What does this nationwide digital feast in Shanghai inspire? Enhance | Digital | All People

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:26 PM

Shanghai, a city composed of screens. You can see the rolling stock market outside the office building in Lujiazui, as well as the naked eye 3D cats in Xujiahui Department Store, the underground rail space that transports millions of people every day, flashing billboards everywhere, and the small screen held in people's hands.

What can an additional screen change?

As a grand event for national learning, the Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Promotion Month has made many people discover that thousands of screens are integrating into the daily lives of Shanghainese with a new attitude. In the community university for the elderly, a large screen allows the elderly to master the latest mobile phone applications. In the museum, a large screen shows the red relics of the universe. Or in the nursing home for the elderly, a screen allows doctors and patients to talk from a distance at any time. Even beside a rice field in the outer suburbs, click on a screen, and the driverless rice transplanter starts its operation from the farmhouse.

At the top of the digital wave, there are new technology pioneers, free digital nomads, and beneath the wave, there is also an undeniable digital divide. The digital transformation of a people's city must meet the needs of the people, warmly accommodate each group, and be reflected in the concrete and vivid daily life.

Human scale

How long does it take for a screen to be born? The answer can be 13 years.

What does this nationwide digital feast in Shanghai inspire? Enhance | Digital | All People

"We are facing the widest range of citizens, and the service perspective should be placed on the demand side. We need to answer the three questions of 'where to learn, what to learn, and how to learn' well. Ding Haizhen is the Vice Dean of Changning District Community College, and she showed reporters a set of data - the 'Learn in Digital Changning' online learning website was established in 2008 and has undergone four iterations. So far, it has accumulated more than 9000 learning resources for unit courses, 270000 users registered online, and extended to residents of the Yangtze River Delta."; One-third of elderly users; Information technology, literary appreciation, performance, and photography are the course directions that users are most interested in. These analyses, in turn, are urging Ding Haizhen to continuously optimize.

Thirteen years later, a famous simulation screen was born in the community college. It is independently developed by the college, and by restoring the real interface and steps of smartphones, elderly people can practice continuously according to the operation prompts on this enlarged screen until they become proficient. The driving force of iteration comes from the constant complaints, such as "no matter how I guide them, parents always forget the basic operation of smartphones. What should we do?" Faced with the needs of residents, the community college team continues to cooperate with enterprises, introducing terminal simulation devices, setting up possible scenarios such as travel and play, scanning codes for services, medical dispensing, mobile payment, and travel and play, allowing elderly people to practice through devices and achieve "dare to use, know how to use, and want to use" in practical application scenarios.

Changning District conducts immersive exercises through the "Elderly Intelligent Learning Mobile Simulation Teaching System"

This digital dividend needs to cover more special groups. In 2017, a disabled comprehensive activity center with an investment of 120 million yuan and an area of 8000 square meters, "Sunshine World," appeared in Jiading, Shanghai. The museum provides cutting-edge intelligent disability assistance terminal products, creating accessible home scenarios such as eating, walking, using, caring, caring, and rehabilitation.

Blind Mr. Lu adapted a smart navigation hat to "Sunshine World": "Before, I was completely blind without this hat. I relied on my family to help him go for a walk. With this hat, although my eyes cannot see, my heart is bright. After wearing it, I can independently go to the hospital to dispense medicine, see a doctor, and even buy soy sauce."

In the sunny world, there is also a "universal" large screen silently serving over 31000 disabled groups in the entire region - the technology disability assistance platform. The system has set up more than 20 life scenarios related to employment, assistive devices, policy consultation, law, culture, sports, etc. for people with disabilities. They can place orders through the mini program on their mobile phones, select home appliances for repair, and make appointments for climbing machines with just one click.

What does this nationwide digital feast in Shanghai inspire? Enhance | Digital | All People

These digital transformations, on the surface, are technologies and tools, but in reality, they are people. Although smart devices are based on massive data accumulation and sophisticated AI algorithms, the underlying logic still regards human dignity and quality of life as the measure of everything.

Jiading District launches digital training for people with disabilities

Crossing barriers

From May 9th to June 8th this year, for 31 days, Shanghai Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month has formed public discussion spaces, bringing together different regions, departments, enterprises, and citizens to imagine how numbers can better empower life.

This year, the 16 districts of Shanghai have utilized their resources and showcased their unique abilities, creating a series of technological feasts that can be participated in by all age groups, extending to neighborhoods and doorsteps. Huangpu initiated the first Shanghai elderly short video collection activity; Yangpu holds "Digital Innovation Week" to tell the story of digital innovation; Fengxian collaborates with Ant Fund to launch a public welfare anti fraud promotion market called "Caravan"; Baoshan launched the "Shanghai Yunnan Hand in Hand Intelligent Creation of the Future" airborne digital literacy public welfare classroom; Minhang invites citizens to experience intelligent connected unmanned driving and intelligent robots... Each district has transformed the most cutting-edge technological digital products, concepts, ecology, and industries into 1440 activities in the most interesting and fun manner, with a total of 19.218 million online and offline participants.

