The "contradiction between people and vehicles" caused by fast riding requires urgent attention. There are more and more collision accidents! In Pudong Riverside

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 22:13 PM

At about 3 pm on October 5, citizen Zhong Yong entered Pudong Binjiang from near Xupu Bridge as usual, and ran northward for fitness along the red trail that runs from north to south of Binjiang. When we were running near Sanlin Ferry, a mountain bike suddenly appeared and collided with Zhong Yong...

As urban cycling becomes more and more popular, in Pudong Binjiang, a three-in-one "cycling, running, and strolling" area, conflicts caused by fast cycling have become more and more intense, and collision accidents between people and vehicles have become more frequent. Some accidents have resulted in serious consequences.

After dark on weekdays, the Pudong Riverside is a popular place for citizens to walk, run, and ride.

In June of this year, Liberation Daily and Shangguan News paid attention to a series of chaos caused by "speeding gangs" on Binjiang Road in Pudong, such as speeding past people and dazzling headlights. At that time, the Binjiang management department took many targeted measures, such as setting up speed limit signs, speed bumps and other facilities, and arranging security personnel to remind citizens who ride faster, etc. Looking back now, these measures have had little effect. Why? The reporter recently conducted another investigation.

"Sometimes there are multiple collisions in one weekend."

"In Pudong Binjiang, bicycles should be driven on the black cycling track, separated from runners and vehicles on the red running track. But in fact, it is not uncommon for bicycles and runners to compete for the red trail." Zhong Yong said that he has always Since running along the Pudong Riverside, he has witnessed the above phenomenon many times, but he was quite surprised that he was hit by it.

Not far from the south side of Sanlin Ferry Port, Binjiang has set up an iron bridge on Sanlintang Port to connect the north and south. Further south of the iron bridge, the originally parallel walking trails and cycling trails are separated. The cycling trails are located on the east side of the riverside, while the walking trails are on the west side. Cyclists traveling from north to south must clearly see the direction of the cycling path and turn to the east after getting off the bridge. “There are often bicycles that rush directly into the pedestrian walkway at high speed after getting off the bridge,” Zhong Yong recalled. This is how the accident on October 5 happened. "At that time, the mountain bike was carrying the inertia of going off the bridge at a very high speed and rushed straight into the pedestrian walkway." Zhong Yong was unable to dodge and was hit straight on. After the collision between the man and the car, the bicycle rushed to the barbed wire fence on one side and then stopped. Fortunately, both parties only had minor scratches. After Zhong Yong called the police, the police educated the cyclist.

The place where Zhong Yong met with an accident. During the interview, the reporter also witnessed many cyclists riding on the running track.

Pedestrians running into the cycling path also pose danger to fast cyclists. At about 8 a.m. on September 9 this year, in the Binjiang Expo Cultural Park section, a cyclist was involved in a serious collision while avoiding a pedestrian in front of him while making a turn. Surveillance video at the time showed that the walkers were not walking on the trail, but on the cycling path from north to south. They were looking down at their mobile phones while walking, and they were walking slowly. The cyclist was riding a road bicycle at high speed, entering the curve from north to south. After entering the bend, the bicycle saw a pedestrian in front of it and instinctively avoided to the right. However, due to its excessive speed, it failed to control the vehicle and eventually hit the fence of the riverside. The cyclist was immediately sent to the hospital by "120". The accident caused her facial injuries and severe disfigurement.

Collisions between cyclists are even more common. At about 8 pm on September 19 this year, citizen Mr. Xu said that while he was riding along the Pudong Binjiang from north to south, a two-car collision occurred next to Tangqiao Ferry. The cycling track on the north side of the incident was a continuous curve with a downhill slope. Mr. Xu said that when he went downhill after exiting the bend, he collided with an oncoming bicycle. Both vehicles were mountain bikes, and they were both traveling very fast at the time. The accident caused Mr. Xu's eyes to be injured and his nose to be broken... And because the incident occurred in a blind spot, it was impossible to tell which party was riding in the other's lane.

