[Remembering General Secretary's Instructions · Enterprise Research Record] Luhai Mingzhu Guoyuan Port Yangtze River | Train | Enterprise

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:42 PM

Many years ago, this was just a quiet and unnamed small mountain village in Chongqing, named Orchard because it grew patches of locally visible citrus trees. From scratch, from small to large, from large to strong, Guoyuan Port has leapt from an inland port and bulk cargo port to a multimodal transportation hub port, a Jiangda Haimen household port, a demonstration port for integrated development, and a green and ecological smart port in just 15 years.

On January 4, 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Chongqing Liangjiang New District and walked to the platform of Guoyuan Port along the Yangtze River. Seeing that the port facilities are complete and have begun to take shape, he said: "There is great hope here." General Secretary Xi Jinping urged on-site operators, port planning and construction personnel, etc., to build, manage, and operate the port well, and serve the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt with first-class facilities, first-class technology, first-class management, and first-class service. Serve the construction of the "Belt and Road" well, and serve the in-depth promotion of the development of the western region.

With earnest instructions, urging people to strive forward. Guoyuan Port takes off from the bulk cargo port, looks far from the inland, finds its position in the national major development strategy, finds its role in the main battlefield of local economic and social development, and finds its direction in the fast lane of enterprise transformation and upgrading. The brilliant land and sea pearl of Orchard Port is slowly rising.

Chongqing Guoyuan Port Wharf. Photo by Chen Lin

First encounter pearl

Within the Orchard Port, there is an upright dock at the harbor, where containers are steadily lifted by orange red shore bridges and stacked in the cargo yard; The bulk cargo platform, with orderly loading and unloading of trains, is dazzling; At the Ro/Ro cargo truck dock, cars passed by one by one and headed straight for the Ro/Ro ships; Hundreds of meters upstream, a large cargo terminal capable of lifting up to 1000 tons in a single lift is undergoing intensive pre commissioning... What a port like national logistics hub!

In the view of Yang Changxue, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chongqing Port Logistics Group, the key to understanding Guoyuan Port is to understand its "three positions", namely its position on the map, its position in the region, and its position in national strategy and local development. These "three positions" respectively define the geography, region, and status of Guoyuan Port, and together determine its coordinates in China's port cluster and economic map.

First, let's talk about geographical location. The rolling Yangtze River flows down, with countless twists and turns. In the eastern part of Longsheng New City in Liangjiang New Area, a nearly straight "one" character is drawn along the riverbank like a masterpiece. Guoyuan Port, covering an area of 4.33 square kilometers and with a coastline of 2800 meters, stands here by the river. Draw a circle around this point with a radius of 35 kilometers, including the important stations of the China Europe freight train, Yuzui Railway Freight Station, Chongqing Chaotianmen Ferry Terminal, and Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport. "Iron, water, and air" are all used, and multimodal transportation is timely.

Huang Ji, member of the Party Committee of Chongqing Port Logistics Group and Deputy General Manager of Chongqing Port Co., Ltd., gave an important reason for the port's location selection: the waterway conditions of Guoyuan Port are very favorable, and the water level depth is maintained at around 7 meters all year round. Even in dry seasons, the water depth is 5 meters. A single vessel with a weight of 5000 tons can safely move up from downstream, but it is not easy to move up further. Downstream ships are undergoing major renovations here, while upstream ships are undergoing minor renovations here. Guoyuan Port is a natural shipping center.

Speaking of regional location. In a conference room of Chongqing Port Logistics Group, there is a "World Maritime Traffic Map" hanging in the visual center. Yang Changxue has seen this picture countless times and is already familiar with it. As he pointed to a point on the map, he said with deep emotion, "Don't underestimate this point! Here, ports and land are interdependent, land and river are connected, and river and sea are interconnected. It's not an exaggeration to say that Guoyuan Port is not big and can connect to the world; although Guoyuan Port is small, it can reach the ends of the world."

