Accelerating Industrial Transformation and Upgrading to Promote High Quality Development (High Quality Development Research Tour)

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:45 PM

Huatuo Road, Simiao Road, Shizhen Road... In Daxing, Beijing, roads named after famous doctors crisscross and interweave into an industrial park with a output value of billions of yuan - Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Daxing Biomedical Industry Base. Now, the base is moving towards building a "Chinese Medicine Valley" with international influence.

0.01 millimeters! Thin as cicada wings, but able to withstand temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius. The extreme ultra-thin optical glass developed by Hebei Qinhuangdao Star Arrow Special Glass Co., Ltd. is widely used in the aerospace field, providing armor for the Shenzhou series spacecraft.

Clothes do not use materials? Shandong Weihai Dishang Group is one of the largest clothing export enterprises in China. Here, designing and making a sample garment does not require fabric procurement and actual sewing. Take a few minutes to find suitable resources in the database, use 3D technology for virtual sewing, and complete a sample of a finished garment.

Autonomous buses move steadily, automatically accelerating, decelerating, changing lanes, turning, and turning. When encountering red lights or obstacles, they will automatically stop. In the "China Car Valley" of Wuhan Economic Development Zone in Hubei Province, the combination of "smart cars" and "smart roads" has made science fiction scenes a reality

To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development.

Walking in the Beijing Hebei Shandong Hubei region, one can always feel the unremitting efforts to optimize the economic structure. Through transformation, various regions tap into potential, optimize and increase power, upgrade and add vitality, achieving a balance between quantity and quality, and promoting high-quality development.

Good work and success, promoting industrial transformation and upgrading

"Reduced development" is a key term in Beijing's development in recent years.

In recent years, Beijing has released the country's first newly added industrial restriction catalog with the goal of addressing the "big city disease". It has withdrawn about 3000 general manufacturing and polluting enterprises, and evacuated and upgraded nearly 1000 regional professional markets and logistics centers. By utilizing the space vacated through illegal demolition, Beijing has left about 9000 hectares of green space and built and improved over 7700 convenient service outlets. The relaxation has brought about the optimization of industrial structure, with the proportion of newly established business entities such as technology, commerce, culture, and information rising from 40.7% in 2013 to 65.6% in 2022.

Hebei and Shandong are both traditional industrial provinces. In recent years, the two provinces have focused on eliminating backward and excess production capacity, cultivating new economic growth points, and accelerating high-quality development.

Tangshan, Hebei was built for coal and prospered for steel. While eliminating outdated production capacity, Tangshan is making every effort to build three pillars: new industry, large port, and high-tech. It is accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by industries such as high-quality steel, high-end equipment manufacturing, robotics, new energy, and new materials, and striving to promote the transformation and development of the old industrial city.

The Tangshan Incident is a microcosm of Hebei's efforts to transform its coal based energy structure and industrial structure. At present, Hebei has exceeded the national task of reducing production capacity in six major industries: steel, coal, cement, flat glass, coke, and thermal power; On the other hand, we will accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system that is clean, efficient, and diverse in support. In 2022, the total installed capacity of wind and photovoltaic power in Hebei Province reached 66.52 million kilowatts, with an additional installed capacity of 2.1 million kilowatts of pumped storage, gradually forming a new energy pattern of multiple energy complements.

Six years ago, after producing the last batch of molten iron, Jigang, which had been established for 59 years, shut down its entire steel production line in Jinan, Shandong, becoming the first ten million ton urban steel enterprise in the country to completely shut down its main steel business.

Reduce production capacity, not "reduce enterprises". For the past 6 years, Jigang has actively explored a new development model of "industry city integration and cross-border integration", achieving the rebirth of the phoenix.

"In 2021, Jigang's operating revenue was 44.7 billion yuan, returning to the top 500 enterprises in China; in 2022, it achieved operating revenue of 46.6 billion yuan." Bo Tao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Jigang Group Co., Ltd., stated that Jigang Group will focus on the new generation of information technology, intelligent manufacturing, modern services and other industries to accelerate high-quality development.

Hubei Xingfa Group Yichang New Materials Industrial Park, a copper cast circular landmark by the river is engraved with a series of meaningful numbers such as "April 24, 2018". From that day on, a major transformation began.

Dismantle 32 sets of chemical production facilities along the river, with a total asset value of nearly 1.4 billion yuan; Block the sewage outlet and invest 1.2 billion yuan to build a sewage treatment plant; The total investment is nearly 6 billion yuan, comprehensively promoting the green transformation and upgrading of enterprises... In the past five years, the old chemical enterprise Xingfa Group has continuously improved the "green content" and "gold content" of its development.

Transformation has given birth to new driving forces for development. Chen Xiaoqing, assistant to the general manager of Xingfa Group, stated that the price of high-tech chemical products developed by the group can reach 5000 yuan per gram. The products have changed from being sold per ton to being sold per gram, achieving a win-win situation for economic growth and environmental improvement.

