State Administration of China: 12 "Prohibitions" for Official Vehicles of Public Institutions Affiliated to Central State Organs

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:12 PM

On September 14th, Xinhua News Agency reported in Beijing that according to the State Administration of State Organs, in order to standardize and strengthen the management of official vehicles for public institutions affiliated with central state organs, and consolidate the achievements of the reform of the official vehicle system, the State Administration recently issued the "Management Measures for Official Vehicles for Public Institutions Affiliated with Central State Organs", which will come into effect on October 1, 2023.

The method clarifies that the management of official vehicles in public institutions should follow the principles of total amount control, economic applicability, energy conservation and environmental protection, and standardization and efficiency. Official travel should adhere to the direction of socialization and marketization, emphasizing the implementation of the requirement of adhering to diligence and frugality in all aspects of official vehicle management throughout the entire process and every link, in order to save and efficiently ensure the needs of public services and public welfare undertakings.

The method adheres to the principles of unified system and hierarchical management, highlights the requirements of strict and standardized management, and regulates the entire process of controlling the number of official vehicles, equipment standards, equipment update procedures, use and disposal management, supervision and inspection, etc. It emphasizes the need to strengthen the management of special matters such as off-road vehicles and rental vehicles, and clarifies the 12 "no's" management requirements that prohibit the use of vehicles in any form beyond the quantity.

Focusing on the industry characteristics and business needs of public institutions, the Measures have made detailed regulations on the priority allocation and use of new energy vehicles in public institutions, strengthened management requirements such as the revitalization and utilization of existing assets, identification and informatization, and required administrative authorities with prominent industry characteristics to formulate and improve relevant supporting systems in accordance with relevant national regulations and these Measures, combined with actual situations.

The reporter learned that after the issuance of this measure, the central government agencies have basically formed a management system for official vehicles, led by the "Management Measures for Official Vehicles of Party and Government Organs" and supported by the "Management Measures for Official Vehicles of Dispatched Institutions of Vertical Management Institutions of Central State Organs" and the "Management Measures for Official Vehicles of Public Institutions of Central State Organs". In terms of institutional construction, it has achieved full coverage of official vehicle management for central state organs and their affiliated administrative units at all levels and various types of public institutions.

Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Issuing the Management Measures for Official Vehicles of Public Institutions Affiliated to Central State Organs

Guo Guan Zi [2023] No. 221

Central government departments and units:

Since the issuance of the Notice of the Central Leading Group for the Reform of the Official Vehicle System in 2015, various departments and units of the central government have solidly promoted the reform of the official vehicle system in their affiliated public institutions, strengthened the management of official vehicles, and achieved certain results. However, in recent years, it has also been found in audits of state-owned assets supervision, budget execution, and other fiscal revenues and expenditures by the National People's Congress that there are weak links in the management of official vehicles in some public institutions, and violations have occurred from time to time. In order to standardize and strengthen the management of official vehicles for public institutions affiliated with central state organs, consolidate the achievements of the reform of the official vehicle system, and improve the long-term mechanism for rectification of problems found in the supervision and audit of state-owned assets by the National People's Congress, in accordance with relevant provisions such as the "Management Measures for Official Vehicles of Party and Government Organs" and the "Regulations on the Management of Administrative and Commercial State owned Assets", we have formulated the "Management Measures for Official Vehicles of Public Institutions Affiliated with Central State Organs", which are now issued to you for implementation. Please report important issues related to the execution to our bureau in a timely manner.

State Administration for Government Affairs

September 12, 2023

Administrative Measures for Official Vehicles of Public Institutions Affiliated to Central State Organs

Article 1: In order to standardize and strengthen the management of official vehicles for public institutions affiliated with central state organs, consolidate the achievements of the reform of the official vehicle system, and improve the long-term mechanism for rectification of problems found in the supervision and audit of state-owned assets by the National People's Congress, this method is formulated in accordance with relevant provisions such as the "Measures for the Management of Official Vehicles for Party and Government Organs", the "Regulations on the Management of Administrative State owned Assets", and the "Notice of the Leading Group for the Reform of the Central Official Vehicle System".

Article 2: These Measures apply to the management of official vehicles used by various types of public institutions affiliated with central state organs.

Article 3: The term "official vehicles" as used in these Measures refers to motor vehicles that have been approved and retained by central government agencies and institutions in accordance with relevant regulations on the reform of the official vehicle system, including work vehicles used for confidential communication, emergency and other official purposes, business vehicles, special professional technical vehicles, and other vehicles equipped according to regulations.

Article 4: The management of official vehicles by public institutions shall follow the principles of total amount control, economic applicability, energy conservation and environmental protection, and standardization and efficiency.

Article 5: Public institutions shall implement a unified system and hierarchical management for official vehicles. The State Administration for Government Affairs is responsible for formulating regulations and measures for the management of official vehicles used by public institutions, and for organizing, implementing, and supervising inspections.

The administrative department in charge is responsible for the supervision and management of official vehicles used by its affiliated public institutions, organizing the implementation of relevant management systems, and reviewing and approving matters related to official vehicles used by public institutions within the prescribed authority.