Yangpu District Elderly Digital Life Workshop

What does this nationwide digital feast in Shanghai inspire? Enhance | Digital | All People

Not only the activities in various districts, but also the committees and bureaus have entered to mobilize social forces from a deeper perspective. The Cyberspace Administration of the Municipal Party Committee has partnered with three national level base organizations, including Shanghai Jiao Tong University, to organize expert lecture groups to customize science popularization and public welfare courses for key groups. The Municipal Education Commission, together with universities, has opened a digital education lecture hall to explore the challenges and opportunities that artificial intelligence development poses for talent cultivation. At the "Her Power" forum jointly organized by the Municipal Women's Federation and enterprises, we encourage the development of women's digital transformation talents and provide guidance for female entrepreneurs and rural women. The Municipal Veterans Affairs Bureau invites corporate executives, industry experts, and entrepreneurial mentors to help veterans open up their mindset and quickly integrate into the digital society.

It is worth mentioning that during the promotion month, the enthusiasm of primary, secondary, and high school students to participate was high, and more than 1400 science popularization paintings and comic works submitted vividly demonstrated the imagination of "digital indigenous people". In the painting of Xie Yi, a student from Shanghai Xiwai Foreign Language School, it seems like a giant robot hand with a chip descending from the sky is changing urban life, providing convenience for people to pay, study, work, and order meals.

The science popularization paintings collected this time vividly showcase the imagination of "digital indigenous people"

This is also Zhou Aoying, Vice President of East China Normal University, Vice President of the National Digital Literacy and Skills Training Base: How can we still live a dignified and dignified life without increasing per capita resource consumption? For China, it is to use data and mathematics to establish trust, eliminate information asymmetry, find the optimal solution for every ordinary person, and thus penetrate the barriers of industrial civilization era.

Both the spark of thinking in the scientific research and academic circles, as well as the experience and practice from the grassroots practical community, ultimately lead to the flowering of digital literacy and skills, and enable the digital activity feast to meet different levels, types, and needs of groups. This is the consistent concept of improving the month. Before the promotion month event last year, the Municipal Party Committee's Cyberspace Administration conducted research interviews in advance, taking to the streets, schools, and fields to listen and understand the voices and demands of various groups and expert representatives such as the elderly, teenagers, disabled people, and farmers. In the end, 1381 activities were organized and planned in various districts, relevant departments, and people's organizations throughout the city, striving to achieve the transition from "document transmission" to "oral transmission" and from "expert understanding" to "people's knowledge". The effect of the activity is astonishing, with over 800 teachers from Liaoning, Xinjiang, Hebei and other regions across the country registering to participate in online digital courses, confirming the charm of the Enhancement Month.

Inclusive society

What does this nationwide digital feast in Shanghai inspire? Enhance | Digital | All People

Every Tuesday morning at 9:30, Pang Yi, a retired elderly person from Tianshan Street in Changning District, will open Tencent Meeting on time, enter the room number, project the screen to the TV, and wait for the start of the community senior college smartphone course. More than 100 silver haired students like her have learned how to register for medical treatment online and post videos in this course. "The teacher will patiently and meticulously demonstrate, teaching for one hour and answering questions for half an hour. I used to have a partial understanding of the operation steps, but now I have fully understood them," she said

After learning how to use a smartphone, Pang Yi gained confidence and was also inspired by her passion for learning. "Nowadays, she is just shooting blindly and wants to learn some composition and editing skills.". She recalled the era of her parents, where due to resource scarcity, the elderly shrank and gradually became disconnected from society. "Our generation is the lucky ones under the digital dividend.".

In the view of Professor Wang Wei from the School of Data Science and Engineering at East China Normal University, the development of data technology can achieve the traditional educational wisdom of teaching without discrimination, teaching according to individual needs, integrating education with entertainment, and promoting mutual learning. This is also the significance of enhancing the moon for ordinary people. Wang Wei pointed out that almost all aspects of life, learning, career competitiveness, and innovation currently rely heavily on digital tools, but the digital divide is also rapidly widening. The first step for people to understand the digital world is to realize that digital literacy and skills belong to everyone, not just a few.

This hit Ding Haizhen's most simple idea in her heart. As a community worker, she often feels bitter. "Will one day, elderly people come to their children's homes with password locks and electronic control throughout the house, unable to turn on the lights or use the kitchen or washing machine?" In her opinion, cutting-edge and leading technological development will eventually return to those around her, especially vulnerable groups. However, how to connect different entities, achieve more resource sharing, and deliver more good services to citizens through grassroots service institutions still requires continuous persistence and exploration.

Huangpu District Elderly Digital Life Workshop

Research shows that the areas where Shanghai citizens are most looking forward to digital transformation are healthcare services, education and teaching, transportation, and elderly care and disability assistance. How to use digital technology to enable all types of urban entities to effectively enjoy balanced and inclusive living services, ensure that vulnerable groups fully share the dividends of social development, and build an inclusive society? Improving the month may be an important way to address this pain point.

What does this nationwide digital feast in Shanghai inspire? Enhance | Digital | All People

As such, the promotion month should be inclusive and cover a sufficient number of people; To collaborate and link more resources to form a hub of elements; At the same time, it must be secure and become the cornerstone of the trust system.

