Why is this year particularly lively?, Hong Kong "the Belt and Road" Summit Forum has been held for eight consecutive years

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:11 PM

Take a bus from Hong Kong International Airport to the east of Hong Kong Island. On the way, billboards of the 8th "the Belt and Road" Summit Forum came into sight from time to time. This is undoubtedly a highly anticipated event in Hong Kong recently. A friend who works for a public relations company in Hong Kong even complained to reporters: these two days, all the reporters who are familiar with each other have gone to the "the Belt and Road", and no one can report on other activities.

The words of public relations may be exaggerated, but they also reflect the appeal of the "the Belt and Road" Summit Forum from the side. At the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, nearly 6000 government officials, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs from over 70 countries and regions gathered together. Whether it is the main venue of the forum, exhibition hall, or transaction negotiation area, scenes of guests with different skin colors chatting in different languages can be seen everywhere, and the atmosphere on site is lively.

As Li Jiachao, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said at the opening ceremony, Hong Kong is like the "the Belt and Road" highway, which is both a participant, contributor and beneficiary of the "the Belt and Road".

Fully leverage Hong Kong's unique advantages

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the the Belt and Road Initiative and the first time that the the Belt and Road Summit Forum has been held offline after the epidemic in Hong Kong. Many guests expressed that in this context, this forum is destined to have extraordinary significance.

"It's not easy to hold the meeting. Look, my hair has turned white," Liu Huiping, Vice President of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, told reporters with a smile during a small interview on the first day. He said that as an important trade exchange platform for the "the Belt and Road" initiative, the "the Belt and Road" Summit Forum was co hosted by the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Hong Kong Trade and Development Council. It has an opening ceremony, policy dialogue, thematic luncheon, main forum, thematic sub group forum, and investment project introduction. It aims to review past achievements, explore future opportunities, promote high-quality development in infrastructure, logistics, finance, science and innovation, trade and other fields, and promote people to people connectivity.

For Hong Kong, the "the Belt and Road" is an important opportunity that must be grasped and can be grasped. The Chairman of the Hong Kong Trade and Development Council, Carrie Lam, stated at the forum that Hong Kong has always been committed to providing a platform for trade, finance, infrastructure, and people to people exchanges. "From East Asia to Central Asia and Southeast Asia, and then to the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and other regions, our goal has always been to achieve common development and prosperity of the world economy.".

With its unique advantages of "relying on the motherland and connecting the world", Hong Kong has made solid achievements in the process of participating in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road". The Secretary for Financial Services and Treasury of Hong Kong, Hsu Cheng yu, said in an interview with reporters that over the past decade, Hong Kong has played at least three roles, namely "the builder of cooperation platforms", "the promoter of ideological exchange", and "the provider of solutions".

Why is this year particularly lively?, Hong Kong "the Belt and Road" Summit Forum has been held for eight consecutive years

Taking "solution providers" as an example, diversified and comprehensive professional services are the strengths of Hong Kong. Xu Zhengyu said that Hong Kong has a high level of professional service institutions in investment and financing, insurance, accounting, law and so on, which can provide the best solutions around the needs of the "the Belt and Road" partners. In the future, Hong Kong will continue to give full play to its own advantages, and continue to strengthen cooperation with the "the Belt and Road" countries in trade and investment, innovative technology, infrastructure development and other fields to achieve common prosperity.

Focusing on emerging markets, expanding "circle of friends"

In February of this year, a Hong Kong trade and trade delegation led by Li Jiachao and organized by the Hong Kong Trade and Development Council visited the Middle East. As an extension of the achievements of the visiting delegation, this forum has specially added a "Middle East Special Session".

The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of Hong Kong, Qiu Yinghua, pointed out that the Middle East is undergoing a diversified economic transformation, shifting from the traditional energy sector to infrastructure, high-tech, digital economy, finance, and more.

He said that many countries in the Middle East are the main partners of the "the Belt and Road" initiative. This forum focuses on the new development and new cooperation of the Middle East market under the "the Belt and Road" initiative, in order to strengthen the exploration of emerging markets such as the Middle East, promote exchanges and cooperation in many areas such as trade and investment, and help build the "the Belt and Road" high-quality development.

