Where is the difficulty of job seeking? Survey on Slow Employment and Delayed Employment of College Graduates, Unemployed after Leaving Beijing | Universities | Graduates

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:28 PM

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood, and the employment of college graduates is of utmost importance in stabilizing employment. In the process of making every effort to promote employment, the slow and delayed employment of college graduates who have left school but have not yet found employment has attracted widespread attention. What is the situation of the unemployed group who have left school this year? How to monitor the mentality of young people and make precise efforts to implement policies, so that employment services are not offline when leaving school? The reporter is conducting in-depth investigations in the Beijing area to find answers.

This year, there were approximately 285000 college graduates from the 2023 cohort in Beijing, an increase of 17000 compared to the same period last year, and the number of graduates reached a historic high. At the same time, the foundation for sustained recovery and development of the domestic economy is still unstable, and some business entities are facing more difficulties. The reporter visited multiple job fairs in Beijing and learned that some workers, especially young people such as college graduates, are still facing significant job search and employment pressure.

What are the difficulties in finding employment for students who have left school but have not yet found employment? What thoughts do college students have when facing employment pressure and structural contradictions? How to better solve the employment problem of students with delayed employment?

Delayed employment due to internal and external factors

The employment of young people is currently a focus of attention for all parties. "The overall employment situation for college graduates in Beijing is stable, and the employment work is progressing in an orderly manner. Doing a good job in the employment of college graduates is still a top priority." Zhao Xiutao, Deputy Director of the Employment Department for College and Secondary School Graduates of the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, introduced.

The reasons for the complex employment situation are multifaceted. "In the second half of 2022, it is the critical period for graduates of 2023 to find a job. Affected by the COVID-19, it is impossible to organize offline job fairs. Graduates' internships, job interviews, etc. are affected." Wu Ying, deputy director of the College Students Department of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, explained.

The complex employment situation, more uncertainty, and the record high number of employed individuals have transformed into invisible employment pressure in front of college graduates. Especially for students who have left school but have not yet found employment, a multiple-choice question that lies ahead of them is: whether to find a job and work first, or continue to wait and take a look.

In recent years, the number of college graduates who have left school but are not employed has been increasing year by year, which reflects the realistic attitudes and choices of college graduates in the current employment environment. The journalist's investigation found that there are many factors that lead to delayed employment of college graduates, including external and internal factors, but they are mainly influenced by the employment ability and willingness of college graduates.

The mismatch between supply and demand in the job market is one of the reasons for the gap in job seeking among highly educated graduates. At a special job fair for unemployed graduates in Beijing held in early July this year, fresh graduate Fu Tongsheng carefully studied the positions offered at the fair. He, who has a background in computer science, found that the recruitment positions provided on site are mainly aimed at software applicants.

"As the saying goes, every line is like a mountain. Recruiting companies certainly hope to recruit more 'plug and play' talents. I also hope to find a professional and 'cost-effective' position, but there is a contradiction between supply and demand. The current situation is' more monks than porridge ', and most of the posts we applied for online were lost to the sea." Fu Tongsheng said.

The mentality of not achieving high results but not achieving low results has also led some young employment groups to choose to wait and see for a period of time. Some graduates from non 985 and 211 universities admit that even if they take the postgraduate entrance exam or the civil service exam outside of work, they still face the situation of "crossing a single plank bridge with thousands of troops and horses". Job seeker Lv Bin has been looking for jobs since the Spring Festival this year. Although she doesn't want to pursue her studies in business administration, she hasn't figured out what to do. "The current job classification is very detailed, and in the severe employment situation, I am considering choosing a position with a slightly lower threshold." Her bottom line for job search is: to standardize and have development space.

"I haven't found a suitable job for almost a year, and in the eyes of companies, this period is a window of opportunity. Many times, when companies see this situation, they will ask me what I have done in the past year." Lv Bin admitted that being in a slow employment state can help me gain more understanding and recognition of the industry, but the duration of this state should not be too long, because the longer it drags on, the more internal friction it will cause to my psychological and mental state.

More than 11 million college graduates nationwide compete on the same stage. For novice graduates, it is not easy to face the fiercely competitive employment environment. During the interview, the reporter learned that some college graduates have clearly not yet separated from campus life, and are still in a "naive" state when it comes to job hunting.

"Do you need to look for a job in advance before you receive your graduation certificate?" A interviewee who participated in an offline job fair for the first time expressed her confusion to the reporter seriously. This student didn't have the energy to devote himself to job hunting until the end of May when he completed his graduation thesis. This may seem like a bit of a dilemma, but it also reflects some objective realities: either unable to participate in offline recruitment as scheduled due to the impact of the epidemic; Or busy with graduation design and thesis, missing the critical period of job seeking; Wait a minute. Due to various reasons, some college graduates have delayed their start of job seeking.