To the east, through the golden waterway of the Yangtze River, connect various port city clusters in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and achieve river sea intermodal transportation; To the west, connect northwest, Central Asia, and Europe through the China Europe freight train; To the south, connect ASEAN and South Asia through the Western Land Sea New Corridor, while radiating to Yunnan, Guizhou, and other regions; To the north, connect the China Mongolia Russia Economic Corridor through the "Chongqing Manchuria Russia" international railway train. "The port of Duisburg in Germany comes from afar, while the port of Singapore comes from across mountains and seas, extending a deep cooperation hand to Orchard Port, which is evidence of Orchard Port's unique regional advantages." Zhang Qiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Chongqing Port Logistics Group and General Manager of Chongqing Port Co., Ltd., said proudly.

Finally, regarding strategic location, this is precisely the core advantage of Guoyuan Port. In China, there is rarely a port that can simultaneously receive the "multiple care" of such a major development strategy of magnitude and magnitude: the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Western Development, the Chengdu Chongqing Double City Economic Circle, the new land sea channel in the west, and the "the Belt and Road". Zheng Hang, Director of the Free Trade Office of Liangjiang New Area, proudly said that with so many major strategies, each one is profoundly changing China's economic map and layout. Every orchard port is indispensable, every orchard port is involved, and every orchard port has great potential.

Since General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection, the people of Orchard Hong Kong have been striving towards the goal of the Yangtze River gateway port, China's hub port and the world's transit station with the spirit of "daring to be the first", the responsibility of "giving up others" and the drive of "seizing the day and night.

Look, this is the confidence of the Orchard Port! 16 berths with a capacity of 5000 tons, a large cargo terminal with a single lifting capacity of 1000 tons, 14 dedicated railway lines for entering the port, a storage area of 1.3 million square meters, 180000 square meters of indoor storage, 150000 square meters of port inspection facilities, 9 million tons of bulk cargo, and 1 million roll on/roll off vehicles for goods... Within a 4.33 square kilometer port area, the investment amount reaches 10.5 billion yuan. "This investment intensity is enough to make Guoyuan Port stand out among the 'ports' in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River," said Zhang Qiang.

Look, this is the ambition of Orchard Port! Guoyuan Port is planning according to the functional layout of "front port and back park", realizing the integration of port, industry, and logistics, and leveraging the linkage effect of "channel logistics, logistics with economy and trade, and economy and trade with industry", striving to become a container transfer center, bulk cargo transfer service center, commodity vehicle distribution center, rail water intermodal transportation and loading center, and bulk commodity trading center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

Look, this is the grandeur of the Orchard Port! Relying on its unique node advantages, since 2020, Guoyuan Port has achieved rail water intermodal transportation with Singapore Port and Duisburg Port in Germany. The Yangtze River Golden Waterway, Western Land Sea New Channel, and China Europe Express have also achieved seamless connectivity within Guoyuan Port, and the China Singapore Multimodal Transport Demonstration Base has begun operation. The unremitting pursuit of the people of Orchard Port is to equate the name of Orchard Port with the World Transfer Station.

In the context of Chongqing, a port is not only a port, but also a window, a window for obtaining information and attracting resources; Hong Kong is still a fulcrum, a fulcrum for gathering advantages and leveraging development; Port is still a channel, a smooth logistics and river to sea channel; Hong Kong is more of a hope, illuminating dreams and opening up hope for the future. Orchard Port is precisely such a port.

Overlooking Chongqing Guoyuan Port. Photo by Zhang Jinhui

Open Pearl

Not along the border, not by the sea, located in the hinterland, with mountains and rivers crisscrossing, nature seems to deliberately set up numerous obstacles between Chongqing and the outside world. Turning open ends into open frontiers, turning open valleys into open highlands, and turning open windows into open doors are inevitable choices that Chongqing's development cannot avoid, avoid, or avoid.

Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, focused on "systematic planning and overall promotion of the construction of new land and sea channels in the west in the grand scene of Chinese path to modernization", "building a large channel, hub, port, logistics and platform in one, so as to better radiate the west, serve the whole country, link ASEAN, and integrate into the world".

Heading east!

