Claiming shareable teachers, two private schools in Hengshui have been accused of illegally recruiting repeat students for education under the banner of Hengzhong

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:42 PM

Recently, Pengpai News received a report from local parents in Hebei that two private schools, Hengshui Experimental School and Hengshui Fuyang Middle School, still illegally recruit repeat students under the guise of public school Hengshui Middle School, violating the provisions of the Ministry of Education's "Six Independence" policy for private schools regarding "independent enrollment and independent teaching teams.".

Multiple enrollment teachers from the two schools mentioned above have all told Pengpai News that the two schools and Hengshui Middle School share the same teaching model, and teachers also move back and forth between these three schools. Many teachers claim that Hengshi and Hengfu schools uniformly admit repeat students and allocate campuses based on different subject combinations.

On the morning of June 14th, the principal of Fuyang Middle School responded to The Paper, stating that the sharing of resources between Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Middle School is a "cooperation and assistance" relationship, and there are no violations; The executive principal of Hengshui Experimental School did not give an interview and stated that a meeting was taking place.

Are these two private schools related to Hengzhong? Pengpai News has repeatedly called the official website of Hengshui Middle School but has not received any response or comment.

Xiong Bingqi, the director of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, believes that if these behaviors exist, they are clearly illegal enrollment and should be stopped. In severe cases, enrollment or school qualifications should be revoked. The Ministry of Education's three applications and five orders require private schools to be "six independent", and some places have repeatedly banned them, which is due to local and school interests.

Parents report that two private schools violate the "six independence" policy

Xiao Peng is a parent of a student in Hebei who has been paying attention to the situation of several private schools in Hengshui. Starting from May this year, he reported to the Ministry of Education and relevant education departments in Hebei that some private schools in Hengshui have engaged in illegal operation and enrollment, which clearly violates the provisions of the "Six Independence" policy for private schools regarding "independent enrollment and independent teacher teams".

Article 7 of the Implementation Regulations of the Law on the Promotion of Private Education stipulates: "Private schools established or participated in by public schools shall have independent legal person qualifications, separate campuses from public schools, basic education and teaching facilities, and independent full-time teaching teams. They shall independently conduct accounting, recruit students, and issue academic certificates in accordance with the unified national accounting system." This refers to the "six independence": independent legal person, independent financial accounting, independent enrollment, independent certification, independent campus and facilities, and independent teaching team.

Regarding the practice of "prestigious schools running private schools", Director Liu Changya of the Development and Planning Department of the Ministry of Education stated at a press conference that public schools participating in the establishment of private schools through brand output is a product of a specific historical stage, but it has also generated many problems. On the one hand, it dilutes the brand resources of public schools themselves, exacerbates educational anxiety, and thus leads to social problems. On the other hand, private schools participated in by public schools utilize the high-quality brand of public schools and adopt the charging mechanism of private schools, causing unfair competition and disrupting educational order for both public and private schools.

Pengpai News noticed that in 2017, two schools in Hebei Hengshui Middle School and private Hengshui No.1 Middle School had issues such as "one set of people and two brands", sharing official websites, public in-service teachers teaching in private schools, cross regional competition for enrollment, and even "top tier enrollment", which were exposed by the media and attracted attention.

Due to multiple violations of educational regulations, the Education Department of Hebei Province issued a document ordering Hengzhong and Hengshui No.1 Middle School to rectify, and provided a total of 8 rectification opinions. Regarding Hengshui No.1 Middle School, rectification requirements have been proposed, including improving the school's corporate governance structure, establishing a private school's corporate property rights system as soon as possible, controlling the scale of education, regulating enrollment behavior, and prohibiting arbitrary fees. Regarding Hengshui Middle School, three issues have been proposed, including "two schools and one legal person", public and private schools with teachers on staff, and two schools' external "bundled publicity", and rectification requirements have been put forward.

According to Tianyancha information, "Hengshui No.1 Middle School" has now been renamed "Hengshui Taihua Middle School". The social organization type of the school is displayed as "private non enterprise unit", and the business supervisory unit is "Hengshui Education Bureau".

In addition to Hengshui No.1 Middle School, Hengshui Middle School has also participated in the establishment of two private schools, Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Experimental School.

Xiao Peng stated that the two private schools, Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Experimental School, still have ambiguous relationships with Hengshui Middle School and have not implemented the "six independence" regulations. There are many confusions with Hengshui Middle School's teachers, management, finance, and other aspects.

According to Tianyancha information, Fuyang Middle School in Hengshui City was established in 2013, with Gao Yongjun as its legal representative. Its business scope is to "recruit junior high school graduates and young people for full-time regular high school education", and the competent department is the Hengshui Education Bureau. According to the school's official website, the school was founded in 1999 and is a public and privately funded senior high school approved by the Education Department of Hebei Province. The school covers an area of nearly 100 acres, with more than 110 faculty members and nearly 3000 students on campus.

