Xinhua Review | From the Inclusion of Chinese Civilization to the Open mindedness of Chinese Culture - The Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization Series Review Part 5: Chinese Culture | Chinese Civilization | Open mindedness

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:57 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 15th (Xinhua) - From the Inclusion of Chinese Civilization to the Open mindedness of Chinese Culture - Part 5 of a Series of Commentaries on the Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization

Xinhua News Agency reporters Zheng Mingda, Fan Sixiang, and Cheng Xin

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development that the outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the historical orientation of the exchanges and exchanges of the Chinese nation, determines the harmonious pattern of the coexistence of various religious beliefs in China, and determines the Chinese culture. The open mind of the world civilization is eclectic.

Comprehending all corners of the world and embracing all rivers, with an open and inclusive mind, the Chinese cultural heritage is continuous and prosperous, and the Chinese civilization is constantly evolving, shining with vitality and vigor in the new era.

Continuous communication, exchange, and integration among various ethnic groups to strengthen the sense of community of the Chinese nation

In the northwest of our country, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Museum attracts a constant stream of visitors.

In July 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to visit the "Xinjiang Historical and Cultural Relics Exhibition", watch the rap display of the national epic "Manas", and have a cordial conversation with the inheritors of the intangible cultural heritage of "Manas.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said with deep feeling: "Chinese civilization is broad and profound and has a long history. It is formed by the convergence of the excellent cultures of all ethnic groups."

The civilization of a country and a nation is the collective memory of a country and a nation. A Chinese history is a history of various ethnic groups blending and converging into a diverse and integrated Chinese nation. It is a history of all ethnic groups working together to create, develop, and consolidate a unified great motherland.

Through continuous communication, exchange, and integration, various ethnic groups in our country have gradually formed a community of shared destiny, sharing weal and woe——

In the more than 5000 year history of civilization development in our country, many ethnic groups have stepped onto the historical stage. These ethnic groups have undergone birth, differentiation, and integration, ultimately forming the 56 ethnic groups that we have today;

All ethnic groups have jointly developed the beautiful mountains and vast territories of our motherland, and jointly created a long history and splendid Chinese culture. The majestic style of the Qin and Han dynasties, the prosperous atmosphere of the Tang dynasty, and the prosperous era of the Kangxi and Qianlong dynasties are the brilliant achievements jointly forged by all ethnic groups;

In the great struggle to achieve national independence, national prosperity, and people's happiness, the blood and hearts of children of all ethnic groups have come together;

Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, the breadth and depth of close connections between various ethnic groups in social life have been unprecedented. Strengthening communication, exchange, and integration among all ethnic groups, respecting differences, and embracing diversity, allowing all ethnic groups to be closely related and supportive in the big family of the Chinese nation;


In September 2019, at the National National Unity and Progress Commendation Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the "four common" view of the Chinese nation's history-our vast territory is jointly developed by all ethnic groups, and our long history is written by all ethnic groups. Yes, our splendid culture is created by all ethnic groups, and our great spirit is cultivated by all ethnic groups.

In the long-term infiltration of Chinese culture, 56 ethnic groups have united under the banner of the Chinese nation, and the sense of community of the Chinese nation has unprecedentedly strengthened.

Various ethnic groups demonstrate new vitality and unleash new momentum in communication, exchange, and integration——

Create a whole in diversity, and let a hundred flowers bloom in the whole.

The Book of Songs, Han Fu, Tang poetry, Song Ci, Yuan Qu, and Ming and Qing novels in China's cultural treasure trove not only reflect a large number of works on the production and life of ethnic minorities, but also have a large number of creations by ethnic minority authors. Chinese culture is the culmination of various ethnic cultures, and all ethnic groups have made contributions to the formation and development of Chinese culture.

Building a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation and watering the more vibrant flowers of Chinese culture.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "The unity and integration of all ethnic groups and the convergence of diversity stems from the cultural eclecticism, economic interdependence and emotional closeness of all ethnic groups, as well as from the endogenous drive of the Chinese nation to pursue unity and unity. It is precisely for this reason that the Chinese civilization is unparalleled in its inclusiveness and absorption, and that it is only for a long time to come that it is rooted and flourishing."

Consolidate new forces through ethnic exchanges, exchanges, and integration, and continuously build a shared spiritual home for all ethnic groups——

The recently completed Chinese Ethnic Community Experience Hall in the Xidan commercial district of Beijing has attracted many tourists to visit. Strolling through it, people feel the development context of the Chinese national community and realize the significant significance of strengthening the awareness of the Chinese national community.

