Integrating to embark on a new mission, continuing the historical context to compose a contemporary chapter, and diversifying to transform the old nation | culture | new mission

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:58 PM

Culture is related to the foundation and destiny of a country. At every major historical juncture in human development, culture will become the precursor to changes in the times and society. The overture stage of Western modernization is marked by the Renaissance and religious reform; The New Culture Movement, which destroyed the prison of outdated theories, created favorable conditions for the dissemination of Marxism in China.

The so-called "Guangtu Giant Clan" lies in "beauty and harmony", the so-called "harmony among nations" lies in "the way of loyalty and forgiveness", and the so-called "continuous string singing" lies in "the brilliance and rejuvenation". The Chinese nation is constantly evolving in the process of poverty and change, change and communication, and innovation and creation that lasts for a long time. Why continue to innovate and create, where to innovate and create, and how to innovate and create are the questions of the times that need to be deeply addressed to stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creation of the whole nation and tell the story of China well.

From "old state and new destiny" to "looking forward to rejuvenation", the spiritual source that inspires the innovation and creativity of the entire nation's culture——

Although Zhou is an old country, his destiny is only new. The best way to inherit history is to create new history. This is also the starting point for understanding and stimulating the innovation and creativity of the entire nation's culture.

The Chinese Civilization Exploration Project has demonstrated China's million year human history, 10000 year cultural history, and over 5000 years of civilization history. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Chinese nation embraced the spirit of "old country and new destiny", embarked on the great practice of creating Chinese civilization, and thrived and grew through ups and downs, enduring the rivers of China throughout history.

For thousands of years, generations of Chinese people have passed down the torch, continued to uphold righteousness and innovation, and "diversified" to transform the "old country" and "integrated" to embark on a "new life". They have paved the way for the Silk Road long song of "thousands of miles of camel bells and thousands of miles of waves", creating a prosperous atmosphere of "all nations meeting in Chang'an".

By the early 19th century, the proportion of China's GDP to the world was still higher than the sum of the 30 modernized European countries. As British scholar Joseph Needham wrote in "The Titration of Civilization," "China has made a direct contribution to the modernization of the world landscape."

However, after the Opium War, the Chinese nation suffered unprecedented suffering, with the country humiliated, the people suffering, and civilization shrouded in dust. Marx wrote in "The History of Opium Trade": "Opium traffickers, after corrupting, corrupting, and destroying the spiritual existence of unfortunate criminals, also kill their bodies." Faced with the unprecedented great changes of three thousand years, washing away the mottled dust of modern civilization that has been insulted and damaged, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, has become the greatest dream of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.

At the most critical moment in modern China, the CPC used the power of Marxist truth to activate the great civilization created by the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and awakened the great awakening of the Chinese people with profound cultural consciousness. After more than a hundred years of struggle, the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, and has entered an irreversible historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

At a new historical starting point, stimulating the innovation and creativity of the entire nation's culture, deeply rooted in cultural roots, continuously promoting cultural prosperity, and building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation, is of great significance in promoting the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization, injecting strong spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

From "Dwelling in China" to "Why China", the Source of Connotation for Stimulating Cultural Innovation and Creativity of the Whole Nation——

Only the ancestors of Yin had books and scriptures. Innovation can only be achieved by adhering to principles, and innovation can only be achieved by returning to one's own principles. The excellent traditional Chinese culture nurtured by over 5000 years of Chinese civilization is an endless treasure trove of contemporary cultural innovation and creation. This is the birth point of understanding and stimulating the innovation and creativity of the entire nation's culture.

Contemporary China is the continuation and development of historical China. The seal inscription on the bronze vessel "He Zun" of the Western Zhou Dynasty reads "Residence in China", which is the earliest written record of "China" and refers to the geographical concept of "within the world". Subsequently, in the process of evolution and fusion, Chinese civilization surged and converged, forming a unique Chinese humanistic spirit of "emphasizing benevolence, valuing the people, upholding integrity, upholding justice, advocating harmony, and seeking great harmony", ultimately forming an endless and magnificent China.

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is rich, diverse, and has a broad tolerance, providing a ready source of fresh water for the innovation and creation of the entire nation's culture. The mythological stories of "Cangjie creating characters" and "Kuafu chasing the sun" recorded in the "Huainanzi" of the Han Dynasty, the aesthetic atmosphere of "grandeur" and "dilution" recorded in the "Twenty Four Poems" of the Tang Dynasty, the culinary philosophy of "curling pot delicacies" and "cherry frying" recorded in the "Shanjia Qinggong" of the Song Dynasty, and the elegant life of "several beds" and "boats and carriages" recorded in the "Changwu Zhi" of the late Ming Dynasty, as well as the "Complete Library of the Four Treasuries" of the Holy Sage included in the Qing Dynasty, are scattered and long-lasting.

Stimulating the innovation and creativity of the entire ethnic culture is reflected in the creative transformation of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Promoting creative transformation, focusing on activating and reconstructing the traditional perspective of "China of China", continuously observing the characteristics of the times and social needs, empowering the connotation and expression forms of classical culture with modern lifestyle and interpretation schemes, exploring new content carriers and communication channels, and answering the question of "why China" well.

Stimulating the innovation and creativity of the entire ethnic culture, while also focusing on innovative development. To promote innovative development is to look at the time-space horizon of "China in the world", supplement, expand and improve the essence of the existing traditional culture, seek to open up based on China and facing the world, tell a good story of China, spread a good voice of China, and enhance cultural attraction and charisma.

From "A Better Life" to "Cultural Outgoing to the Sea", the Source of Practice for Stimulating the Innovation and Creativity of National Culture——

Observing humanities, transforming into the world. The essence of culture is to cultivate people, and the process of cultural innovation and creation is a process of fully leveraging the people's subject status and pioneering spirit. This is the practical basis for understanding and stimulating the innovation and creativity of the entire nation's culture.

People's need for a better life is the source of stimulating cultural innovation and creativity. In the new era, we must first enhance cohesion through high-quality public cultural services, further promote cultural activities such as popular reading and art popularization, and effectively extend cultural open spaces such as museums and cultural centers; We need to inspire leadership with high-quality cultural products, innovate and develop based on traditional materials, interpret modern mentality with national style, and evoke more and stronger cultural resonance.

If "a good life" is an endogenous force, then "breaking through boundaries and going abroad" is an external driving force. On the one hand, it is necessary to anchor the perspective of reception, strengthen global awareness, audience awareness, and user awareness. The science fiction novel "The Three Body Problem" and its spin off series are selling globally, and a key to success lies in reflecting on the common concern of humanity. On the other hand, we must adhere to systematic thinking, focus on the comprehensive "content+talent+technology+funding" full chain of going global, utilize national strategies to add dividends, strengthen international cultural industry cooperation, and optimize cultural influence in the global market.

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