Dedicated to guarding "Youthful Youth", Vice President and Vice President of the Rule of Law | Rule of Law | Youth

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 11:35 AM

Devote oneself to guarding the "young you"

——A summary of national procuratorial organs promoting the practical performance of vice principals in the rule of law

"39000 prosecutors serve as vice principals of the rule of law in over 77000 schools." On June 1 of this year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released a set of data in the "White Paper on Juvenile Prosecutorial Work.

Youth legal education benefits both the present and the future.In January 2022, the "Regulations on Prosecutors Serving as Vice Presidents of the Rule of Law" jointly issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Education officially came into effect, and the work of Vice Presidents of the Rule of Law entered a "practical" stage. The deputy principal of the prosecutor's rule of law used this as a reference frame, walking from village to school and entering the community, writing one heartwarming performance story after another.

From Campus to Countryside

Not a single one can be missing on the path of popularizing the law

"Scan the code to receive free game skins and idol signature photos. Students must be careful when seeing such information, as it may be a telecom scam..."

On August 16th, the atmosphere in the classrooms of Sanxia Senior High School in Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province was lively. The procuratorial officers of the "Sunflower Studio" of the Yiling District Procuratorate fulfilled their duties as vice principal of the rule of law, bringing a special "opening gift" - a legal lecture on preventing telecommunications fraud to newly enrolled high school freshmen. In class, the students had a heated discussion about the case explained by the prosecutor teacher, and they all expressed that they must be cautious when encountering QR codes and links sent by strangers.

The school year, the National Constitution Day, the Children's Day... Every important time point related to children, there is no lack of prosecutors in the school. Prosecutors carefully designed mock courtrooms, debate competitions, rule of law education exhibitions, etc., bringing lively and interesting rule of law education feasts to children.

In July 2022, following the national tour of "rule of law into campus", the Supreme People's Procuratorate once again deployed a six-month national tour of "inspection, love and cooperation - rule of law into rural areas". Nowadays, not only in cities, but also in schools in remote rural areas, impoverished areas, ethnic minority areas, and border areas, prosecutors and vice principals of the rule of law are also working hard to sow small seeds of the rule of law in the hearts of young people.

Dedicated to guarding "Youthful Youth", Vice President and Vice President of the Rule of Law | Rule of Law | Youth

Liu Jiao, Director of the Fifth Procuratorate Department of the Xuyong County Procuratorate in Sichuan Province, is the Vice Principal of the Rule of Law at a primary school in the urban-rural junction of the county. In September 2022, during the national tour of "Inspection, Love and Cooperation - Rule of Law in Rural Areas", she and her colleagues came to this elementary school and gave a public lesson on preventing sexual assault and the rule of law to all children in grades one to six.

Six months later, Liu Jiao accepted a case of child molestation. When flipping through the case files, she unexpectedly discovered that the victims of the case were two girls from the first grade of that elementary school. Originally, two girls were maliciously assaulted by a middle-aged man while playing on the square in the village. Recalling the rule of law class they had attended before, two girls quietly left the square and dialed "110" in a nearby hiding place using their children's watches.

"Police Auntie, an uncle on the square touched our private area."

"Children, do you know what a private part is?"

"A teacher has mentioned that it's the place where I use the restroom."


"When reviewing the case file, I heard this recording. The two children accurately described when they were alerted and took the same approach when they were violated as we taught them in the rule of law class. At that moment, I suddenly felt the importance of popularizing the law for children in rural areas." Liu Jiao told reporters.

In July of this year, a middle-aged man involved in the case was sentenced to death by the court for molesting two girls in public. And that clearly stated recording is the key evidence for the conviction of this case.

Rule of law education should not only focus on weak areas, but also on special groups. Prosecutor Luo Jinpeng of the Hailin City Prosecutor's Office in Heilongjiang Province is the Vice Principal of the Rule of Law of Hailin Special Education School. In March of this year, he brought a legal education to the children of the school to "stay away from campus violence". "Many children in special education schools are people with hearing disabilities. In order to get closer to them, I used my spare time to self-study sign language. Before giving a lecture, I was worried that the children wouldn't understand, so I went to the school to tell their teachers first, and the teachers helped me adjust and improve. On the day of class, when I saw the children actively interacting with me, I felt that all the efforts were worth it," said Luo Jinpeng.

