The first major battle that entered the stage of comprehensive resistance began in Shanghai, 86 years ago today in China | Battle | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 18:46 PM

This year marks the 86th anniversary of the outbreak of the Shanghai Anti Japanese War on August 13th. The August 13 Battle of Shanghai was an unprecedented major battle launched by both China and Japan after the outbreak of the National War of Resistance Against Japan. Before the war, the Japanese army, relying on its naval, land, and air firepower advantages, arrogantly declared, "Occupy Shanghai within a month." Faced with the strategic situation of the enemy being strong and the enemy being weak, the Chinese army fought fiercely for three months, completely shattering the Japanese aggressors' ambition to make quick decisions and annex China. This battle has promoted the national spirit of patriotism and is also a great manifestation of Chinese martial arts culture.

Chinese martial arts culture is an important component of China's excellent traditional culture, which is centered on the values and responsibilities of soldiers, with "harmony" and "righteous warfare" as the main themes. As the first major battle of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan entering the stage of comprehensive resistance, the entire process of the Battle of Shanghai on August 13 fully demonstrated the essence of Chinese martial arts culture.

Unity and Harmony, Unity and Unity

Experts point out that fundamentally, traditional Chinese martial arts culture is a harmonious culture. Harmony is the core concept of Chinese martial arts culture, which is reflected internally as unity, harmony, and unity of all. Throughout the historical process of the Anti Japanese War in Shanghai on August 13, this concept has been fully demonstrated.

After the outbreak of the National Anti Japanese War, the theme of the era of unity and harmony is how to realize the anti Japanese national united front with the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China as the main axis advocated by the CPC as soon as possible. The Battle of Shanghai on August 13 helped to promote the formal formation of the anti Japanese national united front, and its contribution was indispensable. Mao Zedong pointed out, "Without the initiation, establishment, and persistence of the anti Japanese national united front based on the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, it would be impossible to launch, sustain, and strive for victory in such a great anti Japanese national revolutionary war."

At the time of the outbreak of the Lugou Bridge Incident in 1937, as the highest commander of the Nationalist Government, Chiang Kai shek still had not made up his mind to resist the war comprehensively. On the one hand, he expressed his readiness to "fight", and on the other hand, he expressed "one second before the fundamental despair of peace". "We still hope to find a solution to the Lugou Incident through peaceful diplomatic methods.". In mid July, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent Zhou Enlai, Qin Bangxian, and Lin Boqu to Lushan to continue negotiations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Although the Kuomintang expressed agreement with the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, it still imposed restrictions on the activities of Chinese Communist Party representatives in Lushan. However, due to the outbreak of the Shanghai Anti Japanese War on August 13, the marathon style negotiations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party made rapid progress. On September 22, the Kuomintang Central News Agency issued the "Declaration of Cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China"; The next day Chiang Kai shek made a speech, pointing out the need for unity to resist aggression, and in fact recognized the legitimate position of the CPC in the country. The publication of the Declaration on Cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and Chiang Kai shek's Speech marked the formal formation of the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the establishment of the Anti Japanese National United Front. The formation of this new situation is of great significance, as Mao Zedong pointed out: "Now people all over China and the world understand that the Chinese nation has stood up! The humiliation, humiliation, aggression, and oppression suffered by people for a hundred years, especially the embarrassing slave status since the September 18 Incident, have been changed. All Chinese people have walked onto the battlefield of national self-defense war with weapons, and the final victory of China, the dawn of freedom and liberation of the Chinese nation, has been discovered."

The scene of the Battle of Shanghai on August 13, characterized by unity and resistance against aggression, has brought a new perspective to the international community. The most influential newspaper published by the British in Shanghai, the Zilinxi Newspaper, has changed its previous rhetoric of attacking the Chinese people's resistance against foreign aggression, and has also begun to condemn the atrocities committed by the Japanese invasion of China. It praises China's unity in achieving the national resistance war, which is the "awakening" of the Chinese people. Another influential newspaper published by the British in Shanghai, The Times, also published an editorial stating that the Chinese military "stood out" in Shanghai, "for the first time in modern times.". "The national spirit and unity spirit that our brave Chinese comrades have tirelessly called for for for many years suddenly rose like a modern Great Wall before this lost aggressor," said Carl, a colonel and famous writer of the US Navy, during his inspection after the Battle of Shanghai. "The Battle of Shanghai is enough to prove two points: China has made up its mind to fight for its independence, and the Chinese army has the ability to fight; all of Japan's army, which has been called a terrible army by the world since the Russo Japanese War, was downgraded to the third level after China's attack," in short, during the resistance against Japan. "Under the banner of the Japanese national united front, the August 13 Battle of Shanghai won praise and recognition from international public opinion, effectively enhancing the influence of China's resistance in the international community.

