Early Reading | Urban Village Renovation Action Must Be Quick, Action Must Be Successful

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:31 PM

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Friday, October 13, 2023, the 29th day of the eighth lunar month, Shanghai may be cloudy with occasional light rain. From night till tomorrow, it will be mostly cloudy to cloudy, with temperatures ranging from 16 to 20 ℃

Focus on Today

If the transformation of urban villages takes place quickly, it will be successful

On the 12th, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development that mega cities are actively and steadily promoting the transformation of urban villages, which will be implemented in three categories. One type is the implementation of demolition and construction that meets the conditions, the other type is the implementation of regular rectification and improvement, and the third type is the combination of demolition and integration between the two.

Urban villages generally face prominent problems such as high public health and safety risks, multiple hidden dangers in housing and fire safety, outdated supporting facilities, and dirty and disorderly environments, which urgently require renovation. In July of this year, the General Office of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Actively and Steadily Promoting the Transformation of Urban Villages in Super Large Cities, and held a teleconference to deploy the plan. According to the deployment, various regions are solidly carrying out the formulation of supporting policies, determining the number of urban villages, and preparing renovation project plans. Since the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development's urban village renovation information system was put into operation for two months, 162 urban village renovation projects have been put into operation.

In the renovation of urban villages in mega cities, those that are demolished and newly built will be planned, constructed, and managed according to urban standards, while those that are renovated and upgraded will be renovated, upgraded, and managed according to civilized city standards. Through renovation, safety risks and hidden dangers can be effectively eliminated, living conditions and ecological environment can be improved, industrial transformation and upgrading can be promoted, and the development mode of mega cities can be accelerated, building livable, resilient, and smart modern cities.

In promoting the transformation of urban villages in mega cities, we will adhere to the principle of planning before action, and first do a good job in soliciting the wishes of villagers, relocating industries, properly resettling personnel, protecting historical and cultural landscapes, and implementing compensation and resettlement funds for expropriation. We will ensure that if there is no action, it will be done quickly, and if there is action, it will be achieved.

Adhere to the principle of lawful expropriation and net land transfer, so that the market plays a decisive role in resource allocation and better plays the role of the government. The urban government shall clarify the responsible departments, compensation standards and procedures for the expropriation of houses on collective land, and implement expropriation in accordance with laws and regulations.

Adhere to multi-channel fundraising for renovation, which can be raised by urban governments or social funds can be introduced. Banking and financial institutions will provide policy and commercial loan support. The urban government bears the main responsibility for the renovation of urban villages, coordinates the arrangement of renovation funds within the city, and achieves comprehensive and dynamic balance of renovation funds within the city; For urban village renovation projects related to rectification and improvement, a mechanism will be established for the government, villagers, and social forces to share funds for the renovation.

It is understood that the renovation of urban villages will be combined with the construction of affordable housing. In principle, the construction of affordable housing should be based on a certain proportion of residential land and its building scale, except for resettlement houses, for the renovation of urban villages in various regions.

Each region will adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, actively and prudently, and give priority to the transformation of urban villages with urgent needs from the masses and many hidden dangers in urban safety and social governance. We will promote each mature one and implement each one to achieve success, truly doing good deeds well and practically.

§ Reading newspapers

He stressed that we should fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, adhere to the principle of joint efforts to protect the environment, avoid large-scale development, adhere to ecological priority and green development, take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, comprehensively promote ecological environment protection and economic and social development, strengthen policy coordination and work coordination, seek long-term potential, implement long-term policies, and build a long-term foundation, further promote high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and better support and serve Chinese path to modernization.

Please refer to today's Liberation Daily 1st edition for details

Neighborhood committee's staggered work service "year-round non-stop"

"From Monday to Sunday, from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., residents can find the cadres of the neighborhood committee when they go to the neighborhood committee to handle affairs." In Huangpu District, the Xintiandi residential area of Huaihai Middle Road Street took the lead in implementing the "staggered work system for the cadres of the neighborhood committee". Nine neighborhood committee officials were assigned to work in two batches, each with the same total weekly working hours, but achieved the effect of the neighborhood committee having no rest throughout the year. "Residents' committee cadres can also visit the community and residents' homes while residents are at home after work to contact and serve more residents," Zhou Liqun, secretary of the Party branch of Xintiandi residential area, told reporters.

