A group of farmers who have been awarded senior professional titles and become local residents | Yang Jie | A group

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 19:24 PM

Farmers who farm can also be awarded senior professional titles. This has been done for several years.

However, with the increasing number of farmers with senior professional titles, many netizens are discussing it one after another. Some people are not polite: what if they are rated?

The reporter visited several farmers who were awarded the title of Senior Rural Revitalization Technician and listened to them talk about the evaluation of professional titles.

Who can comment? Education level has little to do with academic papers

Every morning at 6 o'clock, Jiang Jiankang goes to the greenhouse to see his watermelons. Jiang Jiankang is 55 years old this year and has been growing watermelons for over 30 years. Every May, when the first batch of watermelons is ripe, he and the workers pick them together. In the summer, the second batch of watermelons ripens, which requires more experience and judgment. He looked and touched it, and knew which melon to pick and which one to wait for. The Huangtu Pond watermelon in Wuxi has thin skin and sweet flesh, and is well-known throughout the surrounding area of Wuxi, with a wide market. Jiang Jiankang registered a trademark under his own name and pursued a high-end quality route, with his main customers being enterprises and supermarkets. His melon production is large, but sometimes it goes out of stock. Nowadays, Jiang Jiankang is the only inheritor of traditional watermelon cultivation techniques and intangible cultural heritage in Wuxi. The cultivation technique of Huangtu Pond watermelon belongs to traditional techniques and has a history of hundreds of years. Huangtu Tang Village is located in the Jiangnan water network area, with crisscrossing rivers and excellent soil quality, known as the "eel blood soil". This is a unique advantage for the cultivation of watermelons in Huangtu Tang. In 2010, it was included in the second batch of intangible cultural heritage protection projects in Wuxi City. Jiang Jiankang has also won the honors of model worker in Jiangsu Province and one of the top 100 agricultural product brokers in Jiangsu Province.

Jiang Jiankang and His Watermelon

One day, a staff member of the Xishan District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in Wuxi approached him and said, "Lao Jiang, now you can apply for the title of local talent, and you can also apply for it." Farmers can also be evaluated for professional titles? I haven't heard of this before. The red headed document is sent over, which clearly states that local talents engaged in skills, technology application, and business management among the people can be selected, such as in fields such as engineering, arts and crafts, and agriculture. Jiang Jiankang had many similarities with the materials used in this job title selection when selecting "Three Belt" experts and "Three Belt" celebrities, so preparing them was not a hassle. "It should be a good thing after all," he thought.

In Yixing, Yang Jie, who was busy planting tomatoes, was found by the staff responsible for the selection of local talent titles. Yang Jie was not very concerned about such honors, and the staff sighed, "You are such an agricultural expert, don't bury it.". Yang Jie has been engaged in agriculture for more than ten years, and he doesn't remember what award he won. After recalling for a while, he said that about seven or eight years ago, he was awarded the title of "Three Belt" Rookie. Yang Jie studied agriculture in college. In 2004, he graduated from university and returned to his hometown to work as a technician for a few years, starting his own business of growing tomatoes. He applied all the standardized planting methods he learned to tomato cultivation, pursuing quality. When everyone heard that it was "tomatoes grown by college students," they felt very confident, and the tomatoes naturally sold well. Five years ago, Yang Jie contracted over a hundred acres of land to plant lilies, and even started a farm, where agriculture, culture, and tourism all participated in the exhibition. "Urban tourists have a high enthusiasm for picking, and 60% of agricultural products are sold in the fields," he said. When the reporter visited the farm, Yang Jie was packaging lilies box by box with the workers, and later he had to deliver the goods to the customers himself.

When the reporter asked about the application for professional titles, Yang Jie recalled for a while and searched through his phone for a long time, hoping to find the information at that time. He said, "At that time, there were several criteria for my evaluation. One was standardized lily cultivation, the other was ecological tomato cultivation technology, and the other was the radiative driving effect. This condition is particularly important." How to calculate radiative driving? "I have planted lilies in Yan'an," Yang Jie was very proud. There is a pairing relationship between Yixing and Yan'an, so some officials asked Yang Jie if he could provide support for agricultural planting. When he went to Yan'an, he found that the land was not abundant, and opening up new land for planting would increase the burden on farmers. It is better to plant lilies under apple trees and two crops on one piece of land, which not only saves land but also increases farmers' income. In addition, planting lilies as a crop does not require building greenhouses, which can also save a lot of costs. Technology is taught to local farmers, and lilies are gradually planted, resulting in good harvests. This is what radiation drives.

