Establishing the aspiration and aspiration of "cultivating the education industry and building a strong country with me"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:47 PM

Cai Xiaoxiong is checking the dining situation of military training students.

Respondents provide pictures

Zhang Li is discussing teaching business with special education teachers.

Respondents provide pictures

Gu Mingyuan is teaching his students.

Qi Yuguang Photography

Recently, a national symposium on outstanding teacher representatives was held in Beijing.

For a long time, a group of educators and outstanding teachers have emerged in the teacher community. They have the ideals and beliefs of having a great self and being sincere in serving the country, the moral character of being a scholar and behaving in a world like manner, the wisdom of educating students with enlightenment and nurturing their hearts, the attitude of diligent learning and practicing, seeking truth and innovation, the benevolent heart of loving education and being willing to contribute, and the pursuit of the world with a broad mind and a cultural person, showcasing the unique spirit of educators in China.

Our reporter interviewed several representatives of outstanding teachers from across the country who participated in the speech, documenting their stories of dedicating themselves to teaching and nurturing, and Bacon forging their souls.


Senior Professor Gu Mingyuan from Beijing Normal University——

Strive to be a "master" who integrates "classics teacher" and "human teacher"

In the early morning, before 8 o'clock, Gu Mingyuan, who was over ninety years old, arrived at Jingwen Lecture Hall at Beijing Normal University. At the opening ceremony of the literacy general education course "Education", he gave lectures to hundreds of freshmen.

Establishing the aspiration and aspiration of "cultivating the education industry and building a strong country with me"

What is education? How can students in normal universities become educators in the future? Through this lecture on "Everyone should learn some education", Gu Mingyuan shared his insights: "Without love, there is no education, without interest, there is no learning. Teaching and educating people in the subtle aspects, and students grow in activities."

"Teaching and educating in subtle aspects" is also a true portrayal of Gu Mingyuan. During the lecture, Gu Mingyuan stood up throughout the entire journey, feeling full of energy; Seeing the students standing in the back row, he even took the initiative to help them find seats in the front row; From educational theory to growth experiences and current educational phenomena, Gu Mingyuan's speech was vivid and touching... At the end of the course, the students in the audience warmly applauded.

Such details are engraved in the hearts of many students. Rooted in the podium for over 70 years, Gu Mingyuan has worked as an elementary school teacher, a middle school teacher, and a university professor. In his view, teachers should cultivate the moral character of speaking as a scholar and behaving in a worldly way, and strive to be a "great teacher" who combines "classics teacher" and "human teacher".

Ding Ruichang, a student of Gu Mingyuan and associate professor of the Education Department of Beijing Normal University, remembers that during the Chinese New Year, Gu was still revising student papers, marking out typos, incorrect sentences, and other errors one by one. Yang Haobo, a normal student of the "Excellent Teacher Program", also remembers listening to Mr. Gu's experience of teaching in high school after studying abroad and returning to China, deeply moved by his patriotism.

Gu Mingyuan loves to communicate with students who have received awards and scholarships, and trains graduates to teach at the grassroots level. He said, "It is the students who have brought me joy in teaching and research.".

In the eyes of colleagues, Gu Mingyuan is a practitioner of lifelong learning, always adhering to a diligent and innovative attitude. As a veteran of the education front, he has witnessed the tremendous changes and historic achievements of the Chinese teaching staff. He has integrated the "people-oriented" concept into teaching research and practice, created multiple educational disciplines, and made remarkable achievements in the construction of educational theory.

Currently, Gu Mingyuan is conducting in-depth research on topics such as further strengthening the construction of normal universities and enhancing the construction of the teaching staff in higher education institutions. He said, "Although I am old, I am still willing to spare no effort and give my all for the modernization of education in China!"

Cai Xiaoxiong, Principal of Hangzhou No.2 Middle School in Zhejiang Province——

Give every student a chance to excel in their life

On the second day after returning from Beijing, Cai Xiaoxiong arrived at the school early in the morning and participated in an event organized by Hangzhou No.2 Middle School for retired teachers. At the event, everyone warmly discussed the original aspiration and mission of people's teachers, and young teachers humbly sought advice from experienced teachers on teaching and educating people.

"Doing something can achieve a student's career," said Cai Xiaoxiong. "To give every student a chance to excel in their life, it is essential for teachers to enlighten their minds and teach according to their aptitude.". He thinks and does the same. Having taught for 30 years and taught in 5 schools, Cai Xiaoxiong devoted himself wholeheartedly to the cause of teaching and educating people.

As a math teacher, Cai Xiaoxiong has taught 10 graduating classes and led students to participate in math competitions for over a decade. He is very good at cultivating students' interest in learning and innovative thinking.

Over the years, Cai Xiaoxiong has cultivated many excellent students. A student has been admitted to the Mathematics Department of Zhejiang University, hoping to become a beloved and knowledgeable mathematics teacher; Some students, after studying abroad, express their childlike feelings to him that they will use what they have learned to contribute to the construction of a strong country in the future; Many graduates choose to major in mathematics and aspire to pursue a career in mathematics research or education in the future.

Establishing the aspiration and aspiration of "cultivating the education industry and building a strong country with me"

With more schools he has worked at and more students he has come into contact with, Cai Xiaoxiong understands even more that not every student can attend prestigious schools, but they all need to attend them. "What is more important than grades is growth, and what is more important than class is education." In teaching practice, he always works with colleagues to help students find directions that are enjoyable and promising.

