The "the Belt and Road" has added Latin American friends, and the first historic meeting between China and Hong Kong has been achieved | two countries | one belt

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:33 PM

I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the China Hong Kong relationship will surely remain stable and move towards a bright future. The two countries signed a series of bilateral cooperation documents on the same day. Among many achievements, Honduras has expressed its willingness to actively participate in the "the Belt and Road" initiative and signed relevant cooperation documents with China. In addition, the two countries have begun to negotiate a free trade agreement. Several analysts told the Global Times that less than three months after the establishment of diplomatic ties, Hong Fang expressed his clear intention to participate in the co construction of the "the Belt and Road" cooperation, and abolished the free trade agreement with the Taiwan authorities, which fully demonstrated the great attraction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative and the Chinese market in the world, especially in the smear and obstruction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative by the United States, this trend released a clear signal. Scholars have analyzed that the United States is "indifferent" to the development of its "backyard", and "the future in China" has become a consensus among many Latin American countries, which can benefit from China's development experience.

On the afternoon of June 12, President Xi Jinping held talks with Honduran President Castro, who was on a state visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Before the talks, Xi Jinping held a welcoming ceremony for Castro in the square outside the East Gate of the Great Hall of the people. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ye

Establishing diplomatic relations with China is a "historic decision"

Last week, the Chinese Embassy in Honduras officially opened, and the President appointed key cabinet members to attend the opening ceremony, fully demonstrating your high importance to China Hong Kong relations. Not long ago, a delegation of Honduras journalists and entrepreneurs successfully visited China. Many representatives expressed that this visit to China has completely changed their understanding of China and they are willing to always be good friends of the Chinese people. The Chinese side is deeply moved.

I am willing to work with you to guide and promote the in-depth development of bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, turn the beautiful vision of bilateral cooperation into tangible results, and bring more benefits to the people of both countries.

Castro stated that establishing diplomatic relations with China is a historic decision made by the Honduran government and will be recorded in history. Hong Fang firmly supports and abides by the One China principle, and firmly supports the efforts of the Chinese government to achieve national reunification.

After the talks, the two heads of state jointly witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the areas of jointly building the "the Belt and Road", quality inspection, trade, agriculture, science and technology, culture and education.

"A historic meeting," said the Herald newspaper in Honduras on the 12th, marking the first face-to-face meeting between the two heads of state since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hong Kong. During the talks, the leaders of the two countries jointly witnessed the signing of 17 memorandums of understanding in multiple areas of cooperation, and the door to cooperation will continue to open.

"The summit between the heads of state sets the tone for the development of political relations between the two countries, and this political signal is expected to quickly translate into cooperation between the two countries in various fields," Pan Deng, Executive Director of the Latin American Center of China University of Political Science and Law, commented to Global Times reporters on the 12th. Jiang Shixue, a distinguished professor at Shanghai University and director of the Latin American Studies Center, stated that in terms of the development of bilateral relations, signing the establishment of diplomatic relations communique is the first step, opening embassies and exchanging ambassadors is the second step, and officially launching comprehensive cooperation is the third step. The visit of President Castro and the meeting between the leaders of China and Hong Kong this time is to promote the relationship between the two countries from the second step to the third step.

Participation in the "the Belt and Road" will provide important and sustainable opportunities

The reporter of the Global Times noticed that in the Joint Statement, there was a special mention that "Hong Kong is willing to actively participate in the the Belt and Road initiative. Under the the Belt and Road cooperation framework, the two sides will strengthen policy coordination and docking of development plans, deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, practice the principle of joint consultation, joint construction and sharing, promote the concept of openness, green and integrity, achieve the high standards, benefits people's livelihood and sustainable goals of the the Belt and Road cooperation, and promote sustainable development and common prosperity of both sides." Previously, China has signed more than 200 cooperation documents with 151 countries and 32 international organizations to jointly build the the Belt and Road.