Culture is the soul of a nation, and cultural identity is the root of national unity. Once the issue of cultural identity is resolved, the recognition of the great motherland, the Chinese nation, and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics will be consolidated.

At the Central Ethnic Work Conference held in 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community is the "outline" of the party's ethnic work in the new era, and all work must focus on this.

On the new journey from diversity to unity, from respecting differences to enhancing commonality... With the main focus on forging a strong sense of community among the Chinese nation, we will promote and facilitate more extensive and lasting exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups in China, accelerate the transformation of the Chinese nation into a community with a higher degree of identity and stronger cohesion, which is not only closely aligned with the open and inclusive characteristics of Chinese culture, but also conducive to the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Cultivating the spirit of openness and inclusiveness of the Chinese nation while embracing world civilization

The Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, a lifelike painted sculpture and a beautiful mural on one side, have experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes, witnessing the convergence of diverse cultures and the exchange and mutual learning between Eastern and Western civilizations.

Chinese cultural identity transcends geography, local customs, blood lineage, and religious beliefs. Chinese civilization never replaces multiculturalism with a single culture, but instead uses multiculturalism to converge into a common culture.

Throughout history, Chinese civilization has been revitalized through exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations——

The China Asia Summit will be held in Xi'an from May 18th to 19th, 2023. Amidst the Tang style and ancient charm, the heads of state of Central Asian countries experience the grace and grace of Chinese culture, which embraces all rivers and embraces all corners of the world.

Chinese civilization has been known for its openness and inclusiveness since ancient times. From the historical spread of Buddhism to the East and the integration of Yiru, to the modern spread of Western learning, the New Culture Movement, Marxism, and socialist ideas into China, and then to the comprehensive opening up to the outside world since the reform and opening up, Chinese civilization has been constantly evolving and exchanging ideas with other civilizations in the world.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Today, if we want to create a new glory of Chinese culture, we must carry out cultural exchanges with other countries with a broader mind, and more actively learn from all the outstanding achievements of the world's civilizations."

The exchange and mutual learning with different civilizations have shaped the unique character traits of the Chinese nation——

The Drepung Temple at the southern foot of the Uzi Mountain in Genpei, Xizang, is magnificent.

"The law of development of religion lies in 'harmony'. The survival and development of any religion must be adapted to the society in which it lives, and this is the universal law of the development and dissemination of religions in the world. The development of Tibetan Buddhism should be conducive to the improvement of people's lives and to social stability. Religion should be harmonious, society should be harmonious, and nations should be harmonious." General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed.

The word "he" embodies the inherent logic of the continuous development of Chinese civilization: Buddhism, which originated in ancient India, was introduced to China and evolved over a long period of time. It merged with Chinese Confucian and Taoist cultures, ultimately forming a Buddhist culture with Chinese characteristics, leaving a profound impact on the religious beliefs, philosophical concepts, literature and art, etiquette and customs of the Chinese people. The outstanding inclusiveness of Chinese civilization determines the harmonious pattern of diverse coexistence of various religious beliefs in China.

For over 2000 years, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and others have been introduced to China, and Chinese music, painting, literature, and other fields have continuously absorbed the strengths of foreign civilizations. The fusion and innovation of traditional Chinese painting techniques and Western oil painting have formed a unique and charming Chinese freehand oil painting, and the works of masters such as Xu Beihong have been widely praised.

The Chinese civilization, which has undergone more than 5000 years of historical changes, has been inherited through learning, digestion, integration, and innovation, accumulating the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, representing the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation, and providing rich nourishment for the continuous growth and development of the Chinese nation.

In the new era and new journey, Chinese civilization will embrace world civilization with a more open and broad mind——

Chinese path to modernization, deeply rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, reflects the advanced nature of scientific socialism, draws on and absorbs all the outstanding achievements of human civilization, represents the development direction of human civilization progress, shows a new vision different from the western modernization model, and is a new form of human civilization.

From a new perspective of promoting Chinese path to modernization, it is a great country's ambition and boldness to adopt all the advantages of others in an open and inclusive manner, and it is also a historical responsibility to adapt to the times and stand up to the tide.

"In today's world where the future and destiny of various countries are closely linked, different civilizations' inclusive coexistence, exchange and mutual learning play an irreplaceable role in promoting the modernization process of human society and prospering the world civilization garden."

In March 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly put forward the global civilization initiative at the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and the world's political parties, contributing new and powerful wisdom and strength to promote the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations and the progress of human civilization.

Promoting the Construction of Modern Chinese Civilization with a Colorful, Equal, and Inclusive Civilization Concept

Entering the Central General Hall of the National Version Museum of China, the flying murals on the arch of the cave library attract many visitors to stop and appreciate. This work is created by incorporating traditional flying figures from Dunhuang murals and incorporating modern aesthetic elements, presenting a unique Eastern aesthetic charm.