"As a teacher, I also teach children some legal knowledge in the classroom, but compared to prosecutors, it is still not professional enough. The deputy principal of the prosecutor's legal education fully fulfills his duties and provides children with opportunities to receive professional legal education. The resources of legal education are tilted towards weak areas and special groups, allowing us children in border areas to also bask in the sunshine of the rule of law. The procuratorial organs have truly achieved the goal of popularizing the law without a single one." Huang Huachun, a representative of the National People's Congress and deputy principal of Chongzuo Senior High School in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, told reporters.

Dedicated to guarding "Youthful Youth", Vice President and Vice President of the Rule of Law | Rule of Law | Youth

Strengthen cooperation between inspection and school

Assist in social governance around the campus

Legal education is just the starting point for vice principals of the rule of law to fulfill their duties. They guide schools in preventing juvenile delinquency, assist schools in establishing and improving systems for preventing sexual assault and harassment, and participate in environmental remediation around schools... There is still much that vice principals of the rule of law can and should do.

There is a legal vice principal workshop at Oilfield No. 5 Middle School in Puyang City, Henan Province. Liu Xiaojie, the legal vice principal of the school and a full-time member of the Hualong District Prosecutor's Committee in Puyang City, often communicates with students, teachers, and parents here.

In December 2022, Liu Xiaojie received a lead transfer letter at the Vice Principal's Office of the Rule of Law, which stated that many parents of students reported that some shops around the campus were selling cigarettes to minors, and the phenomenon of students smoking was increasing. Upon seeing this lead transfer letter, Liu Xiaojie was very worried. After discussing with her colleagues, they decided to conduct a survey on the smoking situation of minors in primary and secondary schools throughout the region.

"We conducted a survey on the shops around primary and secondary schools in the entire district, and distributed more than 4000 survey questionnaires to students and parents. The results showed that nearly 80% of smoking students purchased cigarettes from shops around the school. Many of these shops do not have tobacco monopoly licenses, and the cigarettes sold include traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, as well as' three no's' cigarettes packaged in milk tea cups and other forms." Liu Xiaojie said.

In June of this year, in response to the previous investigation and in accordance with relevant laws such as the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Hualong District Procuratorate issued a procuratorial recommendation to the directly affiliated branch of the Puyang Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, suggesting that it fulfill its regulatory responsibilities and rectify illegal and irregular tobacco business practices in the vicinity of the campus and the entire district.

After receiving the prosecution's suggestion, the relevant units attach great importance to it and quickly carry out rectification actions. Business entities with tobacco monopoly rights within 100 meters of the campus will no longer be granted tobacco monopoly retail licenses; Confiscate tobacco products and impose penalties on business entities without tobacco monopoly rights in conjunction with the Market Supervision Bureau; Tobacco business entities that do not prominently display signs prohibiting the sale of tobacco and alcohol to minors shall be ordered to rectify.

"Nowadays, the tobacco business around schools has become more standardized, and students are smoking less. The vice principal of the rule of law has more legal education resources and experience in protecting and assisting minors. If students exhibit bad behavior, we will invite the vice principal of the rule of law to help correct it. With the support of the vice principal of the rule of law studio, the procuratorial organs have provided us with practical assistance in ensuring campus safety and strengthening comprehensive governance around the campus. The brand of our 'model school of rule of law' is also becoming more and more prominent," Zhang Tao, director of the Moral Education Department of Puyang Oilfield Fifth Middle School, told reporters.

"The" Regulations on the Work of Prosecutors Serving as Vice Presidents of the Rule of Law "clearly stipulate the scope and methods of performance of vice principals of prosecutors, requiring them to perform their duties in a 'practical' manner, strengthen cooperation between procurators and schools, and promote social governance for the protection of minors through case handling in the process of participating in the construction of a safe campus." said Song Dan, the chief prosecutor of the Ninth Procuratorate of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Dedicated to guarding "Youthful Youth", Vice President and Vice President of the Rule of Law | Rule of Law | Youth

Join hands with all parties involved

Co painting protection for minors

"Concentric circles"

Protecting minors is the responsibility of the whole society. As a political and legal organ involved in the entire process of judicial protection of minors, the procuratorial organs rely on the responsibility of the vice president of the rule of law, work together with all parties to participate in the protection of minors, and promote the six major protections of families, schools, society, the internet, government, and the judiciary through the performance of procuratorial duties to form a joint force for protecting minors.

