Video of "Fake Jin Dong" Hunting Middle and Elderly Women | Jin Dong | Middle and Elderly People

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:44 PM

65 year old Chen Lilian is confident that she has added actress Jin Dong on WeChat. Last May, she saw the WeChat number of "Jin Dong" in the Tiktok live broadcast room. After entering the number on WeChat, she jumped out of the nickname and head portrait of "Dong Di", which is exactly the same as those on TV and short videos, making her convinced that this person is her idol.

Online dating lasted only a week, but for nearly two years, she and dozens of women of the same age were all scammed out of money by "Dong Di". The owner of this number is Wang Yan, a woman from Fujian. She established a "studio" locally and recruited several female salespeople online, totaling 9 people, operating dozens of social accounts impersonating "Jin Dong", "Jack Ma" and others. Their goal is very clear - middle-aged and elderly women.

Not long ago, the Jing'an Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau successfully cracked the fraud case of impersonating celebrity social accounts. The people and their stories are complex and cruel - algorithms, scams, money, and fan culture intertwined, mixed with genuine emotions.

Algorithm Traps

"Prosperity" is Chen Lilian's WeChat nickname, and "Sunflower" is her online name in Tiktok. Chen Lilian is a fan of Jin Dong and enjoys watching TV dramas starring Jin Dong. When "Sunflower" likes a short video clip of Jin Dong's film and television, the platform often pushes her Jin Dong related short videos and live rooms through algorithmic mechanisms. Sometimes, she would give some short video comments, but never thought that one day she would receive a reply from "Jin Dong Assistant": "Hello, Sister Sunflower. I am Dong Dong's assistant, and we have a private live broadcast tonight. Would you be willing to join us to support Dong Dong?" Seeing this private message, Chen Lilian was both surprised and delighted. After thinking for a while, she replied, "Yes, I feel honored."

Subsequently, the other party sent a link: "To enter a private live broadcast room, you need to recharge and give gifts to increase Dongdong's popularity. Is that acceptable?" This time, Chen Lilian didn't think much about it. She wanted to seize the hard won opportunity and immediately followed the other party's instructions to recharge.

On the other end of the screen, Wang Yan assigned the account information of "Sunflower" to a salesperson. In 2021, Wang Yan registered a short video account called "Dongdong Brother", which usually posts clips of Jin Dong's movies and interviews. Similar accounts are still active on short video platforms such as Tiktok and Kwai. These types of accounts often use photos of Jin Dong as their avatar and are named "Dong Di", "Jin Dong", "Rui Rui Dong", "Di Di Dong", and so on.

Like Chen Lilian's situation, the fans who follow these accounts are mostly middle-aged and elderly female users, mainly in rural areas. Jin Dong's public photos or interview video clips are the main content of such accounts. Furthermore, some videos may include dubbing, with content that often includes suggestive language such as "Dear sister, I have been sending you messages, why don't you reply to me?" "Sister, could you please click on the love and plus sign on the right and reply to me?".

Wang Yan's live broadcast room also operates in this way. The algorithms and push rules developed by the short video platform have provided great convenience for her to search for prey. After liking and commenting on the "Jin Dong" video she posted, she would send a private message inviting the other person to join the "fan group" and then enter the so-called "Jin Dong private live broadcast room". But joining a fan group requires paying a membership fee and receiving rewards while watching live broadcasts, which is a more precise screening process for prey - finding those "sisters" who are willing to pay real money for Jin Dong.

Entering the live broadcast room, Chen Lilian saw the "large background" created by Jin Dong's photo, accompanied by warm and affectionate narration. Although Jin Dong did not show her face during the entire live broadcast, just hearing her gentle and affectionate voice, as well as the warm wishes she gave to her fans, Chen Lilian was satisfied. What made her even happier was that "Jin Dong" revealed his WeChat account in the live broadcast room.

Video of "Fake Jin Dong" Hunting Middle and Elderly Women | Jin Dong | Middle and Elderly People

After the live broadcast, the salesperson nicknamed "Dongdi" on WeChat received a friend application for "Prosperity". "Hello Dongdong younger brother, I am Sunflower Sister who watched your live broadcast. Nice to meet you." Chen Lilian, who is introverted and talkative in her daily life, burst out with the enthusiasm of fans to come into contact with idols.