Jiang Jiankang's watermelons have long been planted in Gansu, and this year they have been planted in Shanxi. In order to ensure that melons from other regions have the same taste as local melons, Jiang Jiankang specially sent a group of teachers and masters from Huangtu Tang to other regions for training. Not only that, back then, the Huangtu Tang watermelon in my hometown was only grown by individual farmers and couldn't sell at a good price. It was almost impossible to grow anymore. Under the leadership of Jiang Jiankang, hundreds of farmers in the village gathered together and established the Wuxi Huangtu Tang Watermelon Professional Cooperative. Through the model of "company+cooperative+farmer", the originally scattered farmers were integrated, standardized planting techniques were promoted, agricultural inputs were purchased uniformly, and sales channels were interconnected. Only then did watermelon gradually gain a market and pave a way out. The planting cost for farmers has decreased by more than 400 yuan per mu, and the planting efficiency has increased by more than 2000 yuan per mu. Every farmer in the village is grateful to him, which is also a radiating driving force. It seems that the selection of professional titles by farmers is most crucial in terms of technology and radiation, while academic qualifications and academic papers are not closely related. From the perspective of qualifications, even if one does not have a degree, they can apply for a certain number of years of long-term rural work experience. Evaluation orientation is not just about papers, it can be replaced by technical summaries, research reports, etc.

A group of farmers who have been awarded senior professional titles and become local residents | Yang Jie | A group

After several rounds of material review, Jiang Jiankang and Yang Jie were both selected as the second batch of advanced rural revitalization technicians in Jiangsu Province, and the list was announced on the website of the Jiangsu Department of Human Resources and Social Security. In addition to farmers, locksmiths, embroiderers, and feed masters have all been awarded senior professional titles.

What's the use of it? A type of "identity recognition"

The country's emphasis on local talents has remained so for a long time. In the past, the pig farmers, grain farmers, and tractor drivers in the village were all highly respected, but it is still in recent years that they are given professional titles. In 2017, Zhejiang supported farmers to participate in the evaluation of deputy high professional titles. In 2019, the country issued the Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System for Agricultural Technicians, which added senior agronomists, senior animal husbandry specialists, and senior veterinary physicians while retaining the original only senior professional title sequence - researchers, to expand the growth and development space for various types of agricultural technicians; Meanwhile, the authority for evaluation has been delegated to various provinces.

After the national delegation of professional title evaluation authority, in March 2020, Zhejiang Province opened the door for farmers to participate in the evaluation of senior professional titles. In the past, the evaluation of senior agricultural titles was mainly aimed at technical personnel in agricultural institutions, and very few professional farmers and agricultural entities participated in the evaluation and obtained certificates. Therefore, this measure in Zhejiang is extremely breakthrough. Professional large households, family farms, farmer cooperatives, agricultural enterprises, and new professional farmers can all participate in the evaluation of agricultural series titles. In 2017, Jiangsu Province issued an action plan to enhance vocational skills, incentivizing more workers to become skilled, conducting a survey of local talents, establishing a database of local talents, and conducting a series of talent training and skill level assessments. In November 2019, Jiangsu took the lead in China in clarifying the addition of local talent majors in the engineering series professional titles, and gradually reached the senior level. Previously, Jiangsu has transferred 135 senior and senior rural revitalization technicians from those who already hold deputy and senior professional titles in the field of local industries. The first batch of 227 people who were evaluated in 2019 were selected and promoted by evaluation experts for the first time from 595 applicants in categories such as arts and crafts, agriculture, and construction engineering who did not have senior or deputy professional technical titles. This is the true evaluation of professional titles for local talents.

In June of this year, the "Implementation Measures for the Evaluation of Professional Titles for Rural Revitalization Talents in Anhui Province" were issued, which established 11 majors in rural revitalization, including agricultural economy, agronomy, agricultural technology, agriculture and forestry, agricultural construction, technology, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, aquatic products, e-commerce marketing, and agricultural mechanization. These majors were divided into three levels: primary, intermediate, and advanced. They are aimed at high-quality farmers who have been rooted in the grassroots and engaged in moderate scale production and operation for a long time, family farm producers and operators, rural collective economic organizations, and new enterprise operators, agricultural socialized service organization personnel, rural handicraftsmen, folk artists, technical experts, leaders in innovation and entrepreneurship when returning to the countryside, e-commerce marketing personnel, and other agricultural and rural talents. They also proposed that "not only..." Education, not only qualifications, not only age, not only awards, not only papers, all talents rooted in rural areas and revitalizing agriculture who meet the conditions can apply. The various policies regarding the evaluation of professional titles for local talents are essentially aimed at inspiring the vast number of local talents to play a demonstrative and driving role, cultivating a high-quality team of local talents, and providing strong talent support for the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization. Some people think that evaluating this thing is useless, and farmers don't rely on professional titles to increase their wages.

In Yang Jie's view, he is not really trying to increase his salary. Being able to evaluate a farmer's professional title is a form of identity recognition. "A professional title is a valuable recognition recognized by the human resources and social security department, which is a recognition of our identity and social status. It is more rewarding than ordinary honors and certificates," Yang Jie said.

