People's Daily Review: "Integrity College Entrance Examination" Brings Youth to Bloom with No Regrets | Candidates | Youth

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:48 PM

The 2023 college entrance examination is approaching. In order to create a good order for the examination, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of candidates, and prevent illegal elements from spreading false information related to the examination, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, has issued a warning message. Combining with some typical cases in recent years, it solemnly reminds candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and achieve integrity in the examination.

Ten years of cold window weaving brocade, today the bright hall is composing a magnificent chapter. The college entrance examination is an important system for achieving educational and social equity, a systematic test of students' years of learning, an important debut for young people to embark on a new stage of life, and an important way to educate people for the Party and the country. Therefore, there is no room for any negligence, let alone any deceit. It is the responsibility and mission of relevant departments and units to fully ensure the fairness, impartiality, and safety of the college entrance examination, and effectively strengthen various standardized management. It is necessary to timely issue warning information, severely crack down on illegal activities such as exam fraud, and actively guide candidates and parents to enhance their legal awareness.

Integrity is the foundation and the way to stand firm. As an important national examination, the college entrance examination is not only a test of knowledge, but also a test of ideological and moral character. Looking at typical cases, whether it is organizational cheating, "Li Gui" taking the exam as a substitute, or bringing mobile phones into the exam room in violation of regulations, all are serious acts of dishonesty and immorality, all attempting to challenge the fairness and justice bottom line of the college entrance examination with fraud. All relevant actions are illegal and if they constitute a crime, they will be held criminally responsible in accordance with the law. Cultivate virtue and prioritize virtue. Youth are in a critical period of value formation and must establish a correct outlook on life, right and wrong, and righteousness and benefit. Only in this way can one not be afraid of difficulties, disturbed by noise, or confused by interests on the complex path of life in the future. The buttons of life must be fastened from the beginning, and the college entrance examination is the touchstone.

There will be no pies falling from the sky, and false advertising is a trap. It is equally important to be vigilant that some examination and training institutions claim to have "expert lectures on exam questions and reinforcement of passing exams", while others post online claiming to have "guaranteed exam questions before the exam"... All of these are aimed at deceiving students and parents into believing them true. In fact, the college entrance examination questions are classified as national top secret materials, and there are extremely strict management measures for their storage and transportation. Any training institution or individual cannot obtain or provide "real questions" or guarantee "passing". Attempting to make last-minute last-minute attempts and take shortcuts may lead to falling into a scam. Candidates and parents should understand that there is no shortcut to the college entrance examination, no matter how hard you work or how much you gain.

The college entrance examination is not the end point, but a new starting point. Young students who obtain the opportunity to receive higher education through the college entrance examination not only add knowledge reserves to achieve their personal ideals, but also have the lofty aspiration of "studying for the rise of China". A strong youth leads to a strong China. Students should embrace their dreams and be down-to-earth, daring to think, act, and do good deeds, striving to become pillars of great potential and capable of shouldering heavy responsibilities. They should firmly work together with the motherland and the times, leaving behind their youthful footprints without regrets.

Long winds and waves sometimes break through, hanging straight on a cloud sail to the vast sea. May all candidates let go of their psychological burdens, calmly and confidently take the exam, abide by the discipline of the examination room, have integrity and integrity as a reference, play to their due level, display their youthful charm, and live up to their youth and the title of gold medal!

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