wisdom and strength from all aspects, coordinate and promote the implementation of various key work, and contribute to rural revitalization with practical actions and results.

"Luojiang Night Talk" Transforms People's Worries and Builds a "Heart to Heart Bridge" to Serve the People

A cement floor, a square table, and multiple back chairs surrounded the villagers. There is no podium, no speeches, and town and village cadres give policy lectures on key work such as public security assessment, medical insurance payment, rural land reform, land transfer, and rural revitalization, listening to the demands of the people and solving practical difficulties. It is understood that Luojiang Town faces Miluo City District across the river, with convenient transportation, a wide area and a large population, and a complex social situation. It has 14 administrative villages under its jurisdiction, and there are difficulties in grassroots governance. Since September 2021, party and government officials in Luojiang Town have been sent to 14 villages in the form of village teams, holding "Luojiang Night Talk" meetings on a per unit basis.

In "night talk", the masses are the "protagonists" and cadres are the "helpers". The town selects "five old and one new" personnel according to the housing market, hires them as "night talk" talk leaders, and based on the theme of the night talk, clarifies the visiting objects and content, allowing the masses to participate in the housing market management as masters, and promoting the deepening and implementation of "night talk management".

"Everyone had face-to-face communication and heart to heart talks, discussing urgent and difficult issues that the people were looking forward to, such as road construction, agricultural water conservancy construction, food production, garbage removal, environmental protection, and land and forest resources. The town and village levels actively coordinated and played a leading role in solving problems with the people, making their words effective." Hao Guang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Luojiang Town, introduced the relevant situation of "Luojiang Night Talk".

"Luojiang Night Talk" Hires a Talk Manager

From early policy promotion and decision-making on major interest related events, to normalized discussions on daily public affairs of housing estates, and to being able to play a governance role in supporting rural revitalization, "night talk" has consolidated and expanded the achievements of governance through continuous upgrading. Over the past year since the launch of "Luojiang Night Talk", more than 500 houses in the town have conducted more than 1200 "night talks", with more than 20000 party members and the masses participating, and nearly 300 difficulties resolved; More than 50 entities have created over 2300 nearby employment opportunities, with a labor force employment rate of over 96.5%.

Nowadays, the number of prominent conflicts and disputes mediated in the whole town has significantly decreased compared to the same period last year, and the evaluation results of the sense of security of the people in the town have risen sharply. There has been new progress in rural culture and civilization, and the living environment continues to improve. The theoretical preaching of "Luojiang Night Talk" was awarded as an excellent case of ideological and political work in Hunan Province in 2022, Luojiang Village was awarded as a national demonstration village for democracy and rule of law, and Luojiang Town became one of the 15 grassroots governance innovation experimental zones in Hunan Province in 2022.

Miluo City takes "Luojiang Night Talk" as a model, actively promotes the "House Night Talk" model, breaks down the boundaries of group level management, accurately discusses the theme, scope, and content of "Night Talk" discussions, constructs a house governance system, activates the internal driving force of house autonomy, and improves the effectiveness of Miluo City's basic governance.

Integrating smart governance into rural governance, "smart villages" enable villagers to handle affairs without leaving their homes

"As long as relevant information is posted on this platform, everyone can stay at home and learn about village level work, which greatly facilitates village affairs. Subscribed villagers can also earn points to exchange for daily necessities, which is highly supported by this' smart village '. On June 21st, Huo Xin, Secretary of the Party Branch of Yutan Village in Gupei Town, Miluo City, opened the' Yutan Family 'mini program on WeChat and happily introduced it to the author.".

In December 2021, Yutan Village officially launched the construction of a "smart countryside". The Yutan Village Smart Rural System currently consists of 7 modules, including smart party building, rural revitalization, point management, and epidemic prevention and control. It includes more than 10 functions, including party member joint households, employment information, key personnel control, village affairs disclosure, group accounting disclosure, party member rating, and online shopping. Villagers can earn points by effectively reading promotional information, completing toilet renovation, returning home registration, and using the national anti fraud app with real name authentication. Based on the points earned by villagers, they can evaluate the work of party members, grid leaders, and smart butlers. Villagers can also exchange items on e-commerce platforms with their points.

After the pilot project in Yutan Village, last year, Gupei Town innovatively explored the grassroots governance of smart rural grid based on the guidance of party building. The town was divided into 22 large grids, each of which was further divided into several small grids, and a grid leader and "smart butler" were set up. Through the "smart rural" system, digital management of population, people's livelihood construction, public services, and other aspects in the entire town area was achieved, providing precise, refined, and meticulous services. At the same time, various forces such as party members, women, youth, and fellow villagers and elites were united to carry out activities such as party member households and public sentiment talks. Through visits, contacts, and assistance, emotions were sorted out, consensus was reached, and grassroots governance was constructed. A brand new framework.

