conduct investigation and research like comrade chen yun | xi jinping | chen yun

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:09 PM

Investigation and research are the heirloom of our party and the fundamental skill for doing various work well.On June 13th this year, it is the 118th anniversary of Comrade Chen Yun's birth. Today, we learn from Comrade Chen Yun's work style of conducting investigations and research at the grassroots level and among the masses, promoting economic and social development and benefiting the people, which is the best commemoration for him.

1. 90% and 10%: Relying on investigation and research to make decisions is to adhere to the ideological and working methods of seeking truth from facts

Seeking truth from facts is the essence of Marxism and an important ideological method of the Chinese Communists. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the symposium to commemorate the 110 anniversary of Comrade Chen Yun's birth: "Relying on investigation and research to make decisions is Comrade Chen Yun's ideological and working methods of seeking truth from facts. Before any major decision, Comrade Chen Yun always does a lot of investigation and research and listens to the opinions of all parties. Leading organs should spend more than 90% of their time on investigation and research, and less than 10 percent of the time for final discussion and decision is enough." Seeking truth from facts and acting in accordance with objective laws are the fundamental requirements of dialectical materialism and the fundamental method for Chen Yun to carry out investigation and research.

Investigation and research are the foundation of planning and the way to success. Chen Yun once pointed out, "Seeking truth from facts is not an ordinary issue of work style, but a fundamental ideological line of Marxist materialism." He always insists on starting from reality and searching for the key to solving problems through investigation and research. In April 1979, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to invite Chen Yun to come forward and solve the Baosteel issue. At that time, many people had a pessimistic view, believing that "after completion, they could only pay interest and loans every year, and could not repay them for several lifetimes" and "it would leave sequelae for future generations". Chen Yun first held multiple research symposiums in Beijing to gain a detailed understanding of Baosteel's background. Afterwards, I personally went to Shanghai to listen to reports from the responsible officials of Shanghai and Baosteel Engineering Command, and carefully understood the situation. After a month and a half of in-depth investigation and research, on June 16th, he put forward eight opinions on doing a good job in Baosteel construction at the plenary session of the State Council Finance and Economics Committee, clarifying that "Baosteel is the first major project in achieving the four modernizations, and should set an example", "to the end... it is not good to take a move", and "Baosteel construction can only do well". Based on this, he formed a special report to the central government and was approved for implementation by the central government, laying a solid foundation for the construction and operation of Baosteel.

Without investigation, there is no right to speak; Without investigation, there is no decision-making power. Mao Zedong once evaluated Chen Yun in this way: "Don't look at him as calm, but he is sharp in his approach to problems and can grasp the key points." Chen Yun once said, "One sidedness always comes from being busy deciding policies without studying the actual situation." In order to prevent and overcome the arbitrariness and errors in decision-making, Chen Yun insisted on conducting research before making decisions, not conducting clear research before making decisions, and integrating investigation and research throughout the entire decision-making process. The correct decision is definitely not something that can be made by one person or a group of people without conducting research and sitting in a house pondering. It can only be made through the practice of the reform and development of the people. The process of investigation and research is the process of scientific decision-making, and must not be omitted or careless.

Chen Yun once said that investigation and research should talk about truth, not face. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Yun presided over the national financial and economic work. In less than half a year, he focused on investigating and researching, and focused on stabilizing prices and unifying finance and economics, which were two major global issues. Under very complex and difficult conditions, he achieved universally recognized achievements. This not only helped to overcome the financial difficulties at that time, but also created necessary conditions for seizing the opportunity to carry out economic construction, fully reflecting Chen Yun's work style of adhering to truth and foresight. Back then, someone reported to Mao Zedong that Chen Yun was very effective in presiding over the work of the Central Committee of Finance and Economics. Upon hearing this, Mao Zedong picked up a pen and wrote the word "can" on a piece of paper. He commented that the significance of winning the first economic war in New China is no less than that of the Huaihai Campaign.

2. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division: investigation and research should calculate the political accounts that benefit the people's livelihood and win the hearts and minds of the people.

Investigation and research is a kind of political responsibility, a scientific attitude, a good style of work, and a kind of work ability of party members and leading cadres. In the trend of investigation and research in the whole party, leading cadres are required to be both "in" and "in the heart" when conducting investigation and research, like Comrade Chen Yun, they should really take the hearts of the people as their hearts, strive to solve the worries of the people, do practical things, and gather powerful forces to promote the development of the cause of the party and the state.

