During his visit to Inner Mongolia, Xi Jinping stressed that he should grasp the strategic orientation, adhere to green development, and strive to write a new chapter of Chinese modernization in Inner Mongolia | Strategy | Inner Mongolia

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:02 PM

Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection tour in Inner Mongolia

Grasp strategic positioning and adhere to green development

Strive to Write a New Chapter of Chinese path to modernization in Inner Mongolia

Cai Qi accompanied the inspection

Xinhua News Agency, Hohhot, June 8th. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, emphasized during a recent inspection in Inner Mongolia that it is necessary to firmly grasp the strategic positioning of the Party Central Committee for Inner Mongolia, and implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner. Focusing on the primary task of promoting high-quality development, we should focus on building the consciousness of the Chinese national community, and security, actively integrate and serve to build a new development pattern, show new achievements in the construction of "two barriers", "two bases" and "one bridgehead", and strive to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Inner Mongolia.

From June 7th to 8th, Xi Jinping inspected and presided over a symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three Norths" in Bayannaoer City. Accompanied by Wang Lixia, he came to Hohhot for investigation.

He emphasized that adhering to green development is a necessary path. Promoting the transformation and upgrading of the traditional energy industry, vigorously developing green energy, and expanding and strengthening important national energy bases are the top priorities for Inner Mongolia's development. In this regard, Inner Mongolia has a clear direction, a favorable path, and a promising future. It has great potential and prospects.Now, we need to rely on high-level technology for self-reliance and self-improvement, and build a new development pattern to overcome technological difficulties. Building a domestic circulation is to ensure the normal operation of the national economy in extreme situations, which is not contradictory to participating in international economic circulation. We are steadfast in implementing high-level opening-up to the outside world, opening up our doors for construction, and working together to achieve win-win results.

On the morning of the 8th, Xi Jinping listened to the work report of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee and the government, and affirmed the achievements of Inner Mongolia in various tasks.

Inner Mongolia is an important national energy and strategic resource base, agricultural and livestock product production base, and an important bridgehead for China's opening-up to the north. Optimizing the industrial structure must be based on these endowment characteristics and strategic positioning, vigorously develop advantageous characteristic industries, actively explore new paths for the transformation and development of resource-based regions, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system that reflects Inner Mongolia's unique advantages. To leverage the advantages of the energy industry and do a good job in the article of modern energy economy. To fully leverage the advantages of strategic resources, strengthen the protective development, high-quality utilization, and standardized management of strategic resources, strengthen on-site deep processing of energy resources, and develop the strategic resource industry well. To give full play to the advantages of agriculture and animal husbandry, we should start from land, technology, seed sources, water, grass, and other aspects, steadily optimize the regional layout and production structure of agriculture and animal husbandry, promote the transformation and development of agriculture and animal husbandry, vigorously develop ecological agriculture and animal husbandry, focus on deep processing of agricultural and animal husbandry products and building green organic brands, promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and promote the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry. We should actively participate in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" and the China Mongolia Russia Economic Corridor, improve the level of opening up, build an important bridgehead for China's opening up to the north, and play a greater role in connecting the domestic and international dual cycle. We need to strengthen connectivity with the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and the three eastern provinces to better integrate into the domestic and international dual circulation.

We should make overall plans for the comprehensive management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, carefully organize the implementation of key projects such as the control of sandstorm sources in Beijing and Tianjin, and the construction of the "three north" protective forest system, strengthen the red line management of ecological protection, implement the conversion of farmland to forests, grazing to grass, balance of grass and livestock, prohibition of grazing and grazing, strengthen the protection of natural forests and water and soil conservation, persevere in promoting the rehabilitation of grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes and wetlands, accelerate the comprehensive management of water ecology in Hulun Lake, Wuliangsuhai, Daihai and other lakes, strengthen desertification control and wetland protection, strengthen the prevention and control of air, water and soil pollution, and build a great green wall of ten thousand miles in the northern part of the motherland. We need to further consolidate and develop the good momentum of "green advance and sand retreat", implement classified policies, concentrate efforts on carrying out large-scale sand prevention and control in key areas, continuously innovate and improve sand control models, and improve the comprehensive benefits of sand control.

These border ethnic areas cannot fall behind on the road to common prosperity. We must adhere to putting the people at the center, pay more attention to ensuring and improving people's livelihoods in development, fill the gaps in people's livelihoods, enhance people's well-being, and make people of all ethnic groups truly feel that promoting common prosperity is in action and by their side. We need to fully implement the employment priority policy, give priority to promoting more comprehensive and high-quality employment, improve the policy system, strengthen training services, accurately and effectively implement various policy measures to reduce burdens, stabilize jobs and expand employment, support flexible employment through multiple channels, and focus on employment for groups such as college graduates, veterans, and migrant workers. We need to explore employment channels and strengthen employment assistance for poverty-stricken families, low-income families, zero employment families, disabled individuals and other disadvantaged individuals. We need to improve the multi-level social security system, promote the expansion of insurance coverage, increase social assistance, medical assistance, subsistence allowances, and support measures for families in need, and develop the elderly care industry. We must consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, take promoting the accelerated development of poverty-stricken counties as the main direction of attack, enhance the endogenous development momentum of poverty-stricken areas and people, and firmly guard against the bottom line of large-scale poverty return. We must take a sense of responsibility to ensure safety in production, improve the system, implement responsibilities, and make every effort to prevent the occurrence of various major safety accidents and maintain the safety of people's lives and property.

The economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, ecological civilization construction, and party building in ethnic regions must closely revolve around and not deviate from this main line. Whether it is the introduction of laws, regulations or policy measures, we must focus on strengthening the commonality of the Chinese nation and enhancing the sense of community among the Chinese nation. We must firmly and comprehensively promote the use of national unified textbooks, ensuring that young people of all ethnic groups master and use the national common language and script well. We need to coordinate the layout planning of urban and rural construction and the allocation of public service resources, and create more perfect social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live, learn, build, share, and work together.

The most intuitive feeling for the people to see whether theme education is effective is whether the problems in party conduct have been solved and whether there has been significant progress in the style of party members and cadres. We must solidly promote a positive learning style, adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, and integrate learning, investigation, and reform. We should identify gaps in the requirements of party conduct, examine the root causes of party spirit requirements, and clarify measures in accordance with party discipline requirements, in order to enhance the effectiveness of inspection and rectification. We need to promote a pragmatic approach, focus on investigation and research, and put in effort in investigating the situation, providing practical solutions, and seeking practical results. We must ensure that our work is solid, our foundation is solid, and our steps are steady. We must make significant and substantial progress in combating formalism and bureaucracy. Taking this theme education as an opportunity, we will promote investigation and research. To promote the spirit of integrity, educate leaders at all levels to firmly establish a correct view of power, comprehensively identify risk points of integrity, build a strong ideological defense line, and adhere to the red line of law and discipline. We must establish relevant systems, strictly enforce discipline, and build guardrails in accordance with the requirements of "three no corruption". We should cultivate a frugal and simple style of work, regard the issue of lifestyle as an important part of inspection and rectification, urge Party members and cadres to maintain a clear mind, and build a solid foundation for implementing the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations and implementation rules.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the Central Committee, accompanied the inspection.

Li Ganjie and officials from relevant departments of the central and state organs accompanied the inspection, while officials from the Central Leading Group for Theme Education attended the report meeting.

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