"We will further improve and optimize the platform, making the 'smart rural' system the 'strongest brain' of grassroots governance. Let the people enjoy more network dividends and make grassroots governance more convenient," said Liu Can, the mayor of Gupei Town.

At present, promoting the construction of digital rural areas has been included in the independent reform agenda of Miluo City, comprehensively promoting the "three steps and three transformations" digital rural construction practices of Yutan Village, improving the informationization and intelligence level of comprehensive services at the village level, achieving online feedback of public demands, receiving feedback online and offline visit services for village cadres, ensuring that conflicts are eliminated in the bud, transforming information technology as the "largest variable" into the "largest increment" to promote modernization of rural governance, empowering with digitization, and opening up a new model of rural revitalization.

Play the leading and demonstrative role of "Party building+" to enhance the new efficiency of grassroots governance

At the Hunan Province Beautiful Countryside Demonstration Creation and Rural Living Environment Improvement Training Class held on May 22nd, He Yongsheng, Secretary of the Party General Branch of Lijiashan Community in Miluo Town, Miluo City, gave a speech as the only administrative village representative in Hunan Province, promoting relevant work experience.

In recent years, the Jiashan community has taken "Party building+" as the main line, "autonomy" as the main body, and "building a family" as the theme, actively innovating the new model of "one beam and five pillars", that is, with "Party building+" as the "main beam", and a team, a people's agreement, a network, a culture, and a new house as the "five pillars", exploring new paths for grassroots governance, and creating a model room for rural revitalization. The community has won many honors such as the National Rural Governance Demonstration Village, the National Model People's Mediation Committee, and the Hunan Province Harmonious Construction Demonstration Community.

The typical approach is to adhere to the principle of "one team" striving for excellence, create a "home of vitality", establish a community volunteer service team, and have 1178 volunteers file and register uniformly, with uniform clothing identification and evaluation management to ensure the normalization of "community whistleblowing and volunteer reporting". Adhere to the principle of "one agreement for the people", transform customs and traditions, build a "civilized home", and compose the "Community Resident Convention Song". Adhere to the principle of "one network" to protect the land and the people, build a "safe home", divide the natural housing area into six major grids, and build grassroots governance in the "cloud" and "fingertips". Adhere to the principle of "one culture" and innovate, build a "happy home", invest more than 3 million yuan to build the Miluo Town Farmers' Philosophy Exhibition Hall, inherit the red gene, and retain the nostalgia of several generations. Adhere to the principle of "a new house" for living and working in peace, create a "beautiful home", vigorously standardize centralized construction of houses, integrate more historical and cultural elements, landscape and pastoral elements, form a cluster of buildings that are suitable for gathering and dispersing, arranged in a staggered manner, and highlight their characteristics, gradually achieving "clear roads, clean land, clean water, green villages, and beautiful houses".

A harmonious and livable new village, with a layout that "turns scattered into clusters"

In addition, other towns and villages in Miluo City are actively exploring grassroots governance methods. For example, Changle Town is fully implementing the "grid based problem-solving, party member led, mass participation, branch leadership, collective efforts, and departmental linkage" work method of "collective judgment of right and wrong", making the "masses" the main force of grassroots social governance. Mount Wuyi Village, Miluo Town, takes the "Maple Bridge Experience" as the guide and the "Three Haves" as the starting point to build a social governance system integrating autonomy, rule of virtue and rule of law.

Miluo City adheres to the principle of party building leading mass construction, building an important carrier platform for grassroots learning and practice, and creating a distinctive brand for grassroots governance. Currently, there are 964 autonomous organizations led by grassroots party organizations and spontaneously formed by the masses. 181 village level civilization practice stations, 40 civilization practice bases, and 327 volunteer service teams have been built, and more than 50 civil volunteer service organizations have been developed and cultivated. The city has registered more than 70000 volunteers, established a pool of talented and capable people in the township, and attracted more than 500 people. All forces have gathered in rural revitalization, continuously transforming organizational advantages into grassroots governance advantages.

Grassroots are the foundation of government governance and the last mile of policy and legal implementation. At the same time, grassroots is also a weak link and weakness in the construction of a rule of law government. "Next, we need to fully mobilize and activate the elements of grassroots governance, enhance the integration of social resources, build a bridge between the Party and the masses, draw a concentric circle of grassroots governance, activate the source of democratic autonomy, make joint construction, governance and sharing tangible, comprehensively improve the level of rural governance, and paint a colorful and beautiful picture of the countryside." Vice Mayor of Miluo City, Wu Yanping, said with a resounding voice.

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