Early Reading | Central Bank Lowers Reserve Requirements for the Second Time within the Year

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:31 PM

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! Friday, September 15, 2023, the first day of August in the lunar calendar. There are cloudy to cloudy showers or thunderstorms in Shanghai. The accumulated rainfall in some areas can reach heavy rain to rainstorm, 23~28 ℃

Focus on Today

The central bank has decided to lower reserve requirements by 0.25 percentage points to release medium - and long-term liquidity exceeding 500 billion yuan

The People's Bank of China announced on the 14th that it has decided to lower the reserve requirement ratio for financial institutions by 0.25 percentage points on September 15, 2023. After this reduction, the weighted average reserve requirement ratio of financial institutions is about 7.4%.

According to relevant personnel from the People's Bank of China, China's economic operation is continuously recovering, endogenous momentum is continuously increasing, and social expectations are continuously improving. The current reduction in the reserve requirement ratio of financial institutions aims to consolidate the foundation of economic recovery and maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity.

It is reported that this is the second reserve requirement reduction this year, and it is expected to release over 500 billion yuan of medium - and long-term liquidity. The first reserve requirement reduction of this year has been implemented in March, and the two reserve requirement reductions within the year have reduced the reserve requirement ratio of financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points, releasing over one trillion yuan in medium - and long-term liquidity.

The People's Bank of China stated that it will accurately and effectively implement a prudent monetary policy, maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity, maintain reasonable credit growth, match the growth rate of money supply and social financing scale with the same economic growth rate, better support key areas and weak links, balance internal and external factors, maintain basic exchange rate stability, firmly support the sustained recovery and improvement of the real economy, and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity in the economy.

§ Reading newspapers

Solidly promote the implementation of the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee

Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the National Party Committee and the General Office of the Government have focused on serving the overall situation and effectively played their functions such as overall coordination, staff assistants, supervision and inspection, and service guarantee. They have solidly promoted the implementation of the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, withstood many tests of war, and made important contributions to promoting the development of the Party and the country.

Please refer to today's Liberation Daily 1st edition for details

The float parade and colorful boat display will be reassembled and returned

Tomorrow, the 34th Shanghai Tourism Festival will be grandly unveiled. During the tourism festival from September 16th to October 6th, various districts in Shanghai will showcase a diverse range of cultural and tourism activities that combine offline and online activities.

Please refer to today's Liberation Daily 1st edition for details

Developing into momentum, the North Bund is fully promoting "plastic function"

Since the approval of the new round of development and construction plan for the North Bund in 2020, Hongkou District has firmly grasped the once-in-a-lifetime major historical opportunity. In the past three years, the World Reception Hall has been completed and put into use. A number of high-end business carriers such as Magnolia Plaza, North Bund Raffles, and AIA Financial Center have been built and put into operation successively. Iconic projects such as the 480 meter Puxi New Landmark Shanghai North Bund Center and the 59th Street Shanghai Huamao Center have started construction. 22 major projects with a total investment of over 80 billion yuan have accelerated, and development and construction are gaining momentum comprehensively.

Please refer to today's Liberation Daily 2nd edition for details


Implement the "service package" well, listen and solve the expectations of enterprises

Yesterday afternoon, Chen Jining, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited Shanghai Xizhi Technology Co., Ltd. and Bosch Investment Co., Ltd. in conjunction with the implementation of the "service package" system for key enterprises, asking for advice, encouraging encouragement, and seeking common development.

For details, please refer to>>

Metaverse scenario application supply and demand docking

Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology released the first batch of construction achievements for major application scenarios of the Shanghai Metaverse, covering 10 scenarios, including intelligent manufacturing, medical and health, cultural and tourism travel, commercial operations, and classroom education. This means that in Shanghai, the metaverse has moved from concept to reality, and the integration of industry supply and demand has entered a practical stage.

Overall stable operation of Shanghai's top 100 foreign-funded enterprises

The reporter learned from the 2023 Shanghai Top 100 Foreign Investment Enterprises press conference held yesterday that in 2022, a total of 255 foreign investment enterprises were shortlisted for the Shanghai Top 100 Foreign Investment Enterprises in terms of operating income, total import and export volume, tax contribution, and employment creation.

For details, please refer to>>

※ Shencheng SMS

Early Reading | Central Bank Lowers Reserve Requirements for the Second Time within the Year

Research on Legislative Affairs of the National People's Congress: How to Build a Global Asia Pacific Arbitration Center | See>>

The World Top Scientists Association Award is announced in Shanghai | See details>>

Bai Tinghui, Director of the Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, accepted the review and investigation


12 Prohibitions on Official Vehicles for Public Institutions Affiliated to Central State Organs

In order to standardize and strengthen the management of official vehicles used by central government agencies and public institutions, and consolidate the achievements of the reform of the official vehicle system, the State Administration recently issued the "Management Measures for Official Vehicles Used by Central Government Agencies and Public Institutions", which will come into effect on October 1, 2023.

For details, please refer to>>

Ministry of Commerce: The significant decrease in investment in China by the United States and Europe is not true

In response to the recent announcement by EU leaders that they are about to launch a countervailing investigation against Chinese electric vehicles, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce responded on the 14th, stating that China is highly concerned and strongly dissatisfied with this. The Chinese side believes that the investigation measures proposed by the EU are aimed at protecting its own industry under the guise of "fair competition", which is a blatant protectionist behavior that will seriously disrupt and distort the global automotive industry supply chain, including the EU, and will have a negative impact on China Europe economic and trade relations.

