Is the Kusa police patrolling on bicycles a "flower rack"?, Nanjing East Road Mounted Police with an average daily passenger flow of 400000 during the summer | Nanjing East Road Pedestrian Street Management Squadron | Kusa

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 19:32 PM

If it weren't for the college roommates who came to Shanghai for a trip to check in, Little Bear would have never imagined that there were so many people from Nanjing East Road to the Bund on such a hot day. In the crowded crowd, she and her friends unexpectedly discovered a "new scenery": the "Cool Sa Police Brother" patrolling with bicycles by the police on Nanjing East Road.

This is a cavalry patrol team established at the end of September last year, under the synchronized management of the Nanjing East Road Pedestrian Street Management Squadron of the Huangpu Public Security Bureau. Its purpose is to patrol and handle police more quickly and flexibly, better respond to emergencies and seek help from citizens and tourists.

The daily pedestrian flow exceeds 400000, and the instantaneous pedestrian flow during the evening peak is nearly 40000- this is the daily flow on Nanjing East Road and the Bund during this summer vacation. How does this young cavalry police team play a role under the normalization of large passenger flow?

Cycling for patrol is the most suitable option

On Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with temperatures exceeding 35 ℃, Nanjing East Road was still crowded with people, and the enthusiasm of citizens and tourists under the scorching sun remained undiminished.

Mounted police officers Zhang Jie and Gao Shijie rode police bicycles, wearing riot helmets and "black super" sunglasses on their heads, carrying high-speed tear gas spray guns at their waist, and hanging a backpack at the rear of the vehicle - which contained miniature fire extinguishers, covering blankets, restraint belts, warning belts, and riot arm shields. This outfit stands out particularly in the crowded crowd.

The police officers on Nanjing East Road ride bicycles, which may not sound tall, but Zhang Jie said it is "the most suitable means of transportation for pedestrian streets.". "Compared to four wheeled police cars, bicycles are more flexible and gentle, and will not have too much impact on traffic order when there are many tourists."

With more people, the environment becomes complex. Mounted police officers on patrol constantly monitor the surrounding environment and the flow of people. Tourists with abnormal behavior, unattended luggage, etc., all make them feel like they are facing a formidable enemy.

Zhang Jie is a new police officer. After graduating from the police academy, he joined the cavalry police team and has just completed one year of police service. Gao Shijie is younger and an intern at a police academy. He has been in the cavalry police team for less than 6 months. Although they are young, they are well-trained and have accumulated experience in dealing with various unexpected situations in their work.

Is the Kusa police patrolling on bicycles a "flower rack"?, Nanjing East Road Mounted Police with an average daily passenger flow of 400000 during the summer | Nanjing East Road Pedestrian Street Management Squadron | Kusa

A while ago, the two received radio instructions while patrolling: a tourist with abnormal behavior on a certain section of Nanjing East Road suddenly took off his shirt and muttered words on the road, causing some tourists to watch and discuss. At that time, there were a lot of tourists on the main road of Nanjing East Road. They rode bicycles around the adjacent road and rushed to the scene as soon as possible, quickly taking the parties away to avoid causing more crowds to gather and watch.

Such situations are rare after all. More often than not, the two young police officers, like the seniors on duty here, guide tourists and provide assistance. Occasionally, tourists may ask for a group photo, and they will be satisfied as long as it does not affect their work.

Lost Help Response in Seconds

In fact, there are already three public security stations responsible for safety management along Nanjing East Road. Why add a cavalry patrol team?

"On the one hand, it is to stack police forces to cope with unexpected needs, and at the same time, it can also break the limitations of territorial management." Zhong Qiang, the captain of the Nanjing East Road Management Squadron, said that the police stations along the line bear heavy regional management responsibilities, and the cavalry police team can "focus on this road" more flexibly and quickly deal with various emergencies.

In Shanghai, where the safety environment is increasingly improving, the incidence of public security cases in the area from Nanjing East Road to the Bund continues to be low, and theft cases have achieved zero occurrence. In daily work, the most common issues encountered by mounted police officers are still seeking help and disputes. For example, helping lost children and elderly people find their families.

"Especially during the summer vacation, people often bring their children to Shanghai to play. Adults are busy taking photos as a souvenir, and when they look back, there are many situations where the children are gone." Zhong Qiang said that by using modern technology, the efficiency of the police in searching for lost personnel has greatly improved. The technology and manpower police model enables the response and handling of lost police situations to reach the "second level" standard.

At around 7:30 pm on August 12th, at the intersection of Nanjing East Road and Zhongshan East Road, a little girl found the police officer Yu Chen on duty. "Police Uncle, I can't find my mom anymore." The 9-year-old girl pouted, tears streaming down her face. Yu Chen quickly comforted the child not to worry. After the girl quieted down, she told Yu Chen that her name was Chen Si and she didn't know her mother's phone number, only her name was Chen Xianghong.

Yu Chen immediately reported to the command center through the radio and found his mother's phone number through his name. The phone was connected, and Ms. Chen from Jiangsu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her daughter at the police station. Quickly, Ms. Chen came over according to Yu Chen's guidance. At the moment she saw her mother, the little girl shook off the police officer's hand and threw herself into her mother's arms.

Is the Kusa police patrolling on bicycles a "flower rack"?, Nanjing East Road Mounted Police with an average daily passenger flow of 400000 during the summer | Nanjing East Road Pedestrian Street Management Squadron | Kusa

Safeguarding the safety of large passenger flow with greater ease

Half an hour later, the waterfront area of the Bund experienced the peak passenger flow of the day, with an instantaneous passenger flow exceeding 47000 people. This passenger flow data is almost the same as the peak passenger flow during the May Day and National Day holidays.

In order to control the flow of people from Nanjing East Road to the Bund, the triangular safety zone iron horse will be extended outward at the intersection of Nanjing East Road and Zhongshan East Road to slow down the flow of people. At the same time, a snake shaped passage is set up at the entrance of No. 9 Bund embankment to slow down the speed of tourists entering the embankment.

In the darkness, Yu Chen and his colleagues constantly remind tourists not to crowd and to pay attention to their feet. This state usually lasts for 3 to 4 hours.

To ensure the safety of the normalized large passenger flow during the summer, the Huangpu Public Security Department conducted a "math problem". The police have previously accurately calculated that the traffic light transition period at the intersection of Nanjing East Road and Zhongshan East Road is 2 minutes and 50 seconds, which can accommodate about 2000 people and approximately 40000 people within an hour. The riverbank in the waterfront area of the Bund can accommodate about 50000 people, and the longest travel time for tourists on the riverbank generally does not exceed 1 hour.

"We fully utilize the 'flow formula' and take measures such as slow in and fast out, wave release, etc. on Nanjing Road to adjust the flow rate of tourists entering the Bund. By keeping the passenger flow in the waterfront area within a certain range, we can achieve the effect of exchanging time for space," said the relevant person in charge of Huangpu Public Security Bureau.

Nowadays, from Nanjing East Road to the Bund, local police stations are in charge of public security and passenger flow security in their jurisdiction. The Nanjing East Road Pedestrian Street Management Squadron, where the mounted police officers are located, is responsible for daily emergency response and is coordinated and managed by the branch command center. The "string" of safeguarding security remains tense, but more composed: "Each team's work is more targeted, and responding to emergencies is more efficient and powerful."

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