The picture shows a section of Binjiang Road next to Tangqiao Ferry. Because the cycling path and running path are both very narrow, with continuous curves and complicated uphill and downhill road conditions, Mr. Xu, a citizen, encountered a collision between two vehicles here.

The above are only some of the recent accidents that the reporter learned about in Pudong Binjiang. Many security guards in Binjiang told reporters that in Pudong Binjiang, accidents of various sizes caused by fast riding are emerging one after another. "Sometimes multiple accidents can occur in a weekend."

The "contradiction between people and vehicles" caused by fast riding requires urgent attention. There are more and more collision accidents! In Pudong Riverside

The speed limit is in name only, and the security dissuasion effect is limited.

On the evening of October 8, the reporter entered Pudong Binjiang from near Yaoti Road and rode a shared bicycle all the way south to Sanlin Ferry. This section of the riverside cycling path is relatively wide, and the multiple regional cycling paths and trails are independent of each other, making it very suitable for cycling. After night falls, there are many people riding bicycles, many of them in groups. The reporter noticed that on some road sections, it is common for people and vehicles to mix. Take the Sanlintang Port Bridge on the south side of Sanlun Ferry as an example. The bridge has a certain curvature. When a large number of cyclists drive through this section, they habitually drive on the right side or ride side by side. The red jogging track forced many people walking to stick to the bridge and watch the dangers surround them. Further to the south, the same is true at the intersection where Zhong Yong's accident occurred. Perhaps it was difficult to distinguish the color of the lane after dark, so many cyclists rode on the running track.

On the Sanlintang Port Bridge on the south side of Sanlun Ferry, several cyclists quickly turned around and almost all rode on the running track. A walker in white could only walk close to the edge of the bridge.

In the Tangqiao Ferry section where Mr. Xu suffered an accident, the situation was opposite. In the riverside section to the north, the cycling and running paths are very narrow. When two or three people ride side by side, it is inevitable that they will need to use the cycling lane; and when encountering turns and other places, it is more common for cyclists to use the opposite lane.

In the riverside section north of Tangqiao Ferry, the cycling and running paths are very narrow, and mixed traffic between people and vehicles is common.

Although mixed traffic between people and vehicles is the direct cause of many accidents, the extremely fast speed of cyclists is often the main cause of accidents. If you stay in Binjiang for a while, you will find that except for the shared bicycles, which are relatively slow, road bikes and mountain bikes are very fast. Especially some cyclists wearing professional cycling clothes and riding road bikes can reach speeds of thirty or forty kilometers per hour by visual inspection. In the narrow riverside, if an unexpected situation occurs, how can the vehicle respond at such a fast speed?

On Pudong Binjiang, many cyclists often meet to ride together. When riding, they will inevitably use the opposite lane, which brings safety risks.

For this reason, a large number of facilities and signs along the Pudong Binjiang remind cyclists to slow down: signboards with a speed limit of 15 kilometers per hour can be seen everywhere, and when encountering corners, uphill and downhill slopes, bridges, etc., the speed limit is 5 kilometers per hour. Every hour or simply remind cyclists to get off their bikes. At ferries, park entrances and exits, speed bumps are also installed on cycling paths to help cyclists control their speed. Horns are hung in many places where accidents are likely to occur, reminding cyclists and runners to "go their own way, pay attention to safety, and slow down." In addition, a large number of security personnel have been deployed along the Binjiang River to warn citizens who ride fast.

A large number of facilities and signs along the Pudong Riverside remind cyclists to slow down. Speed ​​limit signs of 15 kilometers per hour can be seen everywhere.

A large number of facilities and signs along the Pudong Riverside remind cyclists to slow down. The picture shows a place on the bridge reminding cyclists to get off the bicycle and proceed.

The picture shows a sign erected along the Pudong Riverside to remind citizens to "divert people and vehicles and go their own way."

However, frequent accidents show that these measures have limited effectiveness. Speed ​​limit signs are almost useless. In front of the big words "Please get off the bus and proceed", few cyclists braked and paid no heed; the security guards' attempts to dissuade them were also ignored. Near Wangjiang Station No. 19, three security guards from the "Expo Cultural Tourism" were preparing to go on duty from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning. They were responsible for guarding the riverside in the Sanlin area on the south side. Will you dissuade someone from riding fast when you see them? "Most people don't listen." "Maybe they will slow down a little at the time, but then ride faster again." "Some cyclists will sarcastically ask, 'Are you a Pacific Police?'" they said helplessly.

The "contradiction between people and vehicles" caused by fast riding requires urgent attention. There are more and more collision accidents! In Pudong Riverside

At the corner of the steep slope, Binjiang signs remind cyclists to get off the bike and proceed, but few people pay attention.

Apart from admonishment, is there any way to solve the conflict between people and vehicles?

In the past few months, the 12345 citizen service hotline has also received a large number of complaints from citizens. A citizen who often walks on the riverside section near the art museum has repeatedly complained, accusing this section of riverside management of not being in place. Between 3 pm and 5 pm every day, the cycling path often turns into a "racing lane" for walking and jogging citizens. Bring safety risks. In response, the Lujiazui Municipal Greening Company, which is responsible for managing this section, responded that it had "required the Binjiang Management Office to strengthen management and discourage speeding by bicycles."

In addition to the limited-effect dissuasion, are there any other measures to alleviate the contradiction between people and vehicles caused by fast riding and ensure the safety of citizens when relaxing in riverside public spaces?

"Fast mountain bikes and road bicycles are not suitable for riding on the Binjiang." The relevant person in charge of the Pudong New Area Greening Management Affairs Center believes that the design and positioning of the riverside space that was completed 6 years ago are operated in accordance with the urban slow traffic system. It has not been taken into account that now that urban cycling has become popular, many road bicycles and mountain bikes have also traveled to the Binjiang Cycling Trail. These urban cycling vehicles are inherently faster, and the pursuit of speed is their nature, so they are more suitable for riding on safer municipal roads or professional tracks. It is said that "when originally conceived, Binjiang considered providing unified vehicles, and citizens could scan the code to unlock and ride inside, but in the end they gave up considering that there was no basis for such restrictions." It is understood that Binjiang's management is based on the "Shanghai Huangpu River" Suzhou River Waterside Public Space Regulations", which only restricts the entry of electric vehicles and motorcycles.

In addition to being criticized for riding too fast, the dazzling headlights on cyclists' fronts after dark are also the focus of complaints from Binjiang leisure residents.

So, is the suggestion put forward by some citizens through "12345" to set up more speed bumps and reduce speed through hardware feasible? The above-mentioned person in charge said that Pudong Binjiang has now set up speed bumps at accident-prone areas and pedestrian crossings. However, the existence of speed bumps actually affects the riding experience, and road bicycles are more likely to have accidents when driving over speed bumps. Therefore, it is not suitable to set it widely.

In principle, speed bumps should only be used in places where pedestrians are crossing and in places where accidents occur frequently, and should not be widely installed.

"It is really difficult to manage!" said the person in charge of the Pudong New Area Greening Management Affairs Center. For them, the only thing they can do now is to tap the potential of existing management measures and strengthen security patrols and dissuasion. To fundamentally solve the problem, he believes that relevant regulations need to be revised as soon as possible to clearly prohibit "speeding riding", and management departments and punitive measures must be implemented to adopt certain punitive management methods for speeding riding, otherwise it will be difficult to trigger speeding rider.

Next to Sanlin Ferry, non-motorized vehicles crossing the river after the ferry docked were filing out of the ferry. Several cyclists could not wait to weave in and out of the traffic, looking at the dangers.

On the other hand, the Pudong New Area Greening Management Affairs Center also reminded citizens that the above-mentioned regulations clearly state that "the public should follow the warning and prohibited safety signs and take personal safety protection in waterfront public spaces." Therefore, it is important to protect their own safety. The responsibility lies with every citizen. Therefore, we call on citizens to engage in civilized leisure and sports activities in Binjiang, abide by rules, obey management, and be quality Shanghai citizens.

The "contradiction between people and vehicles" caused by fast riding requires urgent attention. There are more and more collision accidents! In Pudong Riverside

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