Oppose aggression, love the country and defend the land

Patriotism, defending the country, and safeguarding the people are the main principles of the concept of righteous warfare in Chinese martial arts culture. The August 13 Battle of Songhu was the first major battle against the full-scale invasion of Japanese imperialism into China, leaving a vivid page in the history of modern Chinese anti aggression wars.

The joint efforts of the military and civilians to resist the enemy were a major highlight of the Battle of Shanghai on August 13. In order to defend Greater Shanghai, inspired by the spirit of patriotism and soil conservation, the Chinese army, including Chiang Kai shek's legitimate troops, almost all of them were deployed on the battlefield except for Wei Lihuang and Tang Enbo's troops stationed in North China. And strong combat forces such as the Guangxi Army, Guangdong Army, Sichuan Army, Yunnan Army, Hunan Army, and Northeast Army have also successively entered the battlefield. During the more than three months of a million strong army fighting against each other, the Chinese army has always been in the tide of the Shanghai People's Anti Japanese Salvation Movement and has received strong support within an area of more than 200 kilometers in front and more than 300 kilometers in depth.

The CPC attaches great importance to the great role of the people in the war against aggression, and takes launching and leading the people's anti Japanese and national salvation movement as an integral part of the war against aggression. On the second day of the "July 7th Incident", the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a declaration, openly advocating: "Open up the patriotic movement of the people all over the country immediately and carry forward the morale of the anti Japanese war", calling on "the people of the whole country to help the sacred war of resistance against Japan and self-defense with all their strength", "The whole Chinese people, the government and the military unite to build a solid wall of the national united front and resist the aggression of the Japanese invaders." Shanghai is the birthplace of the CPC, the birthplace of the great founding spirit of the party, and the people of Shanghai with a glorious revolutionary tradition are also an important front in the war of resistance against aggression. When the gunfire of the Battle of Shanghai on August 13 echoed with the soldiers on the bloody front line, the people of Shanghai immediately took action and quickly sparked a wave of resistance against Japan and national salvation.

The working class in Shanghai is at the forefront of the anti aggression struggle. After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War in Shanghai on August 13, they immediately established various worker anti Japanese and national salvation groups. Each trade union launched donations of money and materials, carried out strikes, provided battlefield services, promoted mobilization, or directly participated in the war. The Workers Field Service Team assisted the military in constructing fortifications and destroying Japanese factories, docks, and warehouses. Under the mobilization of the Cotton Mill Salvation Association, 500 workers were organized within three days to pick up weapons and go to the front line to kill the enemy. The vast majority of workers and masses have established anti Japanese organizations such as volunteer armies, rescue teams, and comfort teams, and joined the anti Japanese salvation movement.

The cultural and artistic community is an important force. Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Ke Ling, Jin Zhonghua, Zou Taofen, Zheng Zhenduo, Hu Yuzhi, and other patriotic literary and artistic warriors, with the theme of "seeking lasting resistance" and "jointly punishing aggressors", took the lead in organizing the Shanghai Literary and Art Salvation Association and publishing newspapers and magazines such as "Anti Japanese War", "Salvation Daily News", "Unity Weekly", and "Popular Voice". Dramatists Hong Shen, Tian Han, and others intensified their efforts to create anti Japanese war scripts, creating popular propaganda dramas such as "Put Down Your Whip", "Defend the Great Shanghai", and "Catch the traitors". They organized rescue drama teams to perform in various places, providing comfort to the soldiers and wounded in the front, and inspiring anti Japanese fighting spirit. Patriotic composers such as Xian Xinghai, He Luting, and Tian Han constantly create new works, making the song of salvation resound from all directions. The painters also organized the Comic Salvation Association and published the Anti Japanese Pictorial, using comics as weapons to promote anti Japanese salvation.

The women's community in Shanghai is also unwilling to fall behind. Under the direct leadership of Song Qingling and He Xiangning, the Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Women's Comfort and Self Defense Anti Japanese War Soldiers Association, the Chinese Women's Anti Japanese War Support Association, the Shanghai Women's Wartime Service Corps, the Family Women's Wartime Service Corps, and the Shanghai Working Women's Wartime Service Corps organized the Salvation Association, launched a donation campaign, and raised funds to save the country. They are still sewing cold clothes and cloth shoes in the rear, collecting items, and going to the front line to treat wounded soldiers and comfort soldiers. Everyone is willing to contribute their strength to the front line. Young students are the main force of the Anti Japanese Salvation Movement. Represented by the Shanghai Student Union Salvation Association, we organize high and middle school students to collect supplies, comfort wounded soldiers, provide relief to refugees, expand rescue propaganda, and visit Boy Scout field service teams in various places to rescue wounded soldiers on the front line. They fearlessly appeared on the front line, which not only boosted morale but also educated the people.

