Deeply understanding and grasping the four dimensions of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace | Community

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:12 PM

The cyberspace is a shared spiritual home for billions of netizens around the world.The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind in cyberspace is a concrete manifestation of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind. Countries should strengthen communication, expand consensus, deepen cooperation, conscientiously implement global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, achieve common development, security maintenance, governance participation, and sharing of achievements, and jointly build a community with a shared future for cyberspace that benefits all mankind.

Expanding cooperation in the digital economy and building a community for network development

With the accelerated innovation of digital technology and the rapid integration of the digital economy and the real economy, China actively promotes cooperation in the digital economy between countries on a larger scale, in a wider field, and at a deeper level. Adhering to the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing, we are steadily promoting the digital transformation of industry and agriculture, building the world's largest fiber optic and mobile communication network, officially opening up the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system, expanding and deepening cooperation on the Silk Road e-commerce, and sharing the dividends of digital economy development with the world.

Currently, the digital economy is in a golden age of rapid development and a period of concentrated exposure of contradictions. The level of digital economy development in different countries and regions is extremely uneven, which affects and restricts the information construction and digital transformation of countries around the world, especially developing countries. In this context, on the one hand, we should continue to promote the construction of global information infrastructure, promote the popularization and application of the Internet, improve the digital level of infrastructure connectivity such as smart ports and smart railways, explore the establishment of information sharing and mutual trust and mutual recognition mechanisms, and strive to narrow the global digital divide. On the other hand, efforts should be made to promote global digital technology innovation, apply and develop new technologies such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence, unleash new momentum in the digital economy, continuously deepen global e-commerce development cooperation, and promote the green coordinated transformation of global digital industrialization and industrial digitization.

Deepen cooperation in cybersecurity and build a cybersecurity community

Cybersecurity is a global challenge, and no country can stand idly by. China has always regarded cybersecurity as a fundamental work for optimizing the network ecosystem and regulating the network environment, actively assuming international responsibilities, promoting cooperation in the field of cybersecurity among BRICS countries, conducting international cooperation in cybersecurity emergency response, strengthening cooperation in data security and personal information protection, and working together with the international community to combat cybercrime and cyber terrorism.

From the perspective of network development trends, the integration of network security and security in various fields is currently one of the most complex, realistic, and severe non-traditional security issues. To build a cybersecurity community, we must first advocate an open and cooperative cybersecurity concept, adhere to the balance between security and development, encourage and regulate both, resolve disputes through dialogue, and resolve differences through consultation; Secondly, we need to enhance mutual trust in cybersecurity strategies, establish a normalized emergency response mechanism, share information on cyber threats, and cooperate in dealing with major cybersecurity incidents; We must oppose hostile actions and acts of aggression in cyberspace, jointly curb the misuse of information technology, combat cyber terrorism and cybercrime, and strive to achieve our own security in common security.

Participate in global network governance and build a community of network responsibility

"If the world loves each other, it will be governed; if they hate each other, it will be chaotic." The cyberspace is a common space for human activities, and the future and destiny of the cyberspace should be jointly controlled by countries around the world. China has always adhered to a new model of mutual trust, mutual benefit, and solidarity, actively participating in global cyberspace governance activities. Since 2014, China has held the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province for nine consecutive years, built an international platform for China's connectivity with the world and a Chinese platform for international Internet sharing and co governance, and promoted the global network governance system to move towards a more just and reasonable direction.

Promoting the reform of the global Internet governance system is the general trend and popular sentiment. It is the common responsibility of the international community to develop, use and govern the Internet well to make it benefit mankind. To build a community of network responsibility, we should adhere to the global governance concept of joint consultation, joint construction and sharing, actively promote multilateral participation and multi party participation, and give full play to the role of the United Nations as the main channel, as well as the main role of governments, international organizations, Internet enterprises, technology communities, private institutions, and individual citizens. We need to strengthen communication and exchange, improve dialogue and consultation mechanisms, formulate global network governance rules, establish a democratic and transparent international network governance system, and more balanced reflect the wishes and interests of all parties.

Promote inclusive sharing of achievements and build a community of network interests

The development of the Internet needs not only breadth and depth, but also temperature. China has always adhered to the principle of putting people first and making progress in science and technology, closely linked its own destiny with that of people around the world, implemented the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, actively carried out international cooperation on online poverty alleviation, improved the level of digital public services such as "Internet plus+education", "Internet plus medical care" and "Internet plus transportation", promoted online cultural exchanges and mutual learning of civilizations, and explored new directions, new models and new plans for the digital protection and dissemination of cultural relics.

The achievements of Internet development are shared by all countries in the world, and different regions, nationalities and people should equally enjoy the dividend of Internet development. To build a community of network interests, we should take enhancing the well-being of all mankind as the fundamental starting point and foothold, follow the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, and think and solve problems from a holistic perspective. We need to enhance the inclusiveness of the digital economy, pay attention to the protection of vulnerable groups, and enable small and medium-sized enterprises to share opportunities from the development of the digital economy. We should foster a healthy network ecosystem, enhance the network development capacity of developing countries, promote the common progress and prosperity of cyberspace around the world, and make the achievements of Internet development benefit hundreds of millions of people around the world.

A single flower blooming alone is not spring, and a hundred flowers blooming together fills the garden with spring. In the new era and new journey, China, together with countries around the world, seeks peace, development, and cooperation, builds a community with a shared future in cyberspace, moves towards a new era of digital civilization, and creates a better future for humanity.

Author: Ye Benqian, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Marxism at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Special Researcher at the Sichuan Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics; Wang Sijie, graduate student at the School of Marxism, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

[This paper is the phased result of the major project of Sichuan Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning "Research on the Logical Way of the CPC's Mission of Building a Strong Country in a New Era and a New Journey", which is "Research and Interpretation of the Spirit of the Twenty National Congress of the Communist Party of China".]

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