After being awarded a professional title, Yang Jie participated in several training courses organized by Jiangsu Province for vice high and senior local talents. Over a hundred people participated in one training session, and he also went to Nanjing several times as a result, making many new friends. "For example, there is someone who specializes in timber management and needs to explore the market. They need to find ways to sell their products so that we can communicate together." Yang Jie said, organizing farmers, locksmiths, and embroidery girls in the province to listen to professors and industry experts from agricultural colleges and universities to talk about the most cutting-edge things, such as branding and market operations. "It's unrealistic for us farmers to write papers and engage in scientific research. Even if we have the ability, we don't have the atmosphere. This set of evaluation policies specifically targeting local talents is like the saying: 'Write papers on the land.'" Yang Jie said seriously, "We have more learning opportunities and can improve. Is this the benefit of evaluating professional titles?"

Jiang Jiankang is in the melon field

Retaining Talents for Rural Areas

There are also some icing on the cake uses.

A group of farmers who have been awarded senior professional titles and become local residents | Yang Jie | A group

With a senior professional title, Jiang Jiankang's locally produced watermelons have been labeled as scientific and professional, adding a lot of value to his watermelon brand. Later on, Jiang Jiankang's studio was successively awarded the title of Wuxi Local Talent Master Studio. In recent years, the studio has been upgraded year by year, gradually becoming a provincial studio and a provincial demonstration studio. The construction of the studio relies on the project, and if results are to be achieved within 3 years, the burden on Jiang Jiankang's shoulders has become even heavier. Through the local talent master studio, Jiang Jiankang regularly conducts "three belts" training and skill training, absorbs talents to join the agricultural product planting industry, increases new employment opportunities through industrial development, and realizes a virtuous cycle of one person driving farmers' employment.

"After being awarded a senior professional title, some colleagues' agricultural product prices have risen. During a meeting, I bluntly said: 'Evaluating this professional title is not for your own wealth, but to be able to drive others to become rich together.' Yang Jie said that he is quite willing to take his apprentices, and his studio has also become a master of local talents. This year, it was awarded the provincial demonstration studio, and more than ten college students have come to Yang Jie's studio to learn how to start a business in the agricultural field.". How many college students genuinely want to take root in agriculture? "To be honest, it's not much." Yang Jie hesitated for a moment and spoke up. Engaging in agriculture is a hard work and a profession that relies on the weather for a living. When a blizzard or typhoon blows, a year's hard work may go into vain. "Agriculture cannot be produced according to standards with set parameters. As the temperature and humidity change every day, crops grow sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and must be constantly monitored and not allowed to go unchecked." Yang Jie goes to the farm every day, and he said that some college students, when their minds are hot, want to start a business in the village. Without patience and resilience, it is easy to give up halfway. Fortunately, several of his disciples have already achieved some minor accomplishments, such as growing strawberries and tomatoes, steadily and steadily. Speaking of this, Yang Jie is quite proud.

At the provincial level, increasing attention to local talents and establishing a more reasonable rating system is also to some extent to retain talents for rural areas. Entrepreneurs have expressed that when discussing project cooperation in the domestic agricultural field, many people still recognize professional and technical titles. Therefore, selecting local talent titles will undoubtedly increase the professional trust of customers. Young people who step into the hot land of rural areas will have more confidence.

Farmers are becoming one of the more attractive career choices.

However, after being awarded senior professional titles, the lives of Jiang Jiankang and Yang Jie did not undergo any earth shattering changes. They still wake up at 6 o'clock every day, one going to the field to see watermelons and the other going to the field to see tomatoes. Compared to the thin piece of paper with a professional title, it is still the land under one's feet and the things planted in the land that are more solid.

Moisturizing Xinjiang, Beautiful Water in Tianshan Mountains, People and Nature | Utilization | Xinjiang
Moisturizing Xinjiang, Beautiful Water in Tianshan Mountains, People and Nature | Utilization | Xinjiang

On 1.66 million square kilometers of land in Xinjiang, the rivers and lakes are beautiful, the ecology is improving, and people and nature coexist harmoniously. Nowadays, the scientific examination and utilization of water resources is historically expanding the development space of Xinjiang. Tianshan Mountain is located in the north and south, surrounded by clear water, with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers in urban and rural areas; Three mountains and two basins, rivers and lakes are peaceful, with green waters and lush mountains shining brightly. Xinjiang fully implements the water management policy of "prioritizing water conservation, spatial balance, systematic governance, and dual efforts", promotes the transformation of water resource management from extensive mode to refined and scientific mode, supports sustainable economic and social development with sustainable utilization of water resources, and strives to achieve effective protection of water safety, efficient utilization of water resources, significant improvement of water ecology, and the gradual development of a colorful picture of harmonious human water relationship.

