The First Perspective | Jiang Commentary: The Great Road's Journey is Magnificent and Boundless - Written on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" at a Large Theme Exhibition

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:47 PM

Since the launch of the large-scale themed exhibition on the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "88 Strategy", the audience has been in constant flow. Photo by journalist Dong Xuming and Lin Yunlong

Only by being good at summarizing experience and drawing nourishment from history can we gain wisdom and strength to better move towards the future.

September, Zhejiang. Inside the Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, there is a surge of people.

The large-scale theme exhibition for the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "88 Strategy" will be held here. Vivid historical images, heavy literary objects, and exciting video materials unfold a stirring historical scroll. The exhibits that carry the memories of the times are stopping and thought-provoking.

The exhibition is themed "Journey to the Great Road".

"Da Dao" means both "broad roads" and "correct principles".

From 2003 to 2023, the oar of history may have been just a fleeting moment, but for Zhejiang, this period is enough to remember the annals of history.

Witnessing the times with time, always observing the future. As we step into the exhibition hall, it feels like we have embarked on a journey of time and space, and the 20 years of "Zhejiang", full of heat and details, are coming to us.

The audience is watching the iconic building models of Hangzhou and experiencing its urban changes. Photo by journalist Dong Xuming and Lin Yunlong

Why is it "20"?

The "88 Strategy", which focuses on the overall development pattern and guides Zhejiang to take the lead in exploring provincial modernization, has emerged with great vitality.

——Over the past 20 years, under the guidance of the "88 Strategy", Zhejiang has undergone a comprehensive, systematic, and profound transformation, achieving a historic leap from a small resource province to an economic province, from a large foreign trade province to an open and strong province, from environmental improvement to a beautiful Zhejiang, and from an overall well-off society to a high-level comprehensive small health. The "Five in One" and the overall improvement of various fields of party building have been comprehensively enhanced. Looking back on 20 years, we can see that at every major juncture and opportunity, Zhejiang has always been able to adapt to the situation, seize the opportunity, and advance along the way. The "guiding light" that guides direction and sharpens progress is the "88 Strategy".

Why is this exhibition being held?

The First Perspective | Jiang Commentary: The Great Road's Journey is Magnificent and Boundless - Written on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" at a Large Theme Exhibition

What will we see at the theme exhibition? What do you think?

Appreciate the power of thought.

"Check in" is a wonderful transformation. Whether it is the comprehensive exhibition area or the local exhibition area, in the condensed time and space, we can more intuitively experience the vivid process of the "88 Strategy" leading the economic, political, cultural, social, ecological civilization, and party building development leap in Zhejiang, and experience the beautiful transformation of "Zhejiang" from a grand blueprint to a realistic picture in the past 20 years. Seven special zones, including the "Ten Million Project" and the "Major Series of Chinese Painting Throughout the Ages," have highlighted the dazzling "golden business card" of Zhejiang's development. The meticulously designed achievement column or wall, known as the "Number One in China", "Only in China", "First in the Country", and "First in the World", make the 20 year history of writing more impactful. I believe that every person from Zhejiang who walks here will feel proud.

Listen to touching stories. A good exhibition should not only have a theoretical height, but also have the perspective of the people and the warmth of life. I have worked in Zhejiang for 6 years, familiar with the mountains, waters, plants, customs, and traditions here, and have participated in and witnessed the development of this place.For example, the story of conducting investigations and research on a 3-day journey of over 1000 kilometers without stopping, the story of experiencing the convenience of urban-rural integration by taking the bus, the story of promoting poverty alleviation by turning bitter melons into sweet melons, the story of encouraging researchers to boldly explore the "lost rat robot" without fear of failure, the story of building a "epidemic prevention embankment" in the face of the SARS epidemic, the story of inspecting and caring about post disaster reconstruction, and the story of "making sure everyone lives in new houses before the Chinese New Year"... A large number of vivid and detailed information brings us back to those passionate and burning years.

Understand the governance of China.Understanding "the rule of China" through the "Window of Zhejiang" and decoding "the questions of the times" through the "Zhejiang Answer" are also a distinct theme of this themed exhibition.

