What kind of enlightenment does it give people?,

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 04:23 AM

Investigation and research are the source of insightful knowledge and the fundamental skill for doing a good job.Conducting investigations and research requires not only "personal involvement", but also "heart to heart", achieving "real research on problems, real research on problems", allowing investigations and research to go deeper, more practical, and more detailed, and achieving tangible results.

Adhere to problem oriented approach

The problem is the voice of the times, and investigation and research is a process of discovering, facing, researching, and solving problems. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "we should enhance our awareness of problems, focus on new problems encountered in practice, deep-seated problems in reform, development, and stability, urgent and difficult problems for the people, major problems in international changes, and prominent problems faced in party building, and constantly propose new concepts, new ideas, and new methods to truly solve problems." Leading cadres should have clear goals when conducting investigations and research, carry the problems with them, and strive to grasp the initiative of research activities, truly investigate the truth and the whole picture of the matter, accurately grasp the essence and laws of the problem, and thoroughly study the ideas and countermeasures for solving problems.

On April 15, 2019, a special "spot check" was conducted deep in the mountains of Chongqing.He said, "This time I came specifically to visit my fellow villagers to understand whether the 'two no worries and three guarantees' policy has truly been implemented and what other issues there are."

It can be seen that party members and cadres should take the lead in conducting in-depth investigations and research, dare to face problems, be good at discovering problems, look at both "high-rise buildings" and "shady alleys", continuously deepen their understanding and grasp of the party's innovative theory, be good at using the party's innovative theory to study new situations, solve new problems, summarize new experiences, explore new laws, and devote themselves to practical work, seek practical solutions, and seek practical results.

Innovative research methods

Investigation and research is a discipline dedicated to seeking truth, a science seen in practice, and also an art that emphasizes methods. Research methods should be constantly innovated with the development of the times. Things are always constantly changing and developing. While applying the effective methods accumulated by our party in long-term practice, we must adapt to new situations and situations, especially the characteristics of information networking in today's society, further expand research channels, enrich research methods, innovate research methods, and learn, master, and apply modern scientific and technological research methods.

In early October 1984, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhengding County CPC Committee, innovated research methods and printed 5600 public opinion questionnaires. In addition to distributing them to all townships and units, he also proposed to "go to the streets." the first questionnaire survey in the history of Zhengding County was officially launched.

It can be seen that research methods should keep up with the times, comprehensively utilizing questionnaire surveys, statistical surveys, sampling surveys, expert surveys, online surveys, etc., and gradually introducing modern information technology into the field of research. We should make full use of the Internet, big data and other modern information technologies to carry out research and improve the scientific nature.

Focus on key areas

Party members and cadres should have their eyes down, worship the people as their teachers, learn from them, put down their airs, throw themselves down, go deep into the grassroots and the masses, and investigate and understand the situation at multiple levels, directions, and channels.Only by conducting research in this way can we obtain new situations that are difficult to hear, difficult to see, and unexpected in the office, and find new perspectives, ideas, and strategies to solve problems.

This is the well-known "3820" strategic project.

It can be seen that we should attach importance to investigation and research, understand the thoughts, thoughts, and expectations of grassroots people, and make government decision-making more grounded. The amount of soil under one's feet accumulates in one's heart. To conduct investigations and research, it is necessary to focus on key areas, fully understand the worries and concerns of the masses, make all decisions in line with the actual situation, objective laws, and people's wishes, and enhance the sense of gain and happiness of the masses.

Emphasize problem-solving

The fundamental purpose of investigation and research is to solve problems.Investigation and research include two stages: investigation and research. Investigation is the foundation and emotional understanding; Research is the focus, it is rational understanding. We need to deepen research on the basis of investigation, to prevent excessive investigation and insufficient analysis of situations, and to propose countermeasures and suggestions that do not solve practical problems.

He particularly pointed out that this type of investigation and research, which involves more investigations and less research, more situations and less analysis, and does not solve any problems, is twice the result with half the effort. It should be fully recognized that the fundamental purpose of investigation and research is to solve problems. After the investigation is completed, it is necessary to conduct in-depth and meticulous thinking, exchange, compare, and repeat work, systematize scattered knowledge, deepen shallow understanding, and finally find the essential laws of things and the correct way to solve problems.

Investigation and research are the foundation of planning and the way to success.

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