Ideals illuminate the journey and decode the great spirit of building the Party ① | Adhere to truth and ideals: Truth guides the way towards building the Party | Spirit | Ideal

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:45 AM

[Editor's Note] In order to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC and carry forward the great spirit of party building, from July 1, the four episode short video "The Source of Spirit, the Power Base - Decoding the Great Spirit of Party Building" produced by the Party History Research Office of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee was broadcast in the "Thought Collection" column of Shangguan News, leading us to explore the ideological strength of the great spirit of party building. This short video is also a condensed "in-depth tour of red culture in Shanghai", which seeks the historical source of the original aspiration and mission of the CPC among many red landmarks and old sites. Today, the first episode "Adhere to Truth, Adhere to Ideals" will be broadcasted.

The primary content of the great spirit of building the Party is to adhere to truth and ideals. Adhering to truth means adhering to the scientific truth of Marxism; Adhering to ideals means adhering to the lofty ideals of communism.

After repeated comparisons, I ultimately chose Marxism

In the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, there is a group photo of Mao Zedong and several people on May 8, 1920, at the Bansong Garden in Shanghai at that time. This is a photo taken by Mao Zedong and members of the Shanghai New People's Association attending a meeting at Bansong Garden, and bidding farewell to the students from Hunan who are studying hard in France. Before and after the May Fourth Movement, in order to explore the truth of saving the country and the people, many ambitious young people embarked on the path of studying and working in France. From March 1919 to the end of 1920, a total of 20 batches of over 1600 people departed from Shanghai to study and work in France. Among them, Chen Yi, Wang Ruofei, Nie Rongzhen, Cai Hesen, Xiang Jingyu, Chen Yannian, Zhao Shiyan, Liu Bojian, Deng Xiaoping, Zhou Enlai, and others set off from Shanghai to France. Many of them, after repeated comparisons, ultimately chose Marxism. In May 1920, Mao Zedong visited Chen Duxiu and had a long conversation with him after seeing off members of the New People's Association for their work study program in France. Mao Zedong later told American journalist Snow, "In Shanghai, I discussed Marxist books that I had read with Chen Duxiu. Chen Duxiu's words about his own beliefs, which may have been crucial in this period of my life, left a deep impression on me."

In July 1921, the CPC was born in Shanghai. The CPC has chosen Marxism Leninism as its guiding ideology and firmly established the banner of scientific socialism on the land of China. Since then, the face of the Chinese revolution has taken on a new look, and the CPC has become the backbone and anchor of China's progress.

"I accept Marxism as a correct interpretation of history."

On January 28, 1922, on the first day of the Chinese New Year, in the deep winter season and with piercing cold winds, the work of the Communist Party members was carried out vigorously in Shanghai. That morning, they distributed 60000 pre printed "New Year's greetings" on red paper along the way. This is a special New Year greeting card, with the four big characters "Congratulations on the New Year" printed on the front and a "Song of Peace" promoting communism printed on the back. This song was written by Chen Wangdao, the first secretary of the Shanghai Local Committee.

Chen Wangdao, who are you? One of the most famous identities is undoubtedly the translator of the first Chinese version of the Communist Manifesto. In early 1920s, Chen Wangdao was at his home in Yiwu, Zhejiang. He translated the Communist Manifesto based on the Japanese version and compared it with the English version. In a wooden house, Chen Wangdao overcame the difficulties of working conditions and translation, and spent five times as much effort as usual translating a book to translate the entire text, leaving behind a classic story of "the taste of truth is very sweet".

The publication of the Chinese translation of the Communist Manifesto accelerated the spread of Marxism in China, and it directly influenced a group of early leaders of the Communist Party of China. In 1936, in a cave in Yan'an, Mao Zedong said to Snow, "There are three books that are deeply engraved in my heart, establishing my belief in Marxism. I accept Marxism as a correct interpretation of history, and have never wavered since then... By the summer of 1920, in theory and to some extent, I had become a Marxist." One of these three books was the Communist Manifesto translated by Chen Wangdao.

Tempering character in brutal struggle

The path of pursuing truth and establishing ideals is certainly arduous, but the character of adhering to truth and ideals needs to be tempered in cruel struggles.

In the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, there is a blue cover edition of the Communist Manifesto, which was reissued in September 1920, displayed side by side with the first edition with a red cover.In November 1922, Zhang Renya joined the CPC and became one of the earliest workers in Shanghai. In 1927, in order to preserve the precious documents and materials at that time, Zhang Renya risked his life to transfer them from Shanghai to his hometown in Ningbo and entrusted them to his father. The old father specially built a tomb for his son in his hometown and placed the materials in the tomb, so that these precious documents could be preserved.

Among the documents guarded by Zhang Renya and his son, in addition to the Communist Manifesto with a blue cover, there are also well preserved Resolutions of the Second National Congress of the CPC, especially the first party constitution of the CPC and the Manifesto of the Second National Congress of the CPC, which are more precious.

In July 1922, the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai, and the congress formulated a democratic revolutionary program against imperialism and feudalism, while specifying that the highest program of the party was to gradually achieve a communist society.

Truth guides the course, ideals illuminate the journey. Over the past hundred years, the CPC has adhered to truth and ideals, and constantly created great historical achievements. At the same time, in the practice of great struggle, we continuously develop truth and firmly uphold ideals, allowing truth and ideals to demonstrate their valuable value that transcends time and space and is timeless.

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