But they are really capable of doing practical things. Young people are promising. Wenzhu: Why do the villagers say, "Don't look at Xiaowen, young people travel | Wenzhu | practical things."

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 11:33 AM

"Standing here and looking south, I can embrace the whole of China!"

Beiji Village, located in Mohe City in the Greater Khingan Mountains region, is the northernmost town in China. Wenzhu, a representative of the 20th National Congress, Deputy Mayor of Mohe City, and Secretary of the Party Committee of Beiji Town, is like a "Arctic bamboo" rooted here. Over the past decade, she has grown from a college student village official to a township cadre. From helping villagers design personalized homestays, to turning the "Shenzhou Arctic" into a new tourist check-in destination, how to make her hometown's tourism "internet celebrity" become "long-lasting" is a new topic facing Wenzhu. This year, the passenger flow has increased again, and Wenzhu has conducted door-to-door visits and surveys to solicit opinions from villagers on the development of the tourism industry in the village.

"Each homestay in every household should have its own unique characteristics, and not all look the same." "Some vendors in tourist attractions have lower prices, but we cannot let such things happen in our Arctic town." Villagers, every word you say will be recorded one by one in Wenzhu.

"To develop tourism, we need to not only help the people calculate their immediate expenses, but also calculate their long-term expenses..." Wen Zhu's notebook is densely filled with the urgent and difficult problems of the villagers, mainly focusing on "high-quality and distinctive tourism projects" and "standardized and standardized tourism services". "It is necessary to further explore the tourism characteristics of the scenic area and take a series of measures to regulate the business behavior of villagers in order to create a better tourism environment, bring a good reputation to Beiji Town, and make the income of villagers more sustainable." Wen Zhu wrote in his notes.

Adhere to the "Northeastern Flavor" and create more high-quality tourism projects

To have a good travel experience, the first step is to have complete infrastructure and supporting facilities. After conducting research in Wenzhu, it was found that many of the villagers had opinions on the renovation of infrastructure such as roads. Therefore, after repeated discussions, the Arctic Village Committee upgraded the roads and replaced the fences in front of each household with wooden ones, which had a strong Northeastern flavor. The village committee has distributed fresh flower seeds to every household, encouraging everyone to plant them in the courtyard and bloom in the summer. Many passing tourists exclaim that the northernmost village in our country is so beautiful in summer! "I think since it needs to be repaired, it should be done with distinctive features, so that each household's fence has its own style, achieving a village with scenery," said Wen Zhu.

Without research, there is no right to speak. Since the development of distinctive tourism projects is the common voice of the villagers, Wenzhu has a deep understanding in its heart. The Northern Lights Festival is a unique tourism IP of Arctic Town. This summer, let the 33rd Northern Lights Festival and the first Arctic Summer Solstice Music Festival in Mohe illuminate the night sky of the Arctic!

But they are really capable of doing practical things. Young people are promising. Wenzhu: Why do the villagers say, "Don't look at Xiaowen, young people travel | Wenzhu | practical things."

"This year's Northern Lights Festival, we attempted to invite the Sino Russian Symphony Orchestra from Harbin Conservatory of Music to perform. The classic song" Swan Lake "and the traditional instrument solo" Ambush from Ten Sides "were performed on the same stage, and tourists and villagers from the border small town felt the power of music. Many international friends came to Mohe, where everyone communicated through music, and the results exceeded expectations. This was a new path for development found through research and the pain points of villagers!" said Wen Zhu.

The sky is dotted with stars, and the ground is ablaze with bonfires. Accompanied by the cool tidal sounds of the Northern Lights Music Festival, tourists cheer around the campfire and dance with the dance of the Oroqen ethnic group. The success of the music festival gave Wenzhu confidence, and she began to consider other distinctive projects.

The scorching summer of "going out for 5 minutes and sweating for 2 hours" has made many people feel intimidated by outdoor sports. But in the summer, the Arctic Village has a daily average temperature of only about 18 ℃, making it very suitable for outdoor activities. In summer, a large number of tourists carrying cameras and luggage rush from all over the country, hoping to encounter the aurora. Wenzhu and colleagues think that why not combine outdoor sports with chasing auroras, which can attract more marathon enthusiasts to the Arctic, expand their popularity, and ignite the enthusiasm of the villagers in the Arctic village for national fitness.