According to Tianyancha information, Hengshui Middle School Experimental School was established in 2017, with Yang Jianguo as its legal representative. Its business scope is "full-time basic, primary, middle, and high school education", and its social organization type is "private non enterprise units". The competent department for business is the Social Affairs Development Bureau of Hengshui Economic Development Zone. According to the official website, the school is a private boarding school that can handle primary, middle, and high schools, with over 200 teaching and staff members.

"The school fully implements the educational philosophy of Hengshui Middle School, fully implements the management experience of Hengshui Middle School, fully implements Hengshui Middle School's teaching methods, fully draws on Hengshui Middle School's activity plans, fully enjoys Hengshui Middle School's educational resources, fully realizes seamless integration with Hengshui Middle School, and jointly cultivates high-quality talents.".

The admission criteria of the two schools are almost the same: they can share teaching resources with Hengshui Middle School

The surging news noticed that on June 11, Hengshui Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Experimental School successively released the notice of pre registration of re entrants on their official website and official account.

Xiao Peng reported that this year, Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Experimental School in Hengshui continue to illegally recruit students from repeat classes under the banner of Hengshui Middle School.

On June 12th, according to the pre enrollment notice, Pengpai News, as a parent, called 8 teachers responsible for enrollment consultation at Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Experimental School in Hengshui to inquire about the school's situation.

Teacher Dong from Fuyang Middle School said that Hengzhong is a public school, with two private schools under it: Hengshui Experimental School and Fuyang Middle School. They generally refer to Hengzhong as the "headquarters", which mainly consists of students from Hengshui City. "As long as they leave Hengshui City, they can only come to our Hengshi or Fuyang.".

"These two schools both have the same teachers, the same software and hardware, the same tuition, the same textbooks, the same materials, and everything is synchronized, sharing resources, which is an advantage that other schools do not have. Because it belongs to Hengzhong, only the program of secondary students can only be in private schools, and all the resources are the same as Hengzhong." Teacher Dong said.

Regarding the teaching staff, Teacher Dong said, "As soon as a child is promoted to a higher level, teachers need to be replaced, and the replacement process takes turns. Teachers from Hengzhong may go to Fuyang, Hengshi, or our headquarters Hengzhong, and it's like this every year. They are mobile teachers."

Another enrollment teacher at Fuyang Middle School, Teacher Ma, also stated that both Fuyang Middle School and Experimental School are part of the Hengzhong system and belong to the Hengzhong Department. The teaching mode is exactly the same as Hengzhong, including the arrangement of students' school and rest time, and students are also fully enclosed boarding, generally not allowed to study day.

"The teachers, teaching and management are the same, and the resources are shared." Teacher Ma said, "The re reading class pays more attention to the quality of teaching, and many experienced Hengzhong teachers have been transferred."

"The only difference is the campus," said Teacher Ma. Fuyang Middle School is located relatively north and has a more remote area, which is actually more suitable for students to focus on their studies. For candidates from other provinces, Teacher Ma said that there is no essential difference in the registration process, mainly that after the exam, they need to return to their hometown to participate in the college entrance examination.

Teacher Liu from Fuyang Middle School also stated that Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Middle School are "integrated", "just like the relationship between No. 1 Middle School, Hengshi Middle School, and Hengshui Middle School.". Regarding tuition fees, Teacher Liu introduced that the lowest tier of Hebei candidates is the top 5000 in the province, priced at 2000 yuan; Secondly, according to different scores, it is divided into 25000 yuan, 35000 yuan, and 45000 yuan.

Regarding the teaching staff, Teacher Liu said, "They are all teachers from Hengzhong. Every year, the teachers go to the main campus, Hengshi, or Fuyang, and they are evenly distributed and integrated. There is no saying that only teachers with staff are in the main campus, there is no such thing. Our teachers will be in this campus this year and in that campus next year, running back and forth."

Teacher Li of Fuyang Middle School also said, "The teachers, textbooks, and materials printed at ordinary times are all universal and identical." Teacher Li said that every year, teachers will be assigned to whichever campus needs people. "Our school will distribute them uniformly.".

The caliber of the four enrollment counselors at Hengshui Experimental School is basically the same as that of the enrollment counselors at Fuyang Middle School.

Teacher Tian from the Experimental School of Hengshui Middle School said, "Fuyang, Hengshi, and Hengshui Middle School are all part of the same system, and all the information is the same. The teacher also exchanges the entire system back and forth."

Teacher Tian said that he taught his senior year in Hengzhong with his graduation class the previous year, and this year he has arranged to attend Hengshi's repeating class.

Teacher Lin from the Experimental School of Hengshui Middle School said, "When we teachers came, we were all heading for Hengshui Middle School. Teachers rotate every year in various campuses."

Admissions teachers from two schools claim to allocate students according to different combinations. Principal Fuyang: There are no violations

"Youth only comes once, how can dreams be discounted. If you don't give your all on the way to the college entrance examination, if you just don't do it right, if you have a higher dream, if you are willing to have an unfinished future, if you know the importance of your first degree, then choose us and witness the struggle of youth!..." Pengpai News noticed that apart from the different school names, the promotional content and expression of the recruitment notices for repeat students at Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Experimental School in Hengshui are basically the same.