The vast and profound traditional Chinese culture shines brightly in the new era, becoming a vivid witness to the full release of the innovative and creative vitality of the entire nation's culture and the prosperous development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Chinese civilization is colorful due to exchanges and enriched through mutual learning.

In the new era, adhering to the concept of colorful, equal, and inclusive civilization, Chinese civilization is injecting a continuous stream of power into the progress of human civilization and world peace and development.

This is a vivid and colorful painting of Chinese civilization——

The Beijing Winter Olympics amazed the world; Dreaming of a thousand years in the Lotus Garden of the Tang Dynasty; A large number of cultural heritage sites, such as the Beijing Central Axis and the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, have come to life and become popular, blooming with a new charm of the times... With a splendid history spanning through the ages, Chinese culture is even more magnificent today, and Chinese civilization is even more dazzling.

The truth that Chinese people realized more than 2000 years ago is that the difference in things is the same as the emotion in things. If there is only one way of life, only one language, only one music, only one clothing, it is unimaginable.

"A single flower is not spring, a hundred flowers bloom in spring." General Secretary Xi Jinping vividly described the precious value of the diversity of human civilization: if there is only one kind of flower in the world, no matter how beautiful it is, it is monotonous.

On September 24, 2014, at the International Academic Symposium to commemorate the 2565 anniversary of the birth of Confucius and the opening meeting of the Fifth General Assembly of the International Confucian Federation, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We should maintain the diversity of civilizations of all countries and ethnic groups and strengthen mutual exchanges., Learn from each other, learn from each other, and should not be separated, mutually exclusive, and replace each other, so that the garden of world civilization can be full of vitality."

This is the equal and sincere treatment of Chinese civilization——

The ancient Silk Road was not only a path of trade and exchange, but also a path of knowledge exchange. Along the ancient Silk Road, China brought silk, porcelain, lacquerware, and iron to the West, as well as exotic products such as pepper, flax, grapes, and pomegranate; Buddhism, Islam, and Arabic astronomy, calendars, and medicine were introduced to China, and China's technological inventions and sericulture techniques were also transmitted to the world through this.

Chinese culture is not only global, but also national.

At Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province, known as the "Number One Heroic Pass in the World," it is urged to "protect the roots of the Chinese national spirit that never cease."; In the Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi, it is pointed out that "historical and cultural heritage is an irreplaceable and precious resource, and protection should always be given top priority"; In Fuzhou, Fujian, it is emphasized that "one should cherish and respect ancient buildings, old houses, and old neighborhoods"

Nowadays, the historical context on the land of China has been integrated into modern life, and the intersection of mountains, rivers, and humanities has become a modern livable place. Cultural confidence has built a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly explained the understanding of mutual respect and equal treatment of different civilizations: "Every civilization is rooted in its own survival soil, embodies the extraordinary wisdom and spiritual pursuit of a country and a nation, and has its own value of existence." "If you treat a civilization from a high position, you will not only fail to understand the mystery of this civilization, but will also be incompatible with it."

This is a broad mind that embraces differences and respects them——

The Chinese nation has always emphasized the concept of "one family under heaven", advocating for harmony between the people and the world, harmony among all nations, and great harmony throughout the world. It yearns for a beautiful world where "the journey of the great road is for the benefit of the world".

In today's world, humans live in a world composed of different cultures, races, skin colors, religions, and social systems, and people from all countries have formed a community of shared destiny with each other.

"Peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom are the common values of all humanity and the lofty goals of the United Nations. The goals are far from being achieved, and we still need to work hard."

In September 2015, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the "common value of all mankind" to the world for the first time at the United Nations forum ".

Harmony but diversity leads to great harmony in the world. The common values of all mankind advocated by the CPC in the new era never seek sameness and one side of a thousand people, demonstrating the dialectical wisdom of "difference" and "great harmony".

Advocate to carry forward the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, and put forward the "the Belt and Road" initiative, the global development initiative, the global security initiative, the global civilization initiative... China in the new era has always been committed to proposing solutions and building platforms for dialogue and communication among civilizations.

On June 15th, the Great Mojiao Mountain in the Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park of Hangzhou successfully collected the sparks of the 19th Asian Games here.

At this moment, the flames of sports, civilization, and peace, symbolizing unity, complement each other with the holy land that has demonstrated the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization.

In the new era, China continuously draws wisdom and strength from the more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization history, works hand in hand with countries around the world, and will surely paint a more magnificent picture of human civilization.

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