"This pile of gray is manganese ore from Brazil, this pile of black is chromium ore from Australia, and the pile of dark red over there is iron ore from Chile..." At the bulk cargo yard of Guoyuan Port, Xu Liang, the manager of the Railway Operations Department of Chongqing Guoyuan Port Co., Ltd., pointed to a pile of small mountains of ore, with a slightly excited tone. "These ores all come by sea through the Yangtze River Golden Waterway, and when they arrive at Guoyuan Port, they are sent to Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places through waterways, highways, railways, and other means."

Adjacent to the bulk cargo terminal is the Guoyuan Port Ro/Ro cargo truck terminal. I saw brand new cars such as Chang'an and Wuling orderly sailing from the cargo yard towards two roll on/roll off ships parked on the shore. Cars came one after another, forming a flowing white line. "Some of these vehicles are sold along the Yangtze River to coastal cities such as Wuhan, Hefei, and Shanghai, while others are sent to Southeast Asia through Shanghai Port. The largest multimodal transportation and distribution center for commercial vehicles in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and even the western region is truly deserving of its reputation," said Huang Bin, Deputy General Manager of Chongqing Guoyuan Roll On/Roll On Terminal Co., Ltd

The surging Yangtze River is truly a golden waterway, an important channel for the eastward opening of Guoyuan Port, and a key channel for Guoyuan Port to serve the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The Yangtze River connects ports with rivers, rivers with seas, and seas with the world, giving Orchard Port a stage to move towards the ocean and the world. Data shows that in 2022, the cargo throughput of Guoyuan Port was 24.52 million tons, an increase of 24.1% compared to the previous year.

Heading west!

There are two levels of opening to the west of Orchard Port. One is to assist the Chengdu Chongqing dual city economic circle and serve the western development well. When it comes to the achievements of Guoyuan Port's westward expansion, Zhang Qiang is like a family of treasures: Guoyuan Port, with its unique location and node advantages, has created a public branch line for container water transfer, effectively solving the problem of high container transportation costs in the upstream during the dry season of the Yangtze River, benefiting Sichuan, Yunnan and other places; We have built a rail water intermodal transportation network, connecting Chengdu, Panzhihua, Xichang, Zunyi, Guizhou, and other places in Sichuan; We have created a new port transportation model called "Dry Port", which extends the port's functions to areas such as Sichuan and Guizhou. In 2022, a total of 680 trains will be operated. Opening up to the west and radiating westward, the Orchard Port has been working hard.

The second is the China Europe freight train. In December 2017, the first China Europe freight train from Guoyuan Port was dispatched to the port of Duisburg, Germany. Since then, the China Europe freight train has achieved deep integration with the Yangtze River Golden Waterway. In November 2018, the Orchard Port launched another train to Mannheim Port in Germany, expanding its circle of friends. "Throughout 2022, Guoyuan Port operated 516 China Europe freight trains, along which wood, ore, alcohol and other products were returned and transported to Shanghai, Jiangsu and other places. It can be said that despite being thousands of miles apart, the world is as close as a neighbor." said Wang Zhiyu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Chongqing Guoyuan Container Terminal Co., Ltd.

The two levels of opening up to the west, integrating and connecting with each other, have achieved organic unity at a higher level: the Chengdu Chongqing dual city economic circle, western development, and the China Europe freight train have found the starting point, common points, and opportunities for chemical reactions at Guoyuan Port. Orchard Port is like a magical catalyst, making the door of openness bigger and brighter as it opens.

[Remembering General Secretary's Instructions · Enterprise Research Record] Luhai Mingzhu Guoyuan Port Yangtze River | Train | Enterprise

Heading south!

As the largest multimodal transportation hub port in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Guoyuan Port plays an important role in the construction of the western land sea new channel. In 2022 alone, Guoyuan Port issued 488 trains through this channel. With the launch of the China Myanmar International Freight Train, China Vietnam International Freight Train, and Yangtze River Indochina Peninsula International Intermodal Freight Train on the Western Land Sea New Corridor in Guoyuan Port, Guoyuan Port has become an important distribution center for goods in the northwest region of Chongqing, and is currently one of the most convenient channels to reach the ASEAN region.