The "the Belt and Road" has added Latin American friends, and the first historic meeting between China and Hong Kong has been achieved | two countries | one belt

On the 12th, the Honduran News quoted Lasse Tome, Vice President of the Honduran Parliament, as saying that Honduras' participation in the "the Belt and Road" initiative is a milestone in the history of the development of Hong Kong China relations and will provide important and sustainable opportunities for Hong Kong's future economic and social development. It is reported that participating in the "the Belt and Road" initiative will contribute to the development of Honduras' port system. The Chinese side will assist Hong Kong in building the Port of Cortes, modernizing the Port of San Lorenzo, and completing the "dry canal" connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Han Han, an assistant researcher of the Latin American Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on the 12th that the "the Belt and Road" initiative is an open multilateral cooperation platform, and for developing countries, it is also a guarantee to reduce cooperation risks. In recent years, under the guidance of the "the Belt and Road" framework, China and Latin America have begun to show a number of landmark early achievements. The participating countries have received tangible benefits, and their sense of identity and participation in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" are growing. Honduras's participation in the "the Belt and Road" will bring greater demonstration effect.

In addition, the Joint Statement also mentioned the progress of the two countries in negotiating a free trade agreement. The statement stated that in the initial stage of China Hong Kong relations, both sides reached a consensus on negotiating a free trade agreement between the two countries and promoting practical cooperation in various fields. On the 12th, the General Administration of Customs announced that China and Honduras officially signed the Protocol on Inspection, Quarantine, and Veterinary Hygiene Requirements for Honduran Aquatic Products Exported to China, marking the entry of Honduran South American White Shrimp into China. Recently, the General Administration of Customs has approved the registration of 9 aquaculture products enterprises in Honduras in China, which can carry out the trade of South American white shrimp to China.

The website "America News" quoted Martin Baraona, former dean of the Honduras Institute of Economists, as saying that Honduras should accelerate the process of signing a free trade agreement with China. Baraona said that Honduras is a raw material producing country with abundant natural resources and low industrialization products such as fruits, vegetables, meat, shrimp, and coffee. It can learn from the Costa Rican model to export to China. The Hong Kong China Free Trade Agreement will make a difference and will not repeat the negative experience of signing similar agreements with the United States, Europe, and other countries in recent years.

Latin American countries believe that "the future lies in China"

"The United States is worried," Reuters reported on the 12th. The United States is closely monitoring China's expansion in its "backyard" and has repeatedly issued warnings to countries that are friendly with China. "Development is a key issue in Latin America. China provides trade and investment, making development the center of relations." Former Chilean Ambassador to China Jorge Heine told the US political news website "RealClearPolitics", "The US talks about democracy and human rights issues, but does not place development at the center of relations with Latin America."

According to the RCP report, eradicating poverty is a huge challenge facing many Latin American countries. Latin American leaders who are committed to eradicating poverty have seen China's "astonishing economic growth rate" and see China's story as a success story. In sharp contrast, Latin American people believe that the United States has largely ignored the Latin American region, focusing on the Middle East and then "turning to Asia" instead of adopting a global, business based diplomatic approach.

"Latin American governments, regardless of whether they have trade agreements with the United States or not, are eager to deepen their economic relations with China," said Eric Hershberg, a Latin American research scholar at the University of Washington. Sky TV quoted Latin American affairs expert Mohammad Atif as saying that Latin American countries generally believe that "the future is in China," and they can benefit from China's development experience.

Wang Youming, Director of the Institute of Developing Countries at the China Academy of International Studies, told Global Times on the 12th that many Latin American countries, represented by Honduras, have withstood pressure from the United States to seek cooperation with China because they know that in the long run and from a strategic perspective, establishing diplomatic relations with China is beneficial to national interests and people's well-being, and is an inevitable trend. Castro withstood pressure from the United States to fulfill her promise to establish diplomatic relations with China, which also demonstrates that this female president has great political wisdom and courage.

[Global Times Special Correspondent in Brazil and Argentina Shao Shijun Yao Mingfeng Global Times Correspondent Ding Yagi Bai Yunyi Chen Qingqing Global Times Special Correspondent Zhen Xiang]]

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