Please refer to today's Liberation Daily 1st edition for details

The rise of the gig market, which groups of people are doing gig work?

"In recent years, the demand for flexible recruitment has increased at a rate of 8% to 10% annually, and there has been a significant increase in the first half of this year. Nowadays, positions of this nature account for more than 30% of the total number," said a staff member from the Zhuanqiao Branch of the Minhang District Employment Promotion Center. This is basically consistent with the statistical data of the 2022 China gig economy industry research report. The report believes that the proportion of flexible employment in first tier cities in China has reached 25.6%, and the demand for gig work will continue to be released, possibly reaching around 400 million people by 2036.

Please refer to today's Liberation Daily 5th edition for details


How to retain young people? How to unite young people?

At the meeting of all member units of the Shanghai Youth Work Joint Conference and the Shanghai Youth Development City Construction Promotion Conference held yesterday, the Office of the Shanghai Youth Work Joint Conference introduced that starting from this year, Shanghai will comprehensively promote the pilot construction of youth development city areas, starting from the perspective of young people, with more opportunities, larger stages, and better services to meet the love and expectations of young people.

For details, please refer to>>

Members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference share their experience of fulfilling their duties

How to transform the problems or phenomena observed in daily life into materials for writing proposals? How should young people exercise and cultivate their ability to cross boundaries? Recently, the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) held a public day event, where CPPCC members interacted and exchanged ideas with public representatives, sharing their experiences in fulfilling their duties.

Early Reading | Urban Village Renovation Action Must Be Quick, Action Must Be Successful

For details, please refer to>>

SAIC New Energy Brand Zhiji New Car Launched

Yesterday, SAIC's new energy brand, Zhiji Automobile, announced the official launch of the Zhiji LS6, which brings together many innovative new energy technologies from SAIC Group. It not only carries industry-leading technology platforms and independently developed intelligent software, but also takes the lead in achieving the landing of GPT on the vehicle end.

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More than half of the population born last year had two or three children or more

The Statistical Bulletin on the Development of Health Care in China in 2022 released by the National Health Commission on the 12th shows that the population born in 2022 was 9.56 million, of which the proportion of second children was 38.9%, and the proportion of third children and above was 15.0%.

To build an innovative highland, the Yangtze River Delta needs to collaborate and integrate

After Hefei, Anhui, representatives of the National People's Congress of the three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta went to Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing and other places for joint research from October 9th to 12th.

Two departments have taken special measures to crack down on false certification

Adjustment of responsibilities of departments such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

The collection of sparks for the Hangzhou Asian Para Games has been completed

The Supreme People's Procuratorate has lawfully decided to arrest Li Xiaopeng


Türkiye and the President of the United Arab Emirates exchanged views on the Palestinian Israeli situation by telephone

The President's Office of Türkiye said that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a telephone conversation with the President of the United Arab Emirates Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan on the 12th, and the two sides exchanged views on the current Palestinian Israeli tension.

Republican Party Tears Leading to Deadlock in the US House Speaker Election

On the 11th, Republicans in the United States House of Representatives nominated Steve Scalis, the majority leader of the House, as the Republican candidate for Speaker through a closed door vote. However, Scalis was unable to gain unanimous support within the party, and the scheduled presidential showdown between the Democratic and Republican parties on the same day has been postponed.

US intelligence reports that Hamas's military actions have surprised senior Iranian officials

On the 11th, some informed officials in the United States revealed that according to preliminary intelligence obtained by the US, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement has launched a large-scale military operation against Israel, which has surprised Iranian high-level officials.

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US House Republican leader Scalis nominated by the party as the Speaker candidate

Iranian and Saudi leaders have a phone call to discuss the Palestinian Israeli situation and bilateral relations

Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions
Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions

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