Today’s data selection: Domestic IP theme parks welcome opportunities; it takes 11 kilometers to consume a piece of mooncake

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:24 PM

Previously, the popularity of domestic IP theme parks such as Huai'an West Amusement Park and Huaqiang Fantawild Bear Park has greatly increased. Survey data shows that 57.1% of the respondents said they have heard of domestic IP theme parks. However, 53% of the respondents believe that the immersive experience is not enough and hope to add more IP elements; 41% of the respondents praise the combination with traditional culture and hope to expand the communication influence. At the same time, problems such as homogenization and formalization still need to be solved, such as the proliferation of Zhu Bajie.

Last year, Chengde's fines and confiscation revenue increased by 13% year-on-year to nearly 1 billion yuan. What is the local financial debt situation?

Recently, the incident of a programmer in Chengde City, Hebei Province, having millions of overseas “illegal gains” confiscated has attracted attention. This has also attracted outsiders' attention to the local fiscal debt situation, especially the confiscated revenue. Based on data from the Chengde Municipal Finance Bureau, China Business News reporters found that the fines and confiscation revenue in Chengde City’s local general public budget revenue has fluctuated greatly in the past ten years, and has generally maintained rapid growth since 2019.

According to data from the Chengde Municipal Finance Bureau, Chengde City’s confiscated revenue in 2013 was approximately 580 million yuan, which increased significantly to approximately 1 billion yuan in 2014. In the following years, it gradually declined to 370 million yuan in 2018, and has maintained rapid growth since then. This revenue was approximately 990 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.1%, approaching the peak in 2014. In 2022, Chengde City's fined and confiscated revenue accounted for approximately 8% of the local general public budget revenue, which is an increase from previous years and significantly higher than the average level in Hebei Province.

Penalty and confiscation income reflects the income from fines, confiscations, accounts, confiscated materials, and stolen goods collected by law enforcement agencies in accordance with the law. This includes general fines and confiscations from public security, transportation, taxation, courts, market supervision, etc., as well as anti-smuggling fines and confiscations from public security, markets, etc. Revenue from penalties and confiscations is non-tax revenue included in local fiscal revenue.

As a prefecture-level city in Hebei Province, Chengde lags behind in economic scale and fiscal revenue scale. The quality of fiscal revenue needs to be improved. The fiscal self-sufficiency rate is low and it relies more on transfer payments from superiors. Similar to many places, local fiscal revenue has been affected to a certain extent by the economic downturn, the impact of the epidemic, large-scale tax refunds and tax reductions, and the sluggish property and land market.

China has three of the top five technology clusters in the world, ranking 12th on the China Global Innovation Index

As an indicator to evaluate the innovation capabilities of various economies, the Global Innovation Index is a benchmark for measuring innovation in various countries and has become a reference for governments to make economic decisions. What changes will this year's index have?

On September 27, local time, the World Intellectual Property Organization announced the "2023 Global Innovation Index" in Switzerland. GII shows that Switzerland, Sweden, the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore are the most innovative economies in the world in 2023, while a group of middle-income economies have become the countries and regions that have risen the fastest in the past ten years.

The GII uses 80 indicators to track global innovation trends in more than 130 economies in 2023. The report's conclusions come amid a sluggish economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, stubbornly high interest rates and ongoing geopolitical conflicts. The report points out that venture capital, which helps transform human ingenuity into new products and services, has fallen sharply compared with last year, and the prospects have become increasingly uncertain.

“Some emerging economies are climbing the rankings in the Global Innovation Index, demonstrating that focusing on innovation ecosystems can bring about change. Globally, despite a decline in venture capital funding, the Global Innovation Index 2023 will reassure us that innovation Activities continue to maintain strong momentum, but should continue to shift from quantity to quality," said WIPO Director General Deng Hongsen.

The overseas authorization of at least six innovative drugs has been returned and the road to borrowing ships to go to sea is blocked.

In less than half a month, the overseas authorizations of two domestic innovative drugs have been withdrawn. One is BeiGene’s PD-1 tislelizumab injection, and the other is I-Mab’s CD47 monoclonal antibody. The drug under investigation is lezolizumab.

In the process of expanding overseas markets, domestic innovative pharmaceutical companies license the overseas development rights of innovative drugs to multinational pharmaceutical companies, which is regarded as a way to borrow ships to go overseas. On the one hand, they can rely on the mature R&D and commercialization teams of multinational pharmaceutical companies. , to enable drugs to be launched overseas faster; on the other hand, Chinese pharmaceutical companies can obtain down payments and subsequent milestone income, and realize the withdrawal of funds in advance.

However, since this year, the overseas authorization of at least six domestic innovative drugs has been returned. This is in sharp contrast to the successful overseas authorization of a large number of innovative drugs in the past. Does this mean that the road of borrowing ships to go overseas will not work?

The energy of a piece of mooncake needs to be run 11 kilometers to be used up. CDC reminds mooncakes to be eaten separately.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and "sugar-free mooncakes" are widely favored by consumers. According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, sugar-free mooncakes refer to sugar-free mooncakes that do not add additional sucrose but use sweeteners such as xylitol and aspartame instead of sucrose. However, the main raw material of sugar-free mooncake crust is flour, and carbohydrates can be converted into glucose, so this type of mooncake is still a high-fat and high-energy food. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminds that mooncakes are best eaten separately. Common mooncakes weigh between 80 grams and 200 grams. Based on the calculation of 150 grams of five-nut mooncake, an adult weighing about 50 kilograms will consume about 678 kcal of energy for each additional piece, and must run 11.58 kilometers to consume it all.

Today’s data selection: Domestic IP theme parks welcome opportunities; it takes 11 kilometers to consume a piece of mooncake
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Today's data selection: How much can the interest rate of existing housing loans be reduced; The national average temperature in summer is the second highest in the same period in history

This summer, the national average temperature is the second highest in history since 1961. On September 5th, the China Meteorological Administration held a press conference. Jia Xiaolong, Deputy Director of the National Climate Center, introduced that in the summer of 2023, the temperature in most parts of China was close to normal to slightly higher, with an average temperature of 22.0 ℃, which was 0.8 ℃ higher than the same period in normal years, the second highest in history since 1961, second only to the summer of 2022. Beijing, Hebei, Hainan, and Xinjiang all have the highest temperatures in history during the same period, with Tianjin and Shandong being the second highest, and Shanxi, Ningxia, Guangdong, and Yunnan being the third highest. The overall global temperature this summer is relatively high. From June to August, the average global land temperature was 15.2 ℃, which is 0.6 ℃ higher than the historical average climate during the same period, making it the third hottest summer since 1961. Western Europe, Central Asia to

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The number of left behind children in China has dropped to 9.02 million. On August 18th, the 2023 Rural Education Development Forum was held in Beijing. The theme of this forum is "Focusing on County Areas, Dialogue on the Future", hosted by the China Rural Development Foundation. The 2023 Rural Education Development Report was released at the meeting, which showed that the number of left behind children in China had dropped to 9.02 million last year. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the advancement of county-level urbanization and the improvement of inclusive education infrastructure, the problem of left behind children in China has been alleviated. Left behind children and migrant children are representative special groups in county-level compulsory education. The report shows that in 2012, there were 22 million left behind children in China, and last year this number decreased to 9.02 million. In 2021, ordinary students and migrant students, local migrant students and migrant students from other provinces

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