I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:34 PM

Did you receive an interview notification soon after submitting your resume on the job search platform? Be vigilant! This may be the bait thrown by some training institutions to sell courses.

Recently, many job seekers have reported to the 12345 Citizen Service Hotline and the Liberation Daily Shangkan News that they have encountered the above-mentioned "tricks" in their job search. It is said that some training institutions use the eager mentality of job seekers to lure them into buying so-called "practical training courses" at a high price with a set of language, and some job seekers even carry "training loans" for this

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

In fact, the trick of "fake recruitment and real course sales" has existed for a long time. But according to the clues provided by job seekers, the Liberation Daily Shangguan News reporter found that compared to the past, there are significantly more training institutions operating this routine in the job market, and some institutions even have multiple personnel forming groups with clear division of labor, like a "assembly line" to "lure" job seekers in one by one.

"How much do you know about these?" "Only 5%. It's okay."

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

Xiao Zhao, who came from Anhui to Shanghai, recently reported that he has encountered the trick of "fake recruitment and real course sales" twice in his job search process since February. "I have submitted resumes on many platforms, and a company called 'Shanghai Yongyun Information Technology' immediately contacted me and informed me to participate in an interview." Xiao Zhao said that he has studied computer knowledge, so his job search direction is software development, testing, and other positions. The first time he believed it was true, in the interview notice sent by WeChat, "Yongyun Information Technology" claimed to be able to offer a software development and testing position with a monthly salary of 8000 to 15000 yuan. The interview address was "6th floor, Modern Building, No. 218 Xiangyang South Road". Xiao Zhao claimed that he subsequently passed the interview, but the other party claimed that he had not yet met the job requirements, so he must participate in pre job training and pay a fee of about 20000 yuan. "I didn't agree. I didn't expect that two days later, 'China Soft International' notified me to go for an interview, and the interview address was actually on the 6th floor of the Modern Building on Xiangyang South Road."

Xiao Zhao, who came from Anhui to Shanghai, said that he has encountered the trick of "fake recruitment and real course sales" twice in his job search process since February. The picture shows the interview notification messages he received twice.

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

On "12345", many job seekers reported being notified to go for an interview on the 6th floor of the Modern Building on Xiangyang South Road. In addition to the two companies mentioned above, there are also a variety of companies such as "Shanghai Zhongbeida Software", "Shanghai Jiayou Enterprise Management", and "Shanghai Tianlang Technology", with different interview contacts. Are these companies really hiring?

The picture shows an interview notice received by a job seeker, with the recruiting party being "Shanghai Sirius Technology".

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

According to the information provided by Xiao Zhao, the reporter pretended to participate in an interview and contacted one of the interview contacts surnamed Cheng. Cheng quickly sent an interview notice, and this time, the recruiting company has become "Shanghai Daohu E-commerce" again. The recruitment position is "Data Analyst", and the interview location has been transferred from Modern Building to "12th Floor, Mid term Building, 2000 Zhongshan North Road".

The reporter pretended to participate in an interview and later received an interview notice from Cheng. In the notice, the recruitment company has become "Shanghai Daohu E-commerce" again, and the recruitment position is "Data Analyst". The interview location has also been transferred from Modern Building to "12th Floor, Mid term Building, 2000 Zhongshan North Road".

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

On the morning of June 18th, the reporter arrived at the 12th floor of the Zhonghe Building for an interview. This is a shared office space for small and micro enterprises to rent. At 10:30, in the small circular meeting room in the middle, Cheng was interviewing a job applicant. The reporter was arranged to fill out the "Interview Evaluation Form" in the square meeting room on the other side. There are already three other people waiting in the conference room. During the conversation, it was learned that they are all interviewing for the position of "E-commerce Operations". At 10:40 am, three people were taken away for a group interview, and the reporter was asked to continue waiting. During the waiting period, job seekers kept coming. At around 11 o'clock, four job seekers for the "E-commerce Operations" position were taken away for interviews. At nearly 11:30, the reporter and another job applicant for the "data analysis" position were arranged for an interview.

Cheng is currently conducting a group interview for four job seekers applying for an e-commerce operation position.