Song Shuang, Assistant Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the Wujiang District Procuratorate in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, is the Vice Principal of the Rule of Law at a local primary school. In January 2022, while teaching the children of this elementary school about the rule of law, she interacted with a little boy and found some scars on his hands and face, which did not look like they were injured while playing.

"Classmates, we have talked about fraud, violent injury, and campus bullying before. If you encounter these problems, you can all tell the teacher..." Song Shuang decided to guide the boy in class, hoping that he would tell the story of his injury, but he never said anything.

After class, Song Shuang quickly found the homeroom teacher to understand the boy's situation. He learned that the child had been beaten by his father a few days ago. Although the homeroom teacher communicated with the boy's father, the other party said, "Hitting the child is my business, and the school should not interfere.".

Recalling the injury on the boy's body, Song Shuang couldn't rest assured. Is this an occasional situation or a long-term abuse? What is the family guardianship status of the boy? With these questions in mind, Song Shuang provided feedback on this clue to the local women's federation and education bureau, initiated an intervention mechanism for disadvantaged children, and conducted home visits to the boy's home.

They learned that the boy's father had divorced and was working alone with the child outside. The hardships of life made him lack patience with his children. His father always believed that "filial piety comes from under a stick." When he saw his child not at home after work, he scolded him for being playful. The community and surrounding neighbors have reported that the boy and father have a good relationship on a regular basis, but the father occasionally physically punishes the child.

After learning about these situations, Song Shuang and his team ruled out the possibility of the child being subjected to long-term abuse, but such behavior of beating and scolding the child may have a negative impact on the child. So Song Shuang, along with staff from the Women's Federation and the Education Bureau, had a deep conversation with the boy's father and combined relevant cases to make him realize his mistake in behavior. Considering the boy's family situation, the staff of the Women's Federation also assisted him in applying for educational assistance project funding. The boy's father said he will no longer beat and scold his child in the future and gradually change his way of education.

Dedicated to guarding "Youthful Youth", Vice President and Vice President of the Rule of Law | Rule of Law | Youth

A few months later, Song Shuang conducted a follow-up visit to the boy. The boy said his father no longer started hitting him and his temper has improved a lot. Song Shuang's hanging heart finally let go.

"I have been serving as the Vice President of the Rule of Law since 2016. At first, I believed that if I taught the rule of law well, I would be qualified. Later, as I continued to communicate with my children and teachers on campus, I gradually understood that the Vice President of the Rule of Law should be the guardian of students through legal education, and strive to help the school build a bridge with multiple departments such as the procuratorate, civil affairs, women's federation, youth league committee, and relevant work committee, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors to the greatest extent possible. This is the significance of the Vice President of the Rule of Law fully performing his duties." Song Shuang said.

Zhang Chunyan, a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Director of the Sixth Procuratorial Department of the Huzhou City Procuratorate in Zhejiang Province, is also a vice president of the rule of law. She told reporters that the vice president of the rule of law is an important link between schools and procuratorial organs. In the process of fulfilling the responsibilities of the vice president of the rule of law, prosecutors should break through the dimension of legal education, fully play their legal supervision functions, discover clues related to minors, and implement judicial protection for minors through case handling. At the same time, they should actively connect forces from all sectors of society and work together with all parties to draw a "concentric circle" for the protection of minors.

Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people; Nurturing people by law, moistening things silently. Promoting the work of Vice President of the Rule of Law is not only a requirement for the construction of the rule of law, but also a necessity of the times. Prosecutors and vice principals of the rule of law will rely on legal education to fully and comprehensively fulfill their duties, and solidly carry out the "sunrise cause" of protecting minors.

Author: Chang Luqian

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