Theoretical Roundtable Conference: Focusing on Promoting High Quality Development of Internet Information Industry

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:12 PM

Collect theoretical ideas and gather everyone's words. The "Theoretical Roundtable" column closely follows theoretical hotspots and pays attention to theoretical dynamics.

Theme of this issue: Currently, a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening, and informatization is rapidly advancing.

Strengthening the Party's Comprehensive Leadership over Cyberspace Work

Adhere to the Party's management of the Internet and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the Internet information work. The Party, government, military, and civil education, in all directions, the Party leads everything. We should take a clear and unswerving stand to adhere to the Party's management of the Internet, strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Party on the work of online information, and ensure that the online information industry is always moving in the right direction. Party committees at all levels should strengthen organizational leadership, enhance overall coordination, and ensure that the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee on online information work are implemented effectively; All levels of internet and information departments should be loyal to the Party and the people, have the courage to take on responsibilities, be good at exploring and innovating, dare to fight and shine the sword, be willing to work hard and contribute, and provide strong guarantees for promoting the high-quality development of the internet and information industry. [Detailed]

Practice the development concept of putting the people at the center

Hu Min, a researcher at the Central Party School, believes that building a strong online country is the essence and important symbol of a modern country. It is necessary to practice the development concept of putting the people at the center, use network technology to serve the people, use network platforms to benefit the people, use network communication to concentrate people's intelligence, use network democracy to enhance public governance capabilities, and use network media to closely connect the Party and the people's flesh and blood.

First, it is necessary to deeply grasp the development frontier of Internet technology and the development trend of industrial transformation. The core of building a strong cyber nation and a digital China lies in the innovative development and widespread application of network technology. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes the deepening implementation of the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, strengthening the country through talent, and driving development through innovation, opening up new fields and tracks for development, and continuously shaping new driving forces and advantages for development. Without thoroughly addressing the various institutional and ideological barriers that constrain technological and talent productivity, we cannot lead the world in building a strong cyber nation. The most important thing here is to play the leading role of talents, respect knowledge, respect talents, respect ideas, and respect creativity, which endows "putting the people at the center" with a more substantial ideological connotation.

Secondly, it is necessary to deeply grasp the law of Internet technology application. In the field of industrial development, it is necessary to increase efforts to promote the deep integration of new generation information technology, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other new technological growth engines with traditional manufacturing, traditional service industries, and traditional technological facilities, greatly liberating and developing productivity, and reshaping new driving forces and advantages for development; In the fields of knowledge dissemination, ideological and public opinion, and cultural revitalization, it is necessary to firmly adhere to the correct political direction, public opinion orientation, and value orientation, adhere to the mobile priority strategy, build mainstream media mobile communication platforms, firmly grasp the communication high ground of public opinion guidance, ideological guidance, cultural inheritance, and serving the people, promote cultural confidence and self-improvement, build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership, and work together to create a new brilliance of socialist culture.

Third, we should have a deep understanding of the basic laws of the Party's mass line under the new trend of Internet development in the new stage of modernization. The new Internet era provides a broad, convenient and fair channel for developing people's democracy throughout the process, expanding people's orderly political participation, ensuring people's democratic election, democratic consultation, democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic supervision in accordance with the law, and has a more popular and inclusive mass base and institutional mechanism than ever before to improve the depth of consultation and interaction, full expression of opinions, and broad consensus building of the whole society. At the same time, the Party maintains close ties with the people, consciously accepts criticism and self-criticism from the people, and has a more smooth communication platform than ever before. The fundamental question here is whether party members and cadres at all levels truly have the people in their hearts, whether they can actively stand firm in the people's position, grasp their wishes, respect their creativity, and concentrate their wisdom. [Detailed]

Building the Foundation of Rule of Law for Building a Strong Cyber Country

Li Guang, from the Party School of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, believes that in the new era and new journey, we must put the strengthening of the rule of law in cyberspace in an important position, give full play to the important role of the rule of law in consolidating the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and benefiting the long-term, so that the Internet, the largest variable, becomes the largest increment of career development.

Adhere to the rule of law to govern the internet and build a solid foundation for the governance of cyberspace. Strengthening cyberspace governance according to law is an important guarantee for the healthy development of the Internet cause. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), our party has insisted on governing the Internet according to law as a basic means. The construction of the rule of law in cyberspace has been promoted rapidly. The laws and regulations related to the construction and management of Internet content have been gradually improved, which has clarified the legal basis for strengthening network governance and provided a system criterion for creating a clear cyberspace. Next, it is necessary to further accelerate the process of legalizing cyberspace, improve network laws and regulations, strengthen the deterrence of network law enforcement, and severely crack down on various types of online illegal and criminal activities. Maintain the network order, purify the network environment, and safeguard the rights and interests of netizens, so as to always keep the Internet running on the right track.

