Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:28 PM

High precision and cutting-edge technological achievements are showcased, and the colorful Science Popularization Carnival is underway... On September 17th, China will welcome the 20th National Science Popularization Day event.

Make scientific and cultural soft power stronger! Since the launch of the National Science Popularization Day in 2004, the concept of respecting creativity and advocating science has deeply rooted in people's hearts. The latest data shows that the modern science and technology museum system has served over 1 billion offline public, and the proportion of citizens with scientific literacy has reached 12.93%.

Moving towards the forefront of innovative countries, the proportion of Chinese citizens possessing scientific literacy has reached 12.93%

"Since ancient times, when looking up at the stars, people have been pondering a question: what is the universe? Where does it come from and where does it go?"

On September 2, Wu Xiangping, an academician of the CAS Member, led the public to experience a journey of space exploration at the first report meeting of "One Thousand Academicians · One Thousand Science Popularization" of the "Science and China" academician and expert tour.

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

Over the past 20 years, more than 2000 science popularization activities have been carried out, and the "Science and China" academician expert lecture tour has become a microcosm of the vigorous development of China's science popularization cause.

Currently, the popularization of science and technological innovation are closely linked as never before, and the level of science popularization development to a certain extent determines a country's scientific and technological level and national creativity.

Viewers visited physical exhibits such as the Chang'e-5 spacecraft at an exhibition held in Hefei, Anhui Province, with the theme of "China's Aerospace Exploration Towards the World". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Bohan

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's scientific and technological undertakings have achieved historic achievements and undergone historic changes, such as the Shenzhou Flying into the Sky, the Beidou Network, the Chang'e Lunar Exploration, and the Tianwen Fire Exploration... However, the overall level of scientific literacy among citizens is relatively low, and the problem of imbalanced and insufficient development still exists.

Only when the foundation of citizens' scientific literacy is firmly established can the building of science and technology be built high. In today's China, the popularization of science has become the key to promoting the improvement of the scientific literacy of the entire population, enhancing the country's independent innovation ability, and cultural soft power.

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

On May 30, 2016, the "Three Sessions of Science and Technology" sounded the horn for China to build a world science and technology powerhouse.

"Curiosity is human nature, and the guidance and cultivation of scientific interest should start from childhood." "We should create an environment in the whole society that respects labor, knowledge, talent, and creativity." "We should strengthen the construction of national science popularization capacity and deeply implement the action of improving the scientific literacy of the whole population."

Children will experience the simulated driving platform of the Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed train at the National Convention Center Exhibition Hall of the 2022 China International Trade in Services Fair. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chao

A guiding document for strengthening science popularization work in the new era has been issued, including the Outline of the Action Plan for National Science Literacy, the 14th Five Year Plan for National Science and Technology Popularization Development, and the Opinions on Further Strengthening Science and Technology Popularization Work in the New Era. The Science and Technology Popularization Law has been revised, and a four level organizational and implementation system at the national, provincial, municipal, and county levels has been established to provide strong guidance and support for the development of science popularization.

At the Spring Cultural, Scientific and Technological Health "Three Down to the Countryside" Service Activity held in Changhua Town, Lin'an District, Hangzhou, party members and volunteers from the "Three Services" team of the Lin'an District Science and Technology Association presented science popularization books to the local people. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yu

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

More than 400000 events have been held on National Science Popularization Day, and the "Three Down to the Countryside Activities of Culture, Technology, and Health" have continued to be carried out. The mechanism for science popularization in industries such as health science popularization is becoming increasingly perfect, forming a vivid situation of innovation and upgrading in science popularization work.

"The Arabidopsis of the experimental group has bloomed... We look forward to our 'Little South' and the 'Little South' on the space station completing the 'from seed to seed' experiment as soon as possible!"

On October 12, 2022, Mei Ziyan, a Bai ethnic student from Dali Experimental Primary School in Yunnan Province, discussed the growth of Arabidopsis, a plant grown synchronously by heaven and earth, with an astronaut teacher performing a mission on the space station through the Tiangong Classroom.

In the main ground classroom located at the China Science and Technology Museum, students listen to lectures in the second lesson of the "Tiangong Classroom". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Fang

From the main space classroom in Beijing to the sub classroom in Guangxi, Sichuan and Xizang, "the same class", the immersive popular science experience makes children's space dream no longer distant.