This is also the meaning of having an additional screen.

Quickly check the child's backpack! Some stationery cannot be used, school is starting now
Quickly check the child's backpack! Some stationery cannot be used, school is starting now

The new semester has arrived, and many children have used new stationery. But the Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter noticed that the prices of stationery on the market vary greatly, such as plastic transparent book covers that look similar, some are priced around 1 yuan per sheet, while others are only one or two cents; Colorful crayons, oil painting sticks, colored clay, and ultra light clay are the same, and the price difference between different brands and channels can reach 10 times or even more. Is the price difference of stationery a channel difference or a brand premium? Can you choose cheap stationery? A journalist investigation found that consumers should be cautious of the phenomenon of "low quality and low price". Some of the "safety standards" for stationery contain moisture, which has attracted parents' attention. However, investigations have found that some products have moisture in their "safety standards". For example, plastic book covers and book covers have gained popularity in recent years due to their convenient use, waterproofing, and oil resistance

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The rooftop house is leaking heavily! When can a micro old community in Yangpu take the turn to "upgrade from flat to sloping"?, The insulation layer has broken the residents | roof | community

"After the rainstorm, more than one fifth of the roof of the top floor residents were leaking water, which has been going on for many years, and we can't live normally!" Not long ago, looking at the dripping ceiling at home after the rain, Mr. Yu had no choice but to call the 12345 Shanghai Citizen Service Hotline to complain, hoping that the residential area could usher in a complete roof repair as soon as possible, so that the residents would not be disturbed by rain. The top floor resident's home is severely leaking rain, and the gentleman resides in Lane 902, Baotou Road, Yinxing Street, Yangpu District. The community was built in the late 20th century and used to be a teacher's apartment building, consisting of four 16 unit residential buildings. It is an old micro community. "There are 32 top-level households in total, and 8 of them went to the property to report for repair." In June, Shanghai was hit by many rainstorm, and some top-level residents in Lane 902, Baotou Road had a hard time

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The subway station in Shanghai is still crowded: can only rely on "black trains" for connecting?, After the last bus, Pudong Airport | Train | Subway Station

"The final station of this train is Guanglan Road." As the night fell, accompanied by a voice broadcast, Ms. Tian stepped onto Line 2 of the subway from Nanjing West Road Station. Although she had been busy all day, the destination of this train clearly indicated that it would take a lot of trouble to return to her home in Chuansha. In April 2010, the second phase of the East Extension of Shanghai Metro Line 2 was opened for operation. Due to the implementation of a large and small routing operation mode, some trains terminate at Guanglan Road. Passengers need to transfer to subsequent trains at this station to reach 8 stations in Pudong, including Tangzhen, Chuansha, and Pudong Airport. In fact, considering the need to save electricity and improve operational efficiency, it is common for subways to use large and small interchanges. Simply getting off and transferring doesn't add much trouble. Why is Ms. Tian's journey home so difficult? In recent days,

It is important to note that the "high-quality" habit of Shanghai people is actually wrong! Every day, people make mistakes. City | One side | Shanghai
It is important to note that the "high-quality" habit of Shanghai people is actually wrong! Every day, people make mistakes. City | One side | Shanghai

With the arrival of summer vacation, Shanghai has become a popular tourist destination for both domestic and foreign tourists, and the subway has also become a travel choice for many tourists. But have you ever thought that the "left walking right standing" mode of riding has long been called off, but some netizens mistakenly believe it is a reflection of "high quality" and imitate it. Originally, many professionals have pointed out that "walking left and standing right" on an escalator is not conducive to riding safety. The latest version of the Shanghai Elevator Safety Management Measures also came into effect on May 1st this year, clearly stating that passengers should follow safety precautions when using elevators. "Safety risks outweigh equipment hazards." More than 10 years ago, Shanghai did propose the suggestion of 'left running and right standing' for passengers, but it was soon discontinued. On the contrary, the 'elevator instructions' at subway stations specifically emphasize that walking or running is prohibited when taking escalators. "

Covering over 6.8227 million people! 2023 Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month concludes with Literacy | Enhancement | Skills
Covering over 6.8227 million people! 2023 Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month concludes with Literacy | Enhancement | Skills

On the afternoon of June 8th, 2023, the results exchange activity and closing ceremony of the Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month were successfully held in Jiading. According to statistics, this year's promotion month series of activities covered 215 streets and towns in 16 districts and 63 universities in the city, with a total of 1341 activities carried out. The number of people covered online and offline reached over 6.8227 million. During the event, member units, districts, and training bases of the Shanghai Municipal Coordination Mechanism for Enhancing Digital Literacy and Skills for the Whole People fully utilized their own advantages, tailored a series of characteristic activities based on the needs of citizens, focusing on key groups and radiating various scenes, and deeply practicing the theme of "Digital Empowerment and Sharing for All" in the promotion month. For example, the Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office, in conjunction with the Municipal Education Commission and Youth League Municipal Committee, held the first session of digital literacy and skills popularization for primary and secondary school students