Adhere to the rule of law in running the internet and cultivate the foundation of the development of online space. As an extension of the real society in cyberspace, the online society is by no means an "out of law place". Adhering to the rule of law in running the internet and continuously instilling socialist core values in people's hearts is the only way to promote the high and positive energy of the main theme in the online space. Industry organizations should play a guiding and supervisory role, strive to create a good development environment, promote the construction of network integrity, and advocate for network civilization. Internet enterprises bear the main responsibility. They must actively adhere to the first gateway and the first line of defense of network governance, strictly implement the requirements of laws and regulations, better assume social responsibility, and strive to achieve healthy and orderly development. Website platforms particularly need to enhance their sense of responsibility, improve community rules, standardize internal management, and enhance content quality, in order to be good participants and builders of legal, compliant, and innovative development in the cyberspace.

Theoretical Roundtable Conference: Focusing on Promoting High Quality Development of Internet Information Industry

Adhere to the rule of law to access the internet and aggregate the positive forces of online space. The legalization of cyberspace is not only for the benefit of the general public, but also relies on them. Create a clean and upright online space, where everyone is the protagonist and responsible. Internet users have the obligation to actively participate in creating a good online ecosystem, widely disseminate positive energy, and continuously enhance their ability to identify and combat false information and erroneous behavior on the internet. Without order, there is no freedom. The openness and freedom in cyberspace must be built on the basis of order. As long as everyone insists on using the internet in accordance with the law, consciously takes on the corresponding responsibility of promoting the rule of law in cyberspace, works together and works hard for a long time, it will definitely make the online spiritual home more warm and beautiful. [Detailed]

Firmly grasp the "timing" and "momentum" of the information revolution

The People's Daily published an article by a commentator mentioning that currently, the trend of the information revolution era has historically intersected with the unprecedented changes in the world and the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Looking at the world, the comprehensive integration of network information technology into social production and life is profoundly changing the global economic, interest, and security landscape. Throughout China, the number of internet users ranks first in the world, the total amount of e-commerce ranks first in the world, and the total amount of electronic payments ranks first in the world. China has truly become a major internet country. Network security and informatization are major strategic issues related to national security and development, as well as the work and life of the general public. We must firmly grasp the "timing" and "momentum" of the information revolution, accelerate the construction of a strong network country, and continuously move towards the goals of basic popularization of network infrastructure, significant enhancement of independent innovation capabilities, comprehensive development of the information economy, and strong network security guarantees.

To build a strong internet country, technology is the key. China has gone through an extraordinary journey in the field of mobile communication, including a 1G gap, 2G follow-up, 3G breakthrough, 4G synchronization, and 5G leadership. However, compared with the world's advanced level and the strategic goal of building a strong network country, the gap in core technology is still relatively obvious. The development level of information technology and industry determines the development level of informatization. Only by strengthening the independent innovation of core technology and infrastructure construction, and improving the ability of information collection, processing, dissemination, utilization and security, can we grasp the initiative of Internet development and ensure Internet security and national security. China's information technology industry system is relatively complete and has a good foundation. In some fields, it has approached or reached the world's advanced level, and has the conditions and ability to make greater progress in core technologies. We need to leverage the advantages of China's socialist system, new national system, and super large-scale market, improve our basic research and development capabilities in digital technology, win the battle for key core technologies, and firmly grasp the autonomy of developing the digital economy in our own hands. [Detailed]

Improve the comprehensive governance capability of the network and demonstrate a systematic thinking of overall control

Implement collaborative governance among multiple stakeholders. Establishing a sound network comprehensive governance system requires extensive mobilization of various forces and the full play of the roles of various stakeholders. We must adhere to the principle of the Party managing the Internet. On the basis of strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of the Party over the Internet information work, we must highlight the responsibility of department management, implement the responsibility of territorial management, compact the responsibility of the main platform, improve the social supervision mechanism, and give play to the role of the vast number of Internet users, so as to achieve the organic unity of the leadership of the Party Committee, government management, enterprise responsibility, social supervision, and Internet users' self-discipline, and form a strong working force for comprehensive network governance.

Adhere to comprehensive efforts through multiple means. The manifestation of chaos in cyberspace is diverse and the reasons for its generation are complex. It is necessary to comprehensively use various means such as economy, law, and technology to promote the pre management of management tentacles and the reshaping of management processes. This will achieve a transformation from post management as the main focus to full process management before, during, and after the event, achieving the unity of management content, management behavior, and management subjects, and improving the systematic and effective governance of pipeline networks.

Promote interaction and integration in multiple fields. The cyberspace is closely connected to the real space, and it is necessary to build a concentric circle between the internet and the offline, promote the integration and development of traditional and emerging media, expand and strengthen mainstream public opinion, firmly occupy the high ground of information dissemination, continuously expand the propaganda and ideological and cultural battlefield, make the cyberspace clearer, make positive energy stronger, and make the main theme higher.

Promote the co construction and sharing of all humanity.[Detailed]

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