Public institutions shall specifically implement the management of official vehicles in their own units, and carry out vehicle updates, registration, daily use, disposal, and other work in accordance with regulations.

Administrative authorities and public institutions should clarify the management organization and personnel for official vehicles, implement management responsibilities, and continuously standardize and strengthen the management of official vehicles.

Article 6: Public institutions shall adhere to the direction of socialization and marketization for official travel, implement the requirements of diligence and frugality in all undertakings throughout the entire process and every link of official vehicle management, strictly equip, intensively use, and standardize the disposal of official vehicles, and save and efficiently ensure the needs of public services and public welfare undertakings.

Article 7: Public institutions shall strictly equip vehicles within the approved control number of official vehicles retained in the reform of the official vehicle system, and shall not provide vehicles in any form that exceeds the quantity.

Article 8: If a public institution needs to increase or adjust the control number of official vehicles due to the establishment or change of institutions, increase of personnel, adjustment of work responsibilities, etc., the necessity shall be fully demonstrated, and the administrative department shall coordinate and solve the problem within the total control number of the affiliated public institution, and report to the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Ministry of Finance for filing.

If it is necessary to clarify the control number of official vehicles for the establishment of a new public institution and it is difficult to adjust and solve it, the public institution shall submit an application in accordance with the relevant policies and regulations of the reform of the official vehicle system. The administrative department shall, based on the "three fixed" regulations of the public institution, refer to the situation of other public institutions of the same level, type, and scale, and report to the State Administration and the Ministry of Finance for record.

If a public institution reduces the control of official vehicles due to reasons such as institutional revocation or change, personnel reduction, or job responsibility adjustment, the administrative department in charge shall reduce it in accordance with regulations and report it to the State Administration for Market Regulation or the Ministry of Finance for record.

Article 9: Public institutions shall strictly implement the following standards for the allocation of official vehicles:

A work vehicle used for confidential communication is equipped with a sedan or other small passenger car with a price of less than 120000 yuan and a displacement of less than 1.6 liters.

Business vehicles and work vehicles used for emergency and other official purposes, as well as other vehicles equipped according to regulations, shall be equipped with sedans or other small passenger cars with a price of no more than 180000 yuan and a displacement of no more than 1.8 liters.

Due to special circumstances, other small and medium-sized buses with a price of less than 250000 yuan and a displacement of less than 3.0 liters, or large buses with a price of less than 450000 yuan, may be equipped appropriately.

The standards for equipping special professional and technical vehicles shall be determined by the administrative department in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the needs of safeguarding work and the principle of strict economy, and shall be reported to the State Administration for the record.

For official vehicles equipped with new energy sedans, the price shall not exceed 180000 yuan.

The above-mentioned small buses, medium-sized buses, large buses, etc. are defined according to the Public Safety Industry Standard GA802-2019 "Types of Motor Vehicles for Road Traffic Management" of the People's Republic of China.

Article 10: Public institutions shall equip and use domestically produced vehicles, give priority to the use of new energy vehicles, and gradually expand the proportion of new energy vehicles in accordance with regulations.

In principle, new energy vehicles should be equipped for work vehicles used for confidential communication, as well as business vehicles mainly used in urban areas with relatively single usage scenarios.

Article 11: The updating of official vehicles in public institutions shall be subject to annual planning management. Public institutions should prepare an annual update plan for official vehicles based on work needs, existing vehicle conditions, control numbers, and equipment standards. The plan should specify the number of updates for new energy vehicles. The administrative department in charge shall strictly review the rationality and compliance of the vehicle replacement needs of its affiliated public institutions, prioritize resolving them through internal system adjustments, and ensure that the overall proportion of new energy vehicles equipped with replacement vehicles meets the prescribed requirements in the current year.

The annual update plan for official vehicle allocation in public institutions shall be included in the general asset allocation plan of central administrative institutions, and shall be reviewed and approved by the competent administrative department before being submitted to the State Administration for filing.

Article 12: Public institutions shall strictly implement the annual updating plan for official vehicles, and implement vehicle procurement in accordance with the principle of "disposing of one vehicle, updating one vehicle" and relevant government procurement regulations.

The update of official vehicle allocation for public institutions in Beijing shall be reviewed by the administrative department and submitted to the State Administration for approval. The specific procedures and requirements shall be implemented in accordance with the "Management Measures for Official Vehicle Indicators of Central and State Organs in Beijing".

The approval authority for updating official vehicle equipment for public institutions outside Beijing shall be determined by the administrative department in charge and reported to the State Administration for record.

If it is necessary to equip official vehicles or domestic off-road vehicles beyond the prescribed standards due to special geographical environments, work nature needs, etc., the necessity shall be fully demonstrated and the approval procedures shall be strictly followed. Off road vehicles shall not be used as fixed vehicles by leading cadres.

Article 13: When public institutions accept vehicle donations, they shall comply with laws and regulations such as the Public Welfare Donation Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on the Management of State owned Assets for Administrative Purposes. They shall not exceed the control number of official vehicles and shall not use them as fixed vehicles for leading cadres.