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

The interview starts with Cheng's introduction. "Data analysts are very popular now." "You are a junior college student, and your basic salary is guaranteed to be over 6500 yuan after joining." "We need to recruit a total of 150 data analysts." After a few sentences about the job prospects of data analysts, Cheng sent several tables to the reporter, listing the knowledge of using multiple software such as "Python", and constantly urged the reporter to take a look and answer "how much". ". The reporter truthfully answered "basically not", and Cheng nodded in satisfaction, saying "it's okay". The conversation changed and he said that the company will provide a maximum of 42 days of pre job training to ensure that the reporter can master the skills on the form, and promised to provide a subsidy of 6000 yuan during the training period. Afterwards, for nearly 20 minutes, Cheng kept clicking on dialogue boxes from WeChat and quickly showed reporters cases of arranging employment after practical training, showing payment records of 6000 yuan subsidies, and showcasing multiple companies such as Tesla that had talent referrals and collaborations

Cheng is showing the payment records of a 6000 yuan training subsidy to the reporter.

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

On the day of the interview, Cheng kept answering the phone calls of job seekers to arrange an interview time, which was extremely busy. In the nearly 2 hours that the journalist was present, a total of 10 job seekers were interviewed.

I haven't found a job yet, so I have to bear the 20800 yuan loan first

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

After the reporter agreed to participate in the practical training, Cheng sent a new notice to the reporter, stating that the reporter had passed the preliminary interview and needed to attend the training in Room 2501 of the "Mid term Building" before June 19th.

On the morning of June 19th, the reporter arrived at Room 2501 of the Mid term Building again. Like the 12th floor, the 25th floor is also a shared office space, and Room 2501 has been arranged as a classroom. At around 9 o'clock, when the reporter arrived, the classroom was already full of people. The teaching teacher Yang is debugging the equipment, and according to him, it was the first time that the data analysis class moved into the mid-term building for class that day. Previously, he also taught at 33 Leshan Road, and the computers were moved overnight. Further investigation revealed that this training course had already started last week, and the student group displayed on the projection screen in front of it was "Data Analysis Phase 10", with 34 people already in the group. The reporter talked to other students, who said they were all arranged for practical training after attending interviews in various parts of Shanghai. One job seeker said he had just participated in an interview at "Krypton Space" on Yude Road three days ago.

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

Job seekers are participating in a data analysis training course at Room 2501, Mid term Building.

Around 10 o'clock, the course begins on that day. Yang explained some basic concepts of data analysis to everyone, and then explained some operational skills of Excel. After the morning course ended, Cheng instructed the reporter to have a chat with Yang. Yang talked about the on-the-job arrangements after the practical training course, stating that he will guide journalists in writing resumes and conducting interviews, and also promote them to partner companies to achieve on-the-job positions. Yang once again shared with the reporter about the job he just got. Confirming that the journalist will continue to participate in the practical training, Yang asked the journalist to return to the 12th floor to sign an agreement with Cheng.

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

What protocol? Cheng finally spoke the truth: the agreement will stipulate the guarantee of employment and basic salary, but there are costs for the company to arrange practical training and employment services. The data analyst training fee that the reporter participated in is 20800 yuan. Cheng said that considering the tight financial situation for journalists looking for jobs, this expense can be paid in installments starting in 6 months, with a monthly payment of 1300 yuan. "After 6 months, you will have stable employment and earn several thousand yuan, so there is no pressure to pay this amount." Cheng advised the reporter, "If you pay in one go now, you can get a discount of 18000 yuan." Regarding the promised 6000 yuan subsidy, Cheng did not mention it at all.

The figure shows the Training Agreement. The so-called "company" is "Beijing Dingce Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch", and the data analyst training fee is 20800 yuan.

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

In the "Training Agreement" presented by Cheng, the so-called "company" emerged as "Beijing Dingce Technology Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch", and the contract stated that it is an enterprise providing software technology training services. It can be seen that hiring under the names of various enterprises mentioned above is just a cover.

According to feedback from other job seekers on the same day, a group of candidates for the "E-commerce Operations" position were notified to participate in practical training at the 4th floor of Building 2, National Science and Technology Park, Jiaotong University, No. 33 Leshan Road, at different locations. On June 20th, the reporter visited the "Shanghai Huigu Training Center" at Building 2, No. 33 Leshan Road, where the e-commerce operation training class is still held. Xiao Ding, a candidate who signed a relevant payment agreement with Toptest Technology, said that the installment payment was handled through the previous Alipay company called Xieyipu. The so-called "waiting for stable employment after 6 months before payment" actually means "paying interest in the first 6 months and then starting to pay the principal later.".