Focusing on the Middle East, this forum has set up policy dialogue sessions, thematic group forums, and investment project introduction sessions. The "Middle East Forum: Trade Prospects in the Middle East Market" segment held on the 14th was chaired by Chen Qizong, Chairman of Hang Lung Real Estate Co., Ltd., and guests including CEO of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Group, Ou Guansheng, and Chairman of the Egyptian Investment and Free Zone Authority, Hossam Heiba, engaged in a dialogue to analyze the trade and investment prospects in the Middle East market and further strengthen Hong Kong's ties with Middle Eastern countries.

In fact, there is also a large amount of capital in the Middle East that also needs to be invested. In addition to helping mainland investors understand and enter the Middle East, Liu Huiping also hopes to play the role of Hong Kong as an international financial center, attract more Middle Eastern funds to enter the mainland through Hong Kong, further promote fund integration, and achieve win-win cooperation.

The "the Belt and Road" provides broader cooperation space for Shanghai and Hong Kong

Why is this year particularly lively?, Hong Kong "the Belt and Road" Summit Forum has been held for eight consecutive years

Shanghai and Hong Kong have a long history of cultural affinity, economic integration, and cooperation and exchange. This year coincides with the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Hong Kong cooperation mechanism. Many guests at the forum believe that under the "the Belt and Road" initiative, the space for cooperation and complementary advantages between the two places will be broader.

"I really like Shanghai!" Upon hearing that the reporter came from Shanghai media, Qiu Yinghua immediately opened her mouth. As early as 1987, he came to Shanghai for work needs. "At that time, Pudong was still a farmland, and Huaihai Road was not so suitable for shopping.".

Nowadays, just like the Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect connecting "South Water" and "North Water", the cooperation between the two regions has a wide coverage and fruitful results. Qiu Yinghua said that under the opportunity of the "the Belt and Road Initiative", Hong Kong will strengthen cooperation with Shanghai in science and innovation, finance and other fields, and transform the differences between the two places into new advantages of cooperation.

The reporter noticed that there were also many "Shanghai faces" appearing on the forum. The person in charge of Shanghai Xingyi Industrial Co., Ltd., Bi Qianqian, has many tasks this time: not only to expand the company's existing musical instrument business, but also to target investment opportunities on site and venture into more fields. "On the platform of the 'the Belt and Road', we are not only competitors but also cooperators with other enterprises." She said that she hopes to join hands with more enterprises at home and abroad on the win-win road.

Since 2016, the Hong Kong SAR government has held the "the Belt and Road" Summit Forum every year. So far, more than 3800 project matchmaking meetings have been held, attracting more than 33000 participants. It is understood that this forum will continue to extend the service time of online and offline investment projects and commercial matching links, continuing previous successful experiences. It is expected to involve over 280 investment projects and 800 one-on-one project matchmaking meetings.

Zhang Zhijun, President of the Association for the Betterment and Progress of the Communist Party of China (ARATS), came to Shanghai to participate in important event competitions | Youth | Activities
Zhang Zhijun, President of the Association for the Betterment and Progress of the Communist Party of China (ARATS), came to Shanghai to participate in important event competitions | Youth | Activities

Yesterday afternoon, the 8th Cross Strait Youth Maker Competition came to an end at Tongji University. The competition, with the theme of "Challenging New Technology and Joining Hands for the Future," attracted 558 young athletes to participate, with a record high scale, including 223 from Taiwan. The competition showcases the scientific and outstanding spirit of young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait through workshops, on-site production and construction, and achievement display, promoting mutual understanding and friendship among young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait through cooperation. The competition is guided by the Cross Strait Relations Association, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, and the Taiwan Hong Kong Macao Affairs Office of the Fujian Provincial People's Government. It is co hosted by Tongji University, Fengjia University in Taiwan, and Fuzhou University. Zhang Zhijun, President of the Association for the Betterment and Progress of the Communist Party of China (ARATS), Chen Tong, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, and Fang Shou'en, Director of the School Affairs Committee of Tongji University, attended.

