Provide strong support for Chinese-style modernization, and use the party's innovative theory to guide and deepen the theme of party history research | Xi Jinping | party history

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:09 AM

On June 28, the seventh academic seminar on "The Creation of the CPC and Shanghai" was held in Shanghai. The theme of this meeting is "The Creation of the CPC and Chinese path to modernization", which is hosted by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee and the Party History Research Office of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, and undertaken by the Shanghai Society for Party History and the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the CPC.

The second is to serve the great practice of the new era with the study of the history of the Party, and deeply study the theoretical connotation of Chinese path to modernization to provide strong support for the construction of Chinese path to modernization. The third is to publicize and popularize the history and theory of the CPC, focus on youth groups, "two new" organizations, and the front line at the grass-roots level. From the perspective of mutual combination and confirmation of history and theory, we should speak well about the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the CPC, and encourage the cadres and the masses to march forward bravely and work together to make contributions to the new era under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

Xu Jiangang, Executive Vice President of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yan Aiyun, Director of the Party History Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xin Ping, President of the Shanghai Communist Party History Society, and Xue Feng, Secretary and Director of the Party Committee and Museum of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, attended the meeting.

In the keynote speech segment, Xue Chao, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 14th Shanghai People's Congress and President of the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Research Association, Feng Xiaomin, former Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chief Expert of the Party Building Think Tank of the Shanghai Party Building Research Association, He Jiliang, Standing Committee Member and Executive Vice Chairman of the Learning and History Committee of the 13th Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Tang Lianying, Professor of East China Normal University and former Vice President and Secretary General of the Shanghai Communist Party History Society, delivered speeches.

Xue Chao pointed out that this year marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Song Qingling. In every stage of the revolution, construction and reform of the Party and the country, Soong Ching ling walked with the CPC. According to him, the book Annals of Soong Ching Ling and the CPC, which was compiled by the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Research Association, has finished reviewing the manuscript and is about to meet the readers. The book took three years to compile. It strictly followed the Resolution adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. Based on the latest authoritative party history works, it selected important historical facts and historical materials that Soong Ching ling firmly stood together with the CPC at important political junctures and historical moments. It is a thematic chronological literature reference book that records Soong Ching ling's firm belief in "staying with the party forever" under the framework of party history. The publication of this book will greatly enrich the relevant achievements of Song Qingling's research and open up a unique perspective for studying the history of the Communist Party of China.

Feng Xiaomin believes that the great spirit of building the Party is a vivid manifestation of the combination of Marxism with China's specific realities, and the integration with China's excellent traditional culture. It is the crystallization of Chinese culture and spirit of the times.Seeking happiness for the people is the starting point of the Party's "original aspiration", and providing the people with a tangible sense of happiness is the foothold of the Party's "not betraying the people". Striving for the happiness of the people is the greatest happiness of the Party, which together constitute the happiness concept of Communist Party members in the new era. Promoting the great spirit of party building and strengthening the happiness concept of Communist Party members will undoubtedly effectively promote the great social revolution led by the great self revolution. At the same time, promoting the great spirit of building the Party and strengthening the happiness concept of Communist Party members must be reflected in continuously realizing new expectations for a better life for the people, in refining and cultivating the spirit and ability of struggle, in using the excellent culture of the Chinese nation that is used daily but not realized, to gather tremendous strength, and in expressing sincere concern for the fate of humanity in the world.

He Jiliang pointed out that the area centered around the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, starting from Shunchang Road in the east, Sinan Road in the west, Yan'an Road in the north, and Hefei Road in the south, is known as the "red one square kilometer" by party history experts. Within this square kilometer, there are over ten revolutionary sites densely scattered. Three major events related to the founding of the CPC - the founding group of the Communist Party of China, the First National Congress and the Second National Congress, all took place in this "red square kilometer". The early revolutionaries who studied and promoted Marxism established their beliefs here, and the early party organizations actively carried out worker and social movements here. This region has a unique geographical pattern and social space, unique economic form and cultural environment, and unique talent advantages, which are worth studying carefully.

Provide strong support for Chinese-style modernization, and use the party's innovative theory to guide and deepen the theme of party history research | Xi Jinping | party history

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that the spiritual pedigree of the CPC people with the great spirit of party building as the source should be carried forward. Tang Lianying believes that it is necessary to accurately grasp the scientific connotation and contemporary value of the spiritual lineage rooted in the great spirit of building the Party. She focused on the revolutionary base in Donggu and the spirit of Jinggangshan. The Donggu Revolutionary Base was one of the earliest revolutionary bases established by our party during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War, known as the "Dongjinggang" and setting multiple precedents in the history of the Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Soviet. In the practice of revolutionary struggle, this base area embodies the Jinggangshan spirit of "firm belief, hard work, seeking truth from facts, daring to explore new paths, relying on the masses, and daring to win".

This year is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and an important year for starting the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country.

Since its inception in 2017, the academic seminar "The Creation of the CPC and Shanghai" has been held every year. From its initial foothold in Shanghai to its subsequent nationwide orientation, it has gradually become an important platform for discussion in the party history academia.

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