Every year, new students from Hangzhou No.2 Middle School will establish learning goals based on their own interests and characteristics. "Our philosophy is to make those who can fly fly higher and those who can fly higher. We encourage students to start with trial and error and move towards trial and error, so that students have more possibilities for their future," said Cai Xiaoxiong.

For example, if a student has a special interest in a certain subject, helping them participate in professional competitions is a good choice; Those who enjoy social practice are encouraged by the school to participate in social research; Those who enjoy international exchanges will be supported to "go out" and participate in various international activities. In order to better assist students in personalized development, the school has established innovation colleges, Olympic colleges, and so on. The school always takes promoting the comprehensive development of students and cultivating innovative spirit as the starting point, focusing on cultivating innovative talents.

To achieve students, the key is to run a good school.For the past 20 years, all teachers and students of the Second Middle School have always kept in mind their instructions, cultivated a strong sense of patriotism, cultivated innovative talents, and continuously promoted the high-quality development of the school.

From leading the school group to run schools, to forming one of the largest and most diverse educational groups in Zhejiang; From managing the Binjiang and Donghe campuses to jointly building Hangzhou No.2 Middle School Qianjiang School with Xiaoshan District, achieving the sharing of high-quality educational resources between the city and district; From forming a "close community" with schools such as Tonglu Middle School and Kaihua Middle School, to establishing a provincial-level teacher studio, developing 1997 members, and helping more teachers grow... Cai Xiaoxiong has always held a sense of responsibility to cultivate new talents in the era, choosing one thing and dedicating his life to the cause of education.

"Hangzhou No.2 High School is not only the second high school for teachers and students, but also radiates the development of education in one area," said Cai Xiaoxiong.

In 2022, Cai Xiaoxiong was hired by the Ministry of Education as an expert in "group style" assistance for educational talents, responsible for five counties in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. This year, the western Sichuan plateau became a concern in his heart.

In June of this year, Cai Xiaoxiong overcame severe altitude sickness and traveled thousands of kilometers with the funds raised, launching an education assistance campaign. "Some parents originally wanted to send their children to school in the urban area, but now teachers from Zhejiang have arrived, and everyone is full of expectations," said a local school teacher.

Bringing advanced educational concepts and rich management experience, Cai Xiaoxiong and his team of renowned teacher studios are contributing their efforts to the education industry in the western Sichuan Plateau.

Zhang Li, Principal of Qiyin School in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province——

Using love and wisdom to give children wings to pursue their dreams

Disabled children are like "angels with broken wings". Special education teachers should use love and wisdom to give them wings to pursue their dreams and support the blue sky of love.

"My proudest thing is choosing to become a special education teacher. The happiest thing is to do a good job in special education for a lifetime," said Zhang Li, the principal of Qiyin School in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province.

Rooted in the field of special education for nearly 40 years, Zhang Li still vividly remembers the unforgettable scenes when she first became a teacher. That was the first weekly meeting for new students to enroll. At the end of the meeting, Xiaoyan in the class walked through the crowd and ran towards Zhang Li, hugging her for a long time without letting go.

Establishing the aspiration and aspiration of "cultivating the education industry and building a strong country with me"

"Just like a lost child finding their mother," Zhang Li said. At that moment, she felt even more strongly that the children here needed her, and these young hearts needed the care of teachers.

To choose to be a special education teacher, one must be happy to teach and love life, be willing to contribute, and write educational life with great love.

Some students enter school at a young age and have weak self-care abilities. When serving as a homeroom teacher, Zhang Li often takes the clothes, bed sheets, and other items that students have changed back home for cleaning; During holidays, some boarding students cannot go home, so she brings fruits and pastries to the school to celebrate with the students. Sometimes, she even takes the students to her own home for the holiday; When helping hearing-impaired students with hearing and language rehabilitation training, she placed the child's small hands on her face and nose, allowing them to feel the pronunciation area

The children finally said "Hello teacher" through their efforts. Zhang Li wrote in her diary, "As long as we give love, children can understand and reciprocate love."

As a principal, how to help hearing-impaired students grow better and lay a solid foundation for every child's happy life is a question that Zhang Li constantly ponders.

Based on the characteristics of hearing-impaired students, the school has offered courses such as painting, sewing, computer science, and dance to help students master their skills and assist them in finding employment. Over the past five years, more than 100 students have been admitted to higher education institutions.

Whenever it comes to the growth and changes of students in school, Zhang Li is very pleased. Xiao Jie, who was once addicted to online games and didn't like to communicate with others, set his goals with the encouragement of his teachers and eventually got into college; With the help of Zhang Li, Xiaoliang, who came from a difficult family, found a job. After graduating for many years, he still frequently used sign language to video call with Zhang Li and share the details of his life

"Disabled children receive professional rehabilitation education in school, not only 'learning', but also 'good learning'. With the help of teachers, they become stronger and more independent, born towards the sun, and walk towards the beauty." Zhang Li said.

These past few days, Zhang Li, who returned to Nanchang, eagerly shared her learning experience from attending the symposium with other teachers at school. "We must integrate the spirit of General Secretary's important instructions into the practice of special education, so that every child can enjoy fair and quality education."

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