Accurately grasping the "second combination" from these three logical traditions | culture | logic

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:32 PM

This highlights the initiative and consciousness of our party in promoting cultural creative transformation and innovative development in the continuation and inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture to a new level. Accurately grasping the theoretical logic, historical logic, and practical logic of the "second combination" will help our party promote cultural development and prosperity, build a strong cultural country, and build modern civilization of the Chinese nation in the new era.

The theoretical logic of the "second combination"

Although Marxism was born in Europe, it emerged through the inheritance and creation of human civilization. It is a comprehensive summary of the achievements of human civilization, an overall summary of the world's labor movement and proletarian revolutionary experience, and a profound revelation of the most common laws of nature, human society, and human thinking. Therefore, Marxism does not belong to a certain country, a certain nation, or a certain period of time, but is a scientific theory with world historical significance and belongs to the common wisdom of all humanity. After the spread of Marxism to China, it not only did not wither and wither due to soil and water resistance, but also took root, bloomed and fruited on the ancient agricultural civilization land. Moreover, it was vigorous and full of vitality, which can be said to be a great miracle in the development history of Marxism. Why did this great miracle occur? The secret lies in the high degree of compatibility.

Firstly, the idea of Great Harmony advocated by traditional Chinese culture is highly compatible with Marxism's portrayal of an ideal society. Confucianism is an important ontology of traditional Chinese culture. Its original ideal design was the "Great Harmony Society" where the great road runs and the world is public. The future society depicted by Marxist classic writers is a free union for the comprehensive development of humanity. These two ideas have a high degree of consistency in their depiction and expectations of social vision. In particular, the Great Harmony Thought, as an important symbol and essence of Chinese traditional culture, in a sense determines the cultural consciousness and historical necessity of Chinese people to choose Marxism since modern times.

Secondly, the simple and conscious materialist ideas in excellent traditional Chinese culture are highly compatible with Marxist materialism in essence. The excellent traditional Chinese culture contains rich and unique resources of materialist thought, forming a continuous and simple materialist tradition in the long ancient Chinese society. Whether it is Xunzi's proposal during the Warring States period that "heaven has its own way of life, not for the survival of Yao, not for the downfall of Jie", or the "Guan Zi"'s proposition that "when the granary is solid, one knows etiquette; when the clothing and food are sufficient, one knows honor and disgrace"; Whether it is Wang Chong of the Eastern Han Dynasty who emphasized that "there are few who can do nothing wrong when hunger and cold coexist, but there are few who can do good when food and clothing coexist", or Wang Fuzhi of the Qing Dynasty who advocated that "the world is only a tool. The Tao is the way of tools... There is no way to bow and yield in times of adversity, there is no way to hang and conquer in Tang Yu, and there is no way to conquer in the Han and Tang Dynasties today." The grand and insightful views of these ancient sages effectively illustrate the enduring and continuous development of ancient Chinese materialism, which has set important theoretical prerequisites for advanced Chinese intellectuals to actively accept and consciously accept Marxism in modern times.

Thirdly, the dialectical thinking in excellent traditional Chinese culture is highly compatible with the three major laws of Marxist philosophy. Chinese traditional culture contains a large amount of dialectical thinking. Although its textual expression and logical presentation are not yet standardized and systematic, it is full of profound rational thinking and dynamic philosophical wisdom. For example, the Book of Songs, Xiaoya, describes "high banks as valleys and deep valleys as tombs", the Tao Te Ching explains "misfortunes and blessings rely on, and blessings and misfortunes lie in them", the Book of Changes, Ci Xia advocates "poverty leads to change, change leads to communication, and communication leads to longevity", and the Art of War, Sun Tzu's Strategy for Attacking, advocates "knowing the enemy and oneself, and being invincible in a hundred battles". These views are fundamentally similar to the laws of opposition unity, quantitative and qualitative change, and the negation of negation in Marxist philosophy. In this sense, the excellent traditional culture of China has the innate gene and internal foundation to accept Marxism. The combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional culture of China is completely in line with theoretical logic.

The Historical Logic of the Second Combination

In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphatically pointed out: "the result of 'combination' is mutual achievement, creating an organically unified new cultural life body, making Marxism Chinese and Chinese excellent traditional culture modern. Let the new culture formed through 'combination' become the cultural form of Chinese-style modernization." In the century-old history of the modernization of Marxism in China, the Communist Party of China has insisted on returning to the original, opening up new, keeping integrity and innovation, always focusing on combining Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and always emphasizing the integration of the essence of Chinese traditional culture with the basic principles of Marxism. This has become an important historical experience to continuously create a new realm of Marxism in China.