Researchers are known as the "first movers" in science popularization. A group of professional and credible science popularization "internet celebrities" have collectively become popular, confirming the continuous heating up of science popularization fever——

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

Wang Pinxian, an academician of the CAS Member, introduced deep sea knowledge at the "Deep Sea Garden" exhibition held in Shanghai Natural History Museum. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Jiansong

Academician Wang Pinxian, an octogenarian, has been urged by netizens to update his video on ocean knowledge. Retired professor Wu Yuren has become the "scientific grandmother" of millions of netizens through popular science short videos. Dai Wei, a specially appointed professor at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, has attracted countless fans for his chemistry experiments... The social atmosphere of respecting and advocating science has become increasingly strong.

The results of the 12th sampling survey on scientific literacy among Chinese citizens show that in 2022, the proportion of Chinese citizens possessing scientific literacy reached 12.93%, an increase of 9.66 percentage points from 2010. The continuous and rapid improvement of the scientific literacy level of citizens has laid a solid human resource foundation for China to move towards the forefront of an innovative country.

Su Hongru, a doctor from the Tooth Disease Prevention and Treatment Institute of Xuhui District, Xizang, taught children about dental health care in Puma Jiangtang Township, Langka County. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Rufeng

Ignite scientific enthusiasm and promote high-quality science popularization to benefit the whole population

In the era of knowledge economy, a country's innovation level is increasingly dependent on the general improvement of the scientific literacy of the entire population. The level of science popularization in a country is increasingly affecting its creativity and soft power.

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

Up close viewing of precious objects such as lunar soil and the return capsule of Chang'e-5, immersive experience of driving the Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway at "chasing the wind speed", and competing with artificial intelligence models to "recite poetry and paint"... This year's National Science Popularization Day home event has landed in Shougang Park, Beijing, and the heavy industry site is shining with a unique "hardcore" sense of technology.

The theme activities such as "Science and Technology War Epidemic" and "Science and Technology Winter Olympics", combined with social hotspots and major achievements, will create a high-quality science popularization feast. A number of large scientific installations and innovation bases such as "China's Eye" will be open for visits. The continuously optimized supply of science popularization will promote cutting-edge technology and major achievements to be more known, tangible, and accessible, igniting public enthusiasm for science.

People are visiting the "Chinese Eye" model in Pingtang County, Guizhou Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Luo Fei

It needs to be both sophisticated and grounded. Realize the sinking of high-quality science popularization resources to the grassroots level, and strive to promote science popularization without falling behind.

In September, on the Pamir Plateau, the mountains set off against the blue sky. On the playground of urban and rural boarding primary schools in Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang, children's cries of surprise and laughter echoed.

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

Dozens of science popularization exhibits were brought in by science popularization vans one by one. Some students crowded around interactive exhibits to experience them, while others tilted their necks in the mobile screen cinema, staring intently. The seed of science quietly takes root and sprouts at this moment.

Moving science popularization exhibitions and classrooms to schools, communities, factories, and villages in remote and underdeveloped areas, the mobile science popularization spans mountains and rivers, walking non-stop——

Mobile Science and Technology Museum Tour 5909 stations, delivering high-quality scientific education resources to 1888 county-level administrative regions in 29 provinces across the country; 1764 science popularization vans have traveled nearly 55 million kilometers, forming a science popularization service network covering rural areas... to meet the growing scientific and cultural needs of the masses and effectively promote science popularization and inclusiveness.

At the "Technology Caravan" campus event held at Huaxia Experimental School in Changsha, Hunan, students interacted with robotic dogs. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuge

Zhejiang and Hunan organized academicians and experts to come to the campus and meet with students from the county, while Shanxi and Inner Mongolia brought colorful scientific and educational activities to rural youth. Henan and Shaanxi's science and technology volunteer service teams "showed farmers and led them to work"... The tentacles of science popularization services continue to extend to the grassroots, becoming a "bridge" to bridge the gap in scientific and educational resources, and a "golden key" to help rural revitalization and economic and social development.

Advanced technological achievements can only be understood and accepted by the public through scientific popularization, thereby promoting social development and improving people's lives. The deepening of scientific popularization can also deepen the scientific spirit and innovative culture in people's hearts.

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

How to deal with the digital wave in the new era of popular science communication? The Opinion on Further Strengthening the Popularization of Science and Technology in the New Era proposes to fully utilize information technology, deepen the development of science popularization informatization, and vigorously develop online science popularization.

Enable the public to understand and fall in love with science through communication experiences. The Science Popularization China Platform, sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology, has released 29600 original science popularization videos and 232200 science popularization images and texts, gradually becoming an authoritative science communication brand and an important science popularization resource library in China.