The development position is crucial

For college graduates who have left school but have not yet found employment, the most urgent thing at present is to find job positions that can match them. Seizing the critical period of graduation, taking multiple measures to expand employment opportunities, and creating more employment opportunities for graduates are important prerequisites for doing a good job in the employment of college graduates. This cannot be achieved without close cooperation from various parties such as the government, universities, the market, and individual students.

"To put it bluntly, developing job opportunities is crucial." Zhao Xiutao said, "Since the beginning of this year, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security has collaborated with the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Zhongguancun Management Committee of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and other departments to explore employment opportunities, ensuring stable growth of public sector positions and providing more employment opportunities for college graduates."

Taking Pinggu District of Beijing as an example, in accordance with the principle of "managing industries must manage employment, managing territories must manage employment, and managing production and operation must manage employment", this year for the first time, the employment responsibility of industry regulatory authorities has been strengthened. Pinggu District plans to collect 4000 employment positions from 29 industry regulatory departments, including Zhongguancun Pinggu Park Management Committee, District Development and Reform Commission, District State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and District Science and Information Bureau. Currently, more than 3800 positions have been collected, and it is expected to exceed the target by the end of the year.

Recently, the Employment Work Leading Group of Pinggu District in Beijing has taken the lead in issuing district level implementation documents, namely "Several Measures to Promote Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Pinggu District". It has proposed 20 specific measures from five aspects: developing youth entrepreneurship service platforms, encouraging youth entrepreneurship and employment, strengthening financial policy support, enhancing talent cultivation and guarantee, and stabilizing the healthy development of business entities, to stimulate the employment and entrepreneurship vitality of young people.

Zhang Dongmei, Deputy Director of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Pinggu District, Beijing, introduced that "in order to enhance the employment ability of young people to adapt to industrial development and meet job needs, and alleviate structural employment conflicts, member units of the Employment Work Leading Group provide targeted pre employment training and scarce job training for key areas such as agricultural technology innovation, smart logistics, and lifestyle services, and build a skilled talent team that is suitable and matched with the development of Pinggu District.".

The Beijing Municipal Education Commission has also taken the initiative to connect and develop positions with the organizations, human resources and social security departments, and state-owned assets departments of various provinces, cities, and districts at the prefecture level, providing talent support for local development. Data shows that there have been over 5600 job fairs held by universities in Beijing alone.

"This year, all school leaders have claimed the task of visiting enterprises and expanding job opportunities. The 'top leaders' have mobilized all staff to lead graduates to visit key enterprises, explore employment resources, and make the talent cultivation of the school more targeted, enhancing the enthusiasm of school enterprise cooperation." Liu Xiaojie, director of the Student Employment Guidance Center of Beijing University of Science and Technology, said that as of July this year, the school's "100 Enterprises and 1000 People · Visiting Enterprises and Expanding Job Opportunities Special Action" has visited more than 208 household units, expanding employment opportunities for graduates. During the summer vacation, the school also established high-quality employment internship bases such as Zhongtian Iron and Steel, Great Wall Motors, and Baowu Group to carry out summer teaching practices and strengthen guidance on the needs of key employment enterprises.

In addition to actively visiting key enterprises to recommend graduates, various universities in Beijing also create employment opportunities for graduates by holding job fairs. For example, Beijing Jianzhu University actively builds a "zero distance" employment information service platform, ensuring that large-scale comprehensive double selection meetings are held every month, medium-sized professional double selection meetings are jointly held every half month, and key enterprise special job fairs are held every week to build a broad platform for high-quality employment of graduates.

There are also some flexible policies that silently protect the employment of young people. Since the beginning of this year, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security has successively issued policies such as "Several Measures to Optimize, Adjust and Stabilize Employment Policies, Fully Promote the Development of Benefiting Students" and "Notice on Launching the 2023 Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Promotion Plan for College Graduates and Other Youth". At present, Beijing provides one-time job and entrepreneurship subsidies and flexible employment social security subsidies for graduates, helping them reduce their job search burden and encouraging them to actively seek employment; There are social security subsidies and employment internship subsidies for enterprises; We will soon introduce one-time job expansion subsidies and one-time employment subsidies to encourage enterprises to hire college graduates by reducing labor costs.

Wang Yanhua, head of Beijing Fule Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., said that the company has enjoyed about 1.1 million yuan of employment subsidies in recent years, fully enjoying preferential policies at the urban level, which provides support for enterprises to expand graduate introduction channels, innovate graduate introduction methods, and recruit more excellent talents.