So this summer, a marathon event called "Chasing the Aurora" was held in Arctic Village, the only polar day marathon in China, attracting more than 3000 participants. "The contestants set off from the Arctic Villa, walked along the Sino Russian border river, crossed the forest, and experienced the scenery of the border river. From around 15:00 when the sky was bright, they ran until 9:26 pm when the sky was still bright. Running a marathon in the Arctic was really a special experience!" A contestant who came specifically from out of town told Wenzhu.

In order to provide tourists with a more diverse experience, Wenzhu and her colleagues also organized the villagers to open the "Aurora Night Market", allowing tourists to taste the Northeast style barbecue. She actively contacted cultural and creative companies to create unique refrigerator stickers, postcards, and other items that are unique to the Arctic Village, allowing tourists to turn the beautiful memories of tourism into tangible items they can take home.

The methodology that runs through this theme education is to focus on the problem, learn with the problem, and make improvements to the problem. With the establishment of characteristic tourism projects, in order to expand their influence, it is necessary to promote them effectively.

What kind of promotion has the most Northeastern flavor and the most Arctic village flavor? When unable to come up with an answer, Wenzhu always chooses to wander around the village, go to Kangtou, and chat with the elders and aunties.

But they are really capable of doing practical things. Young people are promising. Wenzhu: Why do the villagers say, "Don't look at Xiaowen, young people travel | Wenzhu | practical things."

During the survey, Wenzhu found a middle-aged woman sitting in a small courtyard, holding up her phone and muttering while visiting villagers. Wenzhu walked in and found a lady who was usually not good at speaking, holding up her phone and live streaming on a short video platform. She showed the fans in the live broadcast room the vegetable fields in the small courtyard and the clean roads in the village. On the live interface, the lady even typed out a sentence: "Who doesn't say my hometown is good, the countryside is not worse than the city.".

"In our village, elderly people are also striving to learn new things and using live streaming to show more people the beautiful countryside. I hope to encourage all villagers in this way and let more people see the simplicity and cuteness of the people in the Arctic Village," said Wenzhu.

These surveys with a fragrance of soil have given new inspiration to Wenzhu. Nowadays, in Beiji Village, everyone is the spokesperson for their hometown. Wen Zhu proposed the idea of creating a "global tourism spokesperson", conducting specialized interviews and filming for each operator, showcasing the unique features of their small shop. Tourists can browse video accounts to have a preliminary understanding of the situation of the small shop. Han Xiuting is the operator of the village entrance farmhouse in Arctic Village. With the continued popularity of Arctic Village tourism, her small shop facilities have also been continuously improved, upgrading from a family hotel to a homestay. "The decoration and bedding of our homestay are very unique to the local area. Tourists say that the colorful large flower bed looks like it has a Northeastern flavor!" she said.

Grasping service quality and letting tourists take away only comfort

On one hand, we should focus on features, and on the other hand, we should also focus on services. In response to the issue raised by the public about the uncivilized operation of individual vendors in scenic areas, the Mohe Municipal Party Committee and Government have issued a harsh statement: "The golden signboard of tourism in the Arctic is not allowed to be destroyed by anyone." Wenzhu also understands this truth. Only by mobilizing the masses to conspire, build, manage, evaluate, and share, taking high-quality tourism services as the entry point, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the masses, can the development of the tourism industry be more healthy and sustainable, and ultimately truly solve people's worries and warm people's hearts.

Standardizing the service behavior of villagers is not enough to rely solely on appeals, but more importantly, it is necessary to have sound rules and regulations and a sound market governance mechanism. In response to reports from villagers that some merchants engaged in uncivilized business practices, this summer, the Mohe Municipal Government established a tourism joint rectification team. The Municipal Public Security Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and other units went deep into the scenic area, targeting the needs of tourists in various aspects such as food, accommodation, transportation, consumption, and entertainment, and strengthening tourism protection measures. Law enforcement officers are stationed at tourist attractions in Arctic Village, and are cracking down on prominent issues such as bullying and overcharging, forced buying and selling, and "black cars" and "black guides". Conduct spot checks on the catering, pharmacy, retail and other industries within the scenic area, identify food and drug safety hazards, register non operating vehicles within the jurisdiction, establish specialized files, inspect more than 110 relevant units, and conduct a total of more than 130 registered non operating vehicles, striving to ensure that tourists can eat, purchase, and travel with peace of mind.

Since entering the peak summer tourism season, there have been no illegal activities in the Mohe tourism market, such as forced consumption, extortion, buying and selling car and boat tickets, producing or using fake tour guides, soliciting and disturbing public order in public places.

But they are really capable of doing practical things. Young people are promising. Wenzhu: Why do the villagers say, "Don't look at Xiaowen, young people travel | Wenzhu | practical things."

