After spending thousands of yuan, tourists exclaim that they have been scammed, and the exclusive fireworks booth is actually a corner of the flower bed? Disneyland is now a "tour guide" in Shanghai | Disneyland | Park

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:14 AM

As summer vacation approaches, Shanghai Disneyland is almost flooded with people every day, and some services that claim to be "no queuing, no waiting" have emerged.

Not long ago, Ms. Zhou and her family paid 400 yuan to purchase 4 exclusive fireworks booths from a tour guide. "It was said that the view was excellent and there was still room to sit." However, when she arrived at the so-called "excellent viewing spot" at 6 pm in the evening, she was dumbfounded. I saw a piece of plastic paper spread in a corner of the flower bed. If I sat down, the castle in front of me would be mostly obscured by the flower bed. "Isn't this a scam?" the family exclaimed, "I was deceived.".

Ms. Zhou's family's "fireworks booth".

After spending thousands of yuan, tourists exclaim that they have been scammed, and the exclusive fireworks booth is actually a corner of the flower bed? Disneyland is now a "tour guide" in Shanghai | Disneyland | Park

The reporter noticed that many tourists, like Ms. Zhou, have purchased tour guide services from third-party platforms. Many have publicly posted or called the Shanghai 12345 Citizen Service Hotline, complaining that tour guide services are "not of good quality". What the hell is going on here?

Is this the front row "fireworks spot"?

On short video platforms, there are countless products related to Shanghai Disneyland in live broadcast rooms and product displays, including what Ms. Zhou referred to as "fireworks display". The relevant text introductions are mostly similar, with only a few words: fireworks display, front row position! The price ranges from 159 yuan to 299 yuan. The reporter clicked on a link to a product with a sales volume of 101 pieces to enter, and a pop-up window showed the store name as "Lianyungang Ganyu Huaxia Travel Agency Co., Ltd." Customer service explained that the fireworks display is of the same size and price, located in the public area at the front of the castle, 5-10 meters behind the official fireworks display. Everyone can sit on the ground to watch without obstruction.

After spending thousands of yuan, tourists exclaim that they have been scammed, and the exclusive fireworks booth is actually a corner of the flower bed? Disneyland is now a "tour guide" in Shanghai | Disneyland | Park

Introduction to "Fireworks Positions".

Due to platform restrictions, after placing an order online, the reporter was unable to book a fireworks display spot for the day. Therefore, according to customer service instructions, they added the other party's WeChat account and transferred 198 yuan. Subsequently, customer service sent a message stating that the reporter successfully booked a fireworks spot on the evening of July 2nd. After entering the park, a dedicated person will contact around 17:00 to arrange viewing positions. At around 17:10, a phone call came in, and the other party first asked the reporter for the specific venue to watch, and said they needed to go to the front of the castle to gather at 18:30. "So early?" the other party explained, "there have been too many people at Disneyland recently," there's no way. "

At 18:14, a second phone call came urging the reporter to gather at the carousel in front of the castle. At exactly 30 minutes, the reporter saw the "tour guide" at the designated location, accompanied by three tourists. I saw him sprinting through the crowd, occasionally turning back to urge us to "hurry up", and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the flower bed in front of the castle. The passage on the east side of the flower bed is separated by a white fence, and only a few staff members walk back and forth on the side near the castle; On the other side, more than 20 tourists are sitting on the ground, forming a rectangular formation. The tour guide waved his hand and pointed to the damp ground at the end of the square array, saying, "Here you are, sit down." He then took out a few disposable raincoats from his bag and spread them on the ground, instructing the reporter and his team to wait here before leaving directly. At this point, there are still over 80 minutes left until the start of the 20 o'clock fantasy light and shadow show.

After spending thousands of yuan, tourists exclaim that they have been scammed, and the exclusive fireworks booth is actually a corner of the flower bed? Disneyland is now a "tour guide" in Shanghai | Disneyland | Park

The "fireworks booth" where the tour guide takes the reporter.

The tour guide took out a disposable raincoat from his bag.

"Should we wait here for over 80 minutes?" As it rained, tourists who had purchased "fireworks stalls" couldn't sit still and kept complaining. At 19:40, tourists poured into the "official fireworks booth" in front of the fence in front of us. The "square array" was blocked, and everyone stood up. An aunt with a child roast, "Didn't it say we could sit in the front row and watch fireworks? I spent more than 1000 yuan to buy it!"

After spending thousands of yuan, tourists exclaim that they have been scammed, and the exclusive fireworks booth is actually a corner of the flower bed? Disneyland is now a "tour guide" in Shanghai | Disneyland | Park

The reporter then inquired with the staff about the difference between the so-called official fireworks booth and the reporter's location. The other party stated that the front position of the castle includes reserved positions through multiple channels such as the VIP Guide and the Royal Banquet Hall, which are led by official staff to enter. As for the reporter's location, it is a public area on a first come, first served basis.