As the on-site audience said, being at the theme exhibition site is like stepping into a long river that flows from the past to the future. Historical moments, vivid scenes, and exciting answers are like surging waves, making our hearts surging and unable to remain calm for a long time.

The clearer you know, the more steadfast you will be in your actions. The Great Way Journey - the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "88 Strategy" - is not only a retrospective, but also a distant view; 20 years is not only an important milestone, but also a new starting point.

Research achievements of the "88 Strategy". Photo by journalist Dong Xuming

Every sailing ship requires a lighthouse for navigation. Similarly, the development and progress of every place require scientific planning and design as guidance.

For Zhejiang, the lighthouse that leads the way is the "88 Strategy".

The facts are the most convincing, and the numbers also make the "88 Strategy" and "Time Story" more attractive: from 2002 to 2022, Zhejiang's gross domestic product jumped from 800 billion yuan to 7.77 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 9.2%; The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents has ranked first among provinces and regions in China for 22 and 38 consecutive years, respectively; The income gap between urban and rural residents has narrowed from 2.37 to 1.9, and the highest and lowest income gap among regional residents has narrowed to 1.58.

Suddenly looking back, Zhejiang, which lacks abundant resources, has become one of the provinces with the most balanced urban-rural regional development, the richest population, the strongest social vitality, and the best social order.

The First Perspective | Jiang Commentary: The Great Road's Journey is Magnificent and Boundless - Written on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" at a Large Theme Exhibition

We can't help but ask, what does Zhejiang rely on from the most scarce resources to the forefront of development? Looking back at Zhejiang at the turn of the century, the speed of economic development seems to be advancing rapidly, but the blue sky, unclear water, and green mountains reflect the problems of unbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable development. In addition, the shortage of resources and factors is becoming increasingly prominent, making the past development model unsustainable.

The problems that arise after development are not fewer than those that arise during development. How can "first mover" become "first mover"?

Some old problems have not been fundamentally solved, and some new problems have been encountered earlier than other regions in the country to varying degrees. Zhejiang's development needs to continue to be at the forefront and be a good "explorer", and can no longer rely on following the old path.

The Classic of Chess states: "It is better to lose a few pieces than to lose the first." In fierce regional competition, whoever can gain the advantage of "first hand chess" often gets one step ahead. It's not that we missed the first five years and the last fifteen years, but rather that we couldn't catch up with this schedule, delaying the opportunities and circumstances for the first five years and not the last fifteen years. Seizing the important strategic opportunities at the beginning of the new century, Zhejiang urgently needs a new strategy to lead reform and development.

Where does the new strategy come from?

On July 10, 2003, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee opened. The proposal of the "88 Strategy", like a torch, dispelled the fog of development, strengthened the direction of the future, and led Zhejiang to embark on a great path of change.

Over the past 20 years, the "88 Strategy" has led Zhejiang to solidify its political foundation, illuminate its theoretical light, enhance its development path, innovate its institutional governance, adhere to the principle of putting the people first and responding to their expectations, fully demonstrating the cohesion, creativity, and vitality formed by the interaction between great ideas and mass practice. The blueprint of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee has been drawn to the end, and one after another, the wheels of development are rolling forward. Any aspect of the "88 Strategy" has unfolded into a grand picture.

Opening the ecological scroll, Zhejiang deeply implements the concept that green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver, builds the first ecological province in the country, and realizes the leap from compensating ecological debts to enjoying the dividends of ecological civilization. The path of green development is becoming wider and wider;

Entering the development track, Zhejiang has embarked on an innovation driven path in the process of "changing cages for birds" and "phoenix nirvana", promoting the transformation of economic development from quantitative expansion to qualitative improvement, accelerating the construction of "digital Zhejiang", accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system, and promoting strategic adjustment of economic structure and industrial optimization and upgrading;

Explore modern governance, promote the rule of law and the construction of a safe and secure Zhejiang, adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" of the new era, summarize and promote grassroots democratic practices such as "leading cadres visiting and receiving visits", deepen "post Chen experience", and strive to create the safest, fairest, and most dynamic province;

Entering the cultural space, Zhejiang accelerates the construction of a cultural province, deeply implements the "eight projects" of cultural construction, creates a cultural highland in the new era, promotes the practice of "Zhejiang courtesy" provincial civilization, and walks out the path of material wealth and spiritual wealth coordination;