The hearts of the people are the greatest politics, and when conducting investigations and research, cadres must first take the hearts of the people as their top priority. In his investigation and research, Chen Yun always puts the people in the highest position in his heart and puts the interests of the people in the highest position. He is good at using the "addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division" method through investigation and research. He is based on calculating both large and small accounts, using addition to benefit the people more, using subtraction to reduce the burden on the people, using multiplication to improve the efficiency of serving the people, and using division to eliminate various drawbacks that do not conform to the interests of the people, forming a unique style and significant results of investigation and research. In 1959, when the country formulated the steel production index, Chen Yun faced enormous pressure after investigation and research: the original plan of 27 million tons was unrealistic, and even if it was later lowered to 16.5 million tons, it could not be achieved, and it must be reduced to 13 million tons. Mao Zedong praised this, saying, "The truth is in the hands of this one person.". At present, the people's longing for a better life is our goal of struggle. Through investigation and research, we aim to solve the urgent and difficult problems faced by the masses by providing them with a sense of gain, security, and happiness.

The most important thing in conducting research is to be meticulous. Only by being meticulous can there be truth, and only by being meticulous can accuracy be guaranteed. The reason why it is emphasized to "dissect sparrows" and "squat down to see ants" is because only by understanding the micro level can we grasp the macro level and provide more targeted work guidance. The daily concerns of the common people are always specific and subtle, involving clothing, food, housing, transportation, life, aging, illness, and death, as well as firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea. Chen Yunshan is good at keeping an eye on people's livelihoods, discovering problems and understanding the truth from the subtle aspects of their family background, clothing, food, housing, and transportation, as well as their living environment. From late June to early July 1961, Chen Yun lived in Xiaozheng People's Commune in Qingpu County, Shanghai for 15 days, eating and living with the farmers. After in-depth investigation and research, three reports have been formed: "Sows should also be given to farmers for private breeding", "Planting double cropping rice is not as good as planting fava beans and single cropping rice", and "Keeping sufficient self cultivation land according to central regulations". After reading Chen Yun's research report, Mao Zedong said, "To conduct research, we should learn from Comrade Chen Yun, speak with data, and make people convinced." The central government adopted the report's opinions and made corresponding work arrangements, playing an important role in implementing the "Eight Character Policy" of adjustment, consolidation, enrichment, and improvement passed at the 9th Plenary Session of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Cadre investigation and research is a fundamental skill in doing a good job in leadership work, and investigation and research ability is an integral part of the overall quality and ability of leading cadres. Chen Yun's style of seeking truth and pragmatism, as well as his art of investigation and research, stem from his conscious grasp and application of Marxist ideological line and mass line, as well as his spiritual realm of wholeheartedly serving the people. The value of investigation and research lies in adhering to the principle of seeking truth from facts, starting from reality, respecting the masses, and respecting practice. No matter how busy his work is or how his own situation is, Chen Yun never forgets to take the time to immerse himself in reality; No matter how many problems and complex contradictions are, the first thing to consider is the needs and expectations of the people, and always pay attention to working for the welfare of the people. Between January 1955 and July 1961, Chen Yun visited his hometown of Qingpu in Shanghai four times to conduct in-depth investigations and research at the grassroots level, and achieved fruitful results.

Closely connecting with the masses is the excellent work style and greatest advantage of our party. Chen Yun adheres to the perspective of the masses in his investigation and research, putting down his airs and lowering his body, and "reaching out" to the grassroots and caring for the masses. He believes that "if the party leaves the masses, it becomes a shining party, and such a party cannot exist.". When Chen Yun conducted a rural survey in Qingpu, he lived and ate in rural households. He declined the living arrangements in the county and made the request of "not being invited, not being able to", trying to avoid causing trouble to local comrades and not affecting normal local work. It is precisely through this style of "sticking one rod to the bottom" that one can grasp the actual situation and make correct judgments. Recently, after the General Office of the Communist Party of China issued the "Work Plan for Investigation and Research on the Great Revitalization of the Party", multiple provinces and departments have successively clarified their research directions. The "four no's and two no's" emphasized in this plan, which means no notification, no greeting, no listening to reports, no accompanying reception, going straight to the grassroots and directly entering the scene, is the continuation and expansion of the Party's excellent work style.