"In recent years, we have introduced 12 non Beijing graduates who have grown rapidly and have held important positions such as R&D designers, mechanical designers, and process engineers in the company, becoming the backbone of the R&D center. We will pay more attention to improving the quality and ability of graduates, providing a comfortable and harmonious working environment for the introduced graduates, caring for, cultivating, and helping them, so that they can quickly change their roles and integrate into the social group." Wang Yanhua said.

Jointly expanding employment channels

Chen Jiaxing, a 2022 graduate student from a certain university in Beijing, missed the opportunity and missed out on slow employment. Thanks to the "Three Supports and One Assistance" policy in Beijing, Chen Jiaxing chose to become the rural revitalization coordinator of Pinggu Town, Pinggu District, Beijing last year. The job responsibilities are to assist and cooperate with the rural revitalization work of Beitaitou Village and Hepingjie Village in the town. Over the past year, he has participated in the construction and development of Dr. Beitaitou Farm, the establishment of Pinggu Town Science and Technology Academy, and the exploration of agricultural research, and has gained a sense of achievement in practice.

Before the establishment of the Doctor's Farm, the 200 acre land in Beitaitou Village only earned 150000 yuan through low land leasing fees. After the establishment of the Doctor's Farm, one year of farm operation and two crop sales of corn products increased the revenue from 150000 yuan to 900000 yuan, achieving a qualitative leap. With the help of Chen Jiaxing, local villagers attach more importance to brand marketing of agricultural products and expand sales channels through emerging marketing methods such as live streaming sales and short videos.

"Before starting work, I never imagined that my major would have such a matching application scenario. I am fortunate to have such a job opportunity, which has given me the opportunity to apply what I have learned to engage in rural revitalization practices in my hometown. In the future, I will continue to deepen my work in rural revitalization, transforming my youthful advantages of daring to take risks and try into solid practices to serve the rural revitalization of my hometown," said Chen Jiaxing.

"Structural contradictions are an old problem. Objectively speaking, it is a problem of supply and demand matching, while subjectively speaking, it is a problem of matching disciplinary and professional training with market demand." Zhao Xiutao said that in response to these problems, the human resources department has extended services to schools in advance, moved employment guidance services to schools, and organized experienced human resources personnel and career mentors to help students understand the market and demand. Considering that some majors have a large number of students, government departments have organized targeted development of positions for regional enterprises to increase the match between personnel and positions. The purpose of doing so is also to hope that students can develop reasonable career plans and adjust their job search intentions in a timely manner.

To guide graduates to work at the grassroots level and make achievements in areas where the motherland needs them. Starting from 2019, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, in conjunction with education, agriculture and rural departments, launched the recruitment of rural revitalization coordinators. Over the past four years, more than 1500 aspiring young people have enriched themselves at the grassroots level in the capital. Their presence can be seen everywhere in the construction of grassroots party organizations, handling complaints immediately, developing characteristic industries, and building beautiful rural areas. This year, Beijing has recruited 494 rural revitalization coordinators for graduates from Beijing based universities.

During the interview, many unemployed graduates expressed confusion and confusion, carefully considering the trial and error costs and development prospects of each job. For government departments, providing one-on-one services is essential.

Zhao Xiutao stated that real name services will be provided to unemployed graduates who have left school, and "one-on-one" job recommendations and guidance will be provided based on their professional characteristics and employment intentions to ensure that graduates are fully employed. For graduates from disadvantaged families, we will implement detailed and practical "1131" assistance measures to ensure 100% assistance to graduates from disadvantaged families who have employment intentions.

"One of the core tasks we are working on is microgrid services. Each village and town has 10 to 20 grid workers who need to accurately connect with every unemployed graduate who has left school. We have established a very detailed grid data-driven basic ledger." Han Xiaowei, Deputy Director of the Pinggu District Human Resources Public Service Center in Beijing, said that employment assistance measures vary for different types of unemployed youth who have left school.

For example, when dealing with job seekers who are struggling, the key is to strengthen employment care and improve their employability, constantly encourage them to adjust their job seeking status, dare to face difficulties in the job seeking process, and help them successfully find employment as soon as possible. For job seekers who are still waiting, the key is to strengthen education on employment ideology, guide them to examine their professional role positioning, adjust their employment mentality, and determine employment goals as soon as possible. For the employment difficulties caused by the combination of family economic difficulties, social difficulties, and other reasons, we will focus on strengthening employment policy assistance and diversified support guarantees, formulate a "one person, one policy" assistance plan, and wholeheartedly provide employment guidance and assistance for the disadvantaged student group.

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