The First Perspective | Jiang Commentary: The Great Road's Journey is Magnificent and Boundless - Written on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" at a Large Theme Exhibition


On August 29th, the Zhijiang Cultural Center officially opened to the public. Photo by journalist Dong Xuming and Xu Wendi

Over the past 20 years, the world has undergone great changes, as if it had changed the world. However, the adherence to the "88 Strategy" has not changed, and the path of high-quality development in Zhejiang has not changed. The "88 Strategy" has been deeply engraved in the history of Zhejiang, written on the journey towards high-quality development in Zhejiang, and integrated into the daily lives of the people of Zhejiang.

The constant travels far, and the contemplation is always new.

We always remember that at the critical moment when we were about to overcome the "middle-income trap", it was the "88 Strategy" that led Zhejiang, which entered the threshold of the new millennium, to embark on a magnificent new journey. We have more reason to believe that, steadfastly following the path guided by the "88 Strategy" and courageously advancing, Zhejiang will be able to produce beautiful and high scoring answers in answering the "unique proposition" of the construction of the demonstration zone for common prosperity and the "era test" of provincial modernization.

Thought is power, and the essence of all history is ultimately the history of thought. The twenty years of "Zhejiang" not only carried a practical journey, but also a valuable intellectual journey.

A scholar who has long been concerned about the practice of reform and development in Zhejiang believes that this small resource and land province with "seven mountains, one water, and two fields" has broken through the constraints of "inherent shortcomings" and the mold of "growth troubles" today, leading to all aspects and overall improvement, all of which stem from the "ideological code" behind it.

Time is silent, but it has already given the best answer on the earth.

The beautiful scenery of Anjiyu Village in the morning light. Photo taken by Pai You Pan Xuekang

The emergence of a theory can only be rooted in the rich and vivid reality of life, and its driving force can only be the practical requirements for solving social contradictions and problems.

The First Perspective | Jiang Commentary: The Great Road's Journey is Magnificent and Boundless - Written on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" at a Large Theme Exhibition

It closely follows the "obstacles" encountered in the development of Zhejiang, and is refined and sublimated through time and time again "solving problems and reclaiming land" and "overcoming obstacles and thorns". At the same time, it demonstrates a strong power of truth in guiding and promoting practice. The classic statements such as "Green waters and green mountains are like mountains of gold and silver", "Teng cage for birds, Phoenix Nirvana", "Jump out of Zhejiang to develop Zhejiang", and innovative measures such as "Ten million projects", "Cadres carry out petition work at the grassroots level", and "Science and Technology special envoys" are still the key to promoting development in Zhejiang.

The long-standing and rich cultural tradition of Zhejiang is not only the historical depth of Zhejiang's development, but also the profound soil of ideological theory.

Since ancient times, Zhejiang has been renowned for its outstanding talents and rich cultural heritage. The cornerstone of Zhejiang's cultural spirit is composed of elements such as "enduring hardships and persevering", "seeking truth from facts and emphasizing practical results", "applying to the world and balancing righteousness and benefit", "responding to historical affairs and enlightening the people", "openness, inclusiveness, and innovation".

A towering tree must have its roots; The water of Huaishan must have its source. Only by mastering the "core password" for understanding scientific thought can we truly grasp its essence and essence.

The great way is simple, and truth is often simple and interconnected.

For example, in adhering to the fundamental position of putting the people first, the "88 Strategy" requires the combination of enriching the people and strengthening the province, emphasizing that "the interests of the masses are of no small importance" and "the methods are within the masses";

In adhering to the spirit of self-confidence and self-reliance, the "88 Strategy" requires being based on the actual situation of the province, relying on one's own strength, doing practical things, leading the way, and bravely standing at the forefront;

In adhering to a scientific attitude of upholding integrity and innovation, the "88 Strategy" requires always deepening reform as the driving force, ensuring institutional innovation, and taking the path of "developing problems and reform as articles";

In adhering to the practical character of problem orientation, the "88 Strategy" requires always focusing on two key issues: how to leverage advantages and how to make up for shortcomings, and seeking long-term and fundamental development paths;