Modern Peking Opera "Xiong'an Family" Launches and Arranges Drama Programs | National Peking Opera Theatre | Peking Opera
Modern Peking Opera "Xiong'an Family" Launches and Arranges Drama Programs | National Peking Opera Theatre | Peking Opera

To showcase the hot practice of the construction and development of Xiong'an, the National Peking Opera Academy and the Shijiazhuang Peking Opera Troupe jointly created the modern Peking Opera "Xiong'an Family". On the 25th, the launch ceremony of the drama's founding team was held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. The modern Peking Opera "Xiong'an Family", represented by the protagonist Wang Changshui, tells the story of the Yan and Zhao people's unremitting efforts to build Xiong'an New Area. It vividly records the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area and praises the spirit of daring to contribute to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese Dream. "Xiong'an Family" is a large-scale realism themed drama that was first collaborated between the National Peking Opera Academy and the Shijiazhuang Peking Opera Troupe. The script was carefully created and polished by playwrights who went deep into the Xiong'an New Area to gather inspiration. Zhang Jianguo, a famous artist from the National Peking Opera Theatre, leads the cast, while other main roles are played by young actors Wu Jiaming, Niu Teng, Wang Xin, and Li Kun from the Shijiazhuang Peking Opera Troupe

Beijing's water sports are heating up, and paddleboarding on the lake has become a new fashion for cooling off. The lake surface | water sports | lake tours
Beijing's water sports are heating up, and paddleboarding on the lake has become a new fashion for cooling off. The lake surface | water sports | lake tours

The warm summer breeze brushed over the lake, and the emerald green water shimmered with ripples. On the lake, the boy looked at the foam paddle at his feet and carefully adjusted his weight, his legs were tense and stiff. After a particularly long few seconds, the tourist, who was obviously a beginner, arched his body and slowly stood up from his kneeling position. Watching the tourists swimming on the lake float past, feeling the cool lake water gently caressing the soles of their feet, he slowly paddled left and right, taking a long sigh of relief. Recently, in the scorching summer of Beijing, many citizens rode paddleboards and kayaks to the lake in Chaoyang Park to experience the charm and coolness of water sports. Paddleboard swimming in the lake is the most suitable way to cool off in summer. Coach Lao Yang of Whale Sports, an outdoor water club, told reporters that every year from May Day holiday to mid September, it is the busiest time on the water surface

98% of Hong Kong people oppose it! Li Jiachao: We will conduct thorough radiation testing on seafood. Japan | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | Seafood
98% of Hong Kong people oppose it! Li Jiachao: We will conduct thorough radiation testing on seafood. Japan | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | Seafood

According to Hong Kong media reports, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, stated on July 11 that food safety issues involve public health and the government will take them very seriously. Li Jiachao pointed out that it is necessary for the government to ensure food safety in Hong Kong and to maintain confidence among the Hong Kong people in food safety. He said that once Japan starts discharging nuclear wastewater, the SAR government will take action to expand the scope of the ban on importing Japanese seafood and conduct thorough radiation testing on seafood. Li Jiachao pointed out that the government has established an expert group for further research, and a cross departmental group led by the Secretary for Administration will formulate corresponding policies on this matter, which is believed to be announced soon. Li Jiachao stated that considering the unpredictability of nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea, no expert can guarantee that it will not affect food safety

An estimated 71 million passengers are expected to be sent nationwide, and railway transportation during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday will start with high-speed trains for passengers
An estimated 71 million passengers are expected to be sent nationwide, and railway transportation during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday will start with high-speed trains for passengers

The reporter learned from China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. that the 5-day railway Dragon Boat Festival holiday transportation will start today. From June 21st to June 25th, the national railway is expected to send 71 million passengers, with a daily average of 14.2 million passengers sent. June 22nd is the peak day of passenger flow, with an estimated 16 million passengers sent. This year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the railway department will add 127 night high-speed trains and sleeper trains. From June 21st to 22nd, 108 night high-speed trains will be arranged in popular areas such as Shanghai to Zhengzhou, Shanghai to Nanchang, Hangzhou to Zhengzhou, and Hangzhou to Fuzhou. An additional 18 high-speed sleeper trains will be added daily between popular areas such as Shanghai Hongqiao to Foshan, Guangzhou South, and Zhuhai, Beijing West to Shenzhen North, Zhuhai, and Zhanjiang. Daily high-speed trains will be added between Beijing West to Kunming South, and Kunming South

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