In the first half of this year, Hubei achieved a GDP of 2625.922 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.6%, showing a stable start, sustained recovery, and steady improvement trend.

Breaking through new spaces and establishing new advantages, the industrial structure of the Beijing Hebei Shandong Hubei region is being optimized and the quality of development is improving.

Reform and innovation, achieving the transformation of old and new driving forces

Shandong is a nationally approved comprehensive experimental zone for the conversion of old and new kinetic energy. Entering the starting area of Jinan's new and old kinetic energy conversion, there is a bustling scene of construction. Not long ago, 33 key projects with a total investment of over 40 billion yuan started construction here, covering multiple fields such as advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries.

Chen Ying, General Manager of Jinan Green Dynamic Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd., which was put into operation last year, told us that in May of this year, the "Implementation Plan for Deepening Innovation and Improving the Business Environment in Shandong Province" was released. This is the fourth consecutive action plan to optimize the business environment released by Shandong since 2020. "We have proposed 170 specific reform measures in 20 fields to comprehensively build a more attractive and competitive business environment," said Zhang Chengjie, full-time deputy director of the Reform Office of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee.

A continuously optimized business environment is the "division factor" that removes obstacles to the development of business entities. With the help of two original biopharmaceuticals, Taetaxel and Vidiximab, Rongchang Biotechnology has reached a world leading level in antibody drug research and development. Looking back on the arduous journey of "grinding a medicine for ten years", Chairman Wang Weidong stated that he has always felt the sincere intention of the government to solve difficulties for business entities on the road of innovation. The continuous increase in the policy of adding and deducting research and development expenses highlights the clear direction of the country's encouragement and support for scientific and technological innovation, which is a tangible support for innovative drug research and development enterprises to alleviate financial pressure and increase research and development efforts.

Looking at the high-end manufacturing industry in Yantai, thanks to its excellent business environment and strong foundation, the biopharmaceutical industry represented by Rongchang Biotechnology is showing promising new prospects: breakthroughs have been made in cutting-edge fields, the industrial innovation ecosystem is gradually optimized, and new development opportunities are further opened up.

The transformation of old and new driving forces has continuously optimized the economic structure of Shandong, and strengthened new advantages. In the first half of this year, the gross domestic product of Shandong Province was 4412.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.2%, and investment in high-tech manufacturing increased by 27.7%.

At the Beijing Tianjin Hebei National Technology Innovation Center, super "seeds" are being cultivated one by one. It is reported that the center has implemented 208 forward-looking scientific and technological innovation projects, of which about 10% are world first or leading, and 139 have achieved achievement transformation; Cultivate 105 hard technology enterprises, including 9 listed companies.

As a national center for scientific and technological innovation, in recent years, Beijing's R&D investment intensity has remained at around 6%, ranking among the top international innovation cities. It has cultivated and formed two trillion level industrial clusters, namely the new generation of information technology industry and technology service industry, and has become an innovation engine for the coordinated development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region.

In the first half of this year, Beijing Daxing Economic Development Zone achieved new breakthroughs in attracting talents and attracting strength. Daxing Economic Development Zone has added 1089 newly registered enterprises, with 298 registered capital of millions of yuan or more, including 14 enterprises with billions of yuan; Digital economy and science and technology service enterprises account for about 60%.

Innovative development is the key to overcoming obstacles. Only by firmly deepening reforms, breaking down institutional and institutional barriers that hinder development, and increasing support for strategic emerging industries, can we unleash the "multiplier effect" driven by innovation and promote high-quality development.

Hebei Far East Communication System Engineering Co., Ltd., located in Luquan Development Zone, Shijiazhuang, has recently launched a production line for high stability constant temperature crystal oscillators. This production line is a special fund support project for the development of strategic emerging industries in Hebei, achieving mass production of high stability constant temperature crystal oscillator products.

"Thermostatic crystal oscillators are high-end time-frequency devices widely used in 5G mobile communication, satellite navigation, and other fields." According to Zhang Wenping, an engineer at the company, the company's annual production of high-end thermostatic crystal oscillators exceeds 2 million units, with an annual shipment volume leading the world.

Guided by the new development concept, Hebei vigorously supports strategic emerging industries represented by the new generation of information technology, biopharmaceuticals, and aerospace technology, opens up new areas of development, and shapes new driving forces for development. In the first half of this year, Hebei achieved a regional GDP of 2077.89 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.1%, with the secondary and tertiary industries becoming the main support for the province's economic growth.

Wuhan Donghu New Technology Development Zone is known as the "China Optics Valley" and is the largest laser industry base in China.

The three-dimensional five axis laser cutting machine represents the highest level of global laser CNC machine technology and is an important equipment in automotive manufacturing. In recent years, leading enterprises such as Huagong Technology have carried out collaborative innovation, promoting the complete elimination of import dependence on the three major components of 3D five axis CNC systems, lasers, and cutting heads.