Attracting traffic from live streaming rooms to social media platforms such as WeChat is a crucial part of Wang Yan's efforts to harvest middle-aged and elderly women. That night, "Dongdi" added more than ten middle-aged and elderly female friends. Afterwards, she followed Professor Wang Yan's script and played the role of "Jin Dong" - or not Jin Dong is not important, but rather a gentle, considerate, and distant male, in order to extract information about the family, income, hobbies, and other aspects of these "fans" and lay the groundwork for future money scams.

Emotional cocoon room

Chen Lilian had never taken a plane herself, but when the "Dong Di" who had failed her investment wanted to buy a first-class plane ticket, this financially disadvantaged rural grandmother risked "being discovered by her husband and definitely going into a fight" by transferring the 3000 yuan she had accumulated for several months. "Sister, I can't help much, but you have to believe that I cherish this fate very much."

This is the day after Chen Lilian met "Jin Dong" for over a month. According to Wang Yan's judgment, it is time to "cut the flesh". She told the investigators that there were no strict standards for the timing of the so-called "flesh cutting", and that it was more based on the content of the messages sent by the victims to determine whether they had established a close emotional connection with "Jin Dong". From greeting three meals a day, to listening to "sister" talk about the difficulties at home in the late night, and then making plans to visit "sister" during the Chinese New Year, Chen Lilian felt that she was no longer just a fan of Jin Dong, but a person that "Jin Dong" cared for and even admired. "Don't be too infatuated with me, I'm not worth your sadness. I feel sad when I see you sad." "I love you, I miss you so much, and I will always be with you." These explicit expressions are not uncommon in the chat records of "Prosperity" and "Dongdi".

73 year old Shanghai grandmother Zou Yunzhen also developed feelings for her nickname "Jin Dong", who is known as "living together for a lifetime". "He would greet me with warmth and care, calling me 'dear' or 'baby' during conversations." She told the investigators that every weekend or holiday, she would chat with her and care about her recent life. "He is as gentle as Jin Dong on TV, and even showed me ID photos, so I have always believed that he is really a celebrity Jin Dong.".

Zou Yunzhen transferred a total of more than 2000 yuan to "companion life", including "520" and other transfer amounts with special significance, from last June, when she added WeChat after knowing Tiktok, until the police found her on their own initiative. The largest single transfer is to support Jin Dong's investment in cosmetics.

Chen Lilian also received a gift, a pair of shoes claimed to be worth 1000 yuan. That was when Dongdi's investment failed and the economy was at its most tense, he specifically chose a gift for his sister. She was very moved and transferred 1000 yuan to "Dongdi", even blaming the other party for "not treating me so well, you keep the money and eat better.".

Asking for warmth, caring, flirtatious, and giving some small favors, and finally harvesting middle-aged and elderly women who invest in genuine emotions. "The essence of this fraudulent method is similar to those scammers who sell health products one by one, 'parents'," said Mao Junlei, the captain of the police investigation team at Nanjing West Road Police Station. To a considerable extent, scammers capture the psychological dissatisfaction of emotional needs among middle-aged and elderly women. "The emotional needs that are not seen by family or partners are pinned on fake Jin Dong."

From this perspective, what "Dongdi" and "Accompanying for a Lifetime" attempt to create is an emotional cocoon exclusively for middle-aged and elderly women. The investigators found that some victims noticed abnormalities during the process and questioned the identity of "Jin Dong", but still found it difficult to resist the fraudster's concerns, getting deeper and deeper. Even worse, Aunt Huang, who is in her 60s, was cheated out of over 200000 yuan. She still refuses to trust her family and refuses to cooperate with the police investigation and evidence collection, always defending the fake Jin Dong on WeChat in every way possible.

Video of "Fake Jin Dong" Hunting Middle and Elderly Women | Jin Dong | Middle and Elderly People

Crude scam

The reporter found that on short video platforms such as Tiktok and Kwai, the phenomenon of fake stars and celebrities is not an exception. Many male celebrities and actors who are popular among middle-aged and elderly women, such as Jack Ma, Hu Ge, Zhang Jiayi, Sun Honglei, etc., are still being counterfeited by a large number of short video and live streaming sales accounts. In fact, as early as 2020, short video platforms banned a group of controversial "fake Jin Dong" accounts. After three years, the "fake Jin Dong" have made a comeback, backed by a rapidly replicated criminal model and an industrial chain that supports such criminal activities.