For details, please refer to>>

※ Domestic SMS

Launch of the Central Enterprise Industrial Chain Integration and Development Joint Chain Action

Starting from next year, we will fully implement the effectiveness evaluation and notification system for the anti food waste work in government canteens

China is currently conducting a demonstration of the "Xihe-2" solar Earth L5 solar exploration project


Biden's son sues 11 people including former officials of the Trump administration

The next day, Republicans in the United States announced that they will launch an impeachment investigation into President Joseph Biden. The second son of the Democratic President sued former Republican President Donald Trump's White House official, Garrett Ziegler, and 10 others, accusing them of illegally obtaining a large amount of their personal information and spreading it online.

Kim Jong un Meets with Putin

According to a report by the Korean Central News Agency on the 14th, Kim Jong un, General Secretary and State Councilor of the Workers' Party of Korea, held a historic meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Eastern Space Launch Site in Amur Oblast, Far East Russia on the 13th.

※ International SMS

Shangdaman is sworn in as the President of Singapore

Russia demands that two staff members of the US Embassy in Russia leave within a specified period of time

The European Central Bank has raised interest rates for the tenth consecutive time

Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions
Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions

In recent years, more and more young cadres born in the 1980s and 1990s have appeared in important positions in local party and government departments. Recently, another cadre born in 1985 was appointed as a new employee. Yu Zhou, a "post-85" cadre who was introduced by Nanping, Fujian Province, as a doctor of Peking University eight years ago, has gone to Mount Wuyi to take office. According to the news of "Mount Wuyi News" on the WeChat official account, on June 1, a meeting of Mount Wuyi City's leading cadres was held, announcing that the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Nanping Municipal Party Committee had decided that Yang Qingjian would serve as a member of the Standing Committee of Nanping Municipal Party Committee and continue to serve concurrently as the Secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee; Yu Zhou is a member, standing member and deputy secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee. The official website of Mount Wuyi Municipal Government has been updated recently, and Yu Zhou's resume appears in the column of "Municipal Government Leaders". According to public information, Yu Zhou, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1987 in Luoshan, Henan Province, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a graduate student

How to prioritize power?, A Question to the End | Manned Lunar Landing for Space Development | China | Lunar Landing
How to prioritize power?, A Question to the End | Manned Lunar Landing for Space Development | China | Lunar Landing

The moon is a close neighbor of our blue planet and a transit station for humanity to move further into deep space. At present, China is carrying out the fourth phase of lunar exploration project. Not long ago, China also had a schedule for manned lunar landing. The new generation of manned rockets in China is expected to make its first flight in 2027, and it will also achieve the first Chinese landing on the moon before 2030. Aerospace development prioritizes power. Recently, the main engine of China's manned lunar landing rocket, the 130 ton pump rear swing liquid oxygen kerosene engine, developed by the Sixth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group, completed its sixth test on the test bench. The cumulative test time of the engine reached 3300 seconds, and the working time exceeded 10 times the task time. This verified the reliability of the engine's operation and once again set a new record for single test of China's 100 ton engine. How difficult is the development of rocket high thrust engines? by

44 year old well-known actress claims to have used reading glasses! 39 year old civil aviation captain's phone font is adjusted to be oversized! Can presbyopia be treated? Phenomena | ciliary muscle | mobile phone
44 year old well-known actress claims to have used reading glasses! 39 year old civil aviation captain's phone font is adjusted to be oversized! Can presbyopia be treated? Phenomena | ciliary muscle | mobile phone

Recently, 44 year old actor Chen Qiao'en claimed on his Sina Weibo account that he had already used reading glasses: "I just saw my reading glasses trending on social media... Show off my first reading glasses in life.". In the general impression, only elderly people will have a relationship with "presbyopia". But according to Dr. Wang Bin, Chief Physician of the Ophthalmology Department at Tongde Hospital in Zhejiang Province, after the age of 40, it is like a watershed, and many people gradually enter the ranks of "presbyopia". He recently admitted a 39 year old civil aviation captain, who is such a case. The captain's surname is Zheng. He is not only tall and handsome, but also has rich experience in executing flight missions after nearly 20 years of work. But recently, he has had to take a leave to come to the ophthalmology department of Tongde Hospital in Zhejiang Province for treatment. As soon as Mr. Zheng entered the consultation room

Continuously Improving the Population Service System to Promote High Quality Population Development Hospitals | Project | Population
Continuously Improving the Population Service System to Promote High Quality Population Development Hospitals | Project | Population

CCTV News Client News: In recent years, China has made overall progress in the construction of a population service system that covers the entire life cycle, with a focus on "one elderly and one small". This has made the lives of the general public more convenient, gradually improving the quality of life, and promoting high-quality population development. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a central budget investment of 26.55 billion yuan to support the construction of 241 national and provincial-level regional medical centers and other projects, allowing more patients to enjoy fair, accessible, and systematic high-quality medical and health services nearby. At the National Regional Medical Center and Beijing Children's Hospital Baoding Hospital, a reporter saw that 12-year-old Lele was undergoing follow-up evaluation after stem cell transplantation. Recalling his previous visit to Beijing for medical treatment, his father was very emotional. At present, the number of national regional medical center project hospitals has reached 76, with a large number of

Actions speak louder than words, and status depends on actions. In response to the remarks of the US Defense Council, China stated that leadership is not hegemonic
Actions speak louder than words, and status depends on actions. In response to the remarks of the US Defense Council, China stated that leadership is not hegemonic

Jing Jianfeng stated that 32 years have passed since the Cold War, and the United States has not only failed to eliminate remnants of the Cold War such as the "Five Eyes Alliance" and bilateral military alliances, but has also concocted a "quadrilateral mechanism" and trilateral security partners, dividing camps and provoking confrontation based on ideology. The United States disregards regional stability for its own selfish interests