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

On the 4th floor of Building 2, National Science and Technology Park, Jiaotong University, No. 33 Leshan Road, the glass blackboard at the entrance reads the classrooms where each course is located. The e-commerce operation training course of Top Test Technology is still being held here.

Be clear about the routine and avoid being the "scapegoat" of buying courses at high prices

I have memorized the "installment payment" of 20000 yuan. Some institutions in Shanghai are falsely recruiting and selling courses: job seekers cannot find jobs. Reporter | Notice | Shanghai

The trick of "fake recruitment and real course sales" is basically clear: a group of people are specifically responsible for searching for job seekers on various job search platforms, sending interview notices in the name of multiple companies, luring job seekers over, and using pre prepared language such as "package job" to guide job seekers to receive practical training and improve their skills; Once a job seeker is hooked, they will be sent to several training centers according to their job search direction. And under the name of "stable employment and re payment", job seekers are required to sign practical training agreements and apply for installment payments through third-party platforms, enabling them to carry "training loans".

Did the job seeker really pay a high fee for the job after the practical training? The reporter found Xiaosun, who had already participated in the training services provided by the top test as early as December last year. She signed an agreement and paid a one-time fee of 20000 yuan to participate in the software testing training course at 1588 United Airlines Road after the interview. It is said that after the practical training, the top test did provide services such as resume packaging and interview guidance, but in reality, finding a job still relies on oneself. Xiaosun recalled that her group consisted of four job seekers, and in the end, two of them successfully found jobs. Xiaosun and the other person were never able to find employment. She believes that the things taught in the practical training class are relatively "simple", "there is some effect, but not too great."

Xiaosun said that after being unable to find a job, the top test staff had to take her job search platform account and directly assist her in submitting her resume. In March of this year, Shanghai Tantang Education Technology actively contacted her, claiming to help her improve her skills and achieve employment. Almost the same routine, she signed a Software Testing Engineer Employment Service Agreement with Tantang Education Technology and paid a one-time skill improvement and employment service fee of 9800 yuan. On this contract, the address of Tantang Education Technology is also Building 2, No. 33 Leshan Road. Various signs indicate that Tantang Education Technology and Top Testing Company are actually the same group of people behind them, and they are still setting a "chain of traps" for job seekers.

After failing to find a job, a company called "Tantang Education Technology" approached Xiaosun again, claiming to help her improve her skills and achieve employment. The picture shows the Employment Service Agreement for Software Testing Engineers signed between Xiaosun and Tantang Education.

Xiaosun has paid the so-called skill improvement and employment service fees twice, totaling 29800 yuan. Various signs indicate that both were operated by the same group of people.

The reporter noticed that in order to avoid disputes, the above-mentioned institutions have set low target salaries for job seekers, and most of the positions are relatively basic. The difficulty of employment itself is not high, often leading job seekers to mistakenly believe that practical training has played a role. In addition, most of the interview and training locations chosen by the institution are shared office spaces and are regularly changed. It is very difficult for job seekers to come to their homes to protect their rights. At the same time, the terms in the agreement, such as "termination of contract after more than two days of practical training, the training fee will not be refunded", also make it impossible for job seekers to receive refunds.

The interview and training locations chosen by Top Test Technology are mostly shared office spaces.

In the current job market, there are still many training institutions for routine job seekers. As job seeker Xiao Liu reported, a company within Oasis Central Center is recruiting photography assistants online. After applying on-site, she was asked to participate in photography training first and was granted a training loan of 15800 yuan under the pretext of information input; Job applicant Mr. Zhang reported that after applying for the position of data analysis researcher at a company called "Guqi Culture Media Company", he received an interview notice from another company called "Yunzhida Information Technology". If you want to join the company, you need to first participate in the pre job training at the Yunzhida Training Base located in Pudong, with a cost of 21800 yuan

The human resources and social security department reminds that it is illegal for any employer to use high salary employment as a bait to promise job seekers employment after training, but must first pay various fees such as service fees and training fees. After investigating many complaints about "12345", the human resources and social security department found that these institutions are neither legitimate career intermediaries nor approved vocational training institutions. They use the guise of recruitment and practical training to ultimately sign civil agreements with job seekers and seek money. At present, it is the peak of job seeking, and job seekers must be careful of these "scams" hidden in recruitment.

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