"Compared to traditional water transportation, the rail sea intermodal transportation of the Western Land Sea New Channel can save 10 to 20 days and greatly reduce enterprise operating costs," said Liu Liying, assistant to the General Manager of the Overseas Business Department of Selis Group Co., Ltd. Since 2018, Selis Group has been transporting vehicles through the Western Land Sea New Channel. As of the end of 2022, over 10000 boxes of complete vehicles and components have been shipped, with a value of approximately 2 billion yuan.

The significance of the Western Land Sea New Corridor goes far beyond the economic level. As long as you study the map a little, it is not difficult to find that if all the existing shortcomings of the new channel can be filled and the bottlenecks can be completely cleared, then China's foreign trade heading south will undoubtedly add several more stable, safer, and more convenient channels, and its significance cannot be overestimated.

Heading north!

Guoyuan Port is open to the north, with a focus on relying on the Chongqing Manchuria Russia freight train. This is also an international train with a journey of nearly ten thousand miles. It travels north through the Manzhouli Port and exits, crossing Siberia to reach Moscow, Russia. According to Fu Chi, Director of the External Economic Affairs Department of the Chongqing Economic Information Commission, the main goods for the Chongqing Manchuria Russia freight train are automotive parts, industrial machinery parts, daily necessities, etc. The main goods for the return journey are bulk goods, meat, sunflower seed oil and other agricultural and sideline products. During the epidemic, this train not only achieved normal dispatch, but also emerged with astonishing growth rate. The northward opening has filled the last gap in the four-way opening of Guoyuan Port, and the opening of Guoyuan Port has thus formed a complete closed loop.

It stretches in all directions from east to west, north to south. Perhaps even the original designers and builders of Guoyuan Port couldn't imagine that a bulk cargo transportation terminal, a port focused on domestic trade, and a station with an annual throughput of only over 1 million tons, had achieved high-density convergence of international channels such as the Yangtze River Golden Waterway, the Western Land Sea New Channel, the China Europe Express, and the Chongqing Manchuria Russia Express, achieving rapid access to more than 300 ports in more than 100 countries and regions worldwide. Chongqing Guoyuan Port, a world transfer station, is well deserved.

Innovation Pearl

"Serve the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the the Belt and Road, and the western development" is an unshirkable task of the Orchard Port. And a latecomer or a weak person must first be an innovator in order to come from behind and take on heavy responsibilities.

Innovation is being quick to change one's thinking.

Liu Shigang, Director of the Information Technology Department of Chongqing Port Logistics Group Co., Ltd., expressed great emotion: In the early stages of port opening, there were still many people who had a "dock mentality", followed the rules and regulations, and believed that innovation and creation were unnecessary.With a change in thinking, the world has become wider, and it has also put Guoyuan Port on the fast lane of high-quality development.

The person who operated the shore bridge at that time was Hu Wanqi, a post-80s generation. At that time, he was an ordinary bridge crane driver. Now, he has won many honors such as the "National May Day Labor Medal", "National model worker" and so on. He said, "If we were to talk about the biggest change in Orchard Harbor in over 7 years, it would undoubtedly be a change in people's thinking. Things that were previously thought unattainable may be worth trying now; things that were previously thought to be like this may be worth changing now."

A shore bridge steel wire rope with a service life of 1 year can only be used for about 6 months at Guoyuan Port, and no one thinks it is inappropriate. Hu Wanqi and her colleagues are getting more enthusiastic: can we make changes? Where is the problem? After repeated investigation and testing, it was finally discovered that the problem lies in the high bracket of the shore bridge trolley, severe friction of the steel wire rope, and rapid wear and tear. Change! Reduce the height of the bracket by 10 centimeters and replace it with a nylon board with better anti-wear performance. As a result, the service life of the steel wire rope was successfully extended to one year. This alone saves over 200000 yuan in material costs annually. Over the past three years since its establishment, Hu Wanqi Model Worker Innovation Studio has completed 11 innovative projects and achieved economic benefits of over 3 million yuan.