Wang Yan was originally a salesperson for another "fake Jin Dong" fraud gang. Last year, she started developing her own team and followed suit, giving rise to a new fraud gang led by her. This new gang, except for Wang Yan and his relative Gao, was recruited online, and the members of the gang have not even met each other. They have clear division of labor, with Mr. Gao responsible for managing employees and teaching salespeople fraudulent language, while other employees communicate online. The fraudulent techniques and language they use, in Wang Yan's words, are "commonly used and basic in the industry.".

The cost of implementing fraud is also very low. Wang Yan said that the short videos related to Jin Dong they posted were packaged and purchased; The celebrity photos and video materials used in the live broadcast are downloaded from public networks; The affectionate voices that appeared in the live broadcast were forged using voice changing software purchased online.

From commenting on short videos to joining "fan groups", then entering live streaming rooms, and then attracting traffic to social media to induce victims to establish emotional connections with "celebrities", and finally demanding money for various reasons such as investment, public welfare, support, and love, countless middle-aged and elderly women are "harvested" in this way.

In contrast to the simple operation techniques and low crime costs, in just over a year, the Wang Yan gang has swindled over a million yuan from middle-aged and elderly women.


"This is a large-scale scam targeting middle-aged and elderly women, but the scammers' techniques are not sophisticated." Zhu Hongwen, a police officer at Nanjing West Road Police Station, told reporters that the production of fake celebrity video accounts is rough, and there are no real celebrities in the live broadcast rooms that make middle-aged and elderly women addicted. "Young people who are familiar with the internet can tell the truth at a glance.". However, for most middle-aged and elderly women living in rural areas who do not know much about the Internet, their information contact is narrow, their knowledge is limited, their ability to identify false information is poor, and they are easy to believe in the packaging of liars. Some investigators also pointed out that the kindness and empathy of middle-aged and elderly people are easily exploited.

Journalist's Notes

"Fake Jin Dong" scams are constantly upgrading, and platforms should strengthen the rectification of harmful information

Video of "Fake Jin Dong" Hunting Middle and Elderly Women | Jin Dong | Middle and Elderly People

"There are really many fake Jin Dong, and there are aunties at my doorstep who are obsessed with them. They chat every day and even want to give people money, and my mother almost believes them." After the case was disclosed, online discussions were lively, and a netizen shared it. Some netizens are also concerned that with the popularization of AI face changing technology, the means of "fake Jin Dong" scams may continue to escalate, and middle-aged and elderly people are more likely to fall into a dual dilemma of emotions and money.

Behind the "fake Jin Dong" scam, problems such as the repeated ban of black and gray industry accounts in online fraud and the increasingly mature fraud industry chain are becoming increasingly severe. Professionals say that curbing the prevalence of such scams requires joint efforts from all sectors of society.

In 2021, Jin Dong responded to the "fake Jin Dong" incident. "First of all, what I see is the chaos in social network management, which also requires us to consider the balance between emotional satisfaction of middle-aged and elderly people and social rules." Jin Dong Studio has previously issued a statement stating that Jin Dong himself has not opened an account on short video platforms, and for suspected infringement of rights, the studio will hold him accountable through legal means.

"Since the algorithm can push victims to fake celebrity accounts, the algorithm should also be able to identify these fake accounts." Some legal professionals say that compared to celebrity statements, it is more necessary for active short video platforms, which are commonly used by middle-aged and elderly people, to actively take responsibility and use technological means to identify and intercept harmful information, in order to curb online fraud from the source. "For example, there are many scammers impersonating Jin Dong, and Jin Dong himself does not have an account. Can we strengthen monitoring of relevant entries and use big data to accurately crack down on scams? The efficiency is definitely much higher than breaking through individual cases."

In addition to leveraging front-end prevention capabilities, the platform should also strengthen warning during incidents. "Middle aged and elderly people have a high dependence on such platforms. The platform's warning and promotion of anti fraud measures should have a more significant effect than family persuasion and other means," said legal professionals. In addition, the black and gray industry that supports various types of online telecommunications fraud activities cannot be ignored. For example, some gangs that specialize in compiling fraudulent scripts may even tailor emotional scripts based on the personality, psychology, and family situation of the victims, allowing them to fall deeply into emotional cocoons. In response to this situation, the police are constantly strengthening the effectiveness of the entire chain of crackdowns.

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