In adhering to a systematic thinking approach, the "88 Strategy" further leverages its eight advantages and promotes the deployment of eight measures, reflecting strategic thinking and planning for comprehensive economic and social governance, as well as a comprehensive balance and coordination of strengths and weaknesses;

In adhering to the spirit of embracing the world, the "88 Strategy" requires "jumping out of Zhejiang to develop Zhejiang", observing Zhejiang with a global and international perspective, and building a new pattern of opening up and development both domestically and internationally

Overlooking the Zhoushan Green Petrochemical Base. Source: Zhejiang Free Trade Office

The First Perspective | Jiang Commentary: The Great Road's Journey is Magnificent and Boundless - Written on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy" at a Large Theme Exhibition

The "88 Strategy" is not a slogan, but a scientifically applied "smart learning" and "smart learning". The "88 Strategy" is right beside each and every one of us.

——Persisting in highlighting strengths and complementing weaknesses is the key to unleashing one's maximum potential. As the saying goes, "a ruler has its own length, and an inch has its own length." Everything in the world has its own length.The core and essence of the "88 Strategy" lies in fully understanding and grasping one's own advantages, continuously strengthening existing advantages, and striving to explore potential advantages, constantly transforming existing disadvantages into new advantages.

Practice has proven that in the development track of Qianfan Racing, whoever can fully utilize their advantages and turn inferior into superior can win the opportunity and lead the future in fierce competition. Unify "continuation" and "opening up", integrate existing and emerging advantages, reinforce each other, stack and amplify them, continuously accumulate and amplify advantages, promote the integration of advantages, in order to form a winning situation and consolidate the winning situation. The development of a place is like this, and the same applies to individuals.

——Taking the initiative is more likely to attract the attention of opportunities. Opportunity is an extremely important scarce resource. It is not an exaggeration to say that at critical historical junctures, whether opportunities can be accurately judged and utilized will have a global, long-term, and decisive impact on a place, even a country, and a nation. The proposal and implementation of the "88 Strategy" is actually a product of seizing opportunities.

——Play the piano well in a balanced manner. The "88 Strategy" is full of dialectical logic in philosophical thinking, and can be regarded as a model of using dialectical materialism to play the provincial economic and social development concerto well.The important idea of "two hands", namely "visible hands and invisible hands", has been proposed in deepening market-oriented reforms; The important concept of "two mountains" has been proposed in ecological construction, which is that "green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver"; The important concept of "balancing farmers and citizens" has been proposed in the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, among others.

These inspirations suggest that only by continuously enhancing our system concept, finding the essential laws of things through in-depth research and thinking, adhering to the "two point theory" and "key point theory", truly grasping the "bull's nose", can we find the optimal solution in the challenges of "dilemma" and even "multiple difficulties".

——Hard work only leads to passing, while daring to work hard leads to excellence. True excellence is not driven by others, but by constantly competing with oneself, self forcing, striving to advance, and striving to become better. Before the reform and opening up, Zhejiang was known as a typical "three no" province. But it is such a naturally deficient player who played a hand with an extraordinary effect, portraying the "super burning" plot of turning the tables against the wind.

How can Zhejiang be capable? It cannot be separated from the guidance of the "88 Strategy", the cultural heritage of Zhejiang that has been accumulated for thousands of years, and the spirit of hard work and enterprising of Zhejiang people who "travel through mountains and rivers, speak a thousand words, try every means possible, and taste countless hardships". Facing the future, in order to maintain a "leading" attitude, we must demonstrate the spirit of bravely standing at the forefront and always standing at the forefront of the struggle, "striving to be unreserved" and "striving to be powerless", gathering and forming a powerful force for the unity and struggle of the people throughout the province to promote the deepening and implementation of the "88 Strategy".


"To do a good job, one must first sharpen one's tools." Whether for Zhejiang Province or for each individual of us, the "88 Strategy" is like an inexhaustible and inexhaustible "treasure trove of ideas" and "strategic assets" that are constantly updated and more effective. It not only "teaches people to fish" but also "teaches them to fish", shining with the wisdom of "how to look and how to do", and also contains the "golden key" to open the door to the future.

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