The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of every individual. The Shanghai Anti Japanese Salvation Movement penetrated into various levels of society, including high-level patriots from the cultural, intellectual, and business sectors, as well as lower and middle levels of society such as professionals, laborers, and dancers, as well as religious figures. It mobilized cultural figures, entrepreneurs, merchants, workers, farmers, shop staff, teachers, students, and even housewives, children, and clergy to the fullest extent possible, forming a strong front for the anti aggression war. Its scale and influence were unprecedented.

Defending the nation for the people and sacrificing oneself for the country

Defending the nation for the people is the duty of soldiers, and it is also the primary mission and core issue of military value responsibility. The August 13 Battle of Shanghai was a brutal national self-defense war. In the strategic situation of the enemy being strong and the enemy being weak, Chinese soldiers were not afraid of violence and bravely resisted, practicing the value and responsibility of soldiers with passion and life.

In the Battle of Shanghai on August 13, a 700000 strong army from various regions shared a common goal of defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The vast number of officers and soldiers went forward one after another, fighting bravely and bravely to defeat the Japanese aggressors. In the more than 100 days of fighting, batches of heroic figures and combat deeds emerged, which were majestic, heroic, and widely praised by the Chinese people at that time. The Battle of the 36th Division's Attack on Huishan Dock, with a "flesh and blood body" and a "breakthrough attack"; In the defense battle of Baoshan City in Yaoziqing Camp of the 98th Division, "a lone soldier sacrificed his life in the city" and "loyal to the country, it is heartbreaking"; The soldiers of the 11th, 14th, and 67th Divisions fought four battles against the "Blood and Meat Mill" in Luodian with the tragic spirit of "one inch of mountains and rivers, one inch of blood"; In the August 14th air battle of the Air Force, Yan Haiwen parachuted and fell into a heavy siege, fearlessly facing danger and committing suicide; Shen Chonghui piloted a plane to collide with an enemy ship and perished with the enemy, leaving no loyal bones behind; Xie Jinyuan led "800 brave soldiers" determined to "sacrifice heroically to repay the country" and carried out a magnificent battle to defend the Four Rows Warehouse. For the survival of the country and the nation, the spirit of Chinese soldiers who face death as if they were returning home and fight tenaciously is truly awe inspiring and tearful!

The heroes of the Anti Japanese War left behind their heroic deeds, as well as their loyal patriotism and Lingyun's heroic aspiration to dedicate themselves to the country. After entering the frontline positions north of Dachang and along the coast of Wenzaobang, the soldiers of the 20th Army of the Sichuan Army expressed their feelings as follows: "Our 20th Army is the iron army of the Sichuan Army and a nationally renowned brave unit, which is why we were transferred to Shanghai to fight against Japan. This is an international war, which is the most glorious, and we must withstand the enemy's attack. If Shanghai cannot withstand this battle, our country will perish! We will sacrifice for our country, which is the most glorious!" On the eve of the defense of Baoshan City, Yao Ziqing, the commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 583rd Regiment of the 98th Division, led the entire battalion to make a vow: "The Japanese bandits are the Chinese people." "Our mortal enemies, our heads can be cut off, but our aspirations cannot be bent. We would rather die on the battlefield than steal our lives and become slaves of the fallen country." When the 88th Division was ordered to set off for the Battle of Songhu, Xie Jinyuan sent his wife and children back to their hometown in Guangdong, expressing his unwavering determination. He said to his wife, "Half of the country and half of the country are being encroached upon, and the disaster of the destruction of the country is being inflicted on others. If we don't pay attention, our descendants will be worthless!" "As a person, we must serve the country, do something for society, and seek the happiness of the people. How can we be burdened by the days and nights of our husband and wife?" Before leading our troops into the Four Elements Warehouse, he wrote a letter to Sun Yuanliang, expressing his determination again: "We will not make sacrifices lightly until we achieve our mission, and after the mission is completed, we will make heroic sacrifices to serve the country."

Although the Battle of Shanghai on August 13 ultimately failed, the Japanese army suffered heavy damage from the Chinese army, resulting in over 60000 casualties, over 200 planes and more than 20 ships being destroyed or damaged. More than 300000 soldiers in the Chinese military have been injured or sacrificed for their country. Their names and heroic achievements will forever be remembered in history, and their patriotism and national spirit will be immortal!

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