The real estate market is accelerating its recovery, early reading | viewing one or two hundred sets of houses a day

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:31 PM

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Thursday, September 21, 2023, on the seventh day of the eighth lunar month, there will be rain in Shanghai, with temperatures ranging from 23 to 27 ℃

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Viewing one or two hundred units of houses a day accelerates the recovery of the real estate market

On September 19th, Wuhan lifted the purchase restrictions on housing within the Second Ring Road to meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents.

Recently, second tier cities such as Nanjing, Suzhou, Jinan, Qingdao, Shenyang, and Dalian have also announced the lifting of purchase restrictions. The reporter recently visited sales offices and real estate intermediary markets in multiple second tier cities and found that policies are constantly being optimized and adjusted, releasing more demand for home purchases. In some areas, the number of real estate visits and transactions has increased. Experts believe that as time goes by and policies gradually take effect, the real estate market is expected to become more active.

Since September, more than ten cities including Shenyang, Nanjing, Jinan, Zhengzhou, and Hefei have announced the cancellation of purchase restrictions. The reporter found that many cities have further optimized their purchase restrictions based on the previous policies. For example, Nanjing lifted purchase restrictions in non core areas such as Jiangbei New Area, Jiangning, Qixia, Yuhuatai, and Liuhe last year; Jinan City also lifted regional purchase restrictions except for Shizhong District and Lixia District last year.

In addition to lifting purchase restrictions, some cities have also introduced relevant supporting policies from the perspective of reducing the burden on rigid and improving groups in purchasing houses.

The intensive implementation of real estate policies has boosted market sentiment, and many real estate marketing centers in cities where purchase restrictions have been lifted have seen a rebound in visitor traffic. At a real estate marketing center in Huanggu District, Shenyang City, a sales consultant told reporters that the property is located within the first ring road of Shenyang urban area and belongs to the area where purchase restrictions have just been lifted. The number of customer visits last weekend was higher than the average data last month, and the market has rebounded. The reporter saw that some real estate projects have also launched preferential measures such as "New Owner Lottery", "Special Price Housing", and "10000 yuan for 100000 yuan for free home decoration", preparing to seize the opportunity and further increase sales in the "Golden September and Silver October".

The same situation has also occurred in Nanjing, where many sales offices in areas such as Hexi New City, Southern New City, and Jiangbei New Area have seen a significant increase in the number of visitors, with many properties visiting one or two hundred groups of customers in a day.

In the second-hand housing market, some intermediary agency staff have stated that second-hand housing sales are also recovering. "In the previous customer transactions we took a look at, new houses accounted for the absolute mainstream. Recently, the consultation volume of second-hand houses has increased by more than 30%." A real estate agent in Jinan told reporters that because the process of buying second-hand houses is slightly longer, it is expected that this wave of buying small peaks will be reflected in the transaction data within half a month to a month.

Jiang Haiqin, Deputy Director of the Nanjing Housing Security and Real Estate Bureau, said that since the introduction of the new policy, from a data perspective, the daily transaction volume of commercial housing, the number of new customers for second-hand housing, and the number of visitors in Nanjing have all increased, and the market activity has improved.

Some industry insiders believe that with the optimization and adjustment of relevant policies, the real estate market will accelerate its recovery, but there will basically be no significant increase in heat. Li Huanli, the market manager of Siyuan Real Estate Shandong Company, a real estate marketing service agency, said that the customer group with improvement needs is currently the main force of homebuyers. This group has a more rational purchasing mentality, and the transaction volume of new and second-hand houses will increase in the short term, but the overall popularity will remain stable.

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The real estate market is accelerating its recovery, early reading | viewing one or two hundred sets of houses a day

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