Innovation is a stumbling block in details.

"In Guoyuan Port, innovation doesn't matter big or small." Tang Xiaoping, the manager of the Equipment Management Department of Chongqing Guoyuan Port Co., Ltd., is the leader of the "Party Member Innovation Studio." In his view, Guoyuan Port is large, not only a port, but also an important node in the global logistics supply chain; The Orchard Port is also very small, and whether each shore bridge can be accurately grasped and each rope can be smoothly pulled up is related to the orderly operation of this "giant". The work goal of Tang Xiaoping is to use creative vision and thinking to nip every small obstacle in the bud and maximize the efficiency of port operation. Since the establishment of the Party Member Innovation Studio, innovative achievements have covered various fields such as production, safety, and environmental protection, with over a hundred participants.

Everyone is willing to innovate, everyone can innovate. "Innovation has become a habit in today's Orchard Port," Liu Shigang said. As long as it is based on production practice and can promote cost reduction and efficiency improvement, regardless of size or who, Orchard Port welcomes and encourages it at the institutional level.

Innovation is the courage to lead in technology.

It is easy to imagine the difficulties in building Guoyuan Port into a first-class port: compared with coastal ports, the port has a shorter construction period and there is a considerable gap in terms of technology accumulation, operational efficiency, and business scale. But everything has two sides, precisely because the construction time of the port is not long, the historical burden is not significant, and it is more prone to overtaking on bends. In the construction of first-class facilities and the introduction of first-class technology, Guoyuan Port has taken the lead, dared to think and act, and achieved fruitful results. "The use of a vertical dock, which is only used in seaports, is a strong example of an inland port," Huang Ji said.

The technological style of Guoyuan Port goes far beyond that. Lightly click the mouse, push the joystick, and a few tens of meters away from the intelligent control room of Guoyuan Port, a giant orange bridge lowers the steel "gripper" and steadily grabs the container.

This scene was unimaginable by Zhang Fuquan, the head of the technical department of Chongqing Guoyuan Container Terminal Co., Ltd. "Previously, to operate the field bridge, it was necessary to climb up to a height of 24 meters. In an operating room of less than 3 square meters, one had to bend down 90 degrees and aim at the lock holes at the corners of the container with the naked eye. Grasping and releasing the container was a real physical task." Zhang Fuquan said, "If the technology is not in place and the control lever is not heard, the container weighing over 20 tons will sway back and forth in the air, making people's hearts skip a beat.".

To innovate, to upgrade. Since 2016, Guoyuan Port has launched the construction of a smart port, investing nearly 210 million yuan, becoming the first to complete remote control of a bridge in the Yangtze River Basin. Nowadays, bridge crane drivers sitting in the office only need a mouse and a joystick, and one person can operate three field bridges, improving work efficiency by more than 30%.

If you dare to think and act, there is a miracle. A smarter and wiser young port is growing rapidly: in the container tally process, the intelligent tally system has increased the tally recognition rate to over 96%, completely bidding farewell to the outdated operation mode of "one person, one pen, one paper" in the past; The first new generation of dual energy, dual perspective, and dual accelerator rapid inspection H986 system in China has been put into use at centralized supervision sites, capable of inspecting 200 containers within an hour; In the warehousing function area, independent reservation, self-service ticket exchange, and intelligent weighing are achieved, resulting in a 33% increase in pick-up efficiency compared to before. Guoyuan Port has become the first port in China to achieve electronic container pickup

Innovation is good at breaking through obstacles in mechanisms.

Sitting on the golden waterway of the Yangtze River, radiating the central and western regions, and transitioning the world. Orchard Port has inherent geographical advantages, but it is closely intertwined with long chains, multiple links, and complex supervision. Breaking through the bottlenecks and difficulties in each link is the key point of the orchard port's competition.