The notice states, "Starting today, candidates can register online and truthfully fill in their registration information. After the college entrance examination results are announced, please enter the registration page again as soon as possible to fill in your personal college entrance examination results. Until the registration amount is full, please always pay attention to the website's pre admission results and payment information."

In June last year, Hengshui Experimental School and Hengshui Fuyang Middle School jointly announced that the two schools would jointly recruit repeat students.

According to Teacher Li from Fuyang Middle School, the enrollment of repeat students in Fuyang Middle School and Experimental School is unified. "Fuyang Middle School mainly admits students from" materialized "and" materialized "areas, as well as students from outside the province. There are still many combinations of students from Hengshi. Class type combinations that Fuyang does not have are diverted to Hengshi."

Teacher Tian from the Experimental School of Hengshui Middle School also introduced that both schools are recruiting repeat students. Due to the large number of students choosing "materialistic students", in order to facilitate management, they are given a separate campus, which is more conducive to overall level improvement. Meanwhile, Teacher Tian introduced that Hengshi is mainly a combination of humanities and "physical chemistry+other".

Regarding the parents' doubts about the selection of Fuyang Middle School, Teacher Tian bluntly said, "It's okay, we are all the same. Yesterday we had a meeting together, and a few teachers sat together. That's okay."

He introduced that currently 9 mobile phone numbers responsible for enrollment consultation have been announced. After the scores are obtained, the specific phone numbers of enrollment managers in different regions will be announced. Students can then contact them by following the above phone numbers.

"Specifically, it depends on the combination of subjects. Different combinations have different campuses, and our focus is mainly on humanities." Teacher Lin from Hengshui Middle School Experimental School said that it is currently the same which school to apply to. "There seems to be a program in the backend that will directly assign you to Fuyang.".

On the morning of June 14th, Pengpai News contacted the principal of Fuyang Middle School, Gao Yongjun, by phone. Gao Yongjun said: Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Middle School share resources, and some resources such as test papers, lesson plans, courseware, and exercises are shared; In terms of teaching staff, the main focus is on sharing teaching and research, as well as unifying teaching plans and progress.

Regarding the relationship between Fuyang High School and Hengshui High School, Gao Yongjun said, "It should be called cooperation or assistance.". Gao Yongjun said, "Our enrollment is independent, our graduation certificate is independent, and our finance is independent. We are managed by the Education Bureau of Hengshui City and have no violations."

Regarding the statements made by the recruitment consultant, such as "teachers moving between campuses", Gao Yongjun said, "I'm not very clear about these things. Those may not be our teachers. Some institutions want to deceive parents by suggesting that they can book seats and pay fees in advance, but in reality, there is no such thing."

Li Xianhui, the executive principal of Hengshui Experimental School, said after receiving a call that it was inconvenient to be interviewed and that a meeting was currently taking place. Pengpai News dialed the contact number provided on the official website of Hengshui Education Bureau, but no one answered.

Pengpai News has made multiple phone calls to the official website of Hengshui Middle School, but no one has answered.

Education expert: Obvious violation, repeated bans not only driven by interests

Xiong Bingqi, the director of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, bluntly stated, "If it is true, it is a clear violation!"

Xiong Bingqi stated that the state stipulates that private schools have "six independence" - independent legal person, independent finance, independent enrollment, independent certification, independent campus, and independent teaching staff. According to regulations, private schools can only use their own brand to recruit students. How can using the brand of a public college to recruit students and promoting the sharing of teaching staff with public schools be considered "independent"?

"This is an old problem, not a new problem today," said Xiong Bingqi, who stated many years ago that public schools cannot admit repeat students. The main considerations are several aspects: firstly, public schools enroll repeat students, which occupies degree resources and affects the admission rate of other students to the general high school; Secondly, public schools that recruit repeat students have a tendency to encourage repeat studies, which is suspected of violating educational equity.

Xiong Bingqi said that in reality, many students have a need to repeat their studies. Students can choose to repeat their studies at home, or at private schools or educational training institutions. So, in some places, private schools are established through public schools to recruit repeat students.

From past experiences, the college entrance examination tutoring school is a high profit training track. Private high schools recruit repeat students, which can quickly establish a brand by using high scoring repeat students to enter prestigious schools, thereby admitting more first year high school students and more repeat students.

"Isn't this just using national resources to make money?" Xiong Bingqi said. Originally public resources, they were used to run schools in the model of private schools, and charging fees according to private methods is obviously unreasonable. In addition, this behavior has also caused unfair competition against other private schools, resulting in inequality between private schools.

Xiong Bingqi said that according to regulations, if there are similar violations, the education department can impose penalties such as suspending enrollment and revoking the qualification for running a school. But the reality is that the investigation itself is not difficult, but some local governments have turned a blind eye to the disguised recruitment of repeat students by public schools. In addition to economic benefits, there are other considerations of interests. "For example, local governments also hope that more students from such schools can be admitted to prestigious schools to improve their academic performance."

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