Article 14: Except for special work vehicles with confidentiality requirements related to national security, the registered owner of official vehicles shall be the legal representative of the public institution and shall not register official vehicles under the name of the administrative department, other units, enterprises or individuals.

If there is a change in the ownership of vehicles in public institutions in Beijing, they shall promptly handle the transfer registration and other procedures in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Management Measures for Official Vehicle Indicators of Central and State Organs in Beijing".

Article 15 Public institutions shall implement centralized management and unified scheduling of official vehicles. Public institutions should strictly implement the registration and disclosure of information on the use of official vehicles, as well as relevant regulations on refueling, maintenance, and insurance government procurement. They should improve the system for calculating operating costs and annual performance evaluation of individual vehicles, improve the efficiency of vehicle use, and avoid idle waste.

Public institutions should strengthen the management of the use of official vehicles, strictly use official vehicles in accordance with regulations, and seal and stop driving during holidays except for work needs. It is strictly prohibited to use public cars for personal purposes or maintain private cars for public use. It is not allowed to receive official transportation subsidies, use official vehicles in violation of regulations, or reimburse official transportation expenses.

Public institutions should reduce the use of official vehicles for long-distance travel, and staff should use public transportation when traveling to other places for official purposes, except in special circumstances.

Public institutions shall not use, borrow, or occupy vehicles of subordinate units or other units and individuals, shall not provide or equip vehicles to administrative authorities or individuals, and shall not misappropriate or fix official vehicles such as business vehicles and special professional technical vehicles for personal use.

Article 16 Special professional technical vehicles must be equipped with fixed equipment for a long period of time and implement identification management. They must be painted or installed with national industry unified regulations in prominent positions on the vehicle body.

Article 17: The State Administration is responsible for the unified construction of a management information system for official vehicles in public institutions. The administrative department in charge shall organize its affiliated public institutions to incorporate official vehicles into the information system as required, gradually achieving full process information management.

Article 18: Official vehicles with a service life exceeding 8 years may be renewed; If it can still be used after reaching the renewal period, it should continue to be used. If it is necessary to update in advance due to safety or other reasons, an evaluation opinion should be issued by a third-party professional organization and submitted to the administrative department for approval.

The approval authority for the disposal of official vehicles in public institutions shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations on the disposal and management of state-owned assets in central administrative institutions. Public institutions shall dispose of vehicles in a timely manner through the central administrative institution's state-owned asset disposal platform in accordance with relevant documents such as disposal approval. Except for classified vehicles, they shall be made public in accordance with regulations. Vehicles of units outside Beijing can be disposed of by the vehicle disposal agency determined by the local official vehicle management department according to procedures.

Article 19: Public institutions shall strictly control and strictly approve the rental of vehicles. Except for special circumstances where schools, hospitals, and other units are used to ensure daily commuting needs between campuses, the principle is to implement "one thing, one rental" and not sign fixed term car rental contracts. The approval authority for renting vehicles by public institutions shall be determined by the administrative department in charge and reported to the State Administration for filing.

Public institutions are not allowed to rent vehicles that exceed the control number and prescribed standards, or are fixed for personal use. In principle, they are not allowed to rent similar vehicles when existing vehicles are idle.

Article 20: Public institutions shall compile and submit statistical reports on official vehicles in accordance with the requirements, truthfully, comprehensively, and accurately reflecting the relevant information on the allocation, use, disposal, and management of official vehicles. The reports shall be reviewed and summarized by the competent administrative department and submitted to the State Administration for Market Regulation.

Article 21: The State Administration shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of the management of official vehicles by administrative departments and public institutions, with a focus on supervising and inspecting the control number and equipment updates of official vehicles approved by administrative departments for public institutions.

The administrative department in charge should strengthen the supervision and inspection of the updating, use, and disposal of official vehicles in its affiliated public institutions, assist the disciplinary inspection and supervision, finance, audit, and government affairs management departments in carrying out supervision and inspection work, and timely discover and correct problems in the management of official vehicles.

Public institutions should include updates, usage, disposal, and budget execution of official vehicles in their internal audit scope, and actively accept supervision.

Article 22: Administrative authorities with prominent characteristics in the management of official vehicles in public institutions shall, in accordance with relevant national regulations and these Measures, formulate and improve relevant supporting systems in combination with actual situations, and report to the State Administration for the record.

Article 23: The organs of the National People's Congress, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the central institutions of various democratic parties, as well as the vertical management institutions and dispatched institutions of the central state organs, shall be managed in accordance with these Measures.

The management of official vehicles in public institutions managed in accordance with the Civil Servant Law shall be governed by the Measures for the Management of Official Vehicles in Party and Government Organs.

The official vehicles of public institutions that implement vertical management shall be managed by the administrative competent department in accordance with the Management Measures for Official Vehicles of Dispatched Agencies of Central State Organs.

The official vehicles of public institutions that implement corporate financial and accounting systems shall be managed by the administrative department in accordance with the relevant provisions of the reform of the official vehicle system.

The management of official vehicles for ministerial level cadres in public institutions shall be carried out in accordance with relevant central regulations.

Article 24: These Measures shall be interpreted by the State Administration.

Article 25: These measures shall come into effect on October 1, 2023.

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