Time is money, efficiency is life. A single shipment from Chongqing to Shanghai can save 4 days on the "Shanghai Chongqing Direct Express". Let's take a look. The busy Yangtze River Golden Waterway can also experience congestion during peak shipping hours, and sometimes the waiting time for navigation at the Three Gorges Dam even exceeds the shipping time itself. What should we do? Guoyuan Port took the initiative and, through repeated communication and adjustment with the Three Gorges, Shanghai Port, and branch shipping companies, a shorter, more efficient, and more economical "Shanghai Chongqing Direct Express" emerged, effectively compressing the shipping cycle by more than 35%. From its operation in 2019 to the end of March this year, the Shanghai Chongqing Direct Express has operated a total of 3898 ships and transported 960000 TEUs.

As long as the mind does not slide, there are always more solutions than difficulties. Take a look at the first "departure confirmation" model in the country. Li Lin, Deputy Director of Chongqing Port Customs, said that under the traditional customs transfer mode, after the river ship arrives at Shanghai Port, it must complete procedures such as dock cargo handling and river ship booking before submitting a transfer application. Chongqing and Shanghai have teamed up to launch the "departure confirmation" mode, which allows ships to declare customs clearance without completing cargo sorting or confirming vessel space upon arrival at Shanghai Port. When leaving the port, it only takes about 2 hours to complete the relevant information, which is like a flying sensation compared to the usual one or two days.

Tax refunds are available for shipments departing from seaports and river ports. Let's learn more. In addition to smooth customs clearance, the convenience of tax refunds has also attracted many enterprises from other provinces to come to Guoyuan Port to import and export goods. "Last year, we exported goods worth about 500 million yuan through Guoyuan Port, and the tax refund amount reached 100 million yuan." Ling Wei, the financial director of Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Import and Export Co., Ltd., said that in March 2022, Chongqing implemented the "Port of Departure Tax Refund" policy. After completing the release procedures at Guoyuan Port, the goods are considered as exported, and enterprises can apply for tax refunds. They can receive export tax refunds one month in advance, helping enterprises maximize their capital utilization.

The heavy responsibility lies ahead, and Guoyuan Port deeply understands that only innovation and struggle cannot be let down. Innovation Orchard Port has always been on the road.

Green Pearl

[Remembering General Secretary's Instructions · Enterprise Research Record] Luhai Mingzhu Guoyuan Port Yangtze River | Train | Enterprise

On a sunny day, the Orchard Port is like a colorful oil painting: against the backdrop of blue sky and white clouds, orange shore bridges, light colored ships, blue, red, and yellow containers... But if the Orchard Port people were to choose a color they most admire, it would probably still be green. Guoyuan Port was born and prospered due to the Yangtze River, and naturally made every effort to make the Yangtze River green.

The idea is clear, and the action is decisive: the port is built along the river, coexisting with the river, managing the floating in the water, and reducing air emissions. Both approaches are indispensable.

At the container terminal, an inconspicuous blue "large iron can" solves the problem of pollutants such as ship garbage, domestic sewage, and oily wastewater drifting on water. Nie Yu, Manager of the Safety and Environmental Protection Department of Chongqing Guoyuan Port Co., Ltd., introduced that this "large iron tank" is a ship's intelligent garbage classification and collection system. When the docked ship has a pollution discharge demand, the dock bridge extends an iron arm to lift the "large iron tank" onto the ship, and it can receive oily garbage, oily sewage, and domestic sewage for free. It is reported that relying on four "large iron cans", a total of 17.8 tons of ship domestic garbage and 1307 tons of ship domestic sewage were received last year, achieving zero emissions and full reception of pollutants from ships docked at Guoyuan Port.

In addition to pollutants coming ashore, exhaust emissions should also be regulated. Chongqing Gangsheng Shipping Co., Ltd., which has been sailing on the Yangtze River for more than 10 years, still remembers the days when he relied on burning diesel to generate electricity, guiding Captain He Jianjun. "In the past, when ships docked at the shore, they could only generate electricity by burning diesel. The loud noise and strong smell of diesel made it very unpleasant. Now, Guoyuan Port is vigorously promoting the construction of port electricity by connecting a cable to the shore power pile, which is both environmentally friendly and economical. It uses 200 kWh of electricity in 5 hours, costs 300 yuan, and can save half of the cost."

