The "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart, look at the forest, look at the water, see the sand, look at the "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart-- exclusive manuscript | look at the forest, see the water and see the sand |

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:22 PM

From June 5 to 6, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Bayannur City in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region and went deep into nature reserves, modern agricultural demonstration parks, forest farms, and water conservancy departments. he presided over a forum on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three north" and delivered an important speech.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi

During the inspection and investigation all the way, the General Secretary looked at the forest, water and sand, and made key arrangements for the construction of a green ecological barrier at a time when consolidating and expanding the achievements in desert prevention and control.

At this forum, on how to take the road of desert prevention and control with Chinese characteristics, general Secretary Xi Jinping put forward work requirements from such aspects as "adhering to the systematic concept, highlighting the key points of management," persisting in scientific desert control, "extensively carrying out international exchanges and cooperation," and strengthening organizational leadership in an all-round way.

How to adhere to the system concept?

China has a vast territory, covering diverse ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, deserts, wetlands, and lakes.

"to co-ordinate the management of the grass and sand system in the mountains, rivers, forests, and lakes, the word 'sand' should be added here." General Secretary Xi Jinping specially included desert control when participating in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation during the National two sessions in March 2021.

The "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart, look at the forest, look at the water, see the sand, look at the "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart-- exclusive manuscript | look at the forest, see the water and see the sand |

In March 2019, also in the Inner Mongolia delegation, the General Secretary said that Inner Mongolia has forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers, lakes, deserts and other natural forms, which is a long-term comprehensive ecosystem. Ecological protection and restoration must be managed comprehensively.

From the initial concept that "mountains, waters, forests, fields, and lakes are a community of life" to "coordinating the management of the system of mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands", the word "grass" and "sand" have been added word by word, which is a thinking of overall planning, a reflection of systematic concepts, and a gradual development after field research.

The word "overall planning" connects and interlocks the big cycle of "mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes, grasses, and sands", and builds an organic chain of ecological environment protection from the perspective of "a game of chess".

During his visit to Inner Mongolia, the General Secretary once again urged that "it is necessary to coordinate the ecological protection and restoration of forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts, and strengthen the coordination and management of all elements of sand control, water control, and mountain control. Efforts should be made to cultivate healthy, stable and fully functional forests, grasslands, wetlands, and desert ecosystems."

How to highlight the key points of governance?

At the forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping demarcated the key points for the next stage of work with "all-out efforts to do a good job in three landmark battles."

The three major battles, namely the Battle of the Yellow River's' Several Character Bend ', the Battle of the annihilation of the two major sandy areas of Horqin and Hunshandak, and the Battle of the Obstruction at the Edge of the Hexi Corridor Taklamakan Desert, have written clear goals for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation from the perspective of improving the stability and sustainability of the ecosystem.

The "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart, look at the forest, look at the water, see the sand, look at the "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart-- exclusive manuscript | look at the forest, see the water and see the sand |

In Guangdong, enter the Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve; In Hebei, walking into the fields to see development;

Pay attention to the combination of "one domain" and "overall situation" and promote the unity of "long-term" and "present". In the general secretary's research footprint, the harmonious symbiosis of man and nature is a distinct theme that runs through it. it has also become an integral part of the topic of promoting the development of Chinese-style modernization.

Today, the "construction of ecological civilization" has been written into the Constitution, the central ecological environment protection supervision system has been established, the "China country Program for implementing the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development" has been issued, and the goal of "carbon peak carbon neutralization" has been taken as a guide to promote green transformation. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization, China unswervingly takes the road of ecological priority and green development.

How to persist in scientific desertification control?

General Secretary Xi Jinping once described the ecological security barrier of the northern part of the motherland as "the Green Great Wall of thousands of miles".

Desertification control is not only a survival issue, but also a development issue. Since the launch of the "Three North Project" in 1978, generations of sand control workers have remained steadfast in the face of difficulties and dared to turn deserts into oases, forging the "Three North Spirit".

The combination of "sealing and flying" and "planting trees, shrubs, and grass", tailored to local conditions, classified policies, strict protection, and scientific restoration... From the flooding of yellow sand to "turning green into gold", from "sand entering and people retreating" to "green entering and retreating", technology has helped China's national defense sand control work achieve remarkable achievements that have attracted worldwide attention.

The "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart, look at the forest, look at the water, see the sand, look at the "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart-- exclusive manuscript | look at the forest, see the water and see the sand |

The Office of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration has issued the Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Scientific Greening of the Three North Project, which specifies that by 2025, the scientific greening technology system of the Three North Project will be preliminarily established and a number of scientific greening demonstration models will be built. By 2035, the scientific greening system of the Three North Project will be further improved, and the modernization level of governance system and governance capacity will continue to improve.

The white paper "Green Development of China in the New Era" mentions that China has taken the lead in achieving "zero growth" in land degradation worldwide, with a "dual reduction" in the area of desertification and desertification, playing a positive role in achieving the global goal of zero growth in land degradation by 2030. According to the 2022 China National Land Greening Status Bulletin, 3.83 million hectares of afforestation have been completed nationwide, and 1.8473 million hectares of desertification and rocky desertification have been controlled.

2021-2030 is the construction period of the sixth phase of the "Three North" project, a key period for consolidating and expanding the achievements of sand prevention and control, and a crucial period for promoting the high-quality development of the "Three North" project.

At the forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping used the "three matters" to emphasize the importance of strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three norths"-- related to China's ecological security, the building of a powerful country, and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

Practice has proven that China has embarked on a path of sand prevention and control with Chinese characteristics that conforms to natural laws and national conditions, and will inevitably crack more codes of "turning green into gold" along this effective path.

Green has always been the constant background of beautiful China in the general secretary's mind.

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