After listening, the family behind the reporter was somewhat dissatisfied. Originally, the family purchased a tour guide package for over 2480 yuan per person, which included 8 "fast lanes" and fireworks spots for amusement projects. "My spot costs 400 yuan," the child accidentally revealed the price in the package. Mom added helplessly, "At that time, it was said to be a VIP fireworks spot, but who would have thought it was her coming to occupy the spot early? The tour guide pointed the way, but she charged 400 yuan per person. Isn't this a scam?"

After getting up, the plastic raincoat was thrown all over the ground.

After spending thousands of yuan, tourists exclaim that they have been scammed, and the exclusive fireworks booth is actually a corner of the flower bed? Disneyland is now a "tour guide" in Shanghai | Disneyland | Park

"Package Services" Play Word Games

In order to efficiently play Disney, there are actually many people who purchase tour guide service packages on third-party platforms.

Mr. Wang placed an order for a package of 1499 yuan in the live broadcast room of the short video platform. According to him, at that time, the live broadcast room promised to include 8 major projects and 3 major performances, and claimed to be accompanied throughout the entire process. The reason why Mr. Wang chose to purchase this tour guide package service is that he has his own considerations. "You can quickly take me to play 8 classic projects, and I can queue up to browse the remaining small projects myself."

After spending thousands of yuan, tourists exclaim that they have been scammed, and the exclusive fireworks booth is actually a corner of the flower bed? Disneyland is now a "tour guide" in Shanghai | Disneyland | Park

However, after entering the amusement park, he found that the tour guide who had agreed to accompany him often disappeared. "They helped me buy four fast lanes, and the rest were directions on WeChat for me to queue up on my own." Fast lanes refer to the "Exclusive Card" officially launched by Disneyland. After purchasing, tourists can queue up from the dedicated lane to enter the designated scenic spots or enter the reserved area for entertainment performances within the "effective time period", which can greatly reduce queuing time. Mr. Wang understands that the so-called "Quick Play 8 Major Projects" should refer to having 8 "Exclusive Cards". Believing he had been deceived, he questioned the tour guide how they had shrunk to four? But the tour guide asked, "Didn't you play enough of the 8 projects? This is also the result of our help in planning the route." The tour guide played a word game and directly refused Mr. Wang's refund request based on the standard of "playing enough of the 8 projects". "There is real-time queuing situation on the official app, where can I help plan the route?" It was not until he reported to the police that the other party refunded part of the payment.

On the other hand, Ms. Yang, who has also been tricked by "word games," has a refund that is far from certain. She purchased a complete set of Disney Park services through a travel agency on Taobao, including hotels, transfers, tickets, and a 380 yuan quick tour VIP package, for a total cost of 5260 yuan. She promised to accompany her throughout the park without queuing. However, upon entering the park, she realized that the so-called "no queuing" was just empty talk. When she asked the tour guide again for specific service content, they informed her that it was through itinerary optimization to reduce queuing time, rather than "no queuing". After both sides had a somewhat unpleasant argument, the tour guide left as soon as he entered the park, citing the need to pick up others. Ms. Yang approached the salesperson to request a refund, but the other party claimed that the money had been transferred to the company's account and that the process needed to be followed, so there was no news.

Ms. Yang purchased VIP private customization services.

After spending thousands of yuan, tourists exclaim that they have been scammed, and the exclusive fireworks booth is actually a corner of the flower bed? Disneyland is now a "tour guide" in Shanghai | Disneyland | Park

Are these Disney tour guides legitimate? The reporter called Disney's official customer service to inquire about details. The operator stated that only the "Exclusive Tour" at Disneyland can provide a 6-hour companion service, during which you can enjoy the project infinitely through the fast track. The relevant departments of Shanghai Disney Resort suggest that all tourists only purchase the resort's related products and services through the official channels of Shanghai Disney Resort. If the personal rights and interests of tourists are damaged, it is recommended that tourists report to the police to seek assistance from relevant law enforcement agencies. Shanghai Disney Resort will continue to work closely with relevant departments to crack down on illegal activities and create a safe and enjoyable gaming experience for tourists.

Upon careful examination, it is not difficult to find that these tour guides are actually using the "information asymmetry" of tourists towards park services to earn fees, packaging some already "free" service items and charging them. In this regard, it is recommended that consumers carefully check the relevant qualifications of the travel agency providing the service before choosing third-party services, and enter into a contract with specific service terms to avoid being deceived and falling into the trap of scalpers or "black tour guides".

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After spending thousands of yuan, tourists exclaim that they have been scammed, and the exclusive fireworks booth is actually a corner of the flower bed? Disneyland is now a "tour guide" in Shanghai | Disneyland | Park
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