As a model of combining Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture, Mao Zedong Thought is the theoretical achievement of the first historic leap in the sinicization of Marxism, the scientific guide leading the Chinese revolution and construction, and an important spiritual pillar and powerful ideological weapon of the Chinese nation. In the long-term practice of revolution and construction, Comrade Mao Zedong, based on the actual situation of China and the excellent traditional culture of China, creatively put forward a series of scientific viewpoints with the basic principles of Marxism as the fundamental leadership, and accumulated numerous ideological and cognitive achievements. He used the principles of historical materialism to explain and transform the traditional culture's "people-oriented" viewpoint, and clearly put forward the famous assertion that "the people are the creators of history"; He applied the materialist epistemology to reinterpret and clarify the concept of "studying the ancients well and seeking truth from facts" in Ban Gu's "Book of Han", endowing "seeking truth from facts" with new connotations and contemporary values; On the basis of drawing on the dialectical thinking of traditional culture, he applied the principles of Marxist epistemology to write classic works such as "On Practice" and "On Contradiction" that had a huge impact on the revolution and construction of China. Comrade Mao Zedong also consciously applied the principle of the relationship between Marxist understanding and practice to deeply explain the major proposition of "knowledge and action" in Chinese philosophy; Using the contradiction view of Marxist dialectical materialism with ease, deeply elucidating the dialectical thinking of "dividing one into two" in traditional culture; Flexibly apply the Marxist military dialectical thinking to provide insightful explanations of ancient Chinese military books, tactics, and examples. Historical practice has fully proven that Mao Zedong Thought is a product and theoretical crystallization of the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the actual construction of the Chinese revolution, and highly integrated with the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

By citing famous quotes from ancient books such as the Analects, Records of Rites, Shangshu, and Zizhi Tongjian, we can fully draw on the wisdom of governance in traditional culture and accurately apply it to the modernization of national governance capacity and governance system; By borrowing from works such as the Book of Songs, the Book of Changes, and Mencius, we can deeply elucidate the important concepts of traditional Chinese philosophy, which can be timely used to guide the objective practice of promoting harmonious development between humans and nature, maintaining the diversity of human civilization, and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

The practical logic of the "second combination"

In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly pointed out: "The'combination' has built a solid foundation for the road, gave the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics a broader and far-reaching historical depth, and expanded the cultural foundation of the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics." Entering a new era and embarking on a new journey, the Communist Party of China unswervingly adheres to the fundamental guiding ideology of Marxism, unswervingly inherits and promotes the excellent traditional Chinese culture, based on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, and uses Chinese principles to summarize Good Chinese experience, upgrade Chinese experience to Chinese theory, and realize spiritual independence.

One is to uphold the people-oriented nature in the process of integration. The people-oriented nature is the fundamental attribute of Marxism, and it is also the most distinctive background of excellent traditional Chinese culture. In the practice of combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture, we adhere to the value orientation of putting the people first and the development concept of putting the people at the center. With the people-oriented and mass oriented nature of Marxism, we guide the transformation, innovation, and development of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Through the organic combination of the two, we continuously enrich the spiritual world of social members and further enhance the spiritual power of the public.

The second is to demonstrate innovation in "integration". Marxism innovates the subject connotation and expression paradigm by absorbing the rich nutrients of Chinese excellent traditional culture. Chinese excellent traditional culture should undergo creative transformation and innovative development under the guidance of Marxism. This requires us to have a correct understanding and grasp of the basic principles of Marxism, and to appropriately integrate Marxism into the cultural life and spiritual world of the Chinese people; On the other hand, it is necessary to comprehensively inventory and carefully develop excellent traditional Chinese cultural resources, continuously enrich the content and form of Marxism with excellent traditional culture, and truly achieve innovation in "integration" and reflect "integration" in innovation.

The third is to reflect the timeliness in "integration". Keeping pace with the times is not only an important quality of Marxism, but also an inherent requirement of excellent traditional Chinese culture. To achieve the close integration of the two, it is necessary to find the intersection of the times and the entry point of reality, endow Marxism with new connotations according to the development needs of the times, further present the truth power of Marxism's sinicization and modernization, and make new interpretations and interpretations of China's outstanding traditional culture under the guidance of Marxism, so as to synchronize the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation with the development of contemporary society, adapt to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country, and coordinate with the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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