Promote technological innovation with high-quality scientific popularization! The latest data shows that in 2021, the national science popularization budget exceeded 18.9 billion yuan, and various institutions organized nearly 1.2 million offline science popularization lectures, exhibitions, and competitions, attracting 4.3 billion participants; As of now, the modern science and technology museum system has served over 1 billion offline public visits.

Building a new ecosystem for science popularization and unleashing the surging momentum of technological innovation

On the new journey of Chinese path to modernization, China has accelerated the establishment of the concept of broad science popularization, promoted the integration of science popularization into all aspects of economic and social development, built a socialized and coordinated science popularization ecology in the new era, and served the all-round development of people.

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

Stimulating scientific interest starts from childhood, enabling more young people to have scientific dreams and establish innovative aspirations——

In December 2016, a science popularization small satellite developed by children from Beijing Bayi School was launched and accurately put into orbit.

The General Secretary replied with a reminder to them: "Maintain a thirst for knowledge, maintain an interest in exploration, cultivate a scientific spirit, study hard, and practice hard.".

The science popularization small satellite seems to be the "star" that inspires scientific dreams. In recent years, a group of students from Bayi School have stepped out of the school gate and steadfastly advanced on the path of scientific research; The school takes the lead in establishing the Aerospace Science and Technology Education Alliance, radiating and driving the development of aerospace science and technology education in primary and secondary schools across the country.

Technology competition ultimately boils down to talent competition. Only by forming a plateau for the comprehensive improvement of young people's scientific literacy can we achieve the "Mount Everest" of future technological innovation and development.

The China Association for Science and Technology and other departments are deeply promoting the action of improving the scientific literacy of young people, advocating heuristic, exploratory, and open teaching; Promote the effective connection of science education resources both inside and outside the school; Intensify the training of science teachers and enable young people with scientific potential to grow together.

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

Strengthening the first resource support and driving more scientific and technological workers to engage in the science popularization industry——

80% of the students in the school are left behind children. How can science classes open a "window of science" for the children in the mountains? Zhang Jiantao, a teacher at the First Primary School in Zhangguangmiao Town, Gushi County, Henan Province, conducted a novel experimental class using trash cans as drones and mineral water bottles as "water rockets", which ignited this rural primary school in the Dabie Mountains.

Faced with curious and eager eyes, Zhang Jiantao took the initiative to switch from a mathematics teacher to a full-time science teacher. He also led his classmates to make small inventions and participate in science and technology innovation competitions, winning over 50 certificates and trophies.

More than 1.8 million science popularization professionals, including science popularization teachers rooted in rural areas, science popularization internet celebrities with millions of fans, and science and technology special envoys and volunteers who carry out science popularization activities on the front line, have illuminated the vast China with science.

At the State Key Laboratory of Superconductivity, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, volunteers are spreading superconducting knowledge to visitors. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liwang

In order to encourage more people to engage in the science popularization industry, China is accelerating the exploration and improvement of the mechanism for cultivating science popularization talents, carrying out pilot evaluations of science popularization professional titles, establishing science education related majors, and setting up science popularization awards. A series of policy measures are being implemented at an accelerated pace.

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

From knowledge popularization to value guidance, vigorously promoting the spirit of science and scientists——

"I entered the University of Science and Technology of China in 1958 and learned to build rockets with Qian Xuesen." On the first day of school, Zhang Deliang, a researcher from the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, opened the "first lesson" for the students of Chaoyang Experimental Primary School in Beijing, taking them closer to Qian Xuesen's extraordinary life.

Building a solid foundation, 287 scientist spirit education bases have covered 31 provinces, regions, cities, and the Macao Special Administrative Region; Integration and co construction, continuous issuance of commemorative stamps for scientists, and widely acclaimed literary and artistic works such as scientist spirit films and plays; Enriching means, various regions organize characteristic activities such as scientists entering campuses to cultivate an innovative ecosystem with spiritual strength.

In the rice field of Fengshan Village, Shinan Town, Xingye County, Guangxi, a technology envoy is inspecting the quality of late rice. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cao Yiming

Thick planting of scientific soil, consolidating the foundation of innovation.

The Opinion on Further Strengthening the Popularization of Science and Technology in the New Era proposes that by 2025, the proportion of citizens with scientific literacy will exceed 15%, and by 2035, it will reach 25%.

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

The person in charge of the China Association for Science and Technology stated that in the future, we will accelerate the promotion of fairness and precision in science popularization services around young people, farmers, industrial workers, the elderly, and other groups of people; Vigorously promote the spirit of science and cultivate rational thinking; Play a greater role in serving the improvement of lifelong learning system and building a learning oriented society

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