The pioneering efforts in clean energy have opened a window for green shipping in the Yangtze River. On June 19, 2020, the "Gangsheng 1005" ship of Gangsheng Shipping Company successfully passed through the Three Gorges Lock, becoming the first ship in China to use liquefied natural gas/diesel dual fuel to pass through the Three Gorges Lock, marking the realization of LNG clean fuel ships to navigate the entire Yangtze River basin. According to calculations, an LNG clean fuel ship can reduce emissions of about 80% sulfides, 70% nitrogen oxides, and about 60% particulate matter per year.

Move forward with greenery. The port business is complex and complex, and "turning green" is not a one-time achievement. It is a "technical activity". How can green be normalized and refined?

To seek intelligence and digitization, and to seek methods for new devices and technologies.

Standing by the river, due to temperature differences and pressure differences, the port is plagued by strong winds all year round, and wind prevention and dust suppression are difficult problems for many ports. Driving in the bulk cargo yard area, a huge steel structure net that is 16 meters high and 3500 meters long catches the eye. Looking closely, the internet is covered with dense small holes woven from steel plates. "This windproof and dust suppression net contains complex aerodynamic principles behind it, and the opening rate and angle of each mesh are carefully selected, which can reduce wind speed, change wind direction, and reduce dust leakage by more than 85%." Huang Yonghong, Secretary of the Party Branch, Executive Director, and General Manager of Chongqing Orchard Construction and Development Co., Ltd. said that with this barrier, the port area has completely bid farewell to "strong winds, dust everywhere".

It is now the norm for Guoyuan Port to transport ore without seeing it, and to load coal without seeing it. Xu Liang still remembers that as a transshipment hub for bulk cargo such as iron ore, chromium ore, and petroleum coke in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the Guoyuan Port used to operate in the open air, with dust flying everywhere, and the staff were disheveled all day long. Nowadays, bucket wheel stacker reclaimers automatically roll ore and coal onto a 13 kilometer long enclosed belt conveyor corridor, which can be loaded onto trains along the way. The corridor is also equipped with dry and wet dust removal facilities, which not only increase the moisture content of materials but also suppress dust flying, achieving remote control and transportation automation throughout the process.

Strolling in the orchard harbor, the blue sky and clear water complement each other, with lush green trees winding around the body, long bridges lying on the waves, and winding smoke, the scenery is more beautiful than the scenery. A number highlights the hard won value of this beautiful scenery: in recent years, the cumulative investment in environmental protection facilities at Guoyuan Port has reached 210 million yuan.

Green and beautiful. Has there been a time when expenses are so high and investments are so huge? Chen Fuhao, Deputy Director of the Construction Management Department of Chongqing Port Logistics Group Co., Ltd., admitted that in recent years, he has made some doubts in his heart: free treatment of ship pollutants for passing ships is expensive, is it worth it? Intelligent control systems and automated environmental protection equipment require money everywhere, where does the money come from?

The answer is obvious, if you only know one thing“

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The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet
The Chinese naval fleet has arrived! Assembly | Navy | Chinese Fleet

At noon today, a Chinese naval fleet consisting of Zhanjiang and Xuchang ships arrived at the assembly area of the "Comodo-2023" multinational maritime joint exercise. It is understood that the assembly anchorage for this exercise is 3 nautical miles long and 1.5 nautical miles wide, capable of anchoring up to 50 ships. Naval vessels from various countries participating in the exercise will also arrive at the anchorage today to complete the assembly of the "Komodo 2023" multinational maritime joint exercise, which is held every two years by the Indonesian Navy. This year is already the fourth edition of the exercise. The exercise will be held from June 5th to 8th in the city of Jakarta, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, including the port and sea phases. In the coming days, participating navies from various countries will participate in ship reading style search and rescue exercises, maritime interception and damage management exercises, aerial exercises, and other course objectives exercises

New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale
New comment: Donkey like "morale" limit pulls US debt "bomb" fuse hard to dismantle US | debt | morale

On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【