3. 15-character formula: materialism plus dialectics highlights the philosophical wisdom of investigation and research

Chen Yun has persisted in investigation and research for a long time and achieved remarkable results. He has refined the "fifteen character formula" thinking mode and working method of "not only the top, not only the book, only the reality, exchange, comparison and repetition. The "15-character formula" shines with the brilliance of dialectical materialism and is an eternal treasure of our party's ideological and theoretical treasure house.

Comrade Chen Yun once said, "We must speak the truth, not face saving. Whatever it is, we should do whatever we want." We must "not only focus on the top, not only on books, only on reality.". On September 4, 1984, Chen Yun read the article "Worried Phenomenon" written by Liu Yisheng from Shandong Yidu No.2 Middle School published in the People's Daily on September 2 and learned that few high school graduates at that time regarded normal universities as their first choice for the college entrance examination. He said, "This issue needs to be taken seriously. The quality of normal university students cannot be guaranteed, and it has a great impact on future education and various aspects of the" Four Modernizations "construction. We need to continue to find ways to help teachers, mainly primary and secondary school teachers, solve some practical problems, such as housing problems; continuously improve their social status, and gradually make teachers one of the most respected and enviable professions in society." The Ministry immediately convened a meeting with the heads of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of National Radio and Television to study how to implement Chen Yun's opinions. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have decided to allocate over one billion yuan to increase the salaries of millions of primary and secondary school teachers nationwide starting from January 1, 1985.

The investigation and research measured with footsteps only have a soil atmosphere, and the investigation conclusions with the voices of the masses are convincing. Chen Yun repeatedly emphasized that investigation and research must be in-depth and comprehensive, not only to listen well, but also to pay special attention to negative words. There are two ways for him to conduct investigations and research: one is to personally lead a working group or send a working group to go to factories in the countryside, and the other is that every senior and intermediate cadre has close friends and staff who dare to speak the truth, through whom they can often hear the voices of grassroots cadres and the masses. While conducting a rural survey at Xiaozheng Commune in Qingpu County, Shanghai, Chen Yun took a walk to Sanguan Bridge and saw several old farmers sitting on the bridge to cool off. He then approached and asked, "How is life?" The old farmer replied, "Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the people have been allocated land and have become the owners of the land. They no longer have to worry about returning rice at the end of the year, but now they just don't have enough to eat." At the cadre symposium, Chen Yun admitted in front of grassroots cadres that his work was not done well and seriously reflected on it to everyone. Lu Kaiti, who was in charge of recording at the time, recalled that "this passage deeply moved every comrade present." Faced with the new era, new missions, and new requirements, conducting investigations and research is not enough, working behind closed doors is not enough, and imagination is not enough. It is necessary to conduct comprehensive and in-depth investigations and research. We need to put in effort in in-depth analysis and thinking, removing the rough and extracting the essence, discarding the false and retaining the true, from one to another, from the surface to the inside, to find the essence and laws of things, and to find solutions to problems. We should pay attention to listening to opinions from all aspects, including those from a minority and those against it, and analyze them in a three-dimensional manner, think twice before taking action, to prevent self righteousness and arrogance.

Investigation and research is a porcelain job that cannot be separated from the diamond of research ability. In 1962, Chen Yun's system proposed a method of "exchange, comparison, and repetition" for understanding and decision-making, requiring "more exchange of opinions with others"; Secondly, we should "consider the problem from the opposite and all sides, and study various conditions and possibilities"; The third is to "compare various plans". "Not only should we compare with the current ones and the past, but we should also compare with foreign ones. This way, we can make comparisons in multiple aspects, make the situation clearer and make judgments more accurate. Comparing more is only beneficial, without any harm." Chen Yun always focuses on solving problems related to the central work of the Party in various historical periods, by grasping major issues, major contradictions, and weak links, we can carry out basic work, break through difficult problems, and promote the overall work of the Party and benefit the people.

History and practice have fully proven that when the whole Party attaches importance to investigation and research, the cause of the Party and the people will develop smoothly; When to underestimate or neglect investigation and research, the cause of the Party and the people will suffer setbacks and losses. Through the strong advocacy of the Party and the leading example of Party leaders, emphasizing investigation and research has become a fine tradition and style of the Party, and promoting investigation and research has become an important tool for the Party to create a century long great cause. We must firmly push forward the great cause created by the older generation of revolutionaries.

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