To build a "hometown of fairy tales", hold a "fairy tale conference" and establish a "fairy tale office", Tangtang | Fairy Tales | Mountain Counties in Zhejiang Province
To build a "hometown of fairy tales", hold a "fairy tale conference" and establish a "fairy tale office", Tangtang | Fairy Tales | Mountain Counties in Zhejiang Province

During the summer vacation, various theme parks, fairy tale towns, and other places are bustling with people. In contrast, Wuyi County in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, which is striving to build a "hometown of fairy tales", appears somewhat desolate. This mountainous county was famous for its hot springs in the early years, and in recent years, it has proposed the "Fairy Tale Wuyi" urban brand, planning to create a highland for Chinese fairy tale culture and creativity. To this end, Wuyi established a specialized working organization called "Fairy Tale Office" and held 8 "Fairy Tale Congresses". However, the results were somewhat less than expected. The counterattack of mountainous counties is deeply related to the concept of fairy tales and children's literature in Wuyi. "Wuyi's fairy tales, aside from their historical origins, first have soup and then concepts," Wang Xiaoling, Executive Deputy Director of Wuyi County Fairy Tale Office, explained to reporters. Tang Tang is the Vice Chairman of Zhejiang Writers Association and a well-known children's literature writer in China. Tang Tang has mentioned multiple times that since childhood, she has

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But now the word "chi" is rarely seen. Everything can be chi, from meat to vegetarian, favored by famous people. Lotus House | All Things

When it comes to bad fish, people in Jiangnan understand it, but when it comes to bad fish, many people are confused. In fact, both "zao" and "gui" refer to the method of marinating fish and vegetables with seasonings. "鲊" initially only referred to the pickling of fish, and as they were pickled, they became something that could be pickled by all things. When marinating fish, use rice and salt as seasoning. When making rice, either by pressing it with a stone or twisting it inside a cloth, it is done to remove moisture and add flavor, hence the word "rice". Wrapped in a lotus leaf, it is highly favored by famous scholars. In the summer of the third year of the Changqing reign of the Tang Dynasty, with the sound of cicadas singing in the fields of lotus leaves, Yuan Zhen went to Yuezhou and passed by Hangzhou on the way. Bai Juyi held a boat banquet on West Lake to welcome his friends and enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains. The table was filled with delicious dishes, including lotus fish buns and lotus leaf wrapped buns. Lotus room fish buns are made by taking fresh lotus seeds, digging them out one by one, filling them with small fish balls, and steaming them until cooked. The freshness of the fish meat is accompanied by the freshness of the lotus seeds

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What is it?, "Panda Sheep" Melon brought from Bachu, Xinjiang to Shanghai | Bachu | Bachu, Xinjiang

Yesterday, the 6th Shanghai Special Products Exhibition and Sales Fair for Corresponding Regions kicked off at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. In the exhibition area of Bachu specialty products in Xinjiang, the company leader provides detailed introductions to customers who come to purchase Bachu Liuxiang melons and other "Bachu Liuxiang" brand series products. As a transportation hub in southern Xinjiang and the eastern gateway of Kashgar region, Bachu County, with its unique climate conditions and land resources, produces a series of high-quality, green and healthy agricultural products, such as Bachu Liuxianggua, Bachu quinoa, Apocynum tea, etc. A local production in Bachu called Cookbai Hot Melon, also known as Green Skin and Green flesh Melon, has a long history of cultivation in Bachu and is a unique variety of Bachu. Its flesh is crispy, refreshing and juicy, sweet but not greasy, and it has a unique "vanilla ice cream taste". In recent years, due to its unique taste, it has been favored by Shanghai Xinjiang aid officials,

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Some of them are worth learning from in more cities in the Yangtze River Delta, such as Hailing in Taizhou. Zibo wrote a 5000 word report on Hailing in Taizhou

A while ago, the government research group of Hailing District, Taizhou City, published "Zibo Barbecue is So Popular, What can Taizhou do?" The key to learning from Taizhou Hailing lies in how to make the renewal and transformation of Taizhou's old city smoother: like Zibo, Hailing, which is also in the midst of transformation, is the main carrier of Taizhou's national historical and cultural city. Faced with the hardcore task of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee "focusing on implementing the renewal of the old city, carefully making the" Fengcheng River "cultural core, and building a cultural ancient city that gathers humanities, carries memories, and expresses homesickness", Taizhou should learn from Zibo... The article analyzes and summarizes in more than 5400 words. There are three noteworthy points, three thought-provoking questions, and three valuable experiences for Zibo barbecue. Hailing District is the main urban area of Taizhou, with Taizhou's total economic output ranking among the top 50 in the country, including pharmaceuticals and shipping