Actively "go out", strive to "sink down", and deeply "blend in". In the theme education, research is carried out among both villagers and tourists.

"In the scenic area, we have set up a consultation desk," Wen Zhu said. "Tourists can directly communicate with us if they have any opinions. I have posted my phone number on the notice board of the tourist distribution point in the scenic area, and tourists can find me with just one phone call. I have collected a lot of feedback, which can better coordinate the rectification of all parties and improve the level of tourism services." Wen Zhu said.

To create the concept of "global tourism spokesperson", Wenzhu also has another intention: "Warm services can make people fall in love with a city, and even a few dissatisfied 'negative reviews' can ruin the image of a scenic area. Making merchants become tourism spokespersons means they must fulfill their commitments, operate with integrity, and provide visitors with home like services. We also encourage merchants to establish organizations such as the' Family Hotel Association ', where everyone supervises each other, forms industry awareness, and progresses together."

The villagers said, "Although Xiaowen is young, he is really capable of doing practical things."

The satisfaction of the people is the fundamental criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of thematic education.

At the scene of the "Northern Lights Festival", a villager said, "This summer is different from previous years. Arctic Village has undergone earth shaking changes. Even international friends have come to our small border town, and tourism has truly become a prosperous industry for the people of Mohe."

When it comes to the changes in homestay management, Ding Lijuan, a family hotel operator, looks happy: "The villagers rely on homestays and farmhouse entertainment to receive tourists, and sell green agricultural and sideline products in their leisure time. They have a delicious little life."

But they are really capable of doing practical things. Young people are promising. Wenzhu: Why do the villagers say, "Don't look at Xiaowen, young people travel | Wenzhu | practical things."

Riding the scorching east wind of the Mohe Marathon, Mohe held the first National Fitness Games, and the concept of national fitness and physical fitness is spreading to everyone in the small town.

The villagers all say, "Although Xiaowen is young, he is really capable of doing practical things!" In the first half of 2023, the number of tourists in Mohe reached more than 500000, a year-on-year increase of 445.42%. In this border town, consensus is gathering, confidence is rising, and power is spreading.

Nowadays, problem-solving has become the norm for Wenzhu and colleagues. "The rapid changes in border towns are a true reflection of the concept of doing practical things for the people taking root on the border of our country. The amount of soil on the feet, the emotional attachment to the countryside in the heart. Overcoming one difficulty after another, relies on exchanging sincerity for sincerity, and striving for happiness." Speaking of the future, Wenzhu said that she hopes to make tourism an economic industry in Mohe, make more people fall in love with Mohe, let Mohe prosper due to tourism, and drive more villagers to generate income.

Research Notes

Exchange sincerity for sincerity, exchange struggle for happiness, never go out of style

"For the past decade or so, I have been studying. When I come to the countryside, how can I interact with the common people?" "If I want to make a career, I don't know where to start." These are the questions that many college student village officials have.

But they are really capable of doing practical things. Young people are promising. Wenzhu: Why do the villagers say, "Don't look at Xiaowen, young people travel | Wenzhu | practical things."

Is it difficult for college students to become village officials? Difficult! How to crack it? Perhaps the experience of Wenzhu can provide an answer.

In the interview, Wen Zhu told me that before coming to the countryside, she didn't like watching rural themed movies and TV dramas. She felt that the content was all about family background and family background. After working in the countryside for a period of time, she realized that those rural themed movies and TV dramas were very real, and even the conflicts between people and the ways to resolve conflicts were very simple. When your sheep ate my cabbage, I led your sheep to the village and then went to the village director to evaluate and evaluate. Working at the grassroots level in towns and villages may involve middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old. How to communicate with the people and how they can accept it is a great test of patience, but it is also one of the most valuable grassroots work experiences. Only by mastering communication skills with the people, familiarizing themselves with various agricultural policies, and getting along with the people can we better carry out our work and contribute to the prosperity of the people and the strengthening of the village.

In my communication with Wenzhu, I gradually understood this sentence. Why is Wen Zhu good? From helping the people design personalized homestays, to creating a tourism industry chain that can be eaten, seen, and experienced, she firmly believes that there are always more ways than difficulties to transform Arctic Town from traditional agriculture to sightseeing agriculture. With these tangible and tangible things happening one after another, our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful, and the lives of the people are getting better and better. Only by fully dedicating oneself to the specific work of serving the people and truly being able to sink down and penetrate, can problems be solved.

Exchange sincerity for sincerity, exchange struggle for happiness, and never go out of style.

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