Collaborative innovation breaks through a series of key technologies, injecting strong momentum into Chinese manufacturing. Hubei has taken advantage of the situation to strengthen the "light vehicle linkage" and lifted two trillion yuan industrial clusters, once again confirming the "multiplier factor" position of technological innovation in development.

To the east of the Optics Valley, Wuhan embraces Ezhou, Huangshi, and Huanggang, jointly weaving an innovative industrial chain of "optical core screen end network". The production of fiber optic cables ranks first in the world, and the production of optoelectronic devices and small and medium-sized display panels ranks first in the country; To the west, Wuhan holds hands with Xiangyang, Shiyan, and Suizhou, building a highland for the development of automobiles in China. The production of commercial and specialized vehicles ranks first in the country.

In the exam of high-quality development, the conversion of old and new kinetic energy is a must answer question. Knowing the heavy burden, taking responsibility, and carrying the mission, the passionate melody of innovation and creation is playing on the hot land of local development.

Stable and far-reaching actions, better benefiting all the people

The happiness and health of the people are the ultimate goal of promoting high-quality development.

Driving economic development to achieve a balance of quantity and quality, and continuously enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people, is a vivid manifestation of the complete, accurate, and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept in various regions.

Since 2014, Wang Ruchun, a citizen of Shijiazhuang, has been shooting the same sky in the city at a fixed time and place every day. In the "Sky Diary" consisting of over 3000 photos, from "smog locking the city" to seeing the skyline, and then to clear skies for thousands of miles becoming the norm, the number of blue skies in Shijiazhuang is increasing.

People will not betray the green mountains, and the green mountains will not betray them. In 2022, the average concentration of PM2.5 in Hebei Province was 36.8 micrograms per cubic meter, the highest level in history since there were monitoring records in 2013; In the first half of this year, the proportion of air quality in the province was 81.9%, an increase of 3.9 percentage points year-on-year. The forest coverage rate in the province has increased from 31% in 2015 to 35.6% in 2022; The proportion of excellent surface water national examination sections in the province has reached 84.4%, and Class V and below sections have been cleared to zero for the first time. Green development enables the general public to share blue skies, green spaces, and beautiful waters.

Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver. Entering Wujiatai Village, Wanzhai Township, Xuan'en County, Hubei Province, the tea gardens are shrouded in thin mist, and the air is filled with a faint aroma of tea. "Wujiatai has a history of over 2000 years of tea cultivation. The common people used to guard the 'green leaves' and live a tight life. Many villagers abandoned their tea gardens and went out to work, and some even prepared to destroy them and plant other crops." Zheng Shibing, the secretary of the Wujiatai Village Party Branch, recalled.

In recent years, Wujiatai Village has deeply explored the natural tourism of tea gardens and the exhibition of tribute tea intangible cultural heritage skills, deepening the integration of tea and tourism, transforming the tea area into a scenic area and a picking experience. It has received over 3 million tourists and achieved a comprehensive tourism revenue of 600 million yuan. The once unnamed small mountain village has been listed as a "National Civilized Village" for two consecutive terms.

Using flowers as a medium to prosper the city. Heze, Shandong Province, focuses on promoting the growth of peonies on the "chain", actively developing new technologies, products, and formats, and achieving a "beautiful butterfly transformation" from "a single flower" to "the entire peony industry chain.". In 2022, the output value of the peony industry in Heze exceeded 10 billion yuan, driving employment for more than 100000 people. Peony has become a "golden key" for Heze to start rural revitalization.

A high-quality life cannot do without high-quality products. Not long ago, the 2023 China International Consumer Electronics Expo opened in Qingdao, and the Haier Smart Home exhibition area was bustling with people. Through the on-site display of Haier's Three Winged Bird Full House Smart Full Scene Plan, people not only experienced a series of high-end technological products, but also felt the convenience and warmth of customized "Smart Home", discovering new possibilities in life.

A high-quality life requires high-quality service even more. On the banks of the Beiyun River, an approximately 1.28 million square meter "underground city" has begun to take shape. This is the comprehensive transportation hub project of Beijing Urban Sub center Station under construction, which is expected to be put into use in 2025. It is reported that in the future, this place will not only be a hub for transportation transfer between Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, but will also become a new gateway and sub center of the vibrant commercial district of the capital Beijing.

Hu Jiulong, member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Beijing Urban Sub center, said, "The planning and construction of the sub center always adheres to the development concept of putting the people at the center, and all urban functions are to better meet the people's aspirations for a better life."

Nowadays in Beijing, people can experience the tangible changes around them - the optimization and improvement of urban spatial layout and economic structure, continuous improvement of air quality, and a more beautiful living environment for